405 when connecting to webhook callback url for leadgen - facebook-javascript-sdk

when trying the lead ads testing tool, i am receiving 405 error. the method is POST and I am sure that my callback url is accepting a POST method. can anyone enlighten me to resolve this error?
Another note is that the callback url is a netsuite external suitelet link, so NS gurus might be able to help as well.

See my answer here but basically NetSuite external suitelets require that the User Agent in the request header claims to be a web browser. The best workaround I have found is to use a middleware lambda function to proxy the request.


How to use the authorization code from auth0 with my API after redirect

I'm building a SaaS project that requires authentication (duh!) and for that I am using Auth0.
I've managed to the steps detailed here successfully.
Code from above link:
But I'm not sure what to do when I redirect to the redirect_url (here my dashboard url, e.g: dashboard.example.com). I mean I don't know how to use this code.
I get the code appended to url after redirect, so I think everything's working, but am not sure how to use it further to populate the dashboard with user details and retrieve content.
Do I use my API endpoint here instead of the dashboard url?
Hope my question is clear.
Any help would be wonderful!
Thanks in advance!
I am using Universal Login, not using any SDK as of now.
After you receive the code you will exchange it for tokens via the POST /oauth/token endpoint.
Here is an example code exchange request from the Authentication API docs
POST https://YOUR_DOMAIN/oauth/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Then, you can use the ID token to populate your user's info, and the access token to retrieve other data from your backend API.

google contact api PHP

I'm, trying to get content of this URL
but received error code 401 with description : There was an error in your request. That's all we know.
Two things to point.
A successful Oauth authentication needs to be implemented first before you are able to make a HTTP request. Be sure to use the correct scope that you need; In your case, you're using the read/write scope.
Refer to this LINK as an example on implementing OAuth on PHP.
Second, v and oauth_token are not valid URL parameters for HTTP requests. Check this Google Contacts API documentation for more information.
Hope this helps.

Instagram API Returning Invalid Format for Callback_Url Error

I'm using the Instagram API.
I'm trying a simple post for a subscription request, and I keep getting
"Invalid format for 'callback_url'. URL must start with http:// or
It clearly starts with that.
I can't find anyone online that's running into this same problem.
Tried the post with a clear callback url:
And with an HTML encoded callback URL:
Also tried it with both GET and POST, also by letting the API console create the request by simply filling in the parameters fields, etc. I feel like I'm missing something really obvious or something, but I'm stuck. Any ideas?
As sais on Endpoints page:
All endpoints are only accessible via https
You should use your own CLIENT-ID and SECRET-ID and callback url (so don't use API console).
Your callback url may be without https.
Just use link with https:
Try examples from this page
You should use POST request to subscribe and unsubscribe, and GET to get list of subscriptions. Please, read documentation accurately.

Shopify private app api post request

I am writing a private integration app from MS NAV to shopify api. I can use the api for Get Request, e.g.
However, the post request doesn't work for this formate: https://API_KEY:PASSWORD#wolf-wiegand-and-davis1433.myshopify.com/admin/products.xml.
I got a 403 status error.
anyone knows what could be wrong? or the api doesn't support post for the request.
It appears that your app's permissions have been corrupted. Creating a new app will give you credentials that should include all permissions.
the response xml, it seems a permision issue :
You do not have products write permissions.

OAuth Invalid signature issue with Digg

So I'm trying to authenticate my app to Digg using OAuth (and I'm totally not an OAuth expert).
I use the Scribe Java library.
I keep on getting the HTTP 401 Authorization Required. Inside the body of the response, it is a 5001 Invalid Signature Error.
I have read this Digg Google Groups Thread
and I didn't really understand. They say I should remove the method from the URL, but when I do this, I get the no Method provided error (or something like that).
Here is the dump of the communication : on Pastebin
Could you please help me finding the solution on how to get the request token?
Thank you for your help.
You might want to stop sending the method in the URL as a querystring parameter and do this instead:
Hope that works for you