cannot access '<init>': it is public /*package*/ in 'Constructor' - kotlin

I am trying to parse a yaml in Kotlin using SnakeYAML following this tutorial:
data class Case(val args: List<String>, val expected: String, val score: Int)
data class TestCases(val target: String, val cases: List<Case>)
val yaml = Yaml(Constructor(
but the code returns these errors in IntelliJ
Cannot access '<init>': it is public/*package*/ in 'Constructor'
for using Constructor as in java.lang.reflect.Constructor, and
None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied:
public constructor Yaml(dumperOptions: DumperOptions!) defined in org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
public constructor Yaml(loadingConfig: LoaderOptions!) defined in org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
public constructor Yaml(constructor: BaseConstructor!) defined in org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
public constructor Yaml(representer: Representer!) defined in org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
for using Yaml as in org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml, which I think is expecting a BaseConstructor from Constructor.
How can I fix this problem? Thank you.

I guess you are importing wrong class. It should be org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.Constructor instead of java.lang.reflect.Constructor.


Easiest way to modify value passed to inline class constructor

I'm trying to use inline classes in Kotlin to create a class inlining the String class, such that if I have an instance of my class that it will always be true for the contained string that s == s.trim().
I was initially expecting there to be a straightforward way to do this, like perhaps:
value class Trimmed private constructor(val str: String) : {
constructor(s : String) : super(s.trim())
but that doesn't work, and neither do the other direct approaches I considered ("this(s.trim())", etc.).
This problem has turned out to be surprisingly tricky:
Kotlin seems to provide no easy way to have the primary constructor filter or modify the data that is passed to the constructor of the contained String object.
Even if I make the primary constructor private, I can't declare another constructor with the same signature (taking a single String as a parameter).
If this were a normal (non-inlined) class, I could just set the value after superclass class construction (e.g. "init { str = str.trim() }", but since it's an inline class, I can't do that. ("this=this.trim()" doesn't work either, and String objects themselves are immutable so I can't change the contents of 'str'.)
I tried making the class constructor private and creating a factory function in the same file with the same name as the class, but then I couldn't call the class constructor from within the factory function due to access restrictions.
I then tried making the factory function within the class's companion object, but then Kotlin tried to make that function call itself recursively instead of calling the class's constructor. I wasn't able to find a way to syntactially disambiguate this. I managed to work around this by creating a file-private typealias to give another name for the class so I could call the constructor from within the factory function. (Annoyingly, I couldn't declare the typealias in the companion object next to the factory function: I had to declare it outside.)
This worked, but seemed ugly:
typealias Trimmed2 = Trimmed
value class Trimmed private constructor(val str: String) {
init { assert(str == str.trim()) }
companion object {
// Kotlin won't let me put the typealias here. :-(
fun Trimmed(s: String): Trimmed = Trimmed2(s.trim()) // Don't want recursion here!
Another working solution is here, using a private constructor with a dummy argument. Of course Kotlin complained that the dummy argument was unused and so I had to put in a big (why is it so big?) annotation suppressing the warning, which is, again, ugly:
value class Trimmed private constructor(val str: String) {
private constructor (untrimmed: String, #Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") dummy: Unit) : this(untrimmed.trim())
init { assert(str == str.trim()) }
companion object {
fun Trimmed(s: String): Trimmed = Trimmed(s, Unit)
Is there a simpler, cleaner way to do this? For instance, a syntactic way to clarify to Kotlin that the companion function is trying to call the class constructor and not itself and so avoid the need for a dummy parameter?
Code to construct instances of the class from outside this file should look like constructing an instance of a normal class: 'Trimmed("abc")', not using some factory function with a different name (e.g. "of" or "trimmedOf") or other alternate syntax.
It should be impossible to construct the object containing an untrimmed string. Outside code, and the Trimmed class itself, should be able to trust that if a Trimmed instance exists, that its contained str will be a trimmed string.

Kotlin data classes with Java super class

I have a Java class that holds generic information on databse entities (i.e. their id).
public class DbEntity {
protected final String id;
public DbEntity(String id) { = id;
We use Lombok #Data to generate getters, toString, equals...
In Java I would simply extend this class and add #Data once again.
class JavaSubClass extends DbEntity {
public JavaSubClass(String id) {
In a newer service we use Kotlin but would like to reuse standard classes such as DbEntity.
My first approach was to simply declare a data class such as
data class SubClass1(val id: String, val name: String) : DbEntity(id)
Accidental override: The following declarations have the same JVM signature (getId()Ljava/lang/String;):
fun <get-id>(): String defined in com.demo.SubClass1
fun getId(): String! defined in com.demo.SubClass1
After some reading I found several solutions, all of which I'm not super happy with.
Don't use data classes. This works but leaves me with the task of implementing equals etc.
class SubClass4(id: String, val name: String) : DbEntity(id)
Duplicate the field. This works but we end up with two fields that could go out of sync.
data class SubClass3(val subId: String, val name: String) : DbEntity(subId)
Assign a different name to the getter. This fundamentally also duplicates the field, but hides the getter.
data class SubClass2(#get:JvmName("getId_") val id: String, val name: String) : DbEntity(id)
As I said, I'm not happy with any of the solution presented above. Having an abstract super class or an interface instead would certainly be more appropriate. However the Entity class resides in a library that primarily Java projects depend on. I'm hesitant to change it just because of a new Kotlin dependnecy.
Did anyone encounter similar issues and has advice on how to solve them?
As a workaround, until KT-6653 - Kotlin properties do not override Java-style getters and setters is fixed, I would go for a variant of your point 3, i.e.:
data class SubClass(#get:JvmName("bogusId") private val id: String, val name: String) : DbEntity(id)
The benefit of this variant is, that you always access the "original" getId-function. You will not use the bogusId()-function as it is not visible/accessible (accessing it via reflection makes no sense... you are only interested in the actual id-field). This works and looks similar for both sides: from Java as also from Kotlin. Still, under the hood this variant uses 2 fields, but in the best case you can just replace it in future with something like:
data class SubClass(override val id: String, val name : String) : DbEntity(id)

Cannot access expected class constructor parameters in kotlin multi-platform

I'm currently working on a multi-platform module using kotlin. To do so, I rely on the expect/actual mechanism.
I declare a simple class in Common.kt:
expect class Bar constructor(
name: String
I'd like to use the defined class in a common method (also present in Common.kt):
fun hello(bar: Bar) {
print("Hello, my name is ${}")
The actual implementation is defined in Jvm.kt:
actual data class Bar actual constructor(
val name: String
The problem is I got the following error inside my hello function
Unresolved reference: name
What am I doing wrong?
Expected classes constructor cannot have a property parameter
Therefore it is necessary to describe the property as a class member with val name: String
Actual constructor of 'Bar' has no corresponding expected declaration
However, for the actual constructor to match the expected declaration the number of parameters has to be the same. That is why the parameter is also added name: String in the constructor in addition to the existence of the property.
expect class Bar(name: String) {
val name: String
actual class Bar actual constructor(actual val name: String)
Note: If we leave the constructor empty of the expected class we see how the IDE complains when adding a constructor in the current class for the incompatibility.
It should be val name in the expect part as well, either in the constructor parameter list or as a member property.

What's the difference between and Foo::javaClass?

To initialize my logger apparently I need:
val LOGGER : Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(;
If I do:
val LOGGER : Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Foo::javaClass);
It complains that the parameter type is not compatible with getLogger. However according to the API, both are Class<Foo>. How are they different?
The javaClass is an extension property that returns the runtime Java class of an instantiated object. In your case, it is being used as a property reference, which will give you a KProperty1<Foo, Class<Foo>> representing the extension function itself:
val T.javaClass: java.lang.Class<T>
You could use this in combination with a receiver, e.g. if Foo provided a default constructor you could say:
which may be simplified to:
Using on the other hand, gives you the Java Class<?> as described in "class references" directly. All three possibilities in a simple example:
val kProperty1: KProperty1<Foo, Class<Foo>> = Foo::javaClass
kProperty1.get(Foo()) //class de.swirtz.kotlin.misc.Foo //class de.swirtz.kotlin.misc.Foo
Foo().javaClass //class de.swirtz.kotlin.misc.Foo
javaClass is an extension property which returns the runtime Java class of an object.
* Returns the runtime Java class of this object.
public inline val <T: Any> T.javaClass : Class<T>
get() = (this as java.lang.Object).getClass() as Class<T>
It can be called on an instance of a class, for example:
println(Foo().javaClass) //class Foo
However, Foo::javaClass give you a property reference of type KProperty1<Foo, Class<Foo>> instead of a Java class instance which can be used to get the class of an instance of Foo through reflection:
val p: KProperty1<Foo, Class<Foo>> = Foo::javaClass
println(p.get(Foo())) //p.get(Foo()) returns a Java class Foo
Therefore, it is wrong to pass a KProperty to LoggerFactory.getLogger() which accepts a Java class.
Foo::javaClass is a reference to a val defined as
inline val <T : Any> T.javaClass: Class<T>
So you'd have to call it on an instance of Foo like foo.javaClass.
Foo::class gives you the actual KClass of Foo and java is a property of KClass defined as
val <T> KClass<T>.java: Class<T>

Kotlin inheritance: pass this as constructor argument

Im trying to create a GsonRequest class that extends a normal volley request, and also implements the error listener. The code I'm using to do this is
public class GsonRequest<T>(url: String, val clazz: Class<T>) :
Request<T>(Request.Method.GET, url, this), ErrorListener
However, I'm getting the following error: 'this' is not defined in this context. Is what I'm trying to do possible?
You can not use this on the JVM before the super-constructor finished working, so you can not pass it to the super-constructor.
What you can do is use an object expression or a lambda for an error listener:
public class GsonRequest<T>(url: String, val clazz: Class<T>) :
Request<T>(Request.Method.GET, url, { <handling code here> } )
Alternatively, consider taking the listener as a parameter for constructor of class GsonRequest