React Native - Dynamically change component position - react-native

I want to display several components (maybe up to 6) in my React Native app that continuously change their position, i.e. slowly but fluently float on the screen and change their moving direction randomly or based on an angle at which they approach the edge of their parent, if they do. What I don't know is how to change their position dynamically in a performance friendly way. Because I also want to let the user interact with them by tapping on them, it cannot be a video in a background or something similar.
If I were dealing with a standard React app running in a browser, I think I would simply manipulate the element's style attributes top and left. Since I want to implement this in React Native, I think there must be a solution that is way more performant and elegant, involving manipulation of the native elements that back the React Native views or using some animation mechanism, because re-rendering a view with like 6 components at least 30 times per second doesn't seem like an appropriate solution and an overhead in general.
Googling things like "react native dynamically move element" or "react native dynamically change element position" did not bring any obviously appropriate results. I came across a native element method setNativeProps, though, but couldn't find any information on what props I could set to change the element's position on the screen and how performant that would be. I also looked into React Native's Animated API, but could not quite relate my problem to the solutions that this API offers from a first glance.
Does anyone know a mechanism or maybe a library that would be appropriate to use in the situation that I described?


React Native Is responsive?

First and most important: I am by no means a developer. We hired an agency to develop an APP for us, and i was given by a developed solution that i am not convinced if it is the best solution, So i would like to ask you guysfor advice.
Unfortunatelly i cannot put pictures nor links to code for the app, but i will do my best to explain myself:
The problems i encountered are mainly two:
All items appear to have fixed sizes applyed to them: When testing the app on different devices, the size of the elements is not responsive at all. In fact on small devices (Moto G5) There are elements that fall behind the bottom navigation bar making them unaccessible.
Lot of stuff fall below that said bottom navigation bar.
My question is the following:
Is react native responsive?
In web development there is a lot of flexibility when it comes to responsiveness with CSS and JS. Is React native any different? or there is a way to prepare the layout so it fits most of the common sizes without losing acces to interactions?
Hope i explained myself correctly. and again, sorry for not asking a technical specific question.
React Native is designed to be responsive, but it requires a different approach compared to web development. In web development, you can use CSS and JavaScript to make your website responsive, but in React Native, you use a different set of tools.
We have many ways to make the app responsive with the device's large screen and small screen.
Use the Dimensions API: React Native provides the Dimensions API, which allows you to get the dimensions of the screen at runtime. You can use this information to adjust the layout of your app based on the size of the screen.
Use third-party libraries ex: react-native-size-matters, react-native-responsive-screen, ...
Use Flexbox: React Native uses Flexbox for layout, just like web development. Flexbox is a powerful tool for creating responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes. You can use the flex property to adjust the size and position of elements on the screen.
In terms of your specific issue with elements falling behind the bottom navigation bar, it's likely that the layout is not taking the height of the navigation bar into account. You can use the Dimensions API to get the height of the navigation bar and adjust the layout accordingly.

Instagram Feeds on React Native

I was researching this since last year from time to time. I always wonder how Instagram handles the feeds screen?
What kind a component they using for it?
I'm sure it's not a ScrollView becouse it's much more performant than a ScrollView.
It is not also a FlatList becouse I know the basics of the FlatList how it renders the rows etc... and I am sure that they don't use it. For example a FlatList renders the items on top of each other like a card stack. In this behavior you cannot achieve the current Pinch Zoom feature that they have.
I thought maybe they use flipkart's RecyclerListView which is based on Java and much more performant than ScrollView and FlatList, but I am not quite sure about that too.
Any ideas about what they using to achieve current functionality on the feeds screen?
I mean, is there a method or specific listing component to achieve same behavior with all the functions like Double Tap to Like, like Pinch Zoom with overlaying everything.
#Quick note about pinch zooming, it's nearly impossible to build a component with current states of ScrollView and FlatList which will be performant and has same functionality.
You can check out my other topic about that here
Long story short, I have tried a lot of methods and 3rd party components to achieve same thing, but still could not do it.
Thanks for your thoughts!

Is a "drag-multi-select" type of selection on multiple Views possible in React Native?

Tried the Gesture Responder system here, but I can't seem to figure out how to select the element currently under the user's touch. After tons of experiementing, it seems that this is not possible. (?)
Where I'm stuck at: Many Views in a grid-style layout that should support drag-multi-select
What I want to achieve: Something similar to when2meet
Current using React Native with Expo

How can you make a movable frame over the content with React Native, while making it possible to click the content around it?

I'm looking for a solution, if possible a library or a custom component, for React Native, without Expo.
I need to create a video frame that is movable in the screen, up and down, and cover the content. I also need to make it possible to click on the content behind it.
Another difficulty is that I need it to stay up on all screens during navigation.
I first tried to use reanimated-bottom-sheet with some increments, but the content behind the bottom is not clickable. Also, to make it available on all screens I needed to put in at the same level as React Navigation's BottomTabNavigator and it covers the tab bar too even with a zIndex.
I also tried to use modals, but I'm relatively new to React Native and couldn't find how to make the background touchable as well as making it movable.
I guess I need to make a view with absolute positionning and learn Reanimated, unless you have a simpler idea?

3D Rendering in React Native

I want to render a three-dimensional cube with images on its six surfaces in React Native, that can be rotated by the user. First, I wanted to use react-native-canvas, but 3D rendering isn't possible within such a canvas.
My second idea was a Web View, that is shown in React Native and that renders the cube. The big disadvantage of this solution is, that a internet connection is necessary. Furthermore, maybe the performance isn't that good this way.
So, do you have any idea how to solve my problem? Thanks for all responds.
I would recommend you use a javascript framework called three.js. it is designed to do exactly what you are looking for.