Refuse to connect with rabbitmq using docker toolbox - rabbitmq

My friend has a problem with connection to rabbitmq via docker toolbox.
The whole team uses windows pro or edu, where we don't have any problems with docker. But one of my friend has windows home, so we needed to download docker toolbox. When we open rabbitmq management, it works well, but when we try to connect to rabbit, we get error message: "refuse to connect".
public void startRabbitMQ() {
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
try {
connection = factory.newConnection();
} catch (IOException | TimeoutException e) {
try {
channel = Objects.requireNonNull(connection).createChannel();
} catch (IOException e) {
private void setSpecificationFactory(ConnectionFactory factory){
We all use this code to connect, and, as I said, it works well. We think that it is a problem with the line:"factory.setHost([...])"
We all need only connect with localhost, but when we connect via docker toolbox we try many different options like:
With docker toolbox we need to use different IP, which is shared for us from kitematic, like on SS below, so we tried, but still it didn't work.
As I said, rabbitmq management works properly. We just used chrome and open "".
We tried
shut down antivirus and firewall
check, if port is used
virtualization is enabled
Docker toolbox kitematic


I receive a ChannelClosedException when trying to connect to localhost service

I have recently developed a small client server application for a customer. A windows executable adaptor provides a number of TCP sockets to interact with an external host, and my java(kotlin) client software is listening to those sockets and sends commands when necessary. Nothing fancy, and I tested the application thoroughly on my Windows10 developer system.
Now I tried to migrate the software to Ubuntu 22 as a host. The windows executable is running on wine emulation and I have checked with netstat that it listens to the expected ports, also I tested with telnet to access the primary port, and I can receive the feed. But when I try to access the ports from the java client, my code throws ChannelClosedException whenever my code tries to open the connection, and the retry logic (spring-retry) is repeating this 10 times before giving up:
Caused by: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException: null
at java.base/ ~[na:na]
at java.base/ ~[na:na]
Here some excerpt from the code I execute:
class RequestHandler(private val hostAddress: InetSocketAddress) :
private val client: AsynchronousSocketChannel =
#Retryable(value=[ConnectException::class, ClosedChannelException::class], maxAttempts = 10)
fun init() {
private fun connect() {
try {
client.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY, true)
client.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_KEEPALIVE, true)
} catch (e: RuntimeException) {
logger.error("Failed to connect to $hostAddress due to ${e.localizedMessage}")
Do you see anything here that requires special attention on a Linux host?

How to catch error when message have been sent from JMS

I am sending an message through my standalone application that uses EJB MDB to communicate to my other application server that is running on JBOSS server.My application server is connected to a MSSQL server. In certain scenario, connection to the database is lost on application server side and we get following error -
Connection is reset.
Later , when i try to send message i don't get any error at my standalone EJB MDB logs and the process just stops executing.I get error log on application server side logs but same logs don't get propagated to my EJB MDB error logs.
As per my understanding, when db connection is lost all the ejb bean present in jboss container get nullified too.(I could be wrong here, i am new to EJB).
I tried implementing below code in my code that use to send message -
QueueConnection qcon = null;
public void initialize() {
System.out.println("In PostConstruct");
try {
qcon = qconFactory.createQueueConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {
public void releaseResources() {
System.out.println("In PreDestroy");
try {
if(qcon != null)
if(qcon== null){
throw new Exception(" new exception occured.");
} catch (Exception e) {
I was in a impression that Queueconnection object will be nullified, when our db connection have been lost(as we are creating bean and making connection for message). But it doesn't seem to work.
I did found a way to call back my application after sending message. I used a separate temporary queue and used setJMSReplyTo method to set the reply destination. More info could be obtained from this
link. Hope this helps others.

Does mono support IPv6 sockets?

I am selecting a language to write a cross-platform networking library that my project needs. But a simple test shows mono may not support ipv6 socket.
Socket s;
s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
catch (Exception e)
The above code runs fine in Windows under .net. But throws an exception when using mono VM. Does anyone know if mono supports ipv6 sockets?

SignalR WPF Client can't reach hub deployed on IIS when IIS runs on a different system

I just play a little bit with signalR. My application has only one simple hub which is stored in an ASP.NET Application and I wrote a WPF client, which interacts via the hubconnection and the created proxy with the ASP.NET Application. Everything works fine on my local PC. I deployed the ASP.NET Application on IIS.
Now I am getting to the point...
When I type the following into my browser on my own PC (pcthi-and)
I'll get what I want
When I type the same url into a browser of another pc I'll get the same response and everything looks fine.
But my Application only works on my pc and not on the other one. When I start the hubconnection on the other pc I don't get a connectionId.
I tried to change the url to my IP-Address without effect.
Browser call to hub works but the Application doesn't work.
The call looks like this:
private bool tryToConnectToCoffeService()
this.hubConnection = new HubConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["coffeeConnection"].ConnectionString);
this.hubConnection.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
this.coffeeService = this.hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("coffee");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hubConnection.ConnectionId))
return false;
return true;
catch(Exception ex)
return false;
The Global.asax:
public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
The hub like this
public class CoffeeHub : Hub
My Hub Connection String is this:
I use SignalR 1.0 rc2.
Does anyone have an idea? Thanks for helping.
I think you need to change
If you are running .NET 4.5 you could make the tryToConnectToCoffeService method async and then await when you start the hub connection.
await hubConnection.Start();
It likely works today on localhost because the client can finish connecting before if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hubConnection.ConnectionId)) executes.
It is probably taking longer to connect from another machine which exposes the race condition present when you don't wait for HubConnection.Start() to complete.

Clojure and SSL/x.509 certs quetion

I need to write a simple program for work that does the following:
read a config file
connect to a bunch of servers
establish a ssl socket
pull info form the server's x509 cert, expire date and hostname for now
email a report when its done
items 3 and 4 are things that I have had bad luck researching/googleing and I do not know java well, at all since 1.2 around 2001
A verbose but throughout guide about the inners of Java Cryptographic Extension is found at Oracles website as well:
I found a code snipit that tells me what I need to know about java at
here it is:
try {
// Create the client socket
int port = 443;
String hostname = "hostname";
SSLSocketFactory factory = HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory();
SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket)factory.createSocket(hostname, port);
// Connect to the server
// Retrieve the server's certificate chain[] serverCerts =
// Close the socket
} catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch ( e) {