XState.js How to send context to a machine? - xstate

I am new to XState.js.
I want to use a simple ID in my context. How do I update the context using machine.send()?
const fetchMachine = Machine(
id: 'test',
initial: 'init',
context: {
id: '',
states: {
init: {
on: {
LOGIN: 'fetch',
fetch: {
on: {
LOGOUT: 'init',
const machine = interpret(fetchMachine).start()
How do I pass an ID to the context?
This does NOT do the trick:
machine.send({ type: 'LOGIN', id })

You have to use the assign action to update the context. I've updated your example to the following:
import { Machine, assign } from 'xstate';
// Action to assign the context id
const assignId = assign({
id: (context, event) => event.id
export const testMachine = Machine(
id: 'test',
initial: 'init',
context: {
id: '',
states: {
init: {
on: {
target: 'fetch',
actions: [
fetch: {
on: {
LOGOUT: 'init',
actions: { assignId }
Now once you call the following:
import { testMachine } from './machines';
const testService = interpret(testMachine).start();
testService.send({type: 'LOGIN', id: 'test' });
//or testService.send('LOGIN', { id: 'test'});
the action assignId will assign data from the event to your context


How to track changes in a property stored in Vuex(store) and perform some method based on the value?

I'm trying to change the links based on the variable user_role which is stored in Vuex(store). I'm not able to find an appropriate way to track the change and based on its value I want to perform some method. Any suggestions on how to do it?
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
user_role: "User"
mutations: {},
actions: {},
modules: {}
export default {
name: "Navbar",
data() {
return {
links: [
{ text: "Projects", route: "/projects" },
{ text: "Requests", route: "/requests" },
{ text: "", route: "" },
{ text: "Resources", route: "/resources" }
pers_actions: ["Profile", "LogOut"],
watch: {
user_role: {
if (user_role === "PM") {
this.links[2] = {
text: "Allocations",
route: "/allocations"
} else if (user_role === "PMO") {
this.links[2] = {
text: "Reports",
route: "/reports"
} else if (user_role === "User") {
this.links = [
text: "Allocations",
route: "/allocations"
Rather than explicitly mutating your local data in response to some state change, it is better to compute your links within a computed property because it will automatically update whenever some dependent data has changed. It'll "just work".
computed: {
links() {
switch (this.$store.state.user_role) {
case: "PM": return [
{ text: "Projects", route: "/projects" },
{ text: "Requests", route: "/requests" },
{ text: "Allocations", route: "/allocations" },
{ text: "Resources", route: "/resources" },
case: "PMO": return [
{ text: "Projects", route: "/projects" },
{ text: "Requests", route: "/requests" },
{ text: "Reports", route: "/reports" },
{ text: "Resources", route: "/resources" },
// For any other role
default: return [
{ text: "Allocations", route: "/allocations" },

Computed property depends on vuex store. How to update the cached value?

The value of this.$store.state.Auth.loginToken is modified by one of its child components. The initial value of this.$store.state.Auth.loginToken is undefined. But still, the update in its value has no effect in the cached value of navItems thus it always returns the second value.
computed: {
navItems () {
return this.$store.state.Auth.loginToken != undefined ?
{ icon: 'add', title: 'Add new journal entry', to: '/' },
{ icon: 'power_settings_new', title: 'Logout', to: '/logout'}
]) :
{ icon: 'play_arrow', title: 'Login', to: '/login' }
Is there a better way to keep a watch on this.$store.state.Auth.loginToken so that it can be used same as navItems?
I created a basic example of how you can use vuex getters and Auth token (codepen):
const mapGetters = Vuex.mapGetters;
var store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
Auth: {
loginToken: ''
menuItems: [
{ icon: 'home', title: 'Home', to: '/' },
{ icon: 'about', title: 'About', to: '/about' },
{ icon: 'contact', title: 'Contact', to: '/contact' }
mutations: {
SET_LOGIN_TOKEN(state, data) {
state.Auth.loginToken = 1
getters: {
menuItems(state, getters) {
if(state.Auth.loginToken !== '') {
return state.menuItems.concat([{
icon: 'profile', title: 'Profile', to: '/profile'
return state.menuItems
loggedIn(state) {
return state.Auth.loginToken !== ''
actions: {
doLogin({commit}) {
commit('SET_LOGIN_TOKEN', 1)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: function() {
return {
newTodoText: "",
doneFilter: false
methods: {
login() {
computed: {
...mapGetters(['menuItems', 'loggedIn'])
This is just an example so you can ignore the actual login action. Also, the store should be a directory, the getters, mutations and actions should have their own files which are then imported in the index.js in the store like in this example

aurelia redirect line gives error "ERROR [app-router] Error: Unable to find module with ID: not-found"

I have been implementing an authorization step which I modeled on THIS question's answer by fragsalat.
Everything works until it reaches the line
return new Redirect('login');
upon which I get the error:
aurelia-logging-console.js:47 ERROR [app-router] Error: Expected router pipeline to return a navigation result, but got [{"url":"login","options":{"trigger":true,"replace":true},"shouldContinueProcessing":false}] instead.
at processResult (aurelia-router.js:1761)
at aurelia-router.js:1725
at <anonymous>
I am not sure why this has not just redirected?
This is the full app.ts file so you might see the context:
import { Aurelia, PLATFORM, autoinject } from "aurelia-framework";
import {
} from "aurelia-router";
import { AuthService } from "../../auth/auth-service";
//import { Clients } from '../../public/components/login/login'
export class App {
public router: Router;
private TOKEN_KEY = "session";
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router): void {
this.router = router;
config.title = "Aurelia";
route: ["", "scheduler"],
name: "scheduler",
settings: {
icon: "scheduler",
auth: true,
roles: ["Employee", "Admin"]
moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/scheduler/scheduler"),
nav: true,
title: "scheduler"
route: "clients",
name: "clients",
moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName(
title: "Clients",
nav: true,
settings: {
nav: [
{ href: "#clients/clientsList", title: "Client List" },
{ href: "#clients/Create", title: "Create Client" }
auth: true,
roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
pos: "left"
route: "clients/ClientsList",
name: "clientList",
moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName(
settings: {
auth: true,
roles: ["Employee", "Admin"]
route: "clients/create",
name: "aboutTeam",
moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName(
settings: {
auth: true,
roles: ["Employee", "Admin"]
route: "logout",
name: "logout",
settings: {
icon: "user",
auth: true,
roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
pos: "right"
moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/auth/logout/logout"),
nav: true,
title: "Logout"
route: "not-found",
name: "not-found",
settings: {
auth: true,
roles: ["Employee", "Admin"]
moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/notFound/notFound"),
nav: false,
title: "Not Found"
route: "login",
name: "login",
settings: {
icon: "user",
auth: true,
roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
pos: "right"
moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../../public/components/login/login"),
nav: true,
title: "login"
class AuthorizeStep {
private endDate: any;
static loginFragment = '../../public/components/login/login';
private authService: AuthService,
private router: Router,
private aurelia: Aurelia
) { }
run(navigationInstruction: NavigationInstruction, next: Next): Promise<any> {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => this.checkAuthentication(navigationInstruction, next))
.then(result => result || this.checkAuthorization(navigationInstruction, next))
.then(result => result || this.checkOrigin(navigationInstruction, next))
.then(result => result || next());
checkAuthentication(navigationInstruction, next) {
// Do we have a JWT?
const session = this.authService.getIdentity();
if (!session) {
this.forceReturnToPublic(next); // No JWT - back to the public root.
console.log("CHECKaUTHENTICATION: ", navigationInstruction.getAllInstructions().some(i => i.config.settings.auth) )
if (navigationInstruction.getAllInstructions().some(i => i.config.settings.auth)) {
// Is the token valid?
if (this.authService.hasTokenExpired(session)) {
const currentUrl = navigationInstruction.fragment + (navigationInstruction.queryString ? `?${navigationInstruction.queryString}` : '');
console.log("FRAGMENT: ", navigationInstruction.fragment);
console.log("NAVIGATE INSTRUCTION: ", navigationInstruction)
console.log('currentURL: ', currentUrl);
localStorage.setItem('origin', currentUrl);
console.log("AuthorizeStep.loginFragment", AuthorizeStep.loginFragment)
console.log("and it gets here!");
return new Redirect('login');
checkAuthorization(navigationInstruction, next) {
var usersRole = this.authService.getUserRole();
let requiredRoles = navigationInstruction.getAllInstructions()
.map(i => i.config.settings.roles)[0];
console.log("route Roles: ", requiredRoles);
let isUserPermited = requiredRoles ? requiredRoles.some(r => r === usersRole) : true;
console.log("isUserPermited: ", isUserPermited);
if (!isUserPermited) {
checkOrigin(instruction, next) {
const origin = localStorage.getItem('origin');
// Check if we were not redirected to login page and have an origin
if (instruction.fragment !== AuthorizeStep.loginFragment && origin) {
return next.cancel(new Redirect(origin));
forceReturnToPublic(next) {
if (localStorage.getItem('origin')) {
localStorage.removeItem('origin') // Just in case we had origin set.
this.router.navigate("/", { replace: true, trigger: false });
In all other pipeline steps you're using return next.cancel(new Redirect()), it should be the same case, as the pipeline step expects a Next as a return value, but you return a Redirect here.
Try changing it to
return next.cancel(new Redirect('login'));

Map on a set is not triggered if an item is updated

gun 0.8.7, Node.js-to-Node.js, no browser.
Nodes are successfully created and added to the tasks set
const Gun = require('gun');
const _ = require('lodash');
require( "gun/lib/path" );
const gun = new Gun({peers:['http://localhost:8080/gun', 'http://localhost:8081/gun']});
const watchers = [
id: '123',
type: 'skeleton',
stat: {
num: 0
id: '456',
type: 'snowmann',
stat: {
num: 0
id: '789',
type: 'moose',
stat: {
num: 0
const tasks = gun.get('tasks');
_.forEach(watchers, function (watcher) {
let task = gun.get(`watcher/${watcher.id}`).put(watcher);
There are results of the .map evaluation
a2task { _:
{ '#': 'watcher/123',
'>': { id: 1506959623558, type: 1506959623558, stat: 1506959623558 } },
id: '123',
type: 'skeleton',
stat: { '#': 'j8acunbf70NblJptwXWa' } }
task { _:
{ '#': 'watcher/456',
{ id: 1506959623579.002,
type: 1506959623579.002,
stat: 1506959623579.002 } },
id: '456',
type: 'snowmann',
stat: { '#': 'j8acunbv03sor9v0NeHs7cITj' } }
task { _:
{ '#': 'watcher/789',
{ id: 1506959623581.002,
type: 1506959623581.002,
stat: 1506959623581.002 } },
id: '789',
type: 'moose',
stat: { '#': 'j8acunbx03sorM0hWZdQz0IyL' } }
on a listener side
const Gun = require('gun');
const gun = new Gun({peers:['http://localhost:8080/gun']});
const tasks = gun.get('tasks');
tasks.map().val(function (task) {
console.log('task', task);
But there are no results if one of the properties updated:
_.forEach(watchers, function (watcher) {
stat: {
num: 1
Here is the code to play with https://github.com/sergibondarenko/shared-schedule
It gets no update because you're not mapping that level. 'stat' is already a property that is an object so you get no change.
tasks.map().map().val(function (task_stat) {
console.log('task stat', task_stat);

Transpiled GraphQL with Babel is throwing error "Cannot call class as function"

I am trying to get running GraphQL server. I have simple schema in GraphQL
import {
} from 'graphql'
import db from './models'
const user = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "user",
description: 'This represents a user',
fields: () => {
return {
id: {
type: GraphQLInt,
resolve(user) {
return user.id
firstName: {
type: GraphQLString,
resole(user) {
return user.firstName
lastName: {
type: GraphQLString,
resole(user) {
return user.lastName
email: {
type: GraphQLString,
resole(user) {
return user.email
createdAt: {
type: GraphQLString,
resole(user) {
return user.createdAt
updatedAt: {
type: GraphQLString,
resole(user) => {
return user.updatedAt
const Query = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
description: 'This is root Query',
fields: () => {
return {
users: {
type: GraphQLList(user),
args: {
id: {
type: GraphQLInt
email: {
type: GraphQLString
resolve(root, args) {
return db.user.findAll({where: args})
const Schema = new GraphQLSchema({
query: Query
export default Schema
I am transpile it with babel into ES5, but every time when I try run it with express
import GraphHTTP from 'express-graphql'
import Schema from './schema'
app.use('/grapql', GraphHTTP({
schema: Schema,
pretty: true,
graphiql: true
I am getting this error
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }                                                             
TypeError: Cannot call a class as a function
I check it again and again if i have some typing error but i didnt find enything.
instead of type: GraphQLList(user) use type: new GraphQLList(user)
GraphQLList is a class and you have to create it's instance and use, but you have called it as a function.
const Query = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
description: 'This is root Query',
fields: () => {
return {
users: {
type: new GraphQLList(user),
args: {
id: {
type: GraphQLInt
email: {
type: GraphQLString
resolve(root, args) {
return db.user.findAll({where: args})