How to integrate vue-cli with existing unrelated webpack setup in the same project? - vue.js

I have a project with an existing webpack setup and it's unrelated to Vue.
Until now I have multiple entry points setups and some of these entry points are opening some iframes popups, and the plan is to build these iframes with VUE.
This means that I will also have multiple VUE entry points, this shouldn't be a problem but what I can't figure out is:
what is the best way to add VUE-cli into this already existing setup and use the same node_modules folder
Also to be able to add the vue-cli build commands to be run/triggered after my existing webpack build commands.
Let me know if more details are needed?

I've figure it out and it turn out that you can have both in the same project.
I've used vue create on my existing project folder and there is a prompt with a merge options.
Unfortunately it deleted my dependencies but was not such a big deal. Just had to reinstall them.
Now my project's webpack configuration remained completely separate form vue-cli which is handled by the vue.config.js and this is exactly what I wanted.
I am using something like this to build everything at once:
"build": "webpack --config && vue-cli-service build"


No layout folder in a Nuxt Project

Whenever I was creating a new Nuxt project, there were directories like: components, pages, static, store, .nuxt, node_modules but there are no layouts and other directories as of right now.
How can I fix that?
You are probably referring to this question: Some of the directories are missing when I'm trying to create a new Nuxt js project
My answer is in there!
Also, .nuxt is a cache directory that you should not touch to, same goes for node_modules so far. node_modules will be available if you yarn normally.
PS: this is based on the assumption that you are doing npx create-nuxt-app <project-name>.

Should i delete webpack and other libraries after bundling?

NPM donwloads a lot of files needed for the webpack/libraries. From what i understand, webpack generates a one single bundle file, that contains all code for script working. After that, when i finish building my app, do i need to keep all those jquery/react files and webpack itself? Or should i just delete them?
It's common practice to make a project portable/shareable by following these steps;
Create a package.json and ensure to capture all dependencies,devDependencies and/or peerDependencies.
Add/commit this package.json and package-lock.json files to your version control
Create a .gitignore file and add node_modules to it (in essence, this cuts out that baggage)
For production purpose (e.g. to be shared with client finished product), build the project (which often results into a small files, often within /build or dist). And then you can always push that build file to AWS or Heroku or the clients' servers.
What does the above help you achieve?
You can easily start the project using any machine, as long as you run npm install which reads from your package.json.

How to turn multiple vue components into one single npm package?

I was told by the project manager at the company I work for to take all the global components of a vue project we're working on and turning them into a single npm package that anyone working on the project can import and start using. essentially I have to take the global components and turn them into a component library like vuetify which is installed using npm and than imported from node modules directory.
I was wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction on how to achieve this. thanks in advance.
So, regardless of the implementation, the main thing you need is following this guide on how to create an npm package
You create an src folder.
In the src, you will create a folder named "components" with all your -duh- components.
In the src folder, you will also create an index.js file, from there you will export your components.
export { default as VDataTable } from './components/VDataTable.vue'
// ...etc
If you use a bundler for your projects, and you know by a fact that all your codebases will use a bundler, you can simply create a folder with a package.json.
In your package.json then you will
"module": "src/index.js",
"main": "src/index.js"
In this scenario, you are letting your main project bundler (which is using the package) transpile all the packages for you, (babel, single file components)
Option 2
In case you have absolutely no clue of the nature of the projects which can use your library you will need a bundler for your components.
An example can be Rollup.
I suggest these 2 guides.
Long story short, Rollup will transpile for you the files you requested (js and css), and you will have to make them available from your package.json
"module": "src/dist/library.esm.js",
"main": "src/library.common.js"
And then you can release your package. Possibly privately or you might get fired :P

Creating a single Vue component inside a larger project

I have a PHP project that uses Kirby CMS. I also use Gulp for building my assets. Now, I need to add a calculator on the homepage that is complex enough to justify the usage of Vue. How would I incorporate Vue in my project without introducing a ton of new tooling? All I want is a simple Single File Component basically. I have:
<div id="calculator"></div>
and I want the component to be rendered there. Nothing more.
After some consideration, I came up with the following options but found issues with each of them:
Use the Vue CLI for instant prototyping. That's the closest solution for my use case, but I can't easily develop the component. If I use vue serve, I get to see the component isolated in a new page. The issue lies in the fact the component isn't a part of my project's page. It's not affected by its stylesheets, layout, and other scripts. I can't know if it'll work properly once I build it and view it in my project. Running vue build on each change would be pretty painful and time consuming. Sadly, vue watch isn't a thing, which leads me to:
Creating a project and using Vue CLI Service. If I create a project, I'd be able to run vue-cli-service build --watch and have my component automatically refresh on each change of its source file. While developing the component, I simply make a change, wait for it to compile, and refresh my project in the browser to see the modified component in action. While that would work, it introduces a bunch of node_modules inside my project, along with a package.json. I feel that's too much for just a single component. It would pollute the project more than I'd like:
node_modules/ # modules here
public/ # I don't need that
package.json # package here
node_modules/ # modules here as well
package.json # package here as well
I would basically have a project within a project.
Use vueify to compile the component with Browserify and Gulp (which I already use). While this appears OK, vueify is deprecated and not supported. Besides, I'd have to add a bunch of stuff to my gulpfile.js in order to use Babel + ESLint for the component.
How do I set up Vue in such a way that I'm able to develop a very simple component as a part of a larger project with as little friction as possible?
If anyone has dealt with a similar problem, how did they solve it?
I ended up using the second approach I mentioned in my question with one small twist - I initialized the Vue project in my main project. I merged them.
I opened the parent folder of my project in a terminal.
I ran vue create my-project where my-project was the actual folder name of my project. The CLI asked if it should overwrite the project or merge it. I chose merge.
After the project was created, my old package.json was overwritten and only had the Vue dependencies listed in it.
I reverted my old package.json and installed these packages: #vue/cli-plugin-babel, #vue/cli-service, vue-template-compiler, and vue.
I added the following npm script in my package.json:
"scripts": {
"calculator": "vue-cli-service build assets/js/calculator/main.js --watch --dest assets/js/calculator/build"
My project's folder structure remained the same, except for a few new packages in node_modules. I put my component files in assets/js/calculator/. There, I have main.js which is the main component script, and build which is a folder containing the processed component.
I have:
<div id="calculator"></div>
in my page, and:
<script src="/assets/js/calculator/build/app.js"></script>
in the footer. When I open the page, the component is rendered correctly.
To modify the component, I simply run npm run calculator in a terminal, which spins up the CLI service. It monitors the main.js file and builds the component on each change. Once the build is complete (which happens in under a second), I refresh the page and the updated component is there.
I believe that's the smoothest way to handle this use case. It didn't bloat the project, all dependencies were listed, and the development experience is great. The part where my package.json got overwritten was a bit concerning, but other than that - it worked perfectly. If there's a better way to do this, please leave an answer!
This is probably not the answer you're looking for but if I were you I'd look into inline templates and x-templates as they seem well suited to your use case.
Also have a look at this blog post. It offers a nice write up about the different template authoring methods in Vue and their pros/cons.

Vuepress inside and integrated with Vue project

I´m starting with Vuepress (, and i´d followed the docs to integrate it with an existing project ( I used the sugested docs directory.
But now i need to "really" integrate with my project and i need to when my users access the, to reach the Vuepress docs
If i make (yarn docs:build), the /dist folder will be generated to be used anywhere as a statics HTML files. I tought in put the /dist/ content in the /static/ files of my project. But the vue-router response to /docs is a 404.
And i will still need to make 2 builds, my project and the docs.
The questions are:
How can i make the vue-router "see" the vuepress build files? Where to put them?
How can i integrate the run build of project to make them both?
I have 2 projects, one with quasar and the other i´m using vue-cli 3.
Thank you all.
How can i make the vue-router "see" the vuepress build files? Where to put them?
You don't, it's basically an external link. A simple <a href="/docs"> should be sufficient.
How can i integrate the run build of project to make them both?
You don't, you add a new task that does them both.
// package.json
"scripts": {
"build-project": "node build-project.js"
from a terminal
# yarn run build-project
I think maybe the point problem is to solve the Vue-Router to make the vue-router don't handle the link when we external link the /docs as like.