Automatically assign assignee when changing status of ticket - youtrack

I created an "Agile-Board" in youtrack and I want every ticket that is moved to the column (which is mapped to the field Status) "In Produktivsetzung" to be automatically assigned to my user.
Like this:
How can this be done?

One can set it up with a custom workflow script as follows
var entities = require('#jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');
exports.rule = entities.Issue.onChange({
title: 'Set logged-in user as an assignee when they move it to In Produktivsetzung state',
guard: function(ctx) {
var issue = ctx.issue;
return issue.isReported &&
issue.fields.Assignee === null &&
issue.fields.becomes(ctx.State, ctx.State.InProgress) &&
action: function(ctx) {
var isCurrentUserAssignee = false;
ctx.Assignee.values.forEach(function(it) {
if (it.login == ctx.currentUser.login) {
isCurrentUserAssignee = true;
if (isCurrentUserAssignee) {
ctx.issue.Assignee = ctx.currentUser;
requirements: {
Assignee: {
type: entities.User.fieldType
State: {
type: entities.State.fieldType,
InProgress: {
name: 'In Produktivsetzung'

I want to set assignee on every state change. After a couple hours trial & error (the documentation is really not that good) I had success:
var entities = require('#jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');
exports.rule = entities.Issue.onChange({
title: 'Assign issue to current user when state changes',
guard: function(ctx) {
return ctx.issue.fields.isChanged(ctx.State);
action: (ctx) => {
ctx.issue.fields.Assignee = ctx.currentUser;
requirements: {
Assignee: {
type: entities.User.fieldType
State: {
type: entities.State.fieldType
I don't really understand why I have to use a "guard function" - I could just use a conditional statement in the action and the whole "requirements" section doesn't make any sense to me but if it is necessary... I don't care. Finally works as expected... I hope that it works some years longer than the "legacy scripts" - I don't want to touch it again. 🙂

Based on the answer this is what I'm using now, I created multiple modules where I just had to change the two variables at the top of my code:
var entities = require('#jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');
var assigneeLogin = '<some.login>';
var stateName = '<Some Statename, see possible values in console.log(ctx.State)>';
exports.rule = entities.Issue.onChange({
title: 'Set ' + assigneeLogin + ' as the assignee when ticket is moved to "'+ stateName + '"',
guard: function(ctx) {
var issue = ctx.issue;
return issue.fields.becomes(ctx.State, ctx.State.InProgress);
action: function(ctx) {
ctx.Assignee.values.forEach(function(it) {
if (it.login === assigneeLogin) {
ctx.issue.Assignee = it;
requirements: {
Assignee: {
type: entities.User.fieldType
State: {
type: entities.State.fieldType,
InProgress: {
name: stateName


Why can't I access 'User story' as a type?

I have a (correctly working) workflow script starting with this guard function:
var entities = require('#jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');
exports.rule = entities.Issue.action({
title: 'Create default subtasks',
command: 'tt-create-subtasks',
guard: function(ctx) {
return == 'User Story';
I thought I would replace that with something like
return ctx.issue.fields.Type == UserStory;
and therefore change the requirements from:
requirements: {
Type: {
type: entities.EnumField.fieldType,
Task: {},
requirements: {
Type: {
type: entities.EnumField.fieldType,
Task: {},
UserStory: {
name: 'User Story'
Task is used elsewhere in a similar fashion and that works:
newIssue.fields.Type = ctx.Type.Task;
But the editor gives red errors on UserStory in the giard function. Am I doing something wrong in the requirements?
If you declare the requirements like you described
requirements: {
Type: {
type: entities.EnumField.fieldType,
Task: {},
UserStory: {
name: 'User Story'
you'll be able to check the value the following way:, ctx.Type.UserStory).

Zapier Dynamic Custom Fields

I am trying to offer custom fields from a platform as input fields I have done this in the past with another platform and with Zapiers older UI. It does not seem to be that simple now.
const options = {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'X-API-KEY': bundle.authData.ApiKey
params: {
'ApiKey': bundle.authData.ApiKey
return z.request(options).then((response) => {
const results = response.json;
const col = results.DatabaseColumns.filter((item) => item.IsCustom).map((item) => {
return {
id: item["ColumnName"],
return col});
That is what I am trying to use for the Action. I am using this same does for a Trigger and it works there, but not as Dynamic Field Option along with other standard inputs.
Not sure if I need to tweak the code or if I can invoke the data that the Trigger would pull?
Here is the visual of the fields, but I need it to pull and offer the custom fields. This would be like favorite color, etc.
Image of Zap
Any help is appreciated.
I was able to use this code:
// Configure a request to an endpoint of your api that
// returns custom field meta data for the authenticated
// user. Don't forget to congigure authentication!
const options = {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'X-API-KEY': bundle.authData.ApiKey
params: {
'ApiKey': bundle.authData.ApiKey
return z.request(options).then((response) => {
const results = response.json;
var col = results.DatabaseColumns.filter((item) => item.IsCustom).map((item) => {
return {
key: item["ColumnName"],
value: item["ColumnName"]
//var col = col.filter(items => ['FirstName', 'LastName'].indexOf(items) >= 0 )
for (var i = col.length; i--;) {
if (col[i].key === 'FirstName' || col[i].key === 'LastName' ) {
col.splice(i, 1);
return col});
return [
"key": "FirstName",
"value":"First Name"
"key": "LastName",
"value": "Last Name"
"key": "Test",
"value": "Test 2"

Sequelize Many to Many Relationship using Through does not insert additional attributes

I have a many to many relationship between: Step and Control Through ControlsConfig.
When creating a Control object and call addStep function and specify the additional attributes (which exist in the relation table), Sequelize creates the records in the relational table ControlsConfig but the additional attributes are NULLs.
PS: The tables are creating correctly in the database.
Table 1: Step
Table 2: Control
Relation table: ControlsConfig
var Step = sequelize.define('Step', {
title: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false },
description: DataTypes.STRING,
type: { type: DataTypes.ENUM('task', 'approval'), allowNull: false, defaultValue: 'task' },
order: DataTypes.INTEGER
Step.associate = function(models) {
var Control = sequelize.define('Control', {
label: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false },
order: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER },
type: { type: DataTypes.ENUM('text', 'yes/no') },
config: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
controlUiId: { type: DataTypes.STRING }
Control.associate = function(models) {
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
var ControlsConfig = sequelize.define('ControlsConfig', {
visibility: { type: DataTypes.ENUM('hidden', 'readonly', 'editable', 'required') },
config: { type: DataTypes.TEXT }
ControlsConfig.associate = function(models) {
models.Control.belongsToMany(models.Step, { through: models.ControlsConfig });
models.Step.belongsToMany(models.Control, { through: models.ControlsConfig });
return ControlsConfig;
try {
var step1 = await Step.create({ /*bla bla*/ });
var control1 = await Control.create({ /*bla bla*/ });
var OK = await control1.addStep(step1, {through: { config: 'THIS FIELD ALWAYS APPEARS NULL' }});
} catch (error) { /* No errors*/ }
I am following the same strategy stated at the documentation
//If you want additional attributes in your join table, you can define a model for the join table in sequelize, before you define the association, and then tell sequelize that it should use that model for joining, instead of creating a new one:
const User = sequelize.define('user', {})
const Project = sequelize.define('project', {})
const UserProjects = sequelize.define('userProjects', {
status: DataTypes.STRING
User.belongsToMany(Project, { through: UserProjects })
Project.belongsToMany(User, { through: UserProjects })
//To add a new project to a user and set its status, you pass extra options.through to the setter, which contains the attributes for the join table
user.addProject(project, { through: { status: 'started' }})
You have to pass edit: true to the addProject and addStep method.
See this answer it has a similar issue
Sequelize belongsToMany additional attributes in join table

GraphQL queries with tables join using Node.js

I am learning GraphQL so I built a little project. Let's say I have 2 models, User and Comment.
const Comment = Model.define('Comment', {
content: {
type: DataType.TEXT,
allowNull: false,
validate: {
notEmpty: true,
const User = Model.define('User', {
name: {
type: DataType.STRING,
allowNull: false,
validate: {
notEmpty: true,
phone: DataType.STRING,
picture: DataType.STRING,
The relations are one-to-many, where a user can have many comments.
I have built the schema like this:
const UserType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'User',
fields: () => ({
id: {
type: GraphQLString
name: {
type: GraphQLString
phone: {
type: GraphQLString
comments: {
type: new GraphQLList(CommentType),
resolve: user => user.getComments()
And the query:
const user = {
type: UserType,
args: {
id: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
resolve(_, {id}) => User.findById(id)
Executing the query for a user and his comments is done with 1 request, like so:
As I understand, the client will get the results using 1 query, this is the benefit using GraphQL. But the server will execute 2 queries, one for the user and another one for his comments.
My question is, what are the best practices for building the GraphQL schema and types and combining join between tables, so that the server could also execute the query with 1 request?
The concept you are refering to is called batching. There are several libraries out there that offer this. For example:
Dataloader: generic utility maintained by Facebook that provides "a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching"
join-monster: "A GraphQL-to-SQL query execution layer for batch data fetching."
To anyone using .NET and the GraphQL for .NET package, I have made an extension method that converts the GraphQL Query into Entity Framework Includes.
public static class ResolveFieldContextExtensions
public static string GetIncludeString(this ResolveFieldContext<object> source)
return string.Join(',', GetIncludePaths(source.FieldAst));
private static IEnumerable<Field> GetChildren(IHaveSelectionSet root)
return root.SelectionSet.Selections.Cast<Field>()
.Where(x => x.SelectionSet.Selections.Any());
private static IEnumerable<string> GetIncludePaths(IHaveSelectionSet root)
var q = new Queue<Tuple<string, Field>>();
foreach (var child in GetChildren(root))
q.Enqueue(new Tuple<string, Field>(child.Name.ToPascalCase(), child));
while (q.Any())
var node = q.Dequeue();
var children = GetChildren(node.Item2).ToList();
if (children.Any())
foreach (var child in children)
q.Enqueue(new Tuple<string, Field>
(node.Item1 + "." + child.Name.ToPascalCase(), child));
yield return node.Item1;
Lets say we have the following query:
query {
getHistory {
product {
category {
subCategory {
subAnything {
We can create a variable in "resolve" method of the field:
var include = context.GetIncludeString();
which generates the following string:
and pass it to Entity Framework:
public Task<TEntity> Get(TKey id, string include)
var query = Context.Set<TEntity>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(include))
query = include.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Aggregate(query, (q, p) => q.Include(p));
return query.SingleOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id.Equals(id));

Mongoose's populate method breaks promise chain?

So I have a mongoose Schema that looks like this:
var Functionary = new Schema({
person: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Person'
dateOfAssignment: Date,
dateOfDischarge: Date,
isActive: Boolean
var PositionSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
description: String,
maxHeadCount: Number,
minHeadCount: Number,
currentHeadCount: Number,
currentlyHolding: [Functionary],
historical: [Functionary],
responsibleTo: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Position'
*note that the Position document can reference itself in the ResponsibleTo field.
Now, I'm trying to build a method that will search the Positions collection, populate the currentlyHolding[] field and the responsibleTo.currentlyHolding[] field, and also return the total number of records found (for paging purposes on the front-end).
Here's what my code looks like: = function(req, res) {
var result = {
records: null,
count: 0,
totalPages: 0,
pageSize: 10,
execTime: 0
var startTime = new Date();
var populateQuery = [
path: 'currentlyHolding.person',
select: 'name'
}, {
select:'name currentlyHolding.person'
$or: [
{ name: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } },
{ description: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } }
skip: (result.currentPage - 1) * result.pageSize,
limit: result.pageSize,
sort: 'name'
.then(function(doc) {
result.records = doc;
$or: [
{ name: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } },
{ description: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } }
.then(function(doc) {
result.count = doc;
result.totalPages = Math.ceil(result.count / result.pageSize);
.then(function() {
var endTime = new Date();
result.execTime = endTime - startTime;
return res.json(200, result);
My problem is when I run the first query with the populate method (as is shown), it doesn't work. I take away the populate and it works. Is it true that the populate method will break the promise? If so, are there better ways to achieve what I want?
It's been a while since you asked, but this might still help others so here we go:
According to the docs, .populate() doesn't return a promise. For that to happen you should chain .execPopulate().
Alternatively, you can put .populate() before .exec(). The latter will terminate the query builder interface and return a promise for you.