Vuetify card with pagination - vue.js

I have a code pen inside this codepen I have vuetify 2.x.x. I want implement v-card using pagination, as you can see I have a headline array and subtitle array. If you click right arrow or left arrow, headline and subtitle inside v-card change (adjust index of array) but as you can see for now this is not working. I tried using v-model="page" on v-card and using v-slot:items on v-list-item-title, but still this is not working.
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-list-item three-line>
<div class="overline mb-4">OVERLINE</div>
<v-list-item-title class="headline mb-1" v-slot:items="props">{{props}}</v-list-item-title>
<v-list-item-subtitle>This is subtitle (will be replace using array subtitle)</v-list-item-subtitle>
<v-btn text>Button</v-btn>
<v-btn text>Button</v-btn>
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data () {
return {
page: 1,
headlines: ['headline1', 'headline2', 'headline3', 'headline4', 'headline5'],
subtitles: ['Greyhound divisely hello coldly fonwderfully', 'Greyhound divisely hello sunny wonderful', 'Flower expected coldly fonwderfully', 'Flower sunny hello', 'Greyhound flower']
What should I do?

Don't understand why you need the v-slot:items="props".
But your problem could be solved just by changing the following bindings,
<v-list-item-title class="headline mb-1"> {{ headlines[page - 1] }}</v-list-item-title>
<v-list-item-subtitle>{{ subtitles[page - 1] }}</v-list-item-subtitle>


Vuetify - combobox badges with a removable button

I have a combobox:
It's rendered like this:
I would like to add an x on each badge, so I can quickly remove it.
Is there a setting that I need to turn on?
In regular input type text, I can just add these props
The VComboBox's selection slot enables customizing the rendering of the selections. You could add a VChip with a VIcon child that re-selects the item when clicked (thus toggling its selection, and removing the chip):
<v-combobox ⋯ chips>
<template v-slot:selection="{ attrs, item, parent, selected }">
<v-chip v-bind="attrs" :input-value="selected">
<span class="pr-2">
{{ }}
<v-icon small #click="parent.selectItem(item)"> $delete </v-icon>
You can simply achieve that by adding the <v-icon> inside <v-chip> in the <v-slot> template. I just created the working demo with the same data set you have in the screenshot mentioned above.
Demo :
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data: () => ({
items: ['Weather', 'Geo Location', 'Device', 'Date and Time', 'Product'],
model: ['Weather', 'Geo Location', 'Device', 'Date and Time', 'Product']
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<div id="app">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-container fluid>
<template v-slot:selection="{ item, parent }">
<span class="pr-2">
{{ item }}
There is a chips props your <v-combobox...> - so depends on Vuetify version there are two props you should add:
deletable-chips for Vuetify 2 according to docs
closable-chips for Vuetify 3 according to docs
Also there is clearable prop that adds clear button on the right that clear all chips via one click (works for both Vuetify versions):

displaying highlighted list items in vuetify 2.x

I'm writing my first app in vuetify 2.x. The app is displaying a list of items which are objects with a text (item.t) string field and a checked (item.c) boolean field.
I would like to display checked items in the current theme color and the unchecked items in the opposite theme color (highlighted). It thus depends on the value of the item.c field value.
I assume that changing the them of the list item will kind of reverse the colors of its content. Black <-> white.
How could I do that ?
This is my list component:
<v-list dense>
<template v-for="(item, index) in items">
<v-list-item :key="item.r">
<v-list-item-content class="font-weight-medium">
<v-row align="center">
<v-col cols="2">
<v-row no-gutters justify="end">
{{ item.n }}
<v-col cols="10" class="px-0">
<v-row no-gutters>{{ item.t }}</v-row>
v-if="index < items.length - 1"
export default {
name: "itemList",
computed: {
items() {
return this.$store.getters.currentListItems;
I tried many things without success and couldn't find an example how to do that.
Edit: since the items contains just text and no icons, maybe it's enough the change the background and text color. The nice thing of theme is that it also reverse icons.
You can do it by different ways by v-menu by v-select or v-combo-box
and here you can use option multiple
but i think you need to use combo-box
and here you have slots
freedom of thought
I finally solved it. It's a bit hacky but it does the job.
The solution is to use a style computed with a method receiving the item object as argument. The hacky part is the way I change the style.
The highlighted text and background colors swap with the dark or light setting. Switching the them switches all the colors.
<v-list dense>
<template v-for="(item, index) in items">
<v-list-item :key="item.r" v-bind:style="highlighted(item)">
<v-list-item-content class="font-weight-medium">
<v-row align="center">
<v-col cols="2">
<v-row no-gutters justify="end">
{{ item.n }}
<v-col cols="9" class="px-0">
<v-row no-gutters>{{ item.t }}</v-row>
v-if="index < items.length - 1"
export default {
name: "itemList",
computed: {
items() {
return this.$store.getters.currentListItems;
methods: {
highlighted(item) {
let backColor = "white";
let textColor = "#1E1E1E";
if (
(this.$vuetify.theme.dark && item.c) ||
(!this.$vuetify.theme.dark && !item.c)
) {
[textColor, backColor] = [backColor, textColor];
return {
"background-color": backColor,
color: textColor,

Is it possible to create a grid layout in a list?

disclaimer: I'm just learning vue.js and vuetify and I'm not very familiar with javascript. I'm writing my first vue.js app.
I'm using vue 2.x and vuetify 2.x.
I need to create a scrolable list of items on which the user will be able to perform actions. For now, I'm just concerned about the layout of the list items.
The item is made of two visible information, a number and a text (like an inventory) that should be displayed in two columns. The numbers should be right aligned in their column and the text left aligned.
This is what I have so far.
<v-list dense>
<template v-for="(item, index) in items">
<v-list-item :key="item.r">
<v-list-item-content class="font-weight-bold">
{{ item.n }} {{ item.t }}
<v-divider :key="index"></v-divider>
export default {
name: "itemList",
data() {
return {
items: this.$store.state.currentItems,
Is it possible to use a layout inside a list item ? If not, how could I create the desired column alignment ?
In case it could influence the implementation, the actions are
make the item a sliding button with multiple selectable actions
or make the number and the text individual clickable flat buttons with popup menus
manually reorder list items with drag and drop.
An alternative to the sliding button (if not possible) is to make the number and text flat buttons with a popup menu. I guess this could influence how to define the layout.
generally with the use of v-row and v-col you can implement a layout and this is true inside of a v-list-item-content, for example check the code below (I'm not sure if I understood the layout you've asked for correctly or not but it must give you a hint)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data: {
items: [{
t: 'title one',
n: 1
t: 'title two',
n: 2
t: 'title three',
n: 3
t: 'title four',
n: 4
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div id="app">
<v-list dense>
<template v-for="(item, index) in items">
<v-list-item :key="item.n">
<v-list-item-content class="font-weight-bold">
<v-col cols="6">
<v-row no-gutters justify="end">{{ item.n }}</v-row>
<v-col cols="6">
<v-row no-gutters>{{ item.t }}</v-row>
<v-divider :key="`divider-${item.n}`"></v-divider>

Can you please help me with my on step behind issue in my vue code?

I got a question about my vue code I'm making a filter dropdown but when I input a key to trigger the key down event for filtering the arr it's changing the dom each time after the second event (one step behind).
Here is the code pen :
it's only keeping the values in the arr that are matching the input
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="3">
<v-list-ite >
<v-list-item-content v-for=" item in itemsInDropdown" :key="item">
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data: () => ({
this.itemsInDropdown = this.itemsInDropdown.filter((x)=>{
return true
else{return false}
It is better to use computed in this case:
Replace the method with this:
return this.itemsInDropdown.filter((x)=>{
return x.includes(this.inputValue);
Change the array to be rendered from itemsInDropdown to itemsInDropdownFiltered as follows:
<v-list-item-content v-for="item in itemsInDropdownFiltered" :key="item">

how to pass text, button and icon to v-radio elements

<VRadioGroup :multiple="multiple" v-model="radioGroup">
v-for="(item, index) in options"
I got something like this.
Question 1) I want user to be able to select all of them or as many as he wants. Looks like :multiple="true" or multiple doesn't work. I can only select one. I should also be able to unselect any of them.
Question 2) beside each v-radio, I want to have its name, button and icon. I tried the following thing(All I could find was v-radio has a label slot. I tried this:
<template slot="label" slot-scope="data">
{{ data.item.text }}
<VBtn #click="removeRadioButton(item.value)" ripple
><BaseIcon name="minus-circle" /> </VBtn
I put this between VRadio tags. Looks like each of them has a button and icon, but it gives me error. (item of undefined). seems like data in slot-scope is undefined.
Answer 1:
It is simple. You can change the type radioGroup to an array.
It will work.
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-container fluid px-0>
v-for="n in 3"
:label="`Radio ${n}`"
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data () {
return {
radioGroup: []
Note: But For multiple selections, you shouldn't use radio buttons. Go for Checkbox.
Answer 2:
Issue In your code: You're looping on the radio button.
If you want some different text on before all radio buttons then you need to loop on a div which will contain the text and icons.
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-container fluid px-0>
v-for="n in 3"
<span class="d-inline">
:label="`Radio ${n}`"
icon here