Is it reasonable to change the input shape for a trained convolutional neural network - input

I've seen a number of super-resolution networks that seem to imply that it's fine to train a network on inputs of (x,y,d) but then pass in images of arbitrary sizes into a model for prediction, that in Keras for example is specified with the placeholder values (None,None,3) and will accept any size.
for example is trained on inputs of 24x24x3 but accepts arbitrary sized images for resize, the demo code using 124x118x3.
Is this a sane practice? Does the network when given a larger input simply slide a window over it applying the same weights as it learnt on the smaller size image?

Your guess is correct. Convolutional layers learn to distinguish features at the scale of their kernel, not at the scale of the image as a whole. A layer with a 3x3 kernel will learn to identify a feature up to 3x3 pixels large and will be able to identify that feature in an image whether the image is itself 3x3, 100x100, or 1080x1920.

There will be absolutely no problem with the convolutions, they will work exactly as they are expected to, with the same weights, same kernel size, etc. etc.
The only possible problem is: the model may not have learned the new scale of your images (because it has never seen this scale before) and may give you poor results.
On the other hand, the model could be trained with many sizes/scales, becoming more robust to variation.
There will be a problem with Flatten, Reshape, etc.
Only GlobalMaxPooling2D and GlobalAveragePooling2D will support different sizes.


Tensorflow Object Detection: Resizing Images and Padding

I am trying to create a tensorflow object detection with Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) with MobileNet. My dataset consists of images larger than 300x300 pixels (e.g. 1280x1080). I know that tensorflow object detection reduces the images to 300x300 in the training process, what I am interested in is the following:
Does it have a positive or negative influence on the later object detection if I reduce the pictures to 300x300 pixels before the training with padding? Without padding I don't think it has any negative effects, but with padding I'm not sure if it has any effects that I'm overlooking.
Thanks a lot in advance!
I dont know SSD, but CNNs generally use convolutional layers as feature extractors, stacked upon another with different kernel sizes representing different feature sizes, i.e. using spatial correlation to their advantage. If you use padding, the padding will thus be incorporated into the extracted features, possible corrupting your results.

Where are the filter image data in this TensorFlow example?

I'm trying to consume this tutorial by Google to use TensorFlow Estimator to train and recognise images:
The data I can see in the tutorial are: train_data, train_labels, eval_data, eval_labels:
((train_data,train_labels),(eval_data,eval_labels)) =
In the convolutional layers, there should be feature filter image data to multiply with the input image data? But I don't see them in the code.
As from this guide, the input image data matmul with filter image data to check for low-level features (curves, edges, etc.), so there should be filter image data too (the right matrix in the image below)?:
The filters are the weight matrices of the Conv2d layers used in the model, and are not pre-loaded images like the "butt curve" you gave in the example. If this were the case, we would need to provide the CNN with all possible types of shapes, curves, colours, and hope that any unseen data we feed the model contains this finite sets of images somewhere in them which the model can recognise.
Instead, we allow the CNN to learn the filters it requires to sucessfully classify from the data itself, and hope it can generalise to new data. Through multitudes of iterations and data( which they require a lot of), the model iteratively crafts the best set of filters for it to succesfully classify the images. The random initialisation at the start of training ensures that all filters per layer learn to identify a different feature in the input image.
The fact that earlier layers usually corresponds to colour and edges (like above) is not predefined, but the network has realised that looking for edges in the input is the only way to create context in the rest of the image, and thereby classify (humans do the same initially).
The network uses these primitive filters in earlier layers to generate more complex interpretations in deeper layers. This is the power of distributed learning: representing complex functions through multiple applications of much simpler functions.

How to sweep a neural-network through an image with tensorflow?

My question is about finding an efficient (mostly in term of parameters count) way to implement a sliding window in tensorflow (1.4) in order to apply a neural network through the image and produce a 2-d map with each pixel (or region) representing the network output for the corresponding receptive field (which in this case is the sliding window itself).
In practice, I'm trying to implement either a MTANN or a PatchGAN using tensorflow, but I cannot understand the implementation I found.
The two architectures can be briefly described as:
MTANN: A linear neural network with input size of [1,N,N,1] and output size [ ] is applied to an image of size [1,M,M,1] to produce a map of size [1,G,G,1], in which every pixel of the generated map corresponds to a likelihood of the corresponding NxN patch to belong to a certain class.
PatchGAN Discriminator: More general architecture, as I can understand the network that is strided through the image outputs a map itself instead of a single value, which then is combined with adjacent maps to produce the final map.
While I cannot find any tensorflow implementation of MTANN, I found the PatchGAN implementation, which is considered as a convolutional network, but I couldn't figure out how to implement this in practice.
Let's say I got a pre-trained network of which I got the output tensor. I understand that convolution is the way to go, since a convolutional layer operates over a local region of the input and what is I'm trying to do can be clearly represented as a convolutional network. However, what if I already have the network that generates the sub-maps from a given window of fixed-size?
E.g. I got a tensor
sub_map = network(input_patch)
which returns a [1,2,2,1] maps from a [1,8,8,3] image (corresponding to a 3-layer FCN with input size 8, filter size 3x3).
How can I sweep this network on [1,64,64,3] images, in order to produce a [1,64,64,1] map composed of each spatial contribution, like it happens in a convolution?
I've considered these solutions:
Using tf.image.extract_image_patches which explicitly extract all the image patches and channels in the depth dimension, but I think it would consume too many resources, as I'm switching to PatchGAN Discriminator from a full convolutional network due to memory constraints - also the composition of the final map is not so straight-forward.
Adding a convolutional layer before the network I got, but I cannot figure out what the filter (and its size) should be in this case in order to keep the pretrained model work on 8x8 images while integrating it in a model which works on bigger images.
For what I can get it should be something like whole_map = tf.nn.convolution(input=x64_images, filter=sub_map, ...) but I don't think this would work as the filter is an operator which depends on the receptive field itself.
The ultimate goal is to apply this small network to big images (eg. 1024x1024) in an efficient way, since my current model downscales progressively the images and wouldn't fit in memory due to the huge number of parameters.
Can anyone help me to get a better understanding of what I am missing?
Thank you
I found an interesting video by Andrew Ng exactly on how to implement a sliding window using a convolutional layer.
The problem here was that I was thinking at the number of layers as a variable that is dependent on a fixed input/output shape, while it should be the opposite.
In principle, a saved model should only contain the learned filters for each level and as long as the filter shapes are compatible with the layers' input/output depth. Thus, applying a different (ie. bigger) spatial resolution to the network input produces a different output shape, which can be seen as an application of the neural network to a sliding windows sweeping across the input image.

How do different input image sizes/resolutions affect the output quality of semantic image segmentation networks?

While trying to perform image segmentation on images from one dataset (KITTI) with a deep learning network trained on another dataset (Cityscapes) I realized that there is a big difference in subjectively perceived quality of the output (and probably also when benchmarking the (m)IoU).
This raised my question, if and how size/resolution of an input image affects the output from a network for semantic image segmentation which has been trained on images with different size or resolution than the input image.
I attached two images and their corresponding output images from this network: (using provided weights).
The first image is from the CityScapes dataset (test set) with a width and height of (2048,1024). The network has been trained with training and validation images from this dataset.
CityScapes original image
CityScapes output image
The second image is from the KITTI dataset with a width and height of (1242,375):
KITTI original image
KITTI output image
As one can see, the shapes in the first segmented image are clearly defined while in the second one a detailed separation of objects is not possible.
Neural networks in general are fairly robust to variations in scale, but they certainly aren't perfect. Although I don't have references available off the top of my head there have been a number of papers that show that scale does indeed affect accuracy.
In fact training your network with a dataset with images at varying scales is almost certainly going to improve it.
Also, many of the image segmentation networks used today explicitly build constructs into the network to improve this at the level of the network architecture.
Since you probably don't know exactly how these networks were trained I would suggest that you resize your images to match the approximate shape that the network you are using was trained on. Resizing an image using normal image resize functions is quite a normal preprocessing step.
Since the images you are referencing there are large I'm also going to say that whatever data input pipeline you're feeding them through is already resizing the images on your behalf. Most neural networks of this type are trained on images of around 256x256. The input image is cropped and centered as necessary before training or prediction. Processing very large images like that is extremely compute-intensive and hasn't been found to improve the accuracy much.

Fully convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation

I have perhaps a naive question and sorry if this is not the appropriate channel to ask about these kind of questions. I have successfully implemented a FCNN for semantic segmentation, but I don't involve deconvolution or unpooling layers.
What I simply do, is to resize the ground truth image to the size of my final FCNN layer and then I compute my loss. In this way, I obtain a smaller image as output, but correctly segmented.
Is the process of deconvolution or unpooling needed at all?
I mean, resizing images in python is quite easy, so why one should involve complicated techniques as deconv or unpooling to do the same? Surely I miss something.
What's the advantage in enlarging images using unpooling and performing deconv?
The output of your network after the convolution steps is smaller than your original image: you probably don't want that, you want to have semantic segmentation for the image you give it as input.
If you simply resize it to its original size, new pixels will be interpolated and therefore lack precision. Deconvolution layers allow to learn this resize (as they're learned during training, through backpropagation), and therefore to increase your segmentation precision.