ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 saving the document but can not ever open the document once saved (only some computer models) - vba

Currently I have a document template with macros endabled .dotm. The macro has a commandbutton in there that triggers the SaveAs2 object twice formatted as below.
Public Sub FileSaveAs()
Dim dlg As Dialog
Dim strSaveFolder
strSaveFolder = Application.Options.DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath)
Application.Options.DefaultFilePath(wdDocumentsPath) = ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.Path
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 (ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.Path & " UsersName" & " FORM234" & Format(Now(), "DD-MMM-YYYY hh mm ss AMPM") & ".docm")
Second Save as
Public Sub SuperSave()
Dim dlg As Dialog
Dim strSaveFolder
strSaveFolder = "I:\Form Storage\CoCopy\"
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 (strSaveFolder & "UserName" & "Form234" & Format(Now(), "DD-MMM-YYYY hh mm ss AMPM") & ".docm")
End Sub
Now here is the interesting part that has me stumped now for about a week now. This code works but only on some computers. Older models it doesn't work on for some reason. It doesn't matter Windows 10 or Windows 7 or Version of Office itself. It doesn't work on computers that are older in models like a HP EliteDesk 1 or HP EliteDesk 2. The 1 won't work but 2 will.
I have never heard of the vba macro being affected by the model of the computer version of OS yes version of Word ofcourse but never version of model. I have googled left and right and went to documentation from 2010 (including microsoft's killing activex issue of 2014 which I already ruled out)
This is how blank I mean doesn't even open the white page underneath.
Any ideas? Or have you heard of some computer models not running vba code but having the same OS and same version of Office?

Justin, I figured it out by chance were you trying to save a dotm as a docm. If the macro tries to save the dotm as a docm the formatting for the data is two separate instances. I followed through with this and noticed it in a test I ran on the document when right clicked and opened and got the same result try saving the template as a docm document instead this should resolve your issue.

Cindy, Justin is right it does yield a proper path and handles correctly in the VBA console without the slash. In the first sub he seems to only be after the path for the folder and is saving on the next parent folder outside of the folder containing the template macro. I have seen this work elsewhere why it is not working on specific models has me at a loss.
The second seems to target the location more specifically than the second which makes since if the folder is targeting a co-worker. I am currently trying to recreate the issue but having no luck your code works perfectly on my two systems I have running, both are rather new.

Try changing the wdsaveformat to match an extension type the formatting might be handled differently on newer models (unlikely but worth a shot)
Or rewrite the vba and document on the older afflicted models to see if they handle the setup and formatting differently


Powerpoint VBA Presentations File names

Consider VBA for PowerPoint -
Is this a valid Presentations function call?
Note that this will be called from within a PowerPoint presentation VBA, to open another one in a sub-directory.
The Microsoft Presentations examples (and most others) are not specific about the filename forms accepted, e.g. those using the ".", "..", "\" directives recognized in DOS scripts.
This seems to work with Powerpoint 2007.
As described in the comment, it takes a block of text (the TextRange), the starting position and length of file reference, also a LinkAddr. LinkAddr is essentially a DOS-style file reference, like "..\folder\ppfile.ppt".
The intention here is to launch another PowerPoint tool by invoking its show.ppt or show.ppsm file name. The file name can refer to some other directory using MSDOS file name stuff. I don't know whether it can span different machine platforms, but it seems to work within one Windows 10 system.
My difficulty in getting this to work was some full-path links to images, e.g. something like C:\blah\blah\image.jpg, in the Visual Basic code. PowerPoint didn't like these, instead asked about enabling macros, and just hung up when one of my file links were to be executed. By getting rid of the "macro" complaints, this suddenly started working.
Or maybe some bugs have been fixed in recent repairs to my 2007 PowerPoint tools??
Go figure...
Sub InsertLink(ByRef Trange As TextRange, fpos As Long, msglen As Long, LinkAddr As String)
' Insert an HTML link into the selected TextFrame.
' get the character range
Dim Hrange As TextRange
Set Hrange = Trange.Characters(Start:=fpos, length:=msglen)
' make it an HTML link
With Hrange.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick)
.Action = ppActionHyperlink
.Hyperlink.Address = LinkAddr
End With
End Sub

Visio: DOS Sharing violation (Error 1532)

So I'm really confused right now. Out of the blue my code gets me the error "DOS Sharing violation".
It's weird because, it says that is trying to save my document, but I just want to open it.
This is my Code:
Public Sub ReadActivity()
Dim vsoDocument As Visio.Document
Dim vsoPage As Visio.Page
Set vsoDocument = Documents.Open("C:\Users\Philip\Dropbox\Test\Aktivität0.vsdx")
Set vsoPage = vsoDocument.Pages(1)
SvgExport (ActiveDocument.path & "\files_and_images\" & Left(, (InStrRev(, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1)) & ".svg")
End Sub
So as you might see the code is simple nothing special is going on.
Before calling the method I'm using this for encoding my textfile: VBA : save a file with UTF-8 without BOM
And two things are very weird. First of all, I used this method two days in a row for coding the method "CreateCodeActivity" and I didn't have any problems. And second, if I call the method let's say three times, on the third time everything works perfectly...
Where might be the problem?
Thank you #Shmukko for the tip, it is really the windows defender that gives me the error.
For Windows 10 the solution is: Go to Settings and select Update & security -> Windows Defender. Select Exclude a file extension and enter the file type for Visio.
That's it.

Macro to save e-mail as text file, to be used in a rule

My problem is very similar to this thread and this one. I think my issue is to combine these two questions.
I am running:
OS: Windows 7 Enterprise Professional
Outlook 2010
VBA version 7.0
By reading these two questions as well as some other pages from Microsoft and elsewhere, I was able to open the VB editor and paste into it, this simple code:
Sub SaveEmail(msg As Outlook.MailItem)
' save as text
msg.SaveAs "C:\Users\mel\mailsave\email.txt" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"), _
End Sub
Is the "format" portion of my msg.SaveAs line, going to save a unique text file for each email matching my rule?
How do I run this macro to test and if successful, how do I run it repeatedly?
I tried going to the run menu and selecting run "sub/user form" item but the next dialog box is asking what to run and does not populate a list of macros available for running. Clicked on "save" icon but nothing changed.
Specifying a method with that signature (Sub method (var As Outlook.MailItem)) allows you to use the method when creating a mailbox rule. As far as I understand your question, you're beyond that point.
Question 1
The format portion of your code is only going to save a unique file at most once per second. You're appending the current date and time to the file. Your main problem, however, is not the timestamp, but the file format. You should apply the timestamp before the file extension, e.g.
msg.SaveAs "C:\Users\mel\mailsave\email" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS") & ".txt", olTXT
Question 2
If you add the macro to a rule, it will be run when the rule is matched. The macro can be tested by creating a method that grabs the currently selected mail, e.g.
Sub TestSaveEmail()
Call SaveEmail(ActiveExplorer.Selection(1))
End Sub
This macro can then be run by setting the cursor within the method and pressing F5.
The macro can also be added to the Outlook user interface by customizing the ribbon and adding a macro button. For help on customizing the ribbon, refer to the following article:
Customize the ribbon

FORMTEXT Appearing in Word File Name Generated from Protected Form-Field Value and BookMark for VB Script

I am using the following VB Script in a Word 2010 Doc saved as a Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Template that is protected for form fields:
Sub SaveWithBkMarkedText()
'This code saves the Word file using the bookmark value for Maintenance Memo.
'The file is also saved to a folder in KnowHow for files related to this template.
Dim FileName As String
FileName = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("mmn").Range.Text
'Use the C:\ code when saving the file locally
ActiveDocument.SaveAs "C:\Download\TemplatesFolders\" & FileName & ".doc"
MsgBox "Your Draft has been saved to KnowHow's Release Documentation site." & _
&vbCrLf & "The file name uses the MM that you included earlier: " & FileName, _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Draft Saved to Minerva"
End Sub
The value entered into the Form Field for a FORMTEXT legacy-form object uses the Bookmark as the file name. Example, if the user enters 12345 as the value, the file is saved using this value as the filename: 12345.doc. This worked fine until a week ago when the filename is now being Prefixed with FORMTEXT 12345.doc. I have tried using this same VB script in older versions of Word on a different machine, and created from a NEW Template with the script added in from scratch, and the same issue is appearing on that machine as well. Prior to this, I was able to update my template with NO problem, but now I can't update this one FORMTEXT field without it affecting the whole file. I can update any other FORMTEXT in the template that does not use the Bookmark value as the file name, and it works. Also, I have tried changing the Bookmark Reference to another FORMTEXT object, as well as saving the file as a .DOCX and the same problem occurs regardless. What is causing the FORMTEXT to appear in the filename?
You have to un-protect the document (template) and then make the VBA programming. Once it is done, then you can protect it again (for filling forms) and you will not see the "FORMTEXT" in the filename when you run the macro.
Hope it helps.
To the OP, did you resolve this issue? I'm now having the same problem, I'm using form field text with bookmarks and using to get the bookmark.text which is now prefixed with FORMTEXT, just using a bookmark on it own and its OK, no prefix. I'm going to try and remove the first 9 characters from the result using code, a workaround, yes but it might work.
Know this is an old thread but ran into same issue. As a workaround...
Replace FORMTEXT with null "". In OP circumstance:
Dim FileName As String
FileName = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("mmn").Range.Text
FileName = Replace(FileName, "FORMTEXT ", "")
Not a "fix" for the issue or elegant but it works.
Had the same issue. Simply delete current bookmark and add a new one. If that does not work than instead of using the following:
FileName = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("mmn").Range.Text
try using:
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="mmn"
Filename = Selection.Text

MS Word Macro ... unable to insert PNG

Has anyone had problems inserting a PNG file into a word document, using a VBA Macro?
I have an MS Word document that contains a very large directory listing of image files, inside a table. I've been asked to update the document by inserting the corresponding image in front of the name.
Now, if I enter the image manually (using Insert|Image|From File), I'm able to successfully place the PNG image ... so I decided to write a quick VBA Macro to insert the image for me. The following is a sample of the code:
Dim myFile As String
myFile = _
Chr(34) & "C:\Documents and Settings\...\Project\Images\" _
& Left(Selection.Text, Len(Selection.Text) - 2) & Chr(34)
Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture _
FileName:=myFile, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True
Whenever I execute the macro, I get the "Unable to Convert" error dialog, and no image is inserted.
I even changed the code to invoke the wdDialogInsertPicture Dialog instead, and it worked just fine.
This is very confusing ... using a manual process, the insert works, but going with an automated solution, the insert doesn't work!
Any ideas or suggestions?
I've tried the macro several times and it works ... it seems that I'm no longer able to re-create the error again. So, I'm going to mark this under the "mysteries of Office VBA" column and leave it as is ... this is not a high-priority project, so there is no need for me to continue investigating.
Thanks to Alain and Joel Spolsky for their help.