React Native app crashes on launch with Invariant Violation - react-native

I have a react native app built using Expo and everything was working fine until I had to npm install a package that broke everything. I've uninstalled the said package but the app doesn't seem to work any more. It shows the following invariant violation:
It shows an error Invariant Violation: ListView has been removed from React Native - however, I have not used ListView anywhere in my project. All my lists are through FlatList or VirtualisedList.
Additionally, I'm unable to deduce from the error info about the origin of this error. How do I fix this?

If you have the backup of the code please check the older version of React Native in package.json.
When you do npm install command your React Native version upgraded or may be some other packages.
So, you need to compare the packages with old package.json file. If you found that some packages are updated then you need to remove ^ e.g react-native: ^0.60.0 from package dependencies. This one is the only way to solve this problem.


react-native-fs not working on react-native version 0.69

I am using react-native version 0.69 and I want to read a file stored in assets in my react native project.
using following syntax in App.js
import fs from 'react-native-fs';
I have installed 'react-native-fs' and followed all the links I could find on the internet but I am still getting below error while running the app.
ERROR TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'RNFSManager.RNFSFileTypeRegular')
ERROR Invariant Violation: "main" has not been registered. This can happen if:
* Metro (the local dev server) is run from the wrong folder. Check if Metro is running, stop it and restart it in the current
* A module failed to load due to an error and `AppRegistry.registerComponent` wasn't called.
I tried to run react-native link react-nativs-fs but link support has been removed in react-native >= 60 as mentioned in official docs,
I am unable to get this to work, any help would be appreciated. I have seen similar issues on the stackoverflow but none has given the answer for react native >=0.60 versions
Also I am using expo to create the app.
my OS is Windows 10 64 bit.
react-native-fs is not supported with Expo but it is only supported by Pure React Native.
Expo has a package that offers filesystem support:

Unable to resolve module #react-native-masked-view/masked-view 2021

I have already tried all of the answers in this previous thread and they have not worked
Unable to resolve "#react-native-community/masked-view
I have been unable to build my app in any capacity. Using expo ~42.0.0 to manage installations.
Unable to resolve module #react-native-masked-view/masked-view from
Here is that file on their main branch
Just curious what this error means, expo documentation says react navigation uses #react-native-community/masked-view this error and code in the latest release says other wise
Has anyone found a solution?
expo documentation says react navigation uses #react-native-community/masked-view
Expo documentation says React Navigation 5.x uses #react-native-community/masked-view. You're probably using React Navigation 6.x, not React Navigation 5.x. But it doesn't matter what Expo documentation says if you're getting an error because a specific package is missing and you already know which package it is.
You need to install #react-native-masked-view/masked-view:
expo install #react-native-masked-view/masked-view

Using highcarts in react native and getting the error

I have installed npm install #highcharts/highcharts-react-native in my react native project and i also added the hcscript in metro.config.js file.
Iam getting the error of
Failed to fetch scripts or layout. The method or property expo-file-system.readDirectoryAsync is not available on android, are you sure you've linked all the native dependencies properly?
if you wanted to use this package: #highcharts/highcharts-react-native you should first install react-native-unimodules which is a set of native dependencies used at the core of #highcharts/highcharts-react-native as
they built the package on top of expo not bare react native.
it is going to require you to make heavy edits in the native ios and android files such as appDelegate.m in ios and more alike files.
However, you should notice this package is deprecated as per the official page, and there is no reliable alternative!

Invariant Violation: "main" has not been registered React Native Error

I was working on a React Native Project with a team and I suddenly got this error. Not sure if it helps but I did get it after I used expo to install the BarCodeScanner API from expo. But this hasn't occurred before whenever I installed an Expo API, and even after rolling back the changes the problem has persisted. I've tried other methods like closing everything and turning it back on but it doesn't change anything and I've still gotten this issue.
enter image description here
In my case this was the solution.
npm install react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context #react-native-community/masked-view

Requiring unknown module "object-assign"

Hi i am a newbie to react native, just now installed react and trying to open my first app but it shows error. Please guide me what to do next and why it happens.
Some packages you installed maybe not compatible with the React Native version you used. You can check the peerDependencies of all your dependencies and try to remove dependencies which have a react-native version less than 0.25 in peerDependencies.