Naming a function that compute a thing - naming-conventions

Consider a Python module (but it is relevant to other language) with a series of functions meant to be used sequentialy.
Namely, functions are semantically linked according to the following scheme:
def function_a_to_b(thing_a):
"""Compute the thing_b."""
thing_b = thing_a**2
return thing_b
def function_b_to_c(thing_b):
"""Compute the thing_c."""
thing_c = thing_b**3
return thing_c
In this trivial example, a candidate name for function_a_to_b could be squaring and thing_a could be named square, and likewise we could use cubin and cube.
Now if thing_a is something complicated that does not support verbing, say a weighted_glonk.
How can I name function_a_to_b to keep things short, obvious, and avoid variable clash or error prone namespace subtleties?
I incline towards compute_weighted_glonk for the function. Another option is hungarian naming, say array_weighted_glonk for the thing

It depends what you want to do with that glonk, but you are mostly right with compute_wighted_glonk. If you want to compute him, then name that function compute_glonk(), if you want to get his name, the function would probably be get_name_of_glonk(). Lot of people will have lot of suggestions, there are lot of ways to name your functions. Was my answer enought?

If it is a complicated thing that doesn't support verbing, then i would suggest to create a class for it and create the thing by the constructor.

My advice is to find a balance between short and verbose in naming --Dmitri Pavlutin
Don't be afraid to use an auxiliary word. In plain english you wouldn't struggle with "The plant growthed..." but simply go with "The plant presented growth...".
Back to your example like cube/cubing you may write glonk/obtainGlonk or glonk/calculateGlonk.
Also, focus on the readability more than keeping the verbing standard which at the end of the day is what the fellow programmer will read. Your verbed word, is what, an effect? Keep it that way.
Your action should describe a change that has happened in your system

My fifty cents: I would argue against introducing naming conventions to reveal computational structure (Robert Martin: "We have enough encodings to deal with without adding more to our burden" [Clean Code, p.23]). If your functions are meant to be called in a strict order, you should encapsulate them in another function that does precisely that; or create some kind of latch, if that's approriate.

I don't know python, so I'd like to answer from javascript perspective. I can't figure out what you mean by a glonk and something that does not support verbing in programming context. thing_a can, at most be, as complicated as another array,object or another callable function -- in those cases you can put type checks in function_a_to_b. Also, Compute the thing_b can be replaced by another function if it involves multiple operations. What I would do is the following:
//I'm using $ for var names just for semantics.
//$var is a php usage but I want to emphasise
//what things are variables.
function myComputer($thing){
if(typeof($thing) == ("object")) {
//take total no of properties or whatever you want
return Object.keys($thing).length;
else if(typeof($thing) == ("number")) {
return $thing;
else if(typeof($thing) == ("string")) {
return $thing.length;
else {
return 0;
function mySquarer($a) { //sementic naming instead of function_a_to_b
var $b = Math.pow(myComputer($a),2); //In your original version whats the point of computing thing_b if you wanna reassign a different value afterwards?
return $b;
function myCuber($b) { //When you call myCuber you can do myCuber(mySquarer($anything));
var $c = Math.pow(myComputer($b),3);
return $c;


Doing this on kotlin is a bad practice?

The second way is a little smaller but i dont know if this is okay, can i use also just for be able to use expression body and put the first line of the cod on the side of method name?
override fun findOrdensColeta() {
model.findOrdensColeta {
override fun findOrdensColeta() = view.setProgressBarVisibility(View.VISIBLE).also {
model.findOrdensColeta {
Yes, I think the second version is bad style. I see no good reasons to use also() like that, and several reasons not to:
also() is intended for use within expressions, where you don't have the option of adding a separate statement. (The classic case is logging a value before doing something with it.) That doesn't apply here, where two simple statements work just as well. So there's no benefit other than conciseness; using also() here is unnecessary complexity.
The second version has an expression body, which looks like it returns a useful value — but it actually returns the result of calling setProgressBarVisibility(), which is presumably Unit just like the first version. So the expression body is highly misleading.
Also, the only reason that the second version is shorter is that the first statement has been squeezed onto the same line. I don't think that's justified here* — it joins two things (the function signature and the call to setProgressBarVisibility()) that aren't directly related, and it makes the line too long for most people to read easily. (I'm surprised you find the second version easier to read. I tend to prefer conciseness, but even I find the first version a good deal easier to read — probably because it falls into a very familiar pattern that doesn't need any extra thought.)
If you cared only about reducing the number of lines, then the first version could be written like this (not recommended!):
override fun findOrdensColeta() { view.setProgressBarVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
model.findOrdensColeta {
(You could join even more lines, perhaps squeezing it all onto a single line if you wanted to make it completely unreadable!)
Conversely, if there were other good reasons for using the second version, it would be better if wrapped like this:
override fun findOrdensColeta()
= view.setProgressBarVisibility(View.VISIBLE).also {
model.findOrdensColeta {
So as you can see, the difference in length is mainly due to the (unjustified and confusing) line-joining, not the use of also().
So using also() here has no real benefit, as well as some significant drawbacks.
* I'm not saying you should never put the function body on the same line as its signature. That can work well if the body is an expression that's short enough to fit neatly all one line. For example:
override fun toString() = "MyClass(val1 = $val1)"
However, if that makes the line very long, or wraps onto further lines, or is a function body, then it's almost always more readable to start the body on the next line in the traditional fashion.
I believe the second one is a bad approach.
also is designed to provide the ability to modify or use the receiver and return it afterwards.
In your case, also is not containing any usages of its receiver (which is the result of view.setProgressBarVisibility(View.VISIBLE) ). Therefore it is not needed here
The second version is a bit confused to me - if you take the first one as the standard way to do things, a simple code block with two statements in it, what benefit does the second one really give you? You're basically using expression syntax to make it a one-liner - but it's not a one-liner, so you have to add a scope function just to give yourself back the curly braces so you can add another line of code!
So this:
override fun findOrdensColeta() {
model.findOrdensColeta {
Does exactly the same thing as this:
override fun findOrdensColeta() = view.setProgressBarVisibility(View.VISIBLE).also {
model.findOrdensColeta {
But with the latter
it appears to return a result from setProgressBarInvisibility because it's a single-expression function (the original clearly returns nothing)
the use of also which passes that result value through reinforces the idea that you're trying to return that result
the also block implies you're using that value for something (otherwise why's it there?) and it takes a moment to see that you're not
when you realise none of the above are true, now you might be wondering if you're missing something, or if the original coder intended something specific but made a mistake
Because the basic function block is so simple and readable and a natural fit for what you're doing, doing something else can throw up some questions, or be confusing to read. Sure the way it's formatted you've saved a single line, but now it's harder to understand, y'know?
This is something to watch out for in Kotlin I think (and I'm guilty of this myself) - being able to chain stuff together sometimes encourages people to go for "one-liners" that are hard to follow, but hey at least you didn't (explicitly) create a variable! That's not what you're doing here (you're creating an unnecessary variable actually!) but it feels like a similar thing - trying to make a single expression instead of doing things the old-school way.
Coding is about trying to strike that balance between simplicity and readability, and elegant efficiency, and a lot of it's about learning what tools and tricks are available, and knowing when to use them (and how best to do it) and when to avoid them. At the end of the day it's a style choice and this is just my opinion (although all the other commenters so far are saying similar things) but hopefully it's given you something to think about! I've been there too - including using expressions for functions that don't return a value at all - but I think that's all part of learning a language and the things it offers you

Should I give up grammatical correctness when naming my functions to offer regularity?

I implement several global functions in our library that look something like this:
void init_time();
void init_random();
void init_shapes();
I would like to add functions to provide a check whether those have been called:
bool is_time_initialized();
bool is_random_initialized();
bool are_shapes_initialized();
However, as you can see are_shapes_initialized falls out of the row due to the fact that shapes is plural and therefore the function name must start with are and not is. This could be a problem, as the library is rather large and not having a uniform way to group similiar functions under the same naming convention might be confusing / upsetting.
E.g. a user using IntelliSense quickly looking up function names to see if the libary offers a way to check if their initialization call happened:
They won't find are_shapes_initialized() here unless scrolling through hundreds of additional function / class names.
Just going with is_shapes_initialized() could offer clarity:
As this displays all functions, now.
But how can using wrong grammar be a good approach? Shouldn't I just assume that the user should also ask IntelliSense for "are_initialized" or just look into the documentation in the first place? Probably not, right? Should I just give up on grammatical correctness?
The way I see it, a variable is a single entity. Maybe that entity is an aggregate of other entities, such as an array or a collection, in which case it would make sense to give it a plural name e.g. a set of Shape objects could be called shapes. Even so, it is still a single object. Looking at it that way, it is grammatically acceptable to refer to it as singular. After all, is_shapes_initialized actually means "Is the variable 'shapes' initialized?"
It's the same reason we say "The Bahamas is" or "The Netherlands is", because we are referring to the singular country, not whatever plural entity it is comprised of. So yes, is_shapes_initialized can be considered grammatically correct.
It's more a matter of personal taste. I would recommend putting "is" before functions that return Boolean. This would look more like:
bool is_time_initialized();
bool is_random_initialized();
bool is_shapes_initialized();
This makes them easier to find and search for, even if they aren't grammatically correct.
You can find functions using "are" to show it is plural in places such as the DuckDuckGo app, with:
In the DuckDuckGo app, it also uses "is" to show functions return boolean, and boolean variables:
val isFullScreen: Boolean = false
In OpenTK, a C# Graphics Library, I also found usage of "are":
In the same OpenTK Libary, they use "is" singularly for functions that return boolean and boolean variables:
bool isControl = false;
Either usage could work. Using "are" plurally would make more sense grammatically, and using "if" plurally could make more sense for efficiency or simplifying Boolean functions.
Here's what I would do, assuming you are trying to avoid calling this function on each shape.
void init_each_shape();
bool is_each_shape_initialized();
Also assuming that you need these functions, it seems like it would make more sense to have the functions throw an exception if they do not succeed.

Can you write any algorithm without an if statement?

This site tickled my sense of humour - but can polymorphism work in every case where you would use an if statement?
Smalltalk, which is considered as a "truly" object oriented language, has no "if" statement, and it has no "for" statement, no "while" statement. There are other examples (like Haskell) but this is a good one.
Quoting Smalltalk has no “if” statement:
Some of the audience may be thinking
that this is evidence confirming their
suspicions that Smalltalk is weird,
but what I’m going to tell you is
An “if” statement is an abomination in an Object Oriented language.
Why? Well, an OO language is composed
of classes, objects and methods, and
an “if” statement is inescapably none
of those. You can’t write “if” in an
OO way. It shouldn’t exist.
Conditional execution, like everything
else, should be a method. A method of
what? Boolean.
Now, funnily enough, in Smalltalk,
Boolean has a method called
ifTrue:ifFalse: (that name will look
pretty odd now, but pass over it for
now). It’s abstract in Boolean, but
Boolean has two subclasses: True and
False. The method is passed two blocks
of code. In True, the method simply
runs the code for the true case. In
False, it runs the code for the false
case. Here’s an example that hopefully
(x >= 0) ifTrue: [
] ifFalse: [
You should be able to see ifTrue: and
ifFalse: in there. Don’t worry that
they’re not together.
The expression (x >= 0) evaluates to
true or false. Say it’s true, then we
true ifTrue: [
] ifFalse: [
I hope that it’s fairly obvious that
that will produce ‘Positive’.
If it was false, we’d have:
false ifTrue: [
] ifFalse: [
That produces ‘Negative’.
OK, that’s how it’s done. What’s so
great about it? Well, in what other
language can you do this? More
seriously, the answer is that there
aren’t any special cases in this
language. Everything can be done in an
OO way, and everything is done in an
OO way.
I definitely recommend reading the whole post and Code is an object from the same author as well.
That website is against using if statements for checking if an object has a specific type. This is completely different from if (foo == 5). It's bad to use ifs like if (foo instanceof pickle). The alternative, using polymorphism instead, promotes encapsulation, making code infinitely easier to debug, maintain, and extend.
Being against ifs in general (doing a certain thing based on a condition) will gain you nothing. Notice how all the other answers here still make decisions, so what's really the difference?
Explanation of the why behind polymorphism:
Take this situation:
void draw(Shape s) {
if (s instanceof Rectangle)
//treat s as rectangle
if (s instanceof Circle)
//treat s as circle
It's much better if you don't have to worry about the specific type of an object, generalizing how objects are processed:
void draw(Shape s) {
This moves the logic of how to draw a shape into the shape class itself, so we can now treat all shapes the same. This way if we want to add a new type of shape, all we have to do is write the class and give it a draw method instead of modifying every conditional list in the whole program.
This idea is everywhere in programming today, the whole concept of interfaces is all about polymorphism. (Shape is an interface defining a certain behavior, allowing us to process any type that implements the Shape interface in our method.) Dynamic programming languages take this even further, allowing us to pass any type that supports the necessary actions into a method. Which looks better to you? (Python-style pseudo-code)
def multiply(a,b):
if (a is string and b is int):
//repeat a b times.
if (a is int and b is int):
//multiply a and b
or using polymorphism:
def multiply(a,b):
return a*b
You can now use any 2 types that support the * operator, allowing you to use the method with types that haven't event been created yet.
See polymorphism and what is polymorhism.
Though not OOP-related: In Prolog, the only way to write your whole application is without if statements.
Yes actually, you can have a turing-complete language that has no "if" per se and only allows "while" statements:
As for OO design, it makes sense to use an inheritance pattern rather than switches based on a type field in certain cases... That's not always feasible or necessarily desirable though.
#ennuikiller: conditionals would just be a matter of syntactic sugar:
if (test) body; is equivalent to x=test; while (x) {x=nil; body;}
if-then-else is a little more verbose:
if (test) ifBody; else elseBody;
is equivalent to
x = test; y = true;
while (x) {x = nil; y = nil; ifBody;}
while (y) {y = nil; elseBody;}
the primitive data structure is a list of lists. you could say 2 scalars are equal if they are lists of the same length. you would loop over them simultaneously using the head/tail operators and see if they stop at the same point.
of course that could all be wrapped up in macros.
The simplest turing complete language is probably iota. It contains only 2 symbols ('i' and '*').
Yep. if statements imply branches which can be very costly on a lot of modern processors - particularly PowerPC. Many modern PCs do a lot of pipeline re-ordering and so branch mis-predictions can cost an order of >30 cycles per branch miss.
On console programming it's sometimes faster to just execute the code and ignore it than check if you should execute it!
Simple branch avoidance in C:
if (++i >= 15)
i = 0;
can be re-written as
i = (i + 1) & 15;
However, if you want to see some real anti-if fu then read this
Oh and on the OOP question - I'll replace a branch mis-prediction with a virtual function call? No thanks....
The reasoning behind the "anti-if" campaign is similar to what Kent Beck said:
Good code invariably has small methods and
small objects. Only by factoring the system into many small pieces of state
and function can you hope to satisfy the “once and only once” rule. I get lots
of resistance to this idea, especially from experienced developers, but no one
thing I do to systems provides as much help as breaking it into more pieces.
If you don't know how to factor a program with composition and inheritance, then your classes and methods will tend to grow bigger over time. When you need to make a change, the easiest thing will be to add an IF somewhere. Add too many IFs, and your program will become less and less maintainable, and still the easiest thing will be to add more IFs.
You don't have to turn every IF into an object collaboration; but it's a very good thing when you know how to :-)
You can define True and False with objects (in a pseudo-python):
class True:
def if(then,else):
return then
def or(a):
return True()
def and(a):
return a
def not():
return False()
class False:
def if(then,else):
return false
def or(a):
return a
def and(a):
return False()
def not():
return True()
I think it is an elegant way to construct booleans, and it proves that you can replace every if by polymorphism, but that's not the point of the anti-if campaign. The goal is to avoid writing things such as (in a pathfinding algorithm) :
if type == Block or type == Player:
# You can't pass through this
# You can
But rather call a is_traversable method on each object. In a sense, that's exactly the inverse of pattern matching. "if" is useful, but in some cases, it is not the best solution.
I assume you are actually asking about replacing if statements that check types, as opposed to replacing all if statements.
To replace an if with polymorphism requires a method in a common supertype you can use for dispatching, either by overriding it directly, or by reusing overridden methods as in the visitor pattern.
But what if there is no such method, and you can't add one to a common supertype because the super types are not maintained by you? Would you really go to the lengths of introducing a new supertype along with subtypes just to get rid of a single if? That would be taking purity a bit far in my opinion.
Also, both approaches (direct overriding and the visitor pattern) have their disadvantages: Overriding the method directly requires that you implement your method in the classes you want to switch on, which might not help cohesion. On the other hand, the visitor pattern is awkward if several cases share the same code. With an if you can do:
if (o instanceof OneType || o instanceof AnotherType) {
// complicated logic goes here
How would you share the code with the visitor pattern? Call a common method? Where would you put that method?
So no, I don't think replacing such if statements is always an improvement. It often is, but not always.
I used to write code a lot as the recommend in the anti-if campaign, using either callbacks in a delegate dictionary or polymorphism.
It's quite a beguiling argument, especially if you are dealing with messy code bases but to be honest, although it's great for a plugin model or simplifying large nested if statements, it does make navigating and readability a bit of a pain.
For example F12 (Go To Definition) in visual studio will take you to an abstract class (or, in my case an interface definition).
It also makes quick visual scanning of a class very cumbersome, and adds an overhead in setting up the delegates and lookup hashes.
Using the recommendations put forward in the anti-if campaign as much as they appear to be recommending looks like 'ooh, new shiny thing' programming to me.
As for the other constructs put forward in this thread, albeit it has been done in the spirit of a fun challenge, are just substitutes for an if statement, and don't really address what the underlying beliefs of the anti-if campaign.
You can avoid ifs in your business logic code if you keep them in your construction code (Factories, builders, Providers etc.). Your business logic code would be much more readable, easier to understand or easier to maintain or extend. See:
Haskell doesn't even have if statements, being pure functional. ;D
You can do it without if per se, but you can't do it without a mechanism that allows you to make a decision based on some condition.
In assembly, there's no if statement. There are conditional jumps.
In Haskell for instance, there's no explicit if, instead, you define a function multiple times, I forgot the exact syntax, but it's something like this:
def posNeg(x < 0):
return "negative"
def posNeg(x == 0):
return "zero"
def posNeg(x):
return "positive"
When you call posNeg(a), the interpreter will look at the value of a, if it's < 0 then it will choose the first definition, if it's == 0 then it will choose the second definition, otherwise it will default to the third definition.
So while languages like Haskell and SmallTalk don't have the usual C-style if statement, they have other means of allowing you to make decisions.
This is actually a coding game I like to play with programming languages. It's called "if we had no if" which has its origins at:
Basically, if we disallow the use of conditional constructs in the language: no if, no while, no for, no unless, no switch etc.. can we recreate our own IF function. The answer depends on the language and what language features we can exploit (remember using regular conditional constructs is cheating co no ternary operators!)
For example, in tcl, a function name is just a string and any string (including the empty string) is allowed for anything (function names, variable names etc.). So, exploiting this we can do:
proc 0 {true false} {uplevel 1 $false; # execute false code block, ignore true}
proc 1 {true false} {uplevel 1 $true; # execute true code block, ignore flase}
proc _IF {boolean true false} {
$boolean $true $false
_IF [expr {1<2}] {
puts "this is true"
} {
puts "this is false"
or in javascript we can abuse the loose typing and the fact that almost anything can be cast into a string and combine that with its functional nature:
function fail (discard,execute) {execute()}
function pass (execute,discard) {execute()}
var truth_table = {
'false' : fail,
'true' : pass
function _IF (expr) {
return truth_table[!!expr];
function(){alert('this is true')},
function(){alert('this is false')}
Not all languages can do this sort of thing. But languages I like tend to be able to.
The idea of polymorphism is to call an object without to first verify the class of that object.
That doesn't mean the if statement should not be used at all; you should avoid to write
if (object.isArray()) {
// Code to execute when the object is an array.
} else if (object.inString()) {
// Code to execute if the object is a string.
It depends on the language.
Statically typed languages should be able to handle all of the type checking by sharing common interfaces and overloading functions/methods.
Dynamically typed languages might need to approach the problem differently since type is not checked when a message is passed, only when an object is being accessed (more or less). Using common interfaces is still good practice and can eliminate many of the type checking if statements.
While some constructs are usually a sign of code smell, I am hesitant to eliminate any approach to a problem apriori. There may be times when type checking via if is the expedient solution.
Note: Others have suggested using switch instead, but that is just a clever way of writing more legible if statements.
Well, if you're writing in Perl, it's easy!
Instead of
if (x) {
# ...
you can use
unless (!x){
# ...
In answer to the question, and as suggested by the last respondent, you need some if statements to detect state in a factory. At that point you then instantiate a set of collaborating classes that solve the state specific problem. Of course, other conditionals would be required as needed, but they would be minimized.
What would be removed of course would be the endless procedural state checking rife in so much service based code.
Interesting smalltalk is mentioned, as that's the language I used before being dragged across into Java. I don't get home as early as I used to.
I thought about adding my two cents: you can optimize away ifs in many languages where the second part of a boolean expression is not evaluated when it won't affect the result.
With the and operator, if the first operand evaluates to false, then there is no need to evaluate the second one. With the or operator, it's the opposite - there's no need to evaluate the second operand if the first one is true. Some languages always behave like that, others offer an alternative syntax.
Here's an if - elseif - else code made in JavaScript by only using operators and anonymous functions.
document.getElementById("myinput").addEventListener("change", function(e) {
( == 1 && !function() {
alert('if 1');
}()) || ( == 2 && !function() {
alert('else if 2');
}()) || ( == 3 && !function() {
alert('else if 3');
}()) || (function() {
<input type="text" id="myinput" />
This makes me want to try defining an esoteric language where blocks implicitly behave like self-executing anonymous functions and return true, so that you would write it like this:
(condition && {
}) || (condition && {
}) || {

Boolean method naming readability

Simple question, from a readability standpoint, which method name do you prefer for a boolean method:
public boolean isUserExist(...)
public boolean doesUserExist(...)
public boolean userExists(...)
public boolean userExists(...)
Would be my prefered. As it makes your conditional checks far more like natural english:
if userExists ...
But I guess there is no hard and fast rule - just be consistent
I would say userExists, because 90% of the time my calling code will look like this:
if userExists(...) {
and it reads very literally in English.
if isUserExist and if doesUserExist seem redundant.
Beware of sacrificing clarity whilst chasing readability.
Although if (user.ExistsInDatabase(db)) reads nicer than if (user.CheckExistsInDatabase(db)), consider the case of a class with a builder pattern, (or any class which you can set state on):
It's not clear if ExistsInDatabase is checking whether it does exist, or setting the fact that it does exist. You wouldn't write if (user.Age()) or if (user.Name()) without any comparison value, so why is if (user.Exists()) a good idea purely because that property/function is of boolean type and you can rename the function/property to read more like natural english? Is it so bad to follow the same pattern we use for other types other than booleans?
With other types, an if statement compares the return value of a function to a value in code, so the code looks something like:
if (user.GetAge() >= 18) ...
Which reads as "if user dot get age is greater than or equal to 18..." true - it's not "natural english", but I would argue that object.verb never resembled natural english and this is simply a basic facet of modern programming (for many mainstream languages). Programmers generally don't have a problem understanding the above statement, so is the following any worse?
if (user.CheckExists() == true)
Which is normally shortened to
if (user.CheckExists())
Followed by the fatal step
if (user.Exists())
Whilst it has been said that "code is read 10x more often than written", it is also very important that bugs are easy to spot. Suppose you had a function called Exists() which causes the object to exist, and returns true/false based on success. You could easily see the code if (user.Exists()) and not spot the bug - the bug would be very much more obvious if the code read if (user.SetExists()) for example.
Additionally, user.Exists() could easily contain complex or inefficient code, round tripping to a database to check something. user.CheckExists() makes it clear that the function does something.
See also all the responses here: Naming Conventions: What to name a method that returns a boolean?
As a final note - following "Tell Don't Ask", a lot of the functions that return true/false disappear anyway, and instead of asking an object for its state, you tell it to do something, which it can do in different ways based on its state.
The goal for readability should always be to write code the closest possible to natural language. So in this case, userExists seems the best choice. Using the prefix "is" may nonetheless be right in another situations, for example isProcessingComplete.
My simple rule to this question is this:
If the boolean method already HAS a verb, don't add one. Otherwise, consider it. Some examples:
$user->isGuest() // "is" added
I would go with userExists() because 1) it makes sense in natural language, and 2) it follows the conventions of the APIs I have seen.
To see if it make sense in natural language, read it out loud. "If user exists" sounds more like a valid English phrase than "if is user exists" or "if does user exist". "If the user exists" would be better, but "the" is probably superfluous in a method name.
To see whether a file exists in Java SE 6, you would use File.exists(). This looks like it will be the same in version 7. C# uses the same convention, as do Python and Ruby. Hopefully, this is a diverse enough collection to call this a language-agnostic answer. Generally, I would side with naming methods in keeping with your language's API.
There are things to consider that I think were missed by several other answers here
It depends if this is a C++ class method or a C function. If this is a method then it will likely be called if (user.exists()) { ... } or if (user.isExisting()) { ... }
not if (user_exists(&user)) .
This is the reason behind coding standards that state bool methods should begin with a verb since they will read like a sentence when the object is in front of them.
Unfortunately lots of old C functions return 0 for success and non-zero for failure so it can be difficult to determine the style being used unless you follow the all bool functions begin with verbs or always compare to true like so if (true == user_exists(&user))
Why not rename the property then?
if (user.isPresent()) {
Purely subjective.
I prefer userExists(...) because then statements like this read better:
if ( userExists( ... ) )
while ( userExists( ... ) )
In this particular case, the first example is such horrible English that it makes me wince.
I'd probably go for number three because of how it sounds when reading it in if statements. "If user exists" sounds better than "If does user exists".
This is assuming it's going to be to used in if statement tests of course...
I like any of these:
User.lookup(...) != null
Method names serves for readability, only the ones fit into your whole code would be the best which most of the case it begins with conditions thus subjectPredicate follows natural sentence structure.
Since I follow the convention to put verb before function name, I would do the same here too:
//method name
public boolean doesExists(...)
//this way you can also keep a variable to store the result
bool userExists = user.doesExists()
//and use it like a english phrase
if (userExists) {...}
//or you can use the method name directly also and it will make sense here too
if (user.doesExists()) {...}

Is it good practice to create once-used variables?

A colleague of mine refactored this code:
private void btnGeneral_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Button button = (Button)e.OriginalSource;
Type type = this.GetType();
Assembly assembly = type.Assembly;
string userControlFullName = String.Format("{0}.{1}", type.Namespace, button.Name);
UserControl userControl = (UserControl)assembly.CreateInstance(userControlFullName);
to this code:
private void btnGeneral_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Button button = (Button)e.OriginalSource;
Type type = this.GetType();
Assembly assembly = type.Assembly;
UserControl userControl = (UserControl)assembly.CreateInstance(String.Format("{0}.{1}", type.Namespace, button.Name));
saying that you don't need to create a variable if it is only going to be used once.
My response was that making once-used variables is good practice since it:
functions as and reduces comments (it is clear what "userControlFullName" is)
makes code easier to read, i.e. more of your code "reads like English"
avoids super-long statements by replacing parts of them with clear variable names
easier to debug since you can mouse over the variable name, and in the cases of e.g. PHP programming without debuggers, it is easier to echo out these variable names to get their values
The arguments against this way "more lines of code", "unnecessary variables" are arguments to make life easier for the compiler but with no significant speed or resource savings.
Can anyone think of any situations in which one should not create once-used variable names?
I'm with your opinion in this case. Readability is key. I'm sure that the compiler produces the same executable in both cases, with the compilers as intelligent as they are today.
But I wouldn't claim "always use once-used variables" either. Example:
String name = "John";
is unnecessary, because
reads equally well - if not even better. But, of course, not all cases are as clear cut. "Readability" is a subjective term, after all.
All your reasons seem valid to me.
There are occasions where you effectively have to avoid using intermediate variables, where you need a single expression (e.g. for member variable initialization in Java/C#) but introducing an extra variable for clarity is absolutely fine where it's applicable. Obviously don't do it for every argument to every method, but in moderation it can help a lot.
The debugging argument is particularly strong - it's also really nice to be able to step over the lines which "prepare" the arguments to a method, and step straight into the method itself, having seen the arguments easily in the debugger.
Your colleague doesn't seem to be consistent.
The consistent solution looks like this:
private void btnGeneral_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
UserControl userControl = ((UserControl)type.Assembly).CreateInstance(String.Format("{0}.{1}", this.GetType().Namespace, ((Button)e.OriginalSource).Name));
I'm completely with you on this one.
I especially use this if a method takes a lot of booleans, ie
public void OpenDocument(string filename, bool asReadonly, bool copyLocal, bool somethingElse)
To me this is a lot more readable:
bool asReadonly = true;
bool copyLocal = false;
bool somethingElse = true;
OpenDocument("somefile.txt", asReadonly, copyLocal, somethingElse);
OpenDocument("somefile.txt", true, false, true);
Since the programming languages I use generally do not tell me what was null in an exception stacktrace I generally try to use variables so that no more than one item per line can be null. I actually find this to be the most significant limiter of how many statements I want to put on a single line.
If you get a nullpointerexception in this statement from your production logs you're really in trouble:
Although I agree with your thoughts, adding an extra variable can introduce an extra concept in the method and this concept may not always be relevant to the overall goal of the method. So excessive adding of variables can also increase method complexity and reduce legibility. Note the usage of excessive here.
I guess in some cases where it could have an effect on performance. In particular in this example:
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < BIG_NR; i1++)
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < BIG_NR; i2++)
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < BIG_NR; i3++)
for (int i4 = 0; i4 < BIG_NR; i4++)
int amount = a + b;
someVar[i1][i2][i3][i4] = amount;
... the extra assignment might have a too big impact on performance.
But in general, your arguments are 100% correct.
The both codes are exactly the same. Of course, yours is more readable, maintenable and debuggable, but, if that was the point of your colleague, his code is NOT memory less consumer.
I think it's a judgement call based on how tidy you want you code to be. I also think that both you and your colleague are correct.
In this instance I would side with you colleague based on the code you presented (for performance reasons), however as I said before it does depend on the context in which it will be used and I think your position is perfectly acceptable.
I would point out that creating variables for once used parameters can be pointless, unless they are const variables or things that you need to use in many places.
I would argue that declaring a once used variable could possible create more confusion when you are debugging if there are lots and lots of these, but one here and there is probably fine.
Creating a new variable means one more concept for the reader to keep track of. (Consider the extreme case: int b=a;c=b;) If a method is so complex - in such need of breaking up - that the extra concept is a price worth paying, then you ought to go the whole hog and split it into two methods. This way you get both the meaningful name and the smaller size. (Smaller for your original method: if it's like you say, then people won't typically need to read the auxiliary method.)
That's a generalisation, particularly in a language with a lot of boilerplate for adding new methods, but you're not going to disagree with the generalisation often enough to make it worth leaving out of your style guide.
I'm completely with your colleague in principle, but not in this case.
The problem with throwaway variables is that they introduce state, and more state means the code is harder to understand since you don't know what effects it could have on the program's flow. Functional programming has no variables at all, exactly for this reason. So the fewer variables there are, the better. Eliminating variables is good.
However, in this particular case, where the method ends right after the variable's only use, the disadvantages of having it are minimal, and the advantages you mention are probably more substantial.
Trying hard to come up with an argument against introducing new variables I'd say that when you read the code (for the first time, at least), you don't know if the variable is being used more than once. So immediately you will let your eyes scan down through the code to see if it is used in more places. The longer the function the more will you have to look to see if you can find it.
Thats's the best argument against that I can come up with! :-)
That's how I used to code. Nowadays I tried to minimize intermediate variables. The use of intermediate variables is perfectly fine if it's immutable.
I'm in agreement with the majority here, code readability is key.
It's a rare line count crusader that actually writes highly readable, highly maintainable code.
Additionally, it all gets compiled to MSIL anyway and the compiler will optimise a lot for you.
In the following example, the compiler will optimise the code anyway:
List<string> someStrings = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
string localString = string.Format("prefix{0}", i);
Rather than:
List<string> someStrings = new List<string>();
string localString = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
localString = string.Format("prefix{0}", i);
So there's really no performance reason not to go with it in many cases.
"makes code easier to read, i.e. more of your code "reads like English"
I think this is the most important factor as there is no difference in performance or functionality on most moder managed languages
After all we all know code is harder to read than it is to write.