Rpush not adding particular key - redis

I am facing a quite strange issue in our deployment
After certain time in operation
I could not add a particular list with a particular keyname or listname to Redis using RPUSH.
RPUSH client-send-process-servername TEST
I am unable to add that key to Redis database.
Anyways the output after executing that command i get
(Integer) 1
But i could not see the list
redis-cli keys *client-send*
Return empty list
However when this problem appears
I am able successfully execute the following command.
RPUSH client-send-process-ser TEST
redis-cli keys *client-send*
NOTE: one ASTRICK before n aftet client-send string
Which is not displayed here
It is listing the Queue
However strangely i could not add a List with specific key say
Any ideas to debug further.. where to look and what to look.
Redis Server Version is 2.8
I tired enabling debug logs in redis and tried to use redis-monitor command.
However nothing relevant could be found explaining this issue. I am eager to find a solution. Please if some one could help me to pursue further would be a great help.

It seems that this problem is not reproducible. However I've tested it in my local pc and found that it is working fine.
➜ ~ redis-cli> RPUSH client-send-process-servername TEST
(integer) 1> keys *client-send*
1) "client-send-process-servername"> keys client-send*
1) "client-send-process-servername"> RPUSH client-send-process-ser TEST
(integer) 1> keys client-send*
1) "client-send-process-ser"
2) "client-send-process-servername">
If there is any option, you can try updating your redis server. current updated versions is 5.0.7 and yours is 2.8.


Redis memory usage CLI does not work on cluster

I using the go-redis library to check memory usage of a specific key on a Redis cluster.
The library fails sporadically with error "redis: nil" which usually means that it accesses the wrong redis instance to find the key.
The go-redis library is using the Redis CLI: "command" to get the list of arguments for each command, and to find where is the redis key position in the arguments list.
Specifically for the memory CLI, the output of the "command" CLI is:
157) 1) "memory"
2) (integer) -2
3) 1) readonly
2) random
4) (integer) 0
5) (integer) 0
6) (integer) 0
The Redis document: https://redis.io/commands/command
items 4 and 5 are the positions of the first key in arguments, and the last key in arguments.
But the values are zero?
According to the memory CLI document: https://redis.io/commands/memory-usage
The items 4 and 5 should both have the value 3.
Is this a bug in the output of the redis "command" CLI, or am I misunderstanding this?
This is a design issue in redis, see https://github.com/redis/redis/issues/7493
The final action was that a merge of a pull request:

Not sure how to run the CAS (compare and swap) code snippet from Redis documentation page

I am trying to run the code from the redis transactions page. Specifically, this part:
WATCH zset
element = ZRANGE zset 0 0
ZREM zset element
If I try to do it from the cli, line by line, I get this:
localhost:6380> zadd set 1 a
(integer) 1
localhost:6380> WATCH zset
localhost:6380> element = ZRANGE zset 0 0
(error) ERR unknown command 'element'
which probably means I'm doing something wrong? I remember working with lua about 9 years ago, so this doesn't really look like lua either to me.
How does someone run that snippet? Is it only some kind of pseudocode?
As #Dinei said, the example given is pseudocode.
Let's look at it (I added line numbers for us to refer to):
1 WATCH zset
2 element = ZRANGE zset 0 0
4 ZREM zset element
The point of the exercise is to solve the race condition that would occur if we only read the key (with ZRANGE, in line 2), and then modify the key (with ZREM in line 4). I assume you understand the problem if we didn't use the "CAS" semantics, so no need to get into it.
As pointed out, redis-cli just gives you the ability to run redis commands and see their replies, but not save values in variables, etc.
So the idea of the example is that in line 2, we are "saving" the result of the "read" operation, into a pseudo-variable element.
Then, in line 4, we are using that value in our "set" operation, and of course lines 1, 3 and 5 are just the "CAS" commands to ensure there is no race condition.
Presumably the actual usage of such commands would be done from a redis client in a programming language that would allow us to save the return value of the ZRANGE and then use it later in the ZREM command.
But if you wanted to run it in redis-cli, you'd see this, where we pretend that our client-side code would have read and saved "a" that was returned from zrange and then passed that value to the zrem command:> zadd zset 1 a
(integer) 1> watch zset
OK> zrange zset 0 0
1) "a"> multi
OK> zrem zset a
QUEUED> exec
1) (integer) 1>
Yes, it is some kind of pseudocode.
redis-cli only accepts Redis commands, it is not a full-fledged editor nor supports direct Lua scripting (neither variables like the element variable in the pseudocode).
I remember working with lua about 9 years ago, so this doesn't really look like lua either to me.
This is not Lua, it is pseudocode. Actually, the Redis Transactions page you linked to does not refer to Lua at all (and that's why #Piglet's comment in your post makes sense).
However, it is possible to execute Lua scripts by using Redis' EVAL command.

REDIS - INTERsection with multiple sets

Im kind of new to redis, so this question might be stupid, but Im trying to wrap around SINTER command here.
The problem is I have multiple SET, and Im trying to create an INTER on them.
When I do it individually its getting me the results, but when I pass multiple args its returning empty. I read documentation on INTER, it tells if any supplied arg is an empty SET it would return nothing, but all my SET is non empty could any one help me please!
# below statement should return {'758', '762', '752'}> SINTER Asset:all Asset:id:2275 Asset:id:2280 Asset:id:2269
(empty list or set)> SINTER Asset:all Asset:id:2275
"758"> SINTER Asset:all Asset:id:2280
"762"> SINTER Asset:all Asset:id:2269
But all other commands like SUNION, SDIFF are working fine.
got the required behaviour by performing SUNION on sets and then SINTER on newly created set> SUNION ~unionset Asset:id:2275 Asset:id:2280 Asset:id:2269> SINTER Asset:all ~unionset

get/sum values from wildcard keys in redis

I have a string type key value store in redis having keys like this--
/url-pattern/url-slug-4 ...
I can retrieve all the keys of /url-pattern/ using a wild card query like this --
keys /url-pattern/*
I would like to retrieve the values of all keys corresponding to this wildcard /url-pattern/*
I tried this
mget /url-pattern/*
1) (nil)
but it doesnt returned the array as expected.
How can I retrieve the values of all keys corresponding to /url-pattern/*
I also want to do a sum on the values, but I think there is no such thing called SUM() in redis
MGET accepts multiple arguments where each a key name. It does not do key name patterns.
What you could do is first fetch all the relevant key names (do not use KEYS, use SCAN instead) and then fetch their values with an MGET.
Here is an updated answer for 2015.
If you can upgrade Redis above 2.8, the SCAN command with MATCH will work for this. Before that version, not so much, and do NOT use the KEYS command except in a development environment.
Example on command line:
$ redis-cli> scan match V3.0:*
(error) ERR invalid cursor> scan 0 match V3.0:*
1) "0"
2) 1) "V3.0:UNITTEST55660BC7E0C5B"
2) "V3.0:shop.domain.com:route"
3) "V3.0:UNITTEST55660BC4A2548"> scan 0 match V1.0:*
1) "0"
2) (empty list or set)> scan 0 match V3.0:*
1) "0"
2) 1) "V3.0:UNITTEST55660BC7E0C5B"
2) "V3.0:shop.domain.com:route"
3) "V3.0:UNITTEST55660BC4A2548"
Example in PHP:
// Initialize our iterator to NULL
$iterate = null;
// retry when we get no keys back
$redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SCAN, Redis::SCAN_RETRY);
while ($arr_keys = $redis->scan($iterate, 'match:*')) {
foreach ($arr_keys as $str_key) {
echo "Here is a key: $str_key\n";
echo "No more keys to scan!\n";
Note, php code is not tested and from the core documentation for example here. Production code would need to be modified depending on the keys needed to look up.
For those on Ubuntu here are the instructions to upgrade php5-redis:
Download the 2.2.7 package here: http://pecl.php.net/package/redis
$ php -i | grep Redis
Redis Support => enabled
Redis Version => 2.2.4
Follow instructions in README to phpize, configure, make install
Create a symlink for command line cli package: cd /etc/php5/cli/conf.d && sudo ln -s ../../mods-available/redis.ini 20-redis.ini
$ php -i | grep Redis
Redis Support => enabled
Redis Version => 2.2.7
There is NO command available in REDIS which can return values from wildcard keys.
If you see the documentation for KEYS command: http://redis.io/commands/keys, it says
Consider KEYS as a command that should only be used in production
environments with extreme care. It may ruin performance when it is
executed against large databases. This command is intended for
debugging and special operations. Don't use KEYS in your regular
application code.
I don't know your business use case, but looks like you may have to use different data structure for this requirement. You can use list or set to store similar url patterns.

Redis command to get all available keys?

Is there a Redis command for fetching all keys in the database? I have seen some python-redis libraries fetching them. But was wondering if it is possible from redis-client.
Try to look at KEYS command. KEYS * will list all keys stored in redis.
EDIT: please note the warning at the top of KEYS documentation page:
Time complexity: O(N) with N being the number of keys in the database, under the assumption that the key names in the database and the given pattern have limited length.
UPDATE (V2.8 or greater): SCAN is a superior alternative to KEYS, in the sense that it does not block the server nor does it consume significant resources. Prefer using it.
Updated for Redis 2.8 and above
As noted in the comments of previous answers to this question, KEYS is a potentially dangerous command since your Redis server will be unavailable to do other operations while it serves it. Another risk with KEYS is that it can consume (dependent on the size of your keyspace) a lot of RAM to prepare the response buffer, thus possibly exhausting your server's memory.
Version 2.8 of Redis had introduced the SCAN family of commands that are much more polite and can be used for the same purpose.
The CLI also provides a nice way to work with it:
$ redis-cli --scan --pattern '*'
It can happen that using redis-cli, you connect to your remote redis-server, and then the command:
is not showing anything, or better, it shows:
(empty list or set)
If you are absolutely sure that the Redis server you use is the one you have the data, then maybe your redis-cli is not connecting to the Redis correct database instance.
As it is mentioned in the Redis docs, new connections connect as default to the db 0.
In my case KEYS command was not retrieving results because my database was 1. In order to select the db you want, use SELECT.
The db is identified by an integer.
I post this info because none of the previous answers was solving my issue.
-->Get all keys from redis-cli
-redis> keys *
-->Get list of patterns
-redis> keys d??
This will produce keys which start by 'd' with three characters.
-redis> keys *t*
This wil get keys with matches 't' character in key
-->Count keys from command line by
-redis-cli keys * |wc -l
-->Or you can use dbsize
-redis-cli dbsize
Get All Keys In Redis
Get all keys using the --scan option:
$ redis-cli --scan --pattern '*'
List all keys using the KEYS command:
$ redis-cli KEYS '*'
Take a look at following Redis Cheat Sheet.
To get a subset of redis keys with the redis-cli i use the command
KEYS "prefix:*"
Yes, you can get all keys by using this
var redis = require('redis');
redisClient = redis.createClient(redis.port, redis.host);
redisClient.keys('*example*', function (err, keys) {
SCAN doesn't require the client to load all the keys into memory like KEYS does. SCAN gives you an iterator you can use. I had a 1B records in my redis and I could never get enough memory to return all the keys at once.
Here is a python snippet to get all keys from the store matching a pattern and delete them:
import redis
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
for key in r.scan_iter("key_pattern*"):
print key
redis-cli -h <host> -p <port> keys *
where * is the pattern to list all keys
KEYS pattern
Available since 1.0.0.
Time complexity: O(N) with N being the number
of keys in the database, under the assumption that the key names in
the database and the given pattern have limited length.
Returns all keys matching pattern.
Warning : This command is not recommended to use because it may ruin performance when it is executed against large databases instead of KEYS you can use SCAN or SETS.
Example of KEYS command to use :
redis> MSET firstname Jack lastname Stuntman age 35
redis> KEYS *name*
1) "lastname"
2) "firstname"
redis> KEYS a??
1) "age"
redis> KEYS *
1) "lastname"
2) "age"
3) "firstname"
In order to get all the keys available in redis server, you should open redis-cli and type:
In order to get more help please visit this page:
This Link
If your redis is a cluster,you can use this script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
arr=($(echo "$redis_list" | tr ',' '\n'))
for info in ${arr[#]}; do
echo "start :${info}"
redis_info=($(echo "$info" | tr ':' '\n'))
echo "ip="${ip}",port="${port}
redis-cli -c -h $ip -p $port set laker$port '湖人总冠军'
redis-cli -c -h $ip -p $port keys \*
echo "end"
For the ones that wants a typescript helper (using ioredis)
import Redis from 'ioredis';
import { from, Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { first, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
export function scanKeysFromRedis(redisStore: Redis.Redis, key: string,
target: number = 0, keys: string[] = []): Observable<string[]> {
return from(redisStore.scan(target, 'MATCH', key)).pipe(
mergeMap((_keys) => {
const _target = Number(_keys[0]);
if (_target !== 0) {
return scanKeysFromRedis(redisStore, key, _target, [...keys, ..._keys[1]]);
return of([...keys, ..._keys[1]]);
and call it with: scanKeysFromRedis(store, 'hello');
If you are using Laravel Framework then you can simply use this:
$allKeyList = Redis::KEYS("*");
In Core PHP:
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('hostname', 6379);
$allKeyList = $redis->keys('*');
You can simply connect to your redis server using redis-cli, select your database and type KEYS *, please remember it will give you all the keys present in selected redis database.
We should be using --scan --pattern with redis 2.8 and later.
You can try using this wrapper on top of redis-cli.