Has anyone come across issue[]? - jira-rest-api

issue[] in UiPath.
So I downloaded an extension / package from UiPath GO! named as "Jira Integrating Software". This Packages comes with several APIs to access Jira tickets.
I was working with one of these APIs called "Search by JQL". JQL is Jira Query Language comes in handy for Advance searching. The output type of this "Search by JQL" activity is issues[].
Now when I am Iterating this array it gives me an output of "UiPath.JiraSoftware.Models.Issue"

You should use a For Each activity iterating the ResultArray Array you got from the Search JQL.
The following is just pseudo code! But it should work like this. Maybe the name of the property is not IssueId. That was not completely told in the document. But this you can when you inspect it by using the debug mode:
You should also have a look on the official Jira UiPath page. This resource contains all of the concepts you will need.


Search for issues that starts with xxx in Jira

This is my first time working with Jira and their API. My company wants me to fetch all "ASAPSD" issues, but I don't understand how to. The core problem in itself is that I do not understand exactly how Jira works, and how issues are "built" up.
The issue starts with "ASAPSD" followed by some random characters and numbers. For example "ASAPSD-334". How can I, with a GET request, get all issues that start with ASAPSD?
Basic information about Jira and projects
The first part (prefix) is the Project Key representing a project/collection where all similar issues are stored (in this case, ASAPSD may stand for ASAP Service Desk:-). There are certainly more projects in every Jira instance. Some other projects are intended to track different activities.
Searching for the project issues
You can search for any issues using the search function (available also via REST API).
First, log in to the Jira and try to search for the issues manually by yourself - in Issue Navigator (via Issues top menu bar). Here you'll find that you can search all issues via Basic (Project is ASAPSD) or Advanced search (project = ASAPSD). This advanced search is called JQL (Jira Query Language).
You can then use this JQL in your REST API search method:
GET https://jira.yourdomain.com/rest/api/2/search?jql=project%3DASAPSD
The output lists only limited number of issues (usually 50) - to get more issues, you need to increase the limit (maxResults param) or paginate (startAt param) over next results.
Using expand and fields params you can alter the output to get more/less information.
There two types of Jira instances - on-premise Server/Data Center and Cloud one. REST API and usage might slightly differ.
Alternatively, you can get CSV export. When you search for issues in the Issue Navigator, there's an option to export results to CSV. Save this URL and you can request it in your script via GET.

I need to access "Issues in Feature" stories, but don't see how

I don't see a way to access "Issues in Feature" stories. Can someone point me in the right direction? Any help is greatly appreciated!
I'm using the JIRA latest API (I think 7.1.1), and can make other calls to get info from Jira, just haven't found a way to get the "child" stories from this section.
By Issues In Feature I assume you want to search for Stories (or other issue types) linked to an issue of type Feature.
If you use an add-on like Script Runner, you get access to additional JQL functions that allow you to query for issues linked to each other. Look here for its documentation.
The JQL you end up with can also be used in REST API calls.

Creating an information repository referencing bot

I would like to create a bot. Someone would type "!123" the bot will search the repository for the value "123" and return(paste) the information found for that value back. I'd like this to be universal..meaning it can be used anywhere, so some sort of firefox plugin maybe.
Can someone provide me with information on where i can start?
I have an understanding of programming in c# and java.
P.s There is no intention for this to be some sort of spam bot, i just want to have a collection of information where people can easily reference it.
there are multiple portions to your project.
Bot that would crawl the data from the web and save the data in the db. (given you are considering to build your repository from web). Google Web Crawler/scraper for that.
Data extractor/Cleanser that would clean the data and extract relevant information about a particular document. (this is important so that you could tag the information for relevant information)
Then is the Search Engine part which enables you to retrieve relevant data from the repository. try vector similarity algorithm for that

How is the Trac Project List page customised?

We've been using Trac for a while now for our developers only. However we are now opening it up for our (internal) clients. We have a project listing page (based on the default one that comes with Trac). What we'd like to do, is display more information about the project than what is currently available.
I have searched google and here, to see if I can find how to get more information. There seems to be a variable called $project which has .name, .description and .href as attributes.
Is there somewhere, a list of the attributes available? Or perhaps a different solution altogether that will allow us to display more information on the project list page. Such as the number of open tickets etc.
As far as I known, you can use $project.env as well. It is an object, which provides a number of attributes:
More detail is available at env.py
On the project page customization page there is not much variables, indeed. Looking at the source code there is also trac.version, trac.time, but that's all. There is also project.env that may hold more information. I do not have a multiproject setup at hand, so you might be interested to see for yourself what variables are available with TracDeveloper plugin. It dumps variables if enabled and you add debug=true in the URL.

Dynamically building a URL in QTP

I've been taking a quick look at QTP with one of our test team.
We've figured out some basics like recording a test, capturing text using output values, putting in check points, etc.
However, I can't figure out how to do the following...
We have a web form which a user fills in and submits. This will create an item and assign it an ID in the database. We can capture this ID.
A subsequent page then shows a list of all items, with a link available to open a specific item. This is a simple hyperlink on a web page.
How do I:
Check that a link exists on the page with the ID assigned from the creation step?
Click that link?
I'm sure that this must be possible, but I've been struggling grokking the tool so far, so this is a shameless cry for help to save me from having to study the docs.
Quickly look on Web GUI recognition principles in QTP. Get to the descriptive programming part.
Find Help for Link object in QTP.
Define your target Link object using descriptive programming.
It should be something like
Set objTargetLink = Browser("title:=...").Page("title:=...").Frame("title:=...").Link("id:=target_id")
boolRC = objTargetLink.Exist(0)
To check if your link exists.
sURL = objTargetLink.GetTOProperty("url")
to retrieve the actual url. You may get other properties the same way.
Use objTargetLink.Click to click on the link.
PS. Functional Test Automation is something different, though.
Ask your testing team to read about automation frameworks and automation requirements.
I have some stuff on my blog.
Thank you,
Albert Gareev