Numpy fancy indexing with 2D array - explanation - numpy

I am (re)building up my knowledge of numpy, having used it a little while ago.
I have a question about fancy indexing with multidimenional (in this case 2D) arrays.
Given the following snippet:
>>> a = np.arange(12).reshape(3,4)
>>> a
array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7],
[ 8, 9, 10, 11]])
>>> i = np.array( [ [0,1], # indices for the first dim of a
... [1,2] ] )
>>> j = np.array( [ [2,1], # indices for the second dim
... [3,3] ] )
>>> a[i,j] # i and j must have equal shape
array([[ 2, 5],
[ 7, 11]])
Could someone explain in simple English, the logic being applied to give the results produced. Ideally, the explanation would be applicable for 3D and higher rank arrays being used to index an array.
Conceptually (in terms of restrictions placed on "rows" and "columns"), what does it mean to index using a 2D array?

Conceptually (in terms of restrictions placed on "rows" and "columns"), what does it mean to index using a 2D array?
It means you are constructing a 2d array R, such that R=A[B, C]. This means that the value for rij=abijcij.
So it means that the item located at R[0,0] is the item in A with as row index B[0,0] and as column index C[0,0]. The item R[0,1] is the item in A with row index B[0,1] and as column index C[0,1], etc.
So in this specific case:
>>> b = a[i,j]
>>> b
array([[ 2, 5],
[ 7, 11]])
b[0,0] = 2 since i[0,0] = 0, and j[0,0] = 2, and thus a[0,2] = 2. b[0,1] = 5 since i[0,0] = 1, and j[0,0] = 1, and thus a[1,1] = 5. b[1,0] = 7 since i[0,0] = 1, and j[0,0] = 3, and thus a[1,3] = 7. b[1,1] = 11 since i[0,0] = 2, and j[0,0] = 3, and thus a[2,3] = 11.
So you can say that i will determine the "row indices", and j will determine the "column indices". Of course this concept holds in more dimensions as well: the first "indexer" thus determines the indices in the first index, the second "indexer" the indices in the second index, and so on.


numpy append in a for loop with different sizes

I have a for loop but where i has changes by 2 and i want to save a value in a numpy array in each iteration that that changes by 1.
n = 8 #steps
# random sequence
rand_seq = np.zeros(n-1)
for i in range(0, (n-1)*2, 2):
curr_state= i+3
I want to get curr_state outside the loop in the rand_seq array (seven values).
can you help me with that?
thanks a lot
A much simpler version (if I understand the question correctly) would be:
np.arange(3, 15+1, 2)
where 3 = start, 15 = stop, 2 = step size.
In general, when using numpy try to avoid adding elements in a for loop as this is inefficient. I would suggest checking out the documentation of np.arange(), np.array() and np.zeros() as in my experience, these will solve 90% of array - creation issues.
A straight forward list iteration:
In [313]: alist = []
...: for i in range(0,(8-1)*2,2):
...: alist.append(i+3)
In [314]: alist
Out[314]: [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]
or cast as a list comprehension:
In [315]: [i+3 for i in range(0,(8-1)*2,2)]
Out[315]: [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]
Or if you make an array with the same range parameters:
In [316]: arr = np.arange(0,(8-1)*2,2)
In [317]: arr
Out[317]: array([ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12])
you can add the 3 with one simple expression:
In [318]: arr + 3
Out[318]: array([ 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15])
With lists, iteration and comprehensions are great. With numpy you should try to make an array, such as with arange, and modify that with whole-array methods (not with iterations).

Unexpected behavior when trying to normalize a column in numpy.array (version 1.17.4)

So, I was trying to normalize (i.e. max = 1, min = value/max) a specific column within a numpy array.
I hoped this piece of code would do the trick:
bar = np.arange(12).reshape(6,2)
array([[ 0, 1],
[ 2, 3],
[ 4, 5],
[ 6, 7],
[ 8, 9],
[10, 11]])
bar[:,1] = bar[:,1] / bar[:,1].max()
array([[ 0, 0],
[ 2, 0],
[ 4, 0],
[ 6, 0],
[ 8, 0],
[10, 1]])
works as expected if the type of each value is 'float'.
foo = np.array([[1.1,2.2],
foo[:,1] = foo[:,1] / foo[:,1].max()
array([[1.1 , 0.33333333],
[3.3 , 0.66666667],
[5.5 , 1. ]])
I guess what I'm asking is where is this default 'int' I'm missing here?
(I'm taking this as a 'learning opportunity')
If you simply execute:
out = bar[:,1] / bar[:,1].max()
>>> [0.09090909 0.27272727 0.45454545 0.63636364 0.81818182 1. ]
It's working just fine, since out is a newly created float array made to store these float values. But np.arange(12) gives you an int array by default. bar[:,1] = bar[:,1] / bar[:,1].max() tries to store the float values inside the integer array, and all the values become integers and you get [0 0 0 0 0 1].
To set the array as a float by default:
bar = np.arange(12, dtype='float').reshape(6,2)
Alternatively, you can also use:
bar = np.arange(12).reshape(6,2).astype('float')
It isn't uncommon for us to need to change the data type of the array throughout the program, as you may not always need the dtype you define originally. So .astype() is actually pretty handy in all kinds of scenarios.
From np.arange documentation :
dtype : dtype
The type of the output array. If dtype is not given, infer the data type from the other input arguments.
Since you passed int values it will infer that the values in the array are int and so they won't change to float, you can do like this if you want:
bar = np.arange(12.0).reshape(6,2)

Finding those elements in an array which are "close"

I have an 1 dimensional sorted array and would like to find all pairs of elements whose difference is no larger than 5.
A naive approach would to be to make N^2 comparisons doing something like
diffs = np.tile(x, (x.size,1) ) - x[:, np.newaxis]
D = np.logical_and(diffs>0, diffs<5)
indicies = np.argwhere(D)
Note here that the output of my example are indices of x. If I wanted the values of x which satisfy the criteria, I could do x[indicies].
This works for smaller arrays, but not arrays of the size with which I work.
An idea I had was to find where there are gaps larger than 5 between consecutive elements. I would split the array into two pieces, and compare all the elements in each piece.
Is this a more efficient way of finding elements which satisfy my criteria? How could I go about writing this?
Here is a small example:
x = np.array([ 9, 12,
36, 39, 44, 46, 47,
64, 65,])
the result should look like
array([[ 0, 1],
[ 3, 4],
[ 5, 6],
[ 5, 7],
[ 6, 7],
[ 9, 10]], dtype=int64)
Here is a solution that iterates over offsets while shrinking the set of candidates until there are none left:
import numpy as np
def f_pp(A, maxgap):
d0 = np.diff(A)
d = d0.copy()
IDX = []
k = 1
idx, = np.where(d <= maxgap)
vidx = idx[d[idx] > 0]
while vidx.size:
IDX.append(vidx[:, None] + (0, k))
if idx[-1] + k + 1 == A.size:
idx = idx[:-1]
d[idx] = d[idx] + d0[idx+k]
k += 1
idx = idx[d[idx] <= maxgap]
vidx = idx[d[idx] > 0]
return np.concatenate(IDX, axis=0)
data = np.cumsum(np.random.exponential(size=10000)).repeat(np.random.randint(1, 20, (10000,)))
pairs = f_pp(data, 1)
#pairs = set(map(tuple, pairs))
from timeit import timeit
kwds = dict(globals=globals(), number=100)
print(data.size, 'points', pairs.shape[0], 'close pairs')
print('pp', timeit("f_pp(data, 1)", **kwds)*10, 'ms')
Sample run:
99963 points 1020651 close pairs
pp 43.00256529124454 ms
Your idea of slicing the array is a very efficient approach. Since your data are sorted you can just calculate the difference and split it:
Here pieces is a list, where you can then use in a loop with your own code on every element.
The best algorithm is highly dependent on the nature of your data which I'm unaware. For example another possibility is to write a nested loop:
for i in range(x.size):
while x[j]-x[i]<=5 and j<x.size:
If you want it to be more clever, you can edit the outer loop in a way to jump when j hits a gap.

Group numpy into multiple sub-arrays using an array of values

I have an array of points along a line:
a = np.array([18, 56, 32, 75, 55, 55])
I have another array that corresponds to the indices I want to use to access the information in a (they will always have equal lengths). Neither array a nor array b are sorted.
b = np.array([0, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2])
I want to group a into multiple sub-arrays such that the following would be possible:
c[0] -> array([18])
c[2] -> array([56, 75, 55, 55])
c[3] -> array([32])
Although the above example is simple, I will be dealing with millions of points, so efficient methods are preferred. It is also essential later that any sub-array of points can be accessed in this fashion later in the program by automated methods.
Here's one approach -
def groupby(a, b):
# Get argsort indices, to be used to sort a and b in the next steps
sidx = b.argsort(kind='mergesort')
a_sorted = a[sidx]
b_sorted = b[sidx]
# Get the group limit indices (start, stop of groups)
cut_idx = np.flatnonzero(np.r_[True,b_sorted[1:] != b_sorted[:-1],True])
# Split input array with those start, stop ones
out = [a_sorted[i:j] for i,j in zip(cut_idx[:-1],cut_idx[1:])]
return out
A simpler, but lesser efficient approach would be to use np.split to replace the last few lines and get the output, like so -
out = np.split(a_sorted, np.flatnonzero(b_sorted[1:] != b_sorted[:-1])+1 )
Sample run -
In [38]: a
Out[38]: array([18, 56, 32, 75, 55, 55])
In [39]: b
Out[39]: array([0, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2])
In [40]: groupby(a, b)
Out[40]: [array([18]), array([56, 75, 55, 55]), array([32])]
To get sub-arrays covering the entire range of IDs in b -
def groupby_perID(a, b):
# Get argsort indices, to be used to sort a and b in the next steps
sidx = b.argsort(kind='mergesort')
a_sorted = a[sidx]
b_sorted = b[sidx]
# Get the group limit indices (start, stop of groups)
cut_idx = np.flatnonzero(np.r_[True,b_sorted[1:] != b_sorted[:-1],True])
# Create cut indices for all unique IDs in b
n = b_sorted[-1]+2
cut_idxe = np.full(n, cut_idx[-1], dtype=int)
insert_idx = b_sorted[cut_idx[:-1]]
cut_idxe[insert_idx] = cut_idx[:-1]
cut_idxe = np.minimum.accumulate(cut_idxe[::-1])[::-1]
# Split input array with those start, stop ones
out = [a_sorted[i:j] for i,j in zip(cut_idxe[:-1],cut_idxe[1:])]
return out
Sample run -
In [241]: a
Out[241]: array([18, 56, 32, 75, 55, 55])
In [242]: b
Out[242]: array([0, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2])
In [243]: groupby_perID(a, b)
Out[243]: [array([18]), array([], dtype=int64),
array([56, 75, 55, 55]), array([32])]

Delete rows from a ndarray in python

I have a 2D - array A, which contains the x and y coordinates of points
array([[ 0, 0],
[ 0, 0],
[ 0, 0],
[ 3, 4],
[ 4, 1],
[ 5, 10],
[ 9, 7]])
as you can see the point ( 0 , 0 ) appears more often.
I want to delete this point so that the array looks like this:
array([[ 3, 4],
[ 4, 1],
[ 5, 10],
[ 9, 7]])
Since the array in real is very huge, it is very important to do this without for loops, otherwise it takes very long.
I'm new to python but i'm used to matlab, where I can solve it very easily with:
A (A(:,1) == 0 & A(:,2) == 0, :) = []
I thought it is almost the same or very similar in python, but I can't figure it out - am totally stuck. Errors like "use a.any()/all()" or "ufunc "bitwise_and" not supported for the input types" appear and I don't know what I should change.
Technically what you are doing in MATLAB is not deleting elements from A. What you are actually doing is creating a new array that lacks the elements of A. It is equivalent to:
>> A = A (A(:,1) ~= 0 | A(:,2) ~= 0, :);
You can do exactly the same thing in numpy:
>>> a = a[(a[:,0] != 0) | (a[:,1] != 0), :]
However, thanks to numpy's automatic broadcasting, you can make this simpler:
>>> a = a[(a != [0, 0]).any(1)]
This will work for any target array so long as it has the same number of columns as a.