Take % out of an SQL column - sql

I'm trying to convert 60% -> 60 of all the columns in a table. I have tried this, but it does not work because % is an SQL operator.
UPDATE host_info set host_response_rate = replace(host_response_rate,'%', '');
But I get all the values to be NULL...
I'm using postgresql

you can use this function, this take out the last n characters of a string. if you use 1, it will take out the last digit.
SELECT RIGHT(host_response_rate, 1)
FROM ...


Problem with using SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX

I have a column (RCV1.ECCValue) in a table which 99% of the time has a constant string format- example being:
the middle part of the two hyphens is a percentage. I'm using the below sql to obtain this figure which is working fine and returns 11.86 on the above example. when the data in that table is in above format
'Percentage' = round(SUBSTRING(RCV1.ECCValue,CHARINDEX('-',RCV1.ECCValue)+1, CHARINDEX('-',RCV1.ECCValue,CHARINDEX('-',RCV1.ECCValue)+1) -CHARINDEX('-',RCV1.ECCValue)-1),2) ,
However...this table is updated from an external source and very occasionally the separators differ, for example:
when this occurs I get the error:
Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.
I'm very new to SQL and have got myself out of many challenges but this one has got me stuck. Any help would be mostly appreciated. Is there a better way to extract this percentage value?
Replace '_' with '-' to string in CHARINDEX while specifying length to the substring
'Percentage' = round(SUBSTRING(RCV1.ECCValue,CHARINDEX('-',RCV1.ECCValue)+1, CHARINDEX('-',replace(RCV1.ECCValue,'_','-'),CHARINDEX('-',RCV1.ECCValue)+1) -CHARINDEX('-',RCV1.ECCValue)-1),2) ,
If you can guarantee the structure of these strings, you can try parsename
select round(parsename(translate(replace('T0-11.86_273','.',''),'-_','..'),2), 2)/100
Breakdown of steps
Replace . character in the percentage value with empty string using replace.
Replace - or _, whichever is present, with . using translate.
Parse the second element using parsename.
Round it up to 2 digits, which will also
automatically cast it to the desired numeric type.
Divide by 100
to restore the number as percentage.
Documentation & Gotchas
Use NULLIF to null out such values
NULLIF(CHARINDEX('-', RCV1.ECCValue), 0) + 1,
NULLIF(CHARINDEX('-', RCV1.ECCValue), 0) + 1
), 0)
- NULLIF(CHARINDEX('-', RCV1.ECCValue), 0) - 1
I strongly recommend that you place the repeated values in CROSS APPLY (VALUES to avoid having to repeat yourself. And do use whitespace, it's free.

SQL Query to compare the first X characters of 2 fields in a table

Say I have a table named 'Parts'. I am looking to create a SQL query that compares the first X characters of two of the fields, let's call them 'PartNum1' and 'PartNum2'. For example, I would like to return all records from 'Parts' where the first 6 characters of 'PartNum1' equals the first 6 characters of 'PartNum2'.
the query would only return row 1 since the first 6 characters match. MS SQL Server 2017 in case that makes a difference.
If they are strings, use left():
left(partnum1, 6) = left(partnum2, 6)
This would be appropriate in a where, on, or case expression. Note that using left() would generally prevent the use of indexes. If this is for a join and you care about performance, you might want to include a computed column with the first six characters.
you can try something like this. I am assuming datatype as integer. You can set size of varchar based on length of fields.
select *
from Parts
You can go for simple division to see if the numerator matches for those partnumbers.
DECLARE #table table(partnum int, partnum2 int)
insert into #table values
(12345678, 12345600)
,(12388888, 12345000)
,(12000000, 14500000);
select * from #table where partnum/100 = partnum2/100

How to anonymize data in SQL?

I need to anonymize a variable in SQL data (VAR NAME = "ArId").
The variable contains 10 numbers + 1 letter + 2 numbers. I need to randomize the 10 first numbers and then keep the letter + the last two numbers.
I have tried the rand() function, but this randomize the whole value.
I have only loaded the data.
EDIT (from "answer"):
I have tried: UPDATE someTable
SET someColumn = CONCAT(CAST(RAND() * 10000000000 as BIGINT), RIGHT(someColumn, 3))
However as i am totally new to SQL i don't know how to make this work. I put 'someColumn = new column name for the variable i am crating. RIGHT(someColumn) = the column i am changing. When i do that i get the message that the right function requires 2 arguments??
Example for Zohar: I have a variable containing for example: 1724981628R01On all these values in this variable i would like to randomize the first 10 letters and keep the last three (R01). How can i do that?
A couple things. First, your conversion to a big int does not guarantee that the results has the right number of characters.
Second, rand() is constant for all rows of the query. Try this version:
UPDATE someTable
), '0000000000'
RIGHT(someColumn, 3)

selecting rows depending on the first digit of an integer in a column

Using SQL in PostgreSQL I need to select all the rows from my table called "crop" when the first digit of the integer numbers in column "field_id" is 7.
select *
from crop
where (left (field_id,1) = 7)
First, you know that the column is a number, so I would be inclined to explicitly convert it, no matter what you do:
where left(crop::text, 1) = '7'
where crop::text like '7%'
The conversion to text is simply to be explicit about what is happening and it makes it easier for Postgres to parse the query.
More importantly, if the value has a fixed number of digits, then I would suggest using a numeric range; something like this:
where crop >= 700000 and crop < 800000
This makes it easier for Postgres to use an index on the column.
Try with cast, like this:
select *
from crop
where cast(substring(cast(field_id as varchar(5)),1,1) as int) = 7
where 5 in varchar(5) you should put number how long is your integer.

Make column values in a table have equal number of characters

I have a table DomainDetail having a column fieldID.
It has values like A1,B22,A567,D7779,B86759 .. i.e. from two characters to max six characters.
I want these values have equal number of characters
A000001,B000022,A000567,D07779 and B86759 .
This is how I think I should proceed
Estimate size of field value = LEN(fieldID)
Insert number of zeros equal to (6 - number of characters) .
How can I insert 0's sandwiched inside original value . How can do in SQL ?
like this
left(fieldID, 1) +
right('000000' + right(fieldID, len(fieldID) - 1), 5)
from DomainDetail
take a look at SQL FIDDLE example
It sounds like a problem better solved by business logic, i.e. the layer of code above your database. Whenever you insert, do the padding in that code - then always use that code/layer to insert into the table.
It seems to be a business logic requirement anyway - "ID must have a maximum 6 characters". Because a database wouldn't impose such a limit.
(unless you are using stored procedures as your business logic layer? in which case, PadLeft function in T-SQL)
(select max(LEN(FieldID)) from DomainDetail)
from DomainDetail
If you need a fixed output length just replace inner select (select max(LEN(FieldID)) from DomainDetail) with for example 6
Here is a SQLFiddle demo
If you want to UPDATE, then use this
UPDATE DomainDetail
SET fieldId=
If you want to just SELECT without altering the values in the table, then this should work
FROM DomainDetail
Hope this helps,
select stuff(fieldid, 2, 0, replicate('0', 6-len(fieldid)))
from DomainDetail