React-native: how to disable the opening of dev-tools webbrowser tab? - react-native

Starting my app with react-native start (when debug mode is enabled) open a tab in my default webbrowser (after the log info Launching Dev Tools... displayed in the terminal).
How can I disable it?

In menu of the device press 'Stop Debugging'.
In my case (Android, Samsung phone), it's 2nd point, the 1st is 'Reload'.
If debug is stopped all console.log go to the terminal where Metro Bundler is run.


Metro Bundler on Browser is not displayed

Im new on react native. npm start is starting the Metro Bundler on Terminal but no on the "w" cmd Metro Bundler THE MENU ON THE LEFT is NOT displayed on Browser
I am assuming that you would like to open the additional debug tools that are available with React Native.
In the terminal that is spawned by the Metro bundler you can enter the "d" key and it should open the developer menu for both the iOS and Android device that you have connected. In the developer menu you can then launch additional debug tools like Flipper by choosing "Open Debugger" or React DevTools in Chrome by choosing "Open React DevTools".
If that doesn't work, what usually works for me is entering the key combination - ⌘ + D [On Mac for iOS] or ⌘ + M [On Mac for Android] | Ctrl + M [On Windows for Android]. This will also open the developer menu on the device or emulator/simulator that you have connected to Metro.
NOTE - You tagged microsoft-metro when it should've been metro-bundler
Additional Resources:
React-Native Debugging
Metro Docs
What you should expect:

react native remote debug on chrome not working

I fallowed this site to enable remote debug on chrome, but chrome is always showing Status: Another debugger is already connected I dont understand why. I only have one tab open and on the android emulator I have clicked control + shift + m and clicked on debug and now it shows stop debugging.
So what I'm I doing wrong ?

http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/ is not working

debugger status is loading and below image show's error.
Install in roject path> npm install react-native-debugger --save
0. paste http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/ on chrome browser
1. in cmd run > react-native run-android
in emulator, after show app, press on keyboard ctrl+M to show menu -> select Dev setting -> then change Debug server host &... to "localhost:8081" emulator, after show app, press on keyboard ctrl+M to show menu -> select Dev setting -> then enable Hot loading
press f12 then go to console change chrome console setting, one dropdown to debuggerworke.js and then other dropdown select verbose
5.notice to port that emulator is running, in node window it is shown in box at top. if it was not 8081, you must change it in case 4 above.
I hope it can work...
You can replace with your IPAddress with localhost.

Trouble attaching Chrome browser for debugger with React Native in WebStorm

Using WebStorm 2018 and trying to setup a debug config for an existing React Native project.
I've set it up to start the React Native bundler and unchecked the build and launch application option.
It opens up the Chrome browser but it's a blank page and WebStorm shows an error.
It also shows a status of
Waiting for connection to localhost:55391... Please ensure the browser was started successfully with remote debugging port opened
Browser is open but it's set to a blank page.

react native not run in debug mode

I have a redmi note 3 device
When I connect device via usb and run react-native run-android this is what i've got
No red screen error
If I close the app , then run the packager and open it again I have the app works but debug menu not works by shaking or pressing menu button
What is going wrong here?