SQL not returning a value if no row exist for time queried - sql

I'm writing this SQL query which returns the number of records created in an hour in last 24 hours. I'm getting the result for only those hours that have a non zero value. If no records were created, it doesn't return anything at all.
Here's my query:
SELECT HOUR(timeStamp) as hour, COUNT(*) as count
FROM `events`
GROUP BY HOUR(timeStamp)
ORDER BY HOUR(timeStamp)
The output of current Query:
| hour | count |
| 14 | 6 |
| 15 | 5 |
But i'm expecting 0 for hours in which no records were created. Where am I going wrong?

One solution is to generate a table of numbers from 0 to 23 and left join it with your original table.
Here is a query that uses a recursive query to generate the list of hours (if you are running MySQL, this requires version 8.0):
with hours as (
select 0 hr
union all select hr + 1 where h < 23
select h.hr, count(e.eventID) as cnt
from hours h
left join events e
on e.timestamp > now() - interval 1 day
and hour(e.timestamp) = h.hr
group by h.hr
If your RDBMS does not support recursive CTEs, then one option is to use an explicit derived table:
select h.hr, count(e.eventID) as cnt
from (
select 0 hr union all select 1 union all select 2 ... union all select 23
) h
left join events e
on e.timestamp > now() - interval 1 day
and hour(e.timestamp) = h.hr
group by h.hr


Get count of susbcribers for each month in current year even if count is 0

I need to get the count of new subscribers each month of the current year.
DB Structure: Subscriber(subscriber_id, create_timestamp, ...)
Expected result:
date | count
2021-01-01 | 3
2021-02-01 | 12
2021-03-01 | 0
2021-04-01 | 8
2021-05-01 | 0
I wrote the following query:
AS create_timestamp,
COUNT(subscriber_id) AS count
FROM subscriber
GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('month',create_timestamp);
Which works but does not include months where the count is 0. It's only returning the ones that are existing in the table. Like:
"2021-09-01 00:00:00" 3
"2021-08-01 00:00:00" 9
First subquery is used for retrieving year wise each month row then LEFT JOIN with another subquery which is used to retrieve month wise total_count. COALESCE() is used for replacing NULL value to 0.
-- PostgreSQL (v11)
SELECT t.cdate
, COALESCE(p.total_count, 0) total_count
FROM (select generate_series('2021-01-01'::timestamp, '2021-12-15', '1 month') as cdate) t
LEFT JOIN (SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month',create_timestamp) create_timestamp
, SUM(subscriber_id) total_count
FROM subscriber
GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('month',create_timestamp)) p
ON t.cdate = p.create_timestamp
Please check from url https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=postgres_11&fiddle=20dcf6c1784ed0d9c5772f2487bcc221
get the count of new subscribers each month of the current year
SELECT month::date, COALESCE(s.count, 0) AS count
FROM generate_series(date_trunc('year', LOCALTIMESTAMP)
, date_trunc('year', LOCALTIMESTAMP) + interval '11 month'
, interval '1 month') m(month)
SELECT date_trunc('month', create_timestamp) AS month
, count(*) AS count
FROM subscriber
) s USING (month);
db<>fiddle here
That's assuming every row is a "new subscriber". So count(*) is simplest and fastest.
Join a count query on generate_series() and retrieve Null values as '0'
Generating time series between two dates in PostgreSQL

getting first column blank postgres

SELECT CASE WHEN date_part('hour',created_at) BETWEEN 3 AND 15 THEN '9am-3pm'
WHEN date_part('hour',created_at) BETWEEN 15 AND 18 THEN '3pm-6pm' END "time window",COUNT(*) FROM tickets where created_at < now()
GROUP BY CASE WHEN date_part('hour',created_at) BETWEEN 3 AND 15 THEN '9am-3pm' WHEN date_part('hour',created_at) BETWEEN 15 AND 18 THEN '3pm-6pm' END;
time window | count
| 6
9am-3pm | 69
is it possible to filter it by date along with time so that my result set will looks like
Date | time window | count
12-01-2020 | 9am-3pm| 6
12-01-2020 | 3pm-6pm| 69
13-01-2020 | 9am-3pm| 12
13-01-2020 | 3pm-6pm| 14
We can handle this requirement using a calendar table approach:
WITH dates AS (
SELECT '12-01-2020' AS created_at UNION ALL
SELECT '13-01-2020'
tw AS (
SELECT '9am-3pm' AS "time window" UNION ALL
SELECT '3pm-6pm'
cte AS (
created_at::date AS created_at,
CASE WHEN DATE_PART('hour', created_at) BETWEEN 3 AND 15 THEN '9am-3pm'
WHEN DATE_PART('hour', created_at) BETWEEN 15 AND 18 THEN '3pm-6pm' END "time window",
COUNT(*) AS cnt
FROM tickets
WHERE created_at < NOW()
tw."time window",
COALESCE(t.cnt, 0) AS count
FROM dates d
ON d.created_at = t.created_at AND tw."time window" = t."time window"
tw."time window";
You are actually asking two questions:
The "empty space" (really an SQL NULL) is there because there are dates that do not fall within any of the time ranges. You can exclude them with an additional WHERE condition.
To get the date part as well, add
CAST (created_at AS date)
to the SELECT list and the GROUP BY ckause.

Query to count the failure test cases and group by day, but missing the `0`s

I was setting up some dashboards with Grafana, to count everyday Passes and Failures of the Function test. I tired the SQL code below but it never displays the 0 data( When there is no Failure in one day, the date will not appear in the query result set).
I believe this is a platform independent issue.
count(status) AS "Fail"
FROM function_test
WHERE status = false
GROUP BY date_time
Expected results:
day01 | 100
day02 | 200
day03 | 0
day04 | 10
Actual results:
day01 | 100
day02 | 200
day04 | 10
The SQL Executed smoothly, no error message.
Perhaps You can find the answer here
Build a result set for the last seven days, then do a left join with the result set of the query
select a.click_date,ifnull(b.count,0) as count
from (
SELECT curdate() as click_date
union all
SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day) as click_date
union all
SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 day) as click_date
union all
SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 day) as click_date
union all
SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 4 day) as click_date
union all
SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 5 day) as click_date
union all
SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 day) as click_date
) a left join (
select date(create_time) as datetime, count(*) as count
from arms_task
group by date(create_time)
) b on a.click_date = b.datetime;
Perhaps I sound the answer myself.
Just select all the rows (No WHERE just select all the rows at the very first) and perform a conditional count.
The code is as followed.
count(IF(status = false,true,null)) AS "Fail"
FROM function_test
GROUP BY date_time
You can filter the 0 values with IF statements
IF(status = false,true,null)
With this query command, It is able for you to filter the empty rows

Add Missing monthly dates in a timeseries data in Postgresql

I have monthly time series data in table where dates are as a last day of month. Some of the dates are missing in the data. I want to insert those dates and put zero value for other attributes.
Table is as follows:
id report_date price
1 2015-01-31 40
1 2015-02-28 56
1 2015-04-30 34
2 2014-05-31 45
2 2014-08-31 47
I want to convert this table to
id report_date price
1 2015-01-31 40
1 2015-02-28 56
1 2015-03-31 0
1 2015-04-30 34
2 2014-05-31 45
2 2014-06-30 0
2 2014-07-31 0
2 2014-08-31 47
Is there any way we can do this in Postgresql?
Currently we are doing this in Python. As our data is growing day by day and its not efficient to handle I/O just for one task.
Thank you
You can do this using generate_series() to generate the dates and then left join to bring in the values:
with m as (
select id, min(report_date) as minrd, max(report_date) as maxrd
from t
group by id
select m.id, m.report_date, coalesce(t.price, 0) as price
from (select m.*, generate_series(minrd, maxrd, interval '1' month) as report_date
from m
) m left join
on m.report_date = t.report_date;
Turns out that the above doesn't quite work, because adding months to the end of month doesn't keep the last day of the month.
This is easily fixed:
with t as (
select 1 as id, date '2012-01-31' as report_date, 10 as price union all
select 1 as id, date '2012-04-30', 20
), m as (
select id, min(report_date) - interval '1 day' as minrd, max(report_date) - interval '1 day' as maxrd
from t
group by id
select m.id, m.report_date, coalesce(t.price, 0) as price
from (select m.*, generate_series(minrd, maxrd, interval '1' month) + interval '1 day' as report_date
from m
) m left join
on m.report_date = t.report_date;
The first CTE is just to generate sample data.
This is a slight improvement over Gordon's query which fails to get the last date of a month in some cases.
Essentially you generate all the month end dates between the min and max date for each id (using generate_series) and left join on this generated table to show the missing dates with 0 price.
with minmax as (
select id, min(report_date) as mindt, max(report_date) as maxdt
from t
group by id
select m.id, m.report_date, coalesce(t.price, 0) as price
from (select *,
generate_series(date_trunc('MONTH',mindt+interval '1' day),
date_trunc('MONTH',maxdt+interval '1' day),
interval '1' month) - interval '1 day' as report_date
from minmax
) m
left join t on m.report_date = t.report_date
Sample Demo

How to GROUP BY several days in PostgreSQL?

The following code generates dates and counts records by day.
( SELECT current_date + s.ts FROM generate_series(-20,0,1) AS s(ts) )
AS series(ts)
LEFT JOIN messages
ON messages.created_at::date = ts
The output looks like:
2011-07-07 0
2011-07-08 0
2011-07-09 0
2011-07-10 0
2011-07-11 0
2011-07-12 94
2011-07-13 56
2011-07-14 35
2011-07-15 56
2011-07-16 0
2011-07-17 13
How would you modify it to group by 2 days, so that the results overlap? Instead of counting the distinct user_id's for each day, it would count the distinct user_id's for each 2 day period.
This is different from summing the counts of the 2 days, as the user_id should be counted only once for each 2 day period.
Working in PostgreSQL 8.3.
( SELECT current_date + s.ts FROM generate_series(-20,0,1) AS s(ts) )
AS series(ts)
LEFT JOIN messages
ON messages.created_at::date between ts - 1 and ts -- JOIN on a range
Try this:
( SELECT current_date + s.ts
FROM generate_series(-20,0,2) AS s(ts) ) AS series(ts)
LEFT JOIN messages
ON messages.created_at::date = ts or messages.created_at::date = ts + 1