is there any security issue that can be expected when the mqtt client doesn't provide public key certificate during TLS handshake? - authentication

I am building up a small iot-like system, where mqtt devices(clients) are sending and receiving security-related critical information or commands.
I have got to know that TLS connection can be built optionally without client authentication thru PK certificate on the client side.
Normally, mqtt client devices don't have enough resources to support PKI, where at first it has to store a certificate and from time to time, to update it with newly issued ones when validity has passed or when the original certificate has been revoked.
That was, I think, why many of mqtt brokers have an option to configure on/off the client authentication during TLS handshake.
However, my concern is if there would be any security issue from passing the client authentication step, like, for example, a chance that some other malicious devices impersonating one of my devices can connect to the broker could obtain those critical information and commands.
My question is what best options and practices I can take to minimize that kind of risk considering the constraint resource of devices.

Missing client authentication means that everybody including an attacker can claim to be a valid client. There can be use cases like public services where this is not a problem and there are other use cases where the server wants to restrict access to specific known clients only.

There is no definitive answer to this question, it will always depend on the following factors, and only you as the designer can answer them:
What is the threat model you are working with? E.g. Who are you trying to keep out of the system and why, what are the consequences of somebody connecting a rouge client?
How much are you prepared to spend? If you intend to deploy client certificate or even a unique username/password for each device, how will it be protected? Does the hardware you intend to use support a secure enclave/hardware secret store? Meaning how hard would it be for an attacker to extract the client username/password or secret key from the device?
What other security measures do you have in place? Do you have Access Control Lists to protect which topics a client can publish/subscribe to? Do you have monitoring in place to detect malicious actions from clients so they can be disconnected and banned?


MQTT Broker with TLS and JWT

We are currently working on a data-backup kinda project. We ship our own hardware to industrial customers. This hardware will then read out all related data the customer wants to backup and sends them to a cloud server using MQTT (Node.js Client and Mosca MQTT Broker).
Now my questions are:
Is there a free TLS certificate that i can use for my MQTT connection? The only ones that i found require a domain name.
To incease security, we are using JWT. We don't have any database though. The Token will be passed as an MQTT-Password argument. Is there a better alternative?
Is a self-signed TLS certificate bad practice even if the private cert
is not publicly available? It will only be shipped embedded into our
hardware and to our verified customers.
Of course it is bad practice (very bad practice). Get a certificate from a proper CA authority. Unless you want your company to be sued into the stone-age for a security breach.
Is there a free TLS certificate that i can use for my MQTT connection? The only ones that i found require a domain name.
The certificate "certifies" that the information is provided by a specific entity, where the entity is defined as "a domain name".
Asking for a TLS certificate which doesn't back to a domain name is like asking for a certified check drawn on a company that doesn't have a name.
To incease security, we are using JWT. We don't have any database though. The Token will be passed as an MQTT-Password argument. Is there a better alternative?
Yes, there is a better alternative. Have some sort of database (it can be a file system, it doesn't need to be a full-fledged SQL database) hold and manage the created tokens. Without a database to validate the tokens against the current expected values, any kind of token based security (JWT or otherwise) will be useless, as you can't determine if the token is currently valid.
Credential reuse (the replay of should-be-expired credentials) is a major security hole. All one needs to do is obtain the token, and then all future communications are accepted with the same credentials. This is closed by holding the tokens in a database, and expiring the tokens after some time by removing the tokens from the database. This means that any possible breach is limited to a shorter time span.
Without any kind of database, I can only guess that you might be permitting any access with an existing token, meaning that all your tokens are effectively valid forever, as they will be accepted if they exist. You need to possibly modify, and certainly validate, that expired tokens don't grant access to the controlled operations.
Your clients will connect to your MQTT broker, for this to be secure you will need a certificate which is tied to the address (domain name) the broker is running on. Clients need to know that the server they are talking to is authentic, the information needed for this is inside the certificate. If you're looking for a free certificate you could look at Let's encrypt
As for the JWT token, why are you looking for a better alternative? What issues doe you see?

Will HTTPS API for a mobile app protect against Wireshark and similar?

Suppose I have a mobile app which makes API calls to a server using HTTPS.
Would a malicious user be able to install Wireshark + Android emulator to inspect the API calls and by doing so get access to sensitive data like an API key?
I guess my question is whether Wireshark (or some other tool) can inspect the request before it gets encrypted.
If you control the client, then of course yes. Anything the client knows, its user may also know.
Without controlling the client, no, an external attacker cannot inspect or change https traffic unless they know the session keys. For that, they would typically use a fake certificate and make the client accept it (it won't do it by itself, and we are back at controlling the client).
Would a malicious user be able to install Wireshark + Android emulator to inspect the API calls and by doing so get access to sensitive data like an API key?
I guess my question is whether Wireshark (or some other tool) can inspect the request before it gets encrypted.
Yes this possible if the user controls the device he wants to intercept the API calls.
In the blog post Steal that API Key with a Man in the Middle Attack I show how a proxy tool(MitmProxy) can be used to intercept and introspect the https calls:
While we can use advanced techniques, like JNI/NDK, to hide the API key in the mobile app code, it will not impede someone from performing a MitM attack in order to steal the API key. In fact a MitM attack is easy to the point that it can even be achieved by non developers.
In order to protect https calls from being intercepted, introspected and modified the solution is to use certificate pinning:
Pinning is the process of associating a host with their expected X509 certificate or public key. Once a certificate or public key is known or seen for a host, the certificate or public key is associated or 'pinned' to the host. If more than one certificate or public key is acceptable, then the program holds a pinset (taking from Jon Larimer and Kenny Root Google I/O talk). In this case, the advertised identity must match one of the elements in the pinset.
and you can learn how to implement it in the article Securing HTTPS with Certificate Pinning on Android:
In this article you have learned that certificate pinning is the act of associating a domain name with their expected X.509 certificate, and that this is necessary to protect trust based assumptions in the certificate chain. Mistakenly issued or compromised certificates are a threat, and it is also necessary to protect the mobile app against their use in hostile environments like public wifis, or against DNS Hijacking attacks.
You also learned that certificate pinning should be used anytime you deal with Personal Identifiable Information or any other sensitive data, otherwise the communication channel between the mobile app and the API server can be inspected, modified or redirected by an attacker.
Finally you learned how to prevent MitM attacks with the implementation of certificate pinning in an Android app that makes use of a network security config file for modern Android devices, and later by using TrustKit package which supports certificate pinning for both modern and old devices.
While certificate pinning raises the bar, its still possible to intercept, introspect and modify https traffic, because it can be bypassed, as I demonstrate in the article Bypassing Certificate Pinning:
In this article you will learn how to repackage a mobile app in order to make it trust custom ssl certificates. This will allow us to bypass certificate pinning.
While certificate pinning can be bypassed I still strongly recommend its use, because it will protect the https communication channel betwwen your mobile app and API server in all other scenarios where is not the user trying to perform the Man in the Middle attack:
In cryptography and computer security, a man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is an attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each other. One example of a MITM attack is active eavesdropping, in which the attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays messages between them to make them believe they are talking directly to each other over a private connection, when in fact the entire conversation is controlled by the attacker. The attacker must be able to intercept all relevant messages passing between the two victims and inject new ones. This is straightforward in many circumstances; for example, an attacker within reception range of an unencrypted wireless access point (Wi-Fi[1][2]) could insert themselves as a man-in-the-middle.[3]
Going the extra mile?
OWASP Mobile Security Project - Top 10 risks
The OWASP Mobile Security Project is a centralized resource intended to give developers and security teams the resources they need to build and maintain secure mobile applications. Through the project, our goal is to classify mobile security risks and provide developmental controls to reduce their impact or likelihood of exploitation.
HTTPS request is encrypted on your host (client) before sending over the network, so it is not available for Wireshark. Wireshark can get hostname of the HTTPS web serserver you connect but not the URL.

WCF Service with Message Level Encryption over HTTPS

I have seen one or two questions about this but no definite answers. I have a customer requirement to implement a WCF-based client/server solution using Message Encryption AND HTTPS. I understand that WCF doesn't support this as standard, and the options are HTTP with Message Encryption, HTTPS without Message Encryption, or HTTPS with Message Credentials.
None of these will satisfy the customer requirement. I have control over both the service and the desktop-based clients. The service is hosted at my location and the clients access it over the internet.
I have dug around for days (and nights :( ) trying out custom bindings and so on, but whenever I try to combine message encryption with Https, I come up against this error:
"The binding contains both a SymmetricSecurityBindingElement and a secure transport binding element. Policy export for such a binding is not supported."
I would prefer to user username/password for authentication but I am prepared to use client certificates if this makes it possible. So far I haven't found any combination which is acceptable to WCF.
Is there any way to achieve this or am I just wasting my time? I would value a quick answer because my customer's deadline is drawing very near!
According to this, the special both mode for security (meaning both message and transport) is only supported in the NetMsmqBinding binding, which I'm guessing, is not an option for you. Does your client happen to be the NSA? (Just wondering why anyone would need their communication encrypted twice).
OK I've found a solution ...
Using IMessageInspector I intercepted the incoming and outgoing messages so that they can be encrypted and decrypted. Encryption uses a symmetric technique - best because asymmetric only allows encryption of short strings and is very slow.
The downside is that both ends need to have the private key of the certificate - so the cert needs to be installed on both client and server machines (or the key could be placed in config). This works for me though because the number of users is limited and all are under the control of the IT dept.
If I had more time I would have looked at setting up a second SSL connection with a different cert, purely to handle the certificate negotiation and avoid placing the cert on the client machine. Using SslStream was a possibility but I wasn't sure whether I could access key information to use for my own encryption, or whether this is held privately within SslStream class.
For now I'm just pleased to have it working before my deadline (only just though :) ) ...

Authenticating a client to a server

I have a small device that contains a client program which communicates with a server over the internet. Pretty standard stuff.
I have a requirement that the server be able to authenticate messages coming from the device, meaning that all communications from the device be from the authentic client and not from some impostor. It's assumed that an attacker can reverse engineer the client and also load his own programs onto the device.
I'm questioning whether this is even possible. I could certainly load a client certificate into the client, but an attacker could get to this and use it himself. The cost of the device must remain low, so no fancy hardware tricks. Any ideas on how I could do this?
Depending on the device, and what kind of abuse you are talking about, you could use a scheme that needs some kind of activation. Like entering a master key into memory only - so its lost if power is lost - a technic used on some crypto cards.
A way to counter stolen devices could involve some kind of lease of keys that needs renewal on a regular basic by specifying a secret.
A way to counter an imitation/copy could be to works with a common state between the client and server that keeps changing. Like negotiating new encryption keys regularly.
We use a similar thing with our apps and web services. We call it ApiValidation where the client in each request to the service adds a header called ApiID which the server can decode to see if the client is authorized or not.

WCF message security without certificate and windows auth

I have a WCF service and client which is going to be deployed to several companies (hundreds). Some companies will run the software in their network and some will run it over the Internet (WCF server at on office, WCF client at another).
We want to encrypt the communication between the WCF server and client. We don't have any need to authenticate the cient / subscriber using WCF security, because we have our own username/password log-in which the clients will use to log on the server.
We can't rely on Windows auth because some of the users will run it over the Internet, and the WCF server may not be on the same domain as the WCF client.
If we use "real" certificates*, companies running the software would have to purchase certificates from a CA and install it, and then configure our software to use it, but this is too complicated for most of them.
We could auto-create certificates during installation of the WCF server, but then we would have to automatically install it into a certificate store and somehow automatically grant IIS permissions to read the certificate. This is more complicated than we would like.
In short, we want a simple solution where the encryption is just based upon a shared secret, in our case the username / password the user is logging on with. I do understand that this won't give the best available encryption, but we're willing to trade some of the security to make the software easier to deploy.
Is this possible?
*With "real" certificates, I mean certificates purchased from a certificate authority, and not one I've created myself / self-signed.
If you want to encrypt the messages on the transport (which is a really good idea!), there has to be some shared knowledge between the sender (the client) and the server. This can be hardcoded, but that's really not a good idea at all - if that "common shared" knowledge is ever compromised, an attacker could decipher and read all your messages.
Also, since it's definitely not recommended practice, there's no support of any kind in WCF to simplify using a shared secret. You're on your own - you have to roll your own 100% of the way.
The only viable way to have a common shared secret exchanged in a safe way is to use a certificate. No way around this, sorry. The certificate doesn't even have to be used for user authentication or anything - but it establishes a shared secret between the caller and the service and thus allows the caller to encrypt the messages in such a way only the intended recipient can actually decrypt and use them.
So I really don't see any way you can get around having certificates on your servers - doesn't need to be on every client, but on every server where your service runs.
PS: if you really want to investigate the "hardcoded shared secret" approach, you'll need to think about this:
how do you store a shared secret safely on each and every single one of your clients?
how do you use information from that stored shared secret to encrypt your messages?
Typically, the approach would be two-fold:
exchange some form of a private/public key pair; the server generates a key pair and keeps the private key to itself and shares the public key with the client (e.g. over a WCF message, for instance)
using that private/public key pair, exchange a common shared secret, e.g. an "encryption key" that will symmetrically encrypt your messages (and since it's symmetrical, the server can use the same key to decrypt the messages)
setup infrastructure on your client (e.g. a WCF extension called a behavior) to inspect the message before it goes out and encrypt it with your shared secret
All in all, it's really not trivial - anything simpler than that is not worth being called "security" at all.
If you look at all that work you will have to do - wouldn't it be easier to just use the WCF built-in certificate mechanisms??
Decent security worth its salt is hard - so why not leverage what's available instead of doing all the work yourself, or worse: come up with a half-baked solution that's so easy to crack you could just as easily send everything in cleartext..... don't under estimate the complexity and amount of code needed to handle even the most basic security scenarios - WCF does this all for you - for free and in a reliable and safe manner - use it! You won't regret it!
Well, with WCF you could use Password credential at message level and SSL at transport level, which I think would be enough in your case.
See here.
For message security, your client provides some credentials and server provides some credentials. For this setup and with your scenario could you not use the client username and password with a Custom Username Validator, and a server certificate to provide the server credentials. This Application Scenario provides a fair chucnk of the configuration setup you would need to achieve this, except the aspNet membership sections, which you would have to replace with your custom validation config.
You would still need valid certificates on your servers (no certificates required on the clients), but I can't see any way around this.
Take a look at the following sample:
It uses certificates but without a certificate store - so no setup is necessary.
Hmm.. maybe something simple could be used. Move the encryption from software to hardware. VPN from each client network to your own and then you can do whatever you like for WCF transport. The line is not clear text and the problem is solved.
Of course this is easier said than done, but most network vendors provide a pretty easy VPN config and it maybe easier than trying to develop an installer for SSL certs and configure the client.
I hope it helps!