I have a page.vue with multiple sections and what I am trying to do is add a link to get that particular section on click. I am not sure where I am going wrong. Please help me find the issue. I have no experience with Vue.
For more information, please <a #click="$vuetify.goTo('#about', options)">click</a>.
<p>About section</p>
<p :id="about">More information section</p>
You have an error in your javascript. by using the : syntax before a property, you're actually using v-bind, so the expectation is that the right-hand assignment is a number, boolean, array, object or variable. Because about is a simple string, and not a variable, this won't work. Just remove the :
<p id="about">
Now it will work fine.
Sorry for the beginner question (I'm fairly sure this will be a duplicate, but I actually can't figure out what terms to use in order to find it). I just started with Vue.
I am just getting started with Vue, and following this course (https://www.vuemastery.com/courses/intro-to-vue-js/communicating-events). In this problem, there is (and here I don't know the term, so I'm going to go with...) app-level data parameter called cart. cart is an array which holds the id of each item a user has added to cart.
The problem tells us to add a button to remove items from the cart.
I ran into problems trying to create a computed property, which would allow me to hide the "remove" button in the event the selected item is not in the cart (eg. `
Communicating data from the app-level (the cart array), to the component-level (to a computed property in the product component), so that I could use something like :hidden="!inCart" on the "Remove from Cart" button, which is itself defined in the component. inCart would be a computed value here.
Communicating the selected product from the component to the app-level, computing inCart at the app level, then using the computed value at the component-level.
Either way, I can't seem to figure out how to do this in the way I would want to, which would look something like how v-bind operates. Namely, I think I may be able to hack together a solution using methods (which I believe have to be triggered by certain events), but I don't understand how I might go about this using built-in functionality such that the value of inCart is dynamically auto-computed.
Maybe there would be an answer to this in the next few courses, but I don't see us covering that in the intro material. Sorry for the neophyte question. Thank you in advance.
In Vue the way you communicate "state" from higher-level objects to lower-level objects is through props.
So, assuming your app looks something like...
You need to pass the cart object down as a prop.
So in your MyShoppingPageWithItems template, you'll have something like...
<MyItem v-for="item in items" :item=item :cart="cart"?
And in your item template...
<div v-if="cart.includes(item.id)">
Remove button or whatever
Not that the .includes() method is a native JavaScript method, which you can read more about here.
To reference a prop in a computed property (or anywhere else in a Vue component), just refer to this.propName, as demonstrated here in the Vue docs.
So, if you want to create a computed property, you can do the following:
<div v-if="isInCart">
Remove button or whatever
export default {
props: ['cart', 'item'],
computed: {
isInCart() {
return this.cart.includes(this.item.id)
Note that the formula is the exact same as above, but just includes this. for cart and item. In templates, the this. is implied when referring to props, data, and computed properties.
Dynamic multilingual sites from the backend to the replacement of large sites
I changed the language, but this time I am trying for the first time to do it at the front desk (Nuxt.js + i18n).
<a href="https://gooogle/en.com" data-link="fugafuga">
Without using nuxt-link
<a href="https://gooogle/{{t('locale')}}.com" data-link="{{t('hogehoge')}}" >
Is it possible to divert and use a tag as it is?
(In the above writing method, an error occurred and it was useless, so please teach me a workaround)
I18n t method wrapped in quotes in inside tag quote
How do I write it?
Such a shape is desirable because the scale is too large
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would appreciate it if you could teach us.
thank you.
Suggested fix:
<a :href="`https://google/${t('locale')}.com`" :data-link="t('hogehoge')"></a>
You can read more about data binding with Vue/Nuxt here: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/class-and-style.html#Object-Syntax
I have a Vue.js project (Nuxt.js) and as UI I use the Vuetify.
For e2e testing I use the Cypress.
Below is my scenarios of test in Cypress:
I have a problem while creating test for page where I use v-autocomplete component.
The problem is that I can't use Vuetify native classes to get the element I want to test.
below is an example with data-cy selector
label="Public APIs"
placeholder="Start typing to Search"
I type some text into search input.
Then in v-autocomplete have been found search results.
And example of one of there is below:
<a class="v-list__tile v-list__tile--link theme--light">
<div class="v-list__tile__content">
<div class="v-list__tile__title">Result item
<span class="v-list__tile__mask">result item</span>
Then I want select one of search items by clicking to one of found results.
And for that I should to use native classes of Vuetify, but it is not have stability (.v-list__tile--link class сan be renamed by developers).
How I can add data-cy selector into result search html item?
Maybe who know any another way to resolve this problem?
I don't think v-list__tile--link can be changed by developers, it seems to be added at runtime DOM by the Vuetify library (unless you mean Vuetify developers, then sure it can change between versions).
In any case, if you want to be more content-oriented in your selectors, use Cypress .parent() selector
For example,
cy.contains('div', 'itemTextToSelect').parent('a').click()
If posssible make sure 'itemTextToSelect' is really distinctive (if you can set it in the test fixture).
BTW, before the user starts typing the autocomplete list is display: none, so you will need to either .type('something') into the input, or .click({force: true}) the item.
I'm building a Single Page Application using, Vue, Vue-router and Vuex. I've tried to implement Algolia Instantsearch vuejs, but I'm having some issues. Since my app is using a lot of nested components, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to structure this one.
This is the basic structure:
- App
- Header (this is where the search input is placed)
- Content
- Search (this is where the refinements and results are shown)
- Footer
I've read the documentation, but I might have missed something. Let's say the user is on the homepage, when starting typing into the searchinput in the Header component. I then use vue-router to go to /search, but this doesn't seem to work?
I don't know how to do this? As from what I can understand, the documentation only show you how to sync with vue-router and now how to handle my scenario.
I believe this is a fairly common use case for instantsearch, but I couldn't find anything searching through Google. Maybe because, I don't know how to describe the issue.
I hope you can help.
If you use the latest version of vue-instantsearch, you may use ais-configureas describe by https://www.algolia.com/doc/api-reference/widgets/configure/vue/.
<ais-instant-search :index-name="indexName" :search-client="searchClient">
<ais-configure :query="query" />
<div slot="item" slot-scope="{ item }">
<h2>{{ item }}</h2>
I have found content selectors don't seem to work when an if binding is used on a parent element. For example:
<div if.bind="true">
This will appear
<some-element>This will not appear</some-element>
This works fine if I don't use the if binding, but will not render <content> when I do use the if binding. Is there something I'm doing wrong here or is there a way to get this to work as expected?
I'll be adding this to our documentation soon, but for now, here is #EisenbergEffect's explanation from https://github.com/aurelia/framework/issues/375
"No. That is a characteristic of the shadow dom. The content selection points have to be static. They cannot be added ore removed dynamically. If you want to hid them, then consider using show.bind instead."