Is it possible to apply AOT compilation in existing project of Angular 8 - angular8

Is it possible to apply AOT compilation in existing project of Angular 8? it yes then what should be the best approach ?


Ksp multiplatform redeclaration of files

I am implementing ksp processor in kotlin multiplatform targeting iOS and android applications, following documentation I'm defining multiple configuration names for KSP ie:
add("kspIosArm64", project(":test-processor"))
add("kspIosX64", project(":test-processor"))
However running those gives me file redeclaration error. Indeed files are created in separate locations:
build/generated/ksp/iosArm64/ and build/generated/ksp/iosX64/ but packages are the same.
And Im quite lost how to solve this issue, is there any way of getting this generated folder path for each generated file so that package can be modified?
I will try to partially answer your questions right now, not to make you stack and focus on making the project able to run. I assume that you are using XCode to run the project for iOS. The problem here is that (as you mentioned) all of those source sets are being generated with the same package name which is more a KSP issue (I think) that we have to wait for to be solved.
What you can do for now to run and test the project is:
Make sure to clean your build with ./gradlew clean before running the project (especially between Android and iOS runs)
I think clean can be added as a "step" before KMM framework task:
XCode Project file -> Build Phases -> Generate KMM framework -> add clean before running gradle task responsible for building framework (This can will make build time longer)
./gradlew :yourSharedModule:clean :yourSharedModuleName:embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode
Selected only one architecture to be build when running the project
XCode Project -> Build Settings -> Architectures -> Build Active Architecture Only -> Yes
This solutions makes only one architecture to be build and run (it is probably a simulator in your case), issue here is you may have some problems with other architectures and will not be able to spot them easily on daily development.
Create some kind of env or a build config value to distinguish which ksp dependency to add (based on it's value) so not all of processors are added when running the project
XCode Project -> Build Phases -> Generate KMM framework -> pass it as gradle param -Parchitecture=someArchitecture
Or maybe it is even possible to do it within the build.gradle.kts file
Manually comment out some of ksp dependencies (iOS ones) so the only one against which you are building is left (remember to sync project and clean it)
I personally would try to implement the third solution, I do not know whether it is easy, but it seems to be the best one, other solutions should also work, but please consider them as a dirty walk-around.
I can provide more info or some kind of POC for that later, just let me know in the comments or somewhere else whether it is needed.

Can't load the main class/runnable jar JavafX 8 project [duplicate]

i created a Javafx project using JDK 8 and when i tried to export it to a runnable .jar file, i got surprised that it doesn't run using CMD, and gives the following error :
"Javafx compenents are missing"
while it works perfectly during the compiling time(using the IDE) when i accessed the .jar files, i found it has just .class files (that i made), and the needed library files that haven't been exported (i made sure to select the "extract need library files extract required libraries into generated jar" option in Eclipse), is there a reason behind of this? and a way to solve it? thanks in advance
Ps: i tried this using Eclipse and Intellij IDE
I just wanna mention once again that I'm using JDK 8 where it has JavaFX library inside of it.
Did you try this?
There are detailed instructions on how to configure your IDE to run JavaFX with newer OpenJDKs (which do not come with JFX components in it).
It also explains how to create a new JavaFX Maven project from archetype, with all the necessary plugins to easily build your application while including the minimal Java components for it (using jlink).
This will ensure that anybody using your application will have those components.

Netbeans 11 how to add a library to a project when "Libraries" node is missing?

I am trying to run a simple java fx example with Maven on Netbeans 11 with openjdk 11. I followed the OpenJfx tutorial up to the creation of JavaFx as a global library.
But then when I want to add this global library to my project, the "libraries" node is missing in the project properties menu ?
How can I have this Libraries node present in the menu ? Or is there another way to add a global library to a project ?
Any help appreciated,
Indeed I was following the part of OpenJfx tutorial that creates an Ant project, whereas I was creating a Maven project.
If instead I use an Ant project, then the "libraries" node appears.
But the interesting part for Maven is further down. And there they write to create a Maven project from archetype.
Eventually it is working !

Implicit dependency specified in target platform not resolved on launch

As part of a transition of a stand-alone application to the Eclipse RCP framework,
I included a plugin (plugin-core) as part of the target platform and added it to the list of implicit dependencies in the target platform.
I then proceeded to create a UI feature wrapping a single UI plugin (for now) and defined a dependency to plugin-core in the UI plugin. I then included this feature in a product (the only feature in this product for now) and attempted to run the application.
However, I received an unresolved dependency error for the plugin-core. I thought that plugins that were included in the target platform and for which the implicit dependency was defined would be resolved without having to explicitly include them in a feature.
I was only able to resolve this problem by explicitly including plugin-core in my UI feature as well.
Can someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong?
Everything you use must be listed in a feature, either one that you create or one of the existing Eclipse features that you include in the RCP. Eclipse will not include anything else when you build the RCP product.

How can I add a framework into Xcode project using fastlane or command line?

I have an app that is dependent on a framework file that I wrote. They're independent xcode project and has their own Github repo. I want to create a fastlane to automatically add the framework to the app project and do a build whenever I commit to the app repo. Right now I have to manually add the framework into Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries inside the app project. I can't find any actions in fastlane to update the project's framework section.
If I understand your question correctly you are wanting to manage an API framework project which you main project uses.
Fast lane (IMHO) is about building and managing built artefacts. Managing dependencies within your project is a different thing. To that end there are two options which I am aware of:
Cocoapods - The only option for a long time. Ruby based tool. Manages dependencies by adding builds and XCConfigs to your project. Does this by re-writing your project files. Rebuilds all dependencies when you build. My opinion - I've never been a fan. I don't like that you really need to know Ruby to use it, the way it hacks into your project and enforces it's build ideas on you.
Carthage - Newer option. OS X native tool. Updates and builds dependencies only when you tell it to. Zero impact on your project, but you have to do a little work to include the framework files. Only works with frameworks. My opinion - feels more natural that Cocoapods and the best option.