How to write a test for Plug error handling - testing

I'm trying to use Plug.Test to test error handling implemented with Plug.ErrorHandler -- with assert conn.status == 406 and alike.
I have the defp handle_errors (containing a single send_resp statement) and it seems to be called, however, my tests fail with the same exception still (as if handle_errors has no effect).
A reference to a sample advanced Plug (not Phoenix) app will also be appreciated.

Try something like this (not tested):
defmodule NotAcceptableError do
defexception plug_status: 406, message: "not_acceptable"
defmodule Router do
use Plug.Router
use Plug.ErrorHandler
plug :match
plug :dispatch
get "/hello" do
raise NotAcceptableError
send_resp(conn, 200, "world")
def handle_errors(conn, %{kind: _kind, reason: reason, stack: _stack}) do
send_resp(conn, conn.status, reason.message)
test "error" do
conn = conn(:get, "/hello")
assert_raise Plug.Conn.WrapperError, "** (NotAcceptableError not_acceptable)", fn ->, [])
assert_received {:plug_conn, :sent}
assert {406, _headers, "not_acceptable"} = sent_resp(conn)

Use assert_error_sent/2 to assert that you raised an error and it was wrapped and sent with a particular status. Match against its {status, headers, body} return value to assert the rest of the HTTP response met your expectations.
response = assert_error_sent 404, fn ->
get(build_conn(), "/users/not-found")
assert {404, [_h | _t], "Page not found"} = response


how to read the console output in python without executing any command

I have an API which gets the success or error message on console.I am new to python and trying to read the response. Google throws so many examples to use subprocess but I dont want to run,call any command or sub process. I just want to read the output after below API call.
This is the response in console when success
17:50:52 | Logged in!!
This is the github link for the sdk and documentation
This is the code
from py5paisa import FivePaisaClient
email = ""
pw = "mypassword"
dob = "mydateofbirth"
client = FivePaisaClient(email=email, passwd=pw, dob=dob,cred=cred)
In general it is bad practice to get a value from STDOUT. There are some ways but it's pretty tricky (it's not made for it). And the problem doesn't come from you but from the API which is wrongly designed, it should return a value e.g. True or False (at least) to tell you if you logged in, and they don't do it.
So, according to their documentation it is not possible to know if you're logged in, but you may be able to see if you're logged in by checking the attribute client_code in the client object.
If client.client_code is equal to something then it should be logged in and if it is equal to something else then not. You can try comparing it's value when you successfully login or when it fails (wrong credential for instance). Then you can put a condition : if it is None or False or 0 (you will have to see this by yourself) then it is failed.
Can you try doing the following with a successful and failed login:
Source of the API:
# Login function :
# (...)
message = res["body"]["Message"]
if message == "":
log_response("Logged in!!")
# (...)
# _set_client_code function :
def _set_client_code(self, client_code):
self.client_code = client_code # <<<< That's what we want
except Exception as e:
Since this questions asks how to capture "stdout" one way you can accomplish this is to intercept the log message before it hits stdout.
The minimum code to capture a log message within a Python script looks this:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RequestHandler(logging.Handler):
def emit(self, record):
if record.getMessage().startswith("Hello"):
print("hello detected")
handler = RequestHandler()
logger.warning("Hello world")
Putting it all together you may be able to do something like this:
import logging
from py5paisa import FivePaisaClient
email = ""
pw = "mypassword"
dob = "mydateofbirth"
client = FivePaisaClient(email=email, passwd=pw, dob=dob,cred=cred)
class PaisaClient(logging.Handler):
def __init__():
self.loggedin = False # this is the variable we can use to see if we are "logged in"
def emit(self, record):
if record.getMessage().startswith("Logged in!!")
self.loggedin = True
def login():
logging.getLogger(py5paisa) # get the logger for the py5paisa library
# tutorial here:
logging.basicConfig(handlers=[PaisaClient()], level=0, force=True)
c = PaisaClient()

How can I know the command used? -

I am trying to make a errorhandling for my, how do I know what command was used for the error to pop up?
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
print("error: ",error)
if search("not found", str(error)):
c_f = random.choice([f"`{command used}` was not found, silly.", "Ehm.. Since when do we have `{command used}`?", "I don't know what `{command used}` is?"])
embed=discord.Embed(title=c_f, description=f"Please use existing commands. {}", color=error_color)
embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
embed.set_footer(text=bot_name, icon_url=icon_uri)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
elif search("cooldown", str(error)):
c_d = random.choice(["Did you drink energy drinks!?", "Why are you stressing, buddy.", "Duhh, wait, you're on cooldown!"])
second_remain = round(error.retry_after, 1)
embed=discord.Embed(title=c_d, description=f"Try again after {second_remain}s. {}", color=error_color)
embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
embed.set_footer(text=bot_name, icon_url=icon_uri)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
raise error
Any attribute I can use?
You can use ctx.command
async def on_command_error(ctx, exception):
error = getattr(exception, "original", exception)
if hasattr(ctx.command, "on_error"): # If a command has it's own handler
elif isinstance(error, CommandNotFound):
if isinstance(error, discord.CommandInvokeError):
Your solution is to add them to the command specifically, this also means it can help diagnose an issue with a command more exact.
You can also add any error events to the specific listener, just like how you done it for all commands, instead add them individually.
async def command_name(ctx):
# ...
async def command_name_error(ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError):
await ctx.send("An error from this command" + error)
With #command_name.error put your command name before the .error, then this makes an error listener for that command, if it produces an error.

Elixir - Using variables in doctest

In my application there is a GenServer, which can create other processes. All process IDs are saved to a list.
def create_process do, :create_process)
def handle_call(:create_process, _from, processes) do
{:ok, pid} = SomeProcess.start_link([])
{:reply, {:ok, pid}, [pid | processes]}
There is also a function to get the list of PIDs.
def get_processes do, :get_processes)
def handle_call(:get_processes, _from, processes) do
{:reply, processes, processes}
I tried to write a doctest for the get_processes function like this:
#doc """
iex> {:ok, pid} = MainProcess.create_process()
iex> MainProcess.get_processes()
However the test runner doesn't seem to see the pid variable, and I get an undefined function pid/0 error.
I know it could be simply solved in with a regular test, but i want to know it it possible to solve in doctest.
The problem is the [pid] line in your expected result. The expected result should be an exact value, not a variable. You can't reference the variable from the expected result. You can work around it by checking the pid on the previous line:
iex> {:ok, pid} = MainProcess.create_process()
iex> [pid] === MainProcess.get_processes()

How to Rspec system that ActionCable broadcast messages appear in the view

I want to test that messages that are broadcast when some background jobs are completed are actually appearing in the view.
I have unit tests for this which work fine. I would actually like to ensure that the JS gets run so that the view is updated with the correct message.
So far I have not been able to find any way to do this.
Here is the test I have where I would like to add the expectation for the broadcast message:
require 'rails_helper'
require 'sidekiq/testing'
RSpec.describe 'sending a quote request', js: true do
let(:quote_request_form) { build(:quote_request_form) }
before do
create(:job_rate, :proofreading)
it 'shows the user their quotation' do
visit new_quote_request_path
fill_in("quote_request_form_name", with:
fill_in("quote_request_form_email", with:
attach_file('customFile','/Users/mitchellgould/RailsProjects/ProvenWordNew/spec/test_documents/quote_request_form/1.docx', make_visible: true)
click_on "Submit"
Sidekiq::Testing.inline! do
expect(current_path).to eq(quote_confirm_path)
#add expectation here:
expect(page).to have_content("Calculating Time Required")
page.execute_script("window.location.pathname = '#{quotation_path(Quotation.first)}'")
expect(current_path).to eq(quotation_path(Quotation.first))
expect(page).to have_content("Here is your quotation")
Here is my .coffee file:
$(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->
if $("meta[name='current_user']").length > 0
App.notification = App.cable.subscriptions.create "NotificationChannel",
connected: ->
# Called when the subscription is ready for use on the server
disconnected: ->
# Called when the subscription has been terminated by the server
received: (data) ->
if data.head == 302 && data.path
window.location.pathname = data.path
else if App.notification
delete App.notification
Here is one of the background jobs that broadcasts a message when its done:
class CreateParagraphDetailsJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
after_perform :broadcast_message, :calculate_proofreading_job_duration
def perform(document, proofreading_job_id, current_user_id)
def calculate_proofreading_job_duration
CalculateDurationJob.set(wait: 1.seconds).perform_later proofreading_job_id, current_user_id
def broadcast_message
ActionCable.server.broadcast "notification_channel_user_#{current_user_id}", content: "Analyzed writing quality of paragraphs"
def document
def proofreading_job_id
def current_user_id
Any ideas on how to do this?

Elixir - testing a full script

I'm writing a test to check a function (called automatically by GenServer when a new file enters a folder) that calls other functions in the same module with pipes in order to read a file, process its content to insert it if needed and returns a list (:errors and :ok maps).
results looks like :
error: "Data not found",
ok: %MyModule{
field1: field1data,
field2: field2data
ok: %MyModule{
field1: field1data,
field2: field2data
error: "Data not found"
the code :
def processFile(file) do
insertResultsMap =!(file)
|> getLines()
|> extractMainData()
|> -> insertLines(x) end)
|> Enum.group_by(fn x -> elem(x, 0) end)
handleErrors(Map.get(insertResultsMap, :error))
updateAnotherTableWithLines(Map.get(insertResultsMap, :ok))
defp getLines(docContent) do
String.split(docContent, "\n")
defp extractMainData(docLines) do -> String.split(x, ",") end)
defp insertLines([field1, field2, field3, field4]) do
Attrs = %{
field1: String.trim(field1),
field2: String.trim(field2),
field3: String.trim(field3),
field4: String.trim(field4)
defp handleErrors(errors) do
{:ok, file} =, [:append])
saveErrors(file, errors)
defp saveErrors(_, []), do: :ok
defp saveErrors(file, [{:error, changeset}|rest]) do
changes = for {key, value} <- changeset.changes do
"#{key} #{value}"
errors = for {key, {message, _}} <- changeset.errors do
"#{key} #{message}"
errorData = "data: #{Enum.join(changes, ", ")} \nErrors: #{Enum.join(errors, ", ")}\n\n"
IO.binwrite(file, errorData)
saveErrors(file, rest)
defp updateAnotherTableWithLines(insertedLines) do, fn {:ok, x} -> updateOtherTable(x) end)
defp updateOtherTable(dataForUpdate) do
"CLOSE" -> otherModule.doStuff(dataForUpdate.field1, dataForUpdate.field2)
I have several questions, and some will be pretty basic since I'm still learning :
What do you think of the code ? Any advices ? (take into account I voluntarily obfuscated names).
If I want to test this, is it the right way to test only processFile function ? Or should I make public more of them and test them individually ?
When I test the processFile function, I check that I'm receiving a list. Any way to make sure this list has only elements I'm waiting for, thus error: "String" or ok: %{}" ?
What do you think of the code? Any advices? (take into account I voluntarily obfuscated names).
Opinion based.
If I want to test this, is it the right way to test only processFile function?
Or should I make public more of them and test them individually?
No, this is an implementation detail and testing it is an anti-pattern.
When I test the processFile function, I check that I'm receiving a list. Any way to make sure this list has only elements I'm waiting for, thus error: "String" or ok: %{}"?
You receive a Keyword. To check the explicit value, one might use:
foo = processFile(file)
assert not is_nil(foo[:ok])
OTOH, I’d better return a map from there and pattern match it:
assert %{ok: _} = processFile(file)
To assert that the result does not have anything save for :oks and :errors, one might use list subtraction:
assert Enum.uniq(Keyword.keys(result)) -- [:ok, :error] == []