Image inside dialog loads after dialog displays - vue.js

I have a Vuetify dialog that I am displaying when the page loads, actually a second or so after so that the animation displays to reveal the modal dialog. The dialog has some text and an image. Problem is, the dialog displays, then the text pops in and after a delay (while the image downloads) the image then displays and the dialog expands to it's proper size.
How can I get the image to load into memory and be available before the dialog displays? I want the appearance to be a single smooth transition. Right now it comes in in chunks.
<v-dialog v-model="dialog" eager persistent max-width="500">
<v-card-title class="headline green lighten-2 white--text" primary-title>
<div class="mt-4 mx-0 headline font-italic font-weight-bold green--text">
You just received a
<span class="text-no-wrap">pay raise!</span>
<div class="mt-2 mb-3 subtitle-1">Your Pay-Per-Mile has just increased.</div>
<v-row align="center" justify="center">
<v-btn color="green" text #click="stop()">Keep it coming</v-btn>
setTimeout(() => {
this.dialog = true;
}, 2000);

Turns out to have been much easier than I thought. It felt like the image was defaulting to lazy loading, which apparently it does. all I had to do was at the eager property to the image and now the image loads as part of the entire dialog.


Drag a v-img to another application

I'm trying to make my image draggable in another application like google or another site would do. For example if I drop an image from google to a Word document, it will copy the link of it and some web applications would show the image instead; the behavior depends on the app.
But the problem is my v-img doesn't even print the link, it just does nothing.
Here is my code:
<v-card v-if="chunk.length >= i">
<template v-if="activeTab === 'Comments'">
<v-card-title class="justify-center">{{ chunk[i-1] }}</v-card-title>
<template v-else-if="activeTab === 'Images'">
As you can see I already tried the "draggable" option but it doesn't help.
Is there something I'm missing ?
The problem with v-img is that it renders the image as background (using the CSS style background-image) rather than as an IMG tag. Apparently, CSS backgrounds do not support dragging.

Instance of v-dialog is generated twice – Vuetify

I have a problem with <v-dialog> that appears everywhere in my Vue.js application using Vuetify.js.
Every <v-dialog> is loading twice on the page. You can see it by looking at how it appears:
If I close one dialog the other dialog stays visible and works exactly like the first. It seems like Vue is generating two instances of it.
The code of the dialog isn't the issue, I think:
<p class="subtitle-1">Some more text</p>
<v-icon right>mdi-chevron-right</v-icon>
The v-model is declared in data():
export default {
data() {
return {
dialog: true,
Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

how I can change the background color by clicking button using vuetify?

Here, I have used vuetify to create buttons which pop up dialog box that contains buttons with different colors and I want to use buttons to change the background color of navigation and menu bar but due to my limited knowledge on vue and vuetify I am not able to change my background color. Can anyone help me???
My code is here:
<v-row justify="center">
<v-dialog v-model="dialog" persistent max-width="600px" class="pa-md-4 mx-lg-auto">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
<v-btn color="primary" dark v-on="on">Theme</v-btn>
<div class="text-center">
<v-btn v-for="(item) in colors" :color="item" dark large class="ma-2" style="width:100px;">
<span class="text-truncate" style="width:120px;">
{{item.replace(/-/g, '')}}
<v-btn color="blue darken-1" text #click="dialog = false">Close</v-btn>
<v-btn color="blue darken-1" text #click="dialog = false">Save</v-btn>
export default {
colors: ["red","pink","purple","deep-purple","indigo","blue","light-blue","cyan","teal","green","light-green","lime","yellow","amber","orange","deep-orange","brown","blue-grey","grey", "black"],
dialog: false
} </script>
To do this you actually use themes that you setup in vuetify.js and you can assign different colors to the different values for example primary: '#c3c3c3' and define different themes within your app. It comes with light and dark theme but you can also add/remove themes programmatically.
It's quite a bit of code so I will post the links on where directions can be found here.
And the actual usage can be found here:

Adding Routes to Vuetify Buttons within v-cards?

This should be a simple fix but not sure where to start.
I have..
<div class="mx-5 mb-5 Weapons">
<h1 class="green--text">Weapons</h1>
<v-container class="my-5">
<v-layout row wrap>
<v-flex xs12 s6 m4 lg3 v-for="weapon in assaultrifles" :key="weapon.weapontype">
<v-card class="text-md-center ma-3 black">
<v-responsive class="pt-4">
<v-img contain :src="weapon.images"></v-img>
<v-card-title class="justify-center">
<div class="heading font-weight-black white--text">{{ weapon.WeaponType}}</div>
<v-card-actions class="justify-center">
<v-btn flat class="green black--text ma-3">View Weapons</v-btn>
I then have data in arrays with images and "titles" for these cards. I have about 8 cards , each representing its own "category" which is represented by the "title" data in my array.
What I am trying to do is make it so if I click on a card with the category/title "Handgun" or click on a card "rifle", I will be routed to a new page where I list out items for that specific category.. however I am not sure where to start because I am simply passing {{weapon.WeaponType}} into 1 card object, and then using 1 button ( with the text "view weapon"), across all the cards.
My understanding is that if I make a route for the 1 button I made, then the route will be the same for all buttons, despite the cards representing its own category, which would be bad because I don't want to see "handguns" when I click on the "shotgun" card’s button.
I want to somehow keep my current structure ( using 1 object and passing a loop of data ) and 1 btn, so that my code stays around the same length/structure).
Thanks for reading.
You will need additional property in your objects - for the route of the button:
class="green black--text ma-3"
View Weapons
The weapon.route can be a string or an object.
Another option is to provide just the category IDs and then
class="green black--text ma-3"
:to="{name: 'weaponItems', params: {categoryID: weapon.categoryID}}"
View Weapons

Vuetify component v-form is not responding on the declared #submit event handler

I am using Vuetify and VueJS (the latest versions).
Here is the small template of Login.vue:
<v-layout align-center justify-center>
<v-flex xs12 sm8 md4>
<v-card class="elevation-12">
<v-toolbar dark color="success">
<v-toolbar-title>Login form</v-toolbar-title>
<v-form #submit.prevent="checkLogin">
<v-text-field prepend-icon="person" id="userLogin" v-model="userLogin" placeholder=""></v-text-field>
<v-text-field prepend-icon="lock" id="userPassword" v-model="userPassword" placeholder="password" type="password"></v-text-field>
<!-- TODO fix the bug when form.submit not works -->
<v-btn type="submit" color="success">Login</v-btn>
So, if you see, there is an #submit.prevent on v-form with checkLogin call and it is not working while clicking the submit buttor nor hitting the enter button while in input. Using #submit without prevent also has no effect.
But! If I put event handler on the v-btn like this:
<v-btn #click.native="checkLogin">
after clicking the button (not hitting the enter in input fields) all works as expected.
So, can you please tell me, what am I doing wrong with the v-form submition event handling?
Thank you!
Your submit button isn't inside the form so it's not triggering a submit event.
Either re-structure your markup or try setting an id on the form and use the form attribute on the button, eg
<v-form #submit.prevent="checkLogin" id="check-login-form">
<v-btn type="submit" color="success" form="check-login-form">Login</v-btn>
Note: The form attribute does not work for any version of Internet Explorer.