how do you make a login system? - social-media

I was wondering if there was a way to make a login and sign up system for my website.
I have been all over the web trying to find a solution to my problem but unfortunately i have had no luck at all.
If anybody would mind helping me i would be very grateful as I am trying to build a social media site.
I know Html, css, javascript and php plus I have a web server that I run which could e of some help i it requires a database.
Thanks once again. Owen


How can I possibly implement a VueJS app to Odoo?

I have to integrate a VueJS app in Odoo. I don't exactly know how I can achieve that?
I found this (not my app, but an example app) . Still no idea on how can I implement odoo in Vue. Login gives me a Failed to Login error message in this example app.
Any idea how to implement odoo in vue??
Actually, odooinvue works fine. Read carefully the instructions, in development it shows how to start a traefik docker container in order to serve both odoo and Vue.js.
Note: If I am not wrong, the purpose is to use odooinvue as a pure frontend, so it's not really an integration, basically you build vuejs (quasar, specifically) apps with odoo used as a pure backend.
See also this answer, by odooinvue's author
I am the author of that project. Its really impossible to answer you without knowing what steps you have taken to setup the project, but for that error, make sure of the following:
The Odoo server is up and running in the backend and you can login.
When you login with the front-end Vue app, you are using credentials that you know are working.
If that fails, open the dev console of your browser and check the network log. Make sure that the authentication request is returning status code 200.
I know others that are using the project just fine without any issue, so I am going to assume that you need some technical help. Perhaps hire a software developer to assist you.

discord.js how to make it so a bot goes onto a website api and sends back whatever the website said

Hey so im coding a discord bot (discord.js) and I have a website im trying to make it so when you say a command it goes onto my websites api then sends whatever the website said back into server any help is appreciated, thanks!
I know a LOT of people have this question...
I found a video that seems to be in your best interest. I haven't watched it all the way through as it is pretty lengthy, but in this video, he explains how to make a dashboard, hosted off your own computer, but it is also do-able in a regular VPS, not sure about something like Heroku...
Video Tutorial Link:

google now integration on website for Websiteupdates in Google Now

I am working on some integrations for Google Now.
The Schemas for Email-Notifications are clear,...
But bow I am searching for integrating our Website-News as well.
(I always get "website update-cards from Ryanair on my GNow)
But I cant seem to find the right schemas for it,... I dont even know if it is done by schema-markup-micromarkup-whatever lol
Any help or idea?
Thank you lots
Okay I have been wondering this same question for a while and these are what I have found.
Google Now doesn't support my PHP site but it does support another Drupal site of mine.
The only page that Google Now provides integration is here:
I found that quite some of the supported websites have rss.xml on its root.
So here's what I recommend to do: (I'm still trying so I'm not certain if the following methods are worth trying)
Use Drupal or other well-known CMS in case Google Now only supports a few kinds of websites.
Go to that page and try to get in contact with Google. (I haven't got replies yet though)
Try to add an rss.xml on your site's root and add a link to it at your default page. (I haven't got time to try it yet)

joomla 2.5, user authentication

I am currently trying to work out a solution, how to make an authentication for my Joomla 2.5 website.
I did the log in form, and created test users, although I don't know how to access Joomla DB. Can you help me find a solution for my question. The answers I found on google, I didn't quite understand.
It would be really nice if someone would share some good tutorials.
Thank you in advance.
Joomla manages authentication for you via its user management and authentication system. It already provides you with a login form in fact ... but more importantly it provides you with authentication and user plugins that you can add your own to if you need something different. This is the point of using a CMS to have a platform that already provides you with secure and well tested user management among other thigns.
Try this , I think it will be useful to you,

To build an App for an Internet site without its API and Schema

I was asked to build a control-system for a Ebay-like Finnish auction-site
The system would reopen closed auctions by a specific rules. It would be completely external from the main site, running at an external website.
The site is however unwilling to release its API and Schema. I know no way to build such a system without knowing its API.
How do you build an internet site without its API and Schema?
You could try some form of automatic browsing: mechanize
Examples here.
I think you're asking about building a site that interacts with another site without using a well-defined API. Is that right?
You can interact with an external site without using an official API - in order to do so, you need to imitate a normal site visitor and send your requests to the site frontend (in much the same way as a web crawler does). Tools like hpricot, mechanize and curl can help you parse the content of pages and send requests, but in doing so your system may be quite brittle. Any change to the target site might mean you have to rewrite portions of your system.
It might be possible to get the data you need by screen scraping the site. You could perform the operations you want to do by POSTing data into their forms or using a WebClient type API to make your program act like a web browser but that's likely to be an extremely brittle solution.
Honestly though, without an API, there really is no good solution.
you either need access to the database or an API, otherwise no point in even trying.