Open a CRM Entity from a Web Resource - scripting

I have a Web Resource that is working fine, except for one major headache.
I need to be able to click on a link and open an existing entity record. These two methods both almost get me there, but are blocked by different reasons:
1. Calling it directly with a link like this:'http://OurCRM/main.aspx?etc=10088&id=%7bc1d0db62-aa9e-e911-80e0-0a94ef08472f%7d&pagetype=entityrecord', '_self');
The problem with this one is that it doesn't work due to CRM saying
"Sys.InvalidOperationException: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Service Xrm.Interfaces.Services.IMostRecentlyViewedService already has an implementation"
note : If I take out the '_self' it works but then that defeats the purpose of what we're trying to do (need to keep it in the same tab).
2. using the Client API:
parent.Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm('ourentity', guid, '', '');
This one is blocked due to Cross Origin Frames being blocked by browsers.
Does anyone know how to do this?

Below snippet should work: (this will be onclick of button or link)

To help others out, this was resolved in another, similar question
accessing the logged in CRM user from custom page
Basically we were looking at two different ways to handle the same problem of working with webforms inside CRM.


How to store custom user data on Netlify Identity?

I've been using Netlify for storing 100% of my app (both frontend and backend) for the last three months. So far, so good.
The only problem now is that I need to store a custom property for each user (say, the phone number), and apparently Netlify Identity doesn't support this (only email, name and roles
I don't want to change the whole app to migrate to another hosting provider just for this detail (actually, I can't, it's for a client and I just don't have time), because it works great, but at the same time I need it.
Can you think of any workaround to this? The less "hackish", the better, but I understand that I'm going beyond the intended use of Netlify Identity.
So it actually does look like Netlify's GoTrue API has a specific endpoint for updating custom user data. After a user is created, you can update metadata by including it as "data" within an authenticated PUT request to /user.
PUT /user
"data" {
"custom_key": "value",
See for more info.
There are dozens of ways to do this, so I'll talk about two generally applicable ways now:
the most "generally capable" one is probably using lambda functions: . This lets you run dynamic code, such as "store to database hosted elsewhere" or "email to our office manager to update a spreadsheet" or even "commit to our closed git repo so it's available in-code" (last one is probably a worst practice, but is possible). You can similarly use a function to read that data back out without exposing API tokens (code example:
you could have the data gathered via a form submission ( I'd probably use to receive a notification of the form submission ( Zapier can of course connect to just about anything on the planet :) . Getting the data back out if you want to show it in your UI is a bit more of a challenge, but you could use the above mentioned functions if you need to connect to some private data store to pull it out. Or for an MVP, just not show it, only let people enter/update it ;)

"__RequestVerificationToken is not present" error when I can clearly see it in Developer tools

I'm trying to a CSRF protection to an existing MVC4 web application which uses DevExpress grids. I've added the Html.AntiForgeryToken() into the forms on the aspx pages (which contain ascx as partials containing the grids) and can see the __RequestVerificationToken and it's value clearly in developer tools when a save is called.
I've tried commenting out all my ValidateAntiForgeryToken attributes bar one - I went with the delete post method for simplicity (And also to eliminate the DevExpress grids messing with it) and I still keep coming up against this error:
There was a HttpAntiForgeryException
Url: http://localhost:54653/Users/Delete/f86ad393-0039-44e8-beed-a66dbab9266e?ReturnURL=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A54653%2FUsers
The exception message is
The required anti-forgery form field "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present.
Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? Could it be that the error is non-descriptive and it's actually that the token doesn't match rather than that it doesn't exist? In previous answers to this question people just say "oh, you have to add the token," which is obviously not helpful here.
Are you submitting the form manually through Ajax? If that's the case, you need to pass the anti forgery token as another parameter with the name "__RequestVerificationToken".
Point 1 : Make sure if your application is has https secure protocol. Please load in https.
Point 2 : In case of DevExpress you have to call in the below pattern.
After struggling with this for days I had a thought - maybe the browser is stopping the cookie being written. I did a search for dev servers and cookies not being written, and found that with Chrome and IE10 and up that there's problems writing the cookies.
I downloaded Firefox and tried it with that and it worked instantly. I then reapplied all the validate attributes to the all the controller methods and the all worked, every single one of them! Even the DexExpress postbacks seem to be working correctly.
I'll carry out more exhaustive testing, but for now, I think we're there.
Not exactly. If MVC AntiForgeryToken is already defined on page where you are using MvcxGridView and you want to protect grid actions you should send this token back to server during grid client side begin callback event.
settings.ClientSideEvents.BeginCallback = "function(s,e) { e.customArgs[\"__RequestVerificationToken\"] = $('input[name=\"__RequestVerificationToken\"]', $(s.GetMainElement())).val(); }";

Bluemix - Some bugs about virtual machines

As you can see.I have two instances in total,but I only can control one of them.
I can't see the other one on Bluemix console either.
I wonder to know how to delete that one.
I can't terminate the instances in the secound picutre.
I had tried many times to do that.
After wating,nothing happened.And its status is error.
I don't know what should I do.
I suggest you to open a support request using one of the following methods:
Use the Support Widget. It is available from the user avatar in the
upper right corner of the main Bluemix UI. After opening the support
widget panel, select Get Help > Get In Touch , select the type of
assistance you need, and then fill out the support form.
Use the Support Site 'Get Help' form. This form is available on a separate site that is made available for ticket submission when you cannot log into Bluemix and access the Support Widget. Go to and fill in the support request form.

Umbraco: A/B testing, links in structure

I'm having a problem when trying to A/B test certain nodes in my node-tree in Umbraco.
What I want to do is to copy a node in the node-tree to a specific spot and use that B-structure to see which of the structures works best, using Google analytics.
For example we have two node structures, let's call them "Private" and "Sweden".
Their structure with childnodes and properties are exactly the same. The only difference between them is the propertyvalues (content). The "Private"-URL is and the "Sweden"-URL is
What I would like to do is to change every link on the B-structure, so that it points to its match at the A-structure. The problem is that since it's two different structures, it will have two different alternative links.
With other words, it should be a coinsidence that it enters the B-structure, then be moved back to the A-structure in the next click.
We manage what page it should load (either the A-node or the B-node) with scripts, so that it has a 50% chance for each node, and if it lands on the B-node, Google analytics will save data. What we can't manage is that every link on that page will be to the A-node.
I'd appreciate any help I can get.
There's a couple of ways that seem likely to give you a start at least.
The /config/urlrewriting.config file allows you to set up multiple redirect rules within umbraco so a section like the following might work in sending all requests (whether (/sweden/pagename/ or /private/pagename/) back to the private structure. Not sure how GA will handle it:
rewriteUrlParameter="ExcludeFromClientQueryString" destinationUrl="$1" redirect="Domain" redirectMode="Permanent" ignoreCase="true" />
Secondly a simple httpmodule ( can process all page requests and redirect as required - you could do a gaq_push here directly or indirectly.
I'd be interested to know how you get on - it seems a good area for extension to Umbraco.
I'm not sure I have understood perfectly what you need to do, so please excuse any assumptions that may prove mistaken. Here's what I think:
Since A & B nodes should share the same html content (besides the links of course), why don't you make the link href attribute dynamic by using a bit of razor in the template or macro:
#{var isANode = CurrentPage.Parent.Name == "Sweden"; }
A similar approach would work if you are using web forms.
We finally came to the final decision to use the alternative template-solution. Since there seem to be no generic solution for my case of this problem we had to create an alternative template with specific macros to render the different information for every documenttype we're using.
Creating dynamic links for every page is a hell of a job in this stage in the project, since there are so many pages and links. Also some links are made in javascript, so there's another problem.
I copied the a-structure to another node, only for the reason to be able to change propertyvalues. There might be a problem logging and track the information with Google Analytics though, so that's the next step for us in this project. In our alternative templates we're getting the propertyvalues from the b-structure.
Still, if anyone have some better solution I'd highly appreciate it!

Using JSON to update app's content in iOS

I'm about to create an application that uses JSON to update its content.
This is how I planned it to work:
When application starts, it checks (with internet connection is available) if the JSON file set on remote server is newer than the one stored localy - if it is then it's downloaded.
Then, the application applies data from that JSON to the content. For example, to the "Contact" information - it applies data like phone numbers etc.
My question is, is it in your opinion, a good technique to update appliactions content?
Does anynone had an experience with building app with this kind of idea?
Best regards,
Of course you can do this. One thing that may lead to a better user experience would be to ask the user for his permission to download new content (if there is something new).
This is a normal thing to do. I have a phonebook app that does exactly this. On a side note, if you need a network class to handle the web-service interaction, see this SO post. I wrote a custom network class that works with AFNetworking.