Cannot install uasyncio package on esp32 using upip - pypi

I have been using uasyncio on ESP32-WROOM-32D. After all the testing, I am trying to use the firmware to my other boards but uasyncio is not installed by default with the micropython. I tried to install the package by
>rshell -p comX
>>> import upip
>>> upip.install('micropython-uasyncio')
but getting the following error:
Installing to: /lib/
Error installing 'micropython-uasyncio': list index out of range, packages may be partially installed
Please help!

This is most likely a network error. I traced the same error and found that usocket.getaddrinfo failed to return a sensible address, leading to a list out of range exception in the upip module (
Check your network configuration using:
import network
If settings are not correct, make sure you have reasonable settings by calling ifconfig with a tuple of 4 addresses (ip, mask, gateway, dns):
network.WLAN(network.STA_IF).ifconfig(("", "", "", ""))


Getting error #No module named 'obspy.clients.arclink' in the code for downloading earthquake data

I am trying to download earthquake data and using Obspy and Obspy DMT for the same. I have setup anaconda to work with VS code on Linux. I have created the base anaconda and a separate environment for ob spy. After running the program for earthquake data download, I am getting the error #No module named 'obspy.clients.arclink'. I am new to computational seismology and python in general. Please excuse for any mistakes.
This is the error showing:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'obspy.clients.arclink'
Thank you
obspyDMT works with an older obspy version, you can downgrade via:
pip install obspy==1.2.2

Error connecting to web server: Module not found: Can't resolve './RCTNetworking'

Failed to compile.
Module not found: Can't resolve './RCTNetworking' in '/Users/jabiuddin/MNCL.DEV/MY-PROJECTS/renter-graphql/app/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Network'
You probably have a problem with reactotron, I had the same problem with Ignite boilderplate from Infinite Red.
If so, you should install reactotron version for web.
Fast solution
Install reactotron-react-js and import it instead of reactotron-react-native:
yarn add -D reactotron-react-js
// import Tron from "reactotron-react-native"
import Tron from "reactotron-react-js"
Long term solution
Install reactotron-react-js:
yarn add -D reactotron-react-js
Add separate configuration for web and native
// reactotron.native.ts
import Tron from "reactotron-react-native"
// reactotron.web.ts
import Tron from "reactotron-react-js"
Thanks to metro bundle this configuration will be loaded depend on environment. Maybe you have to comment some other configuration (depends on Ignite version).

Missing package to enable rendering OpenAI Gym in Colab

I'm attempting to render OpenAI Gym environments in Colab via a Mac using the StarAI code referenced in previous questions on this topic. However, it fails. The key error (at least the first error) is shown in full below, but the import part seems to be "Please install xdpyinfo!"
PyPI doesn't have xdpyinfo. What is it and how do I install it?
Full error message:
482780428160] xdpyinfo was not found, X start can not be checked! Please install xdpyinfo!
I've seen the same error, and solved it by installing x11-utils package which includes xdpyinfo command.
!apt-get install x11-utils

Why I am getting error as "ImportError: No module named pyPdf" even after installing PyPdf3

I am trying to customize a module in Odoo 10. And I have created a addon path for the new module but I have no good right!
I am getting error "ImportError: No module named pyPdf". Since I am beginner on coding industry I find difficult to sort out this issue. Can anyone help me to sort out this issue?
Python3 support was introduced in Odoo 11, IIRC. So just try to install pyPdf for Python2.
This is usually a path problem. You should check that the directory containing pyPDF is on the Python path.
> # Print a list with the directories in the Python path
> import sys
> sys.path
Note: If you are running Odoo under a python virtual environment activate it first.
Try to run using python2
Try this on the terminal,
python2 path_to_odoo_folder/./odoo-bin

libuvc_ros ERROR: cannot launch node of type [libuvc_camera/camera_node]

I have cloned libuvc_ros to my catkin_ws/src and do rosmake libuvc_camera, and I got this error:
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [libuvc_camera/camera_node]: can't locate node [camera_node] in package [libuvc_camera]
I did install ros-kinetic-uvc-camera and ros-kinetic-libuvc-camera, and I'm quite lost. Can someone please tell me what is the correct step?
If You Don't Want To Modify libuvc_camera It's Better To Use Binaries (ros-kinetic-uvc-camera and ros-kinetic-libuvc-camera)
But If You Want To Compile It Anyway, First Remove ros-kinetic-uvc-camera and ros-kinetic-libuvc-camera and then Be Sure To Set ROS Path To catkin_ws/src By Running source <path_to_catkin>/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash (or Place It In ~/.bashrc for all terminals) and then in catkin_ws Run catkin_make <-j if u want multiple job>
I solved it with ros packageuvc-camera and referred answers from setting a usb camera and stream usb camera in ros.
I checked the ros packages installed with rospack list-names and found uvc-camera is appropriate enough, then I started camera node using rosrun uvc_camera uvc_camera_node _device:=/dev/video1, in rostopic list I saw /camera_info and /image_raw which proved my solution.