How to save an application setting item -

Good morning, excuse me
I also looked into similar questions but I can not solve the problem anyway.
On a form, on the add Connect window of window, the system and app administrator has the option to
select the SQL Server available on the system and configure the correct connection string. Once set and validated, it is saved in its app settings set item with the following snippet:
If ValidateStringConnection() Then
My.Settings.MMABooksConnectionString = stNewStringConnection
txtCurrentConnection.Text = My.Settings.MMABooksConnectionString
End If
However, the save occurs only at the memory level of the running App, so in a subsequent restart it resumes the value set at the project level and stored in the file:
I also use the following snippet:
My.MySettings.Default("MMABooksConnectionString") = stNewStringConnection
but nothing is saved in the above file.
Now I ask there is a way for the value of the item to be saved in the above file, so that when the App is subsequently rerun you find the correct connection value without having to intervene again the System Administrator?
Thank you for any helpful advice

Right click on the name of your program in Solution Explorer and select Properties. Click the Settings tab.
Enter MMABooksConnectionString as the Name, select (Connection string) in the Type dropdown and Scope as Appliction. You can scope to application since I don't think this will be changing.


VBA to generate a default file name when Save As is selected in Word 2016

I have VBA that, in Word 2010, will default a file name into the Save As screen when the user selects the Save As file option. Word 2016 (Office 365) has a different interface with a screen to select a save location (OneDrive, This PC,etc) prior to the "standard" Save As dialog box appearing which seems to have broken the code to generate a specified default file name.
The code (with title simplified) is
Sub FileSaveAs()
With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
.Name = "MyTitle"
End With
End Sub
If I run the code in Developer to Debug, it works fine, with the Save As screen appearing and the file name defaulting but it does not work in the live environment where the file name defaults to the previous document name.
Based on web research, I have tried additional code to change the properties of the document place the name in the title as this is supposed to then default when Save As is selected but that also doesn't work.
Any suggestions or recommendations on how to resolve this would be appreciated.
Update 1/11/16:
Have been able to get a little closer by using the following:
Application.DocumentBeforeSave Event
example here
tied to Using Events with Application Object
example here
Had to add
to the end of the event procedure code or the Save as Dialog box will open twice.
Still a bit clunky and seems to be limited to run only before the first user generated save event but almost workable.
Wanted to share what I found in case it helps others but any other suggestions for improvement would be appreciated as it still doesn't seem like the best solution.
Thanks again!
Thanks for reporting this. I have a potential workaround that I hope will help.
Could you use the SendKeys method ( to send the keyboard shortcut (F12 for the Save As dialog, full list: to the application e.g.
when you need the Save As dialog to be displayed?
I hope this helps. Thanks again for bringing this issue to our attention, we will be looking further into the root cause.

Open a VFP Database Container with OpenData event coded

I am migrating data from a Visual FoxPro Data Base Container to Excel using VBA.
After trying and failing various settings of the Connection String in order to open the Container, I discovered that at Container was placed code at OpenData event; this code asks a password to open the Container. This prevents other programs open the Container for access to data, including the Password parameter of the Connection String.
Are there a way to open the Data Base Container with OpenData coded event? If the answer can be implemented in VBA, please let me know how I can do it.
Thanks for your attention.
PD: Forgive my english. Is not so good.
Solution details would probably depend on what the (custom) "Stored Procedure" code in the Vfp database is doing exactly, where one way could be simply removing it. If you got a Visual FoxPro IDE, you could for example do so by using the IDE's "Command Window":
and then right-click the Database Designer window, choose the desired "Event" in the Properties dialog -> "Edit Code".
If then for example the code would simplified look like
PROCEDURE dbc_BeforeOpenTable(cTableName)
*Just before a table or view is opened. Return .F. to prevent table or view being opened.
RETURN INPUTBOX("Password") == "Test"
... you could simply

Changing form name causes error message "Error accessing the system registry"

I am programming the On_Click method for the button labeled "View" in the first printscreen below. The method will load a form with data corresponding with the specific address id in the row containing the "View" button. This code worked perfectly when pointing to a target form called "Addresses". However, when I decided to rename the form "Address", I started receiving the following error message when clicking on the view button:
I did some research on the web about this error message, which lead me to try to delete any outdated references in the VBA editor. But when I clicked on Tools-->References in the VBA editor, I got the following error message:
It seems that MS Access' entries in the system registry might have been corrupted. But I am not certain of this because the documentation of this on the web is sparse and inconsistent.
Here is a link to the database on a file sharing site:
If the problem is in the database, you can recreate the problem by opening the form "Main" and clicking on the button "View" for the record shown in the printscreen above, or for other records.
Can anyone show me how to get past this error message?
my advices?
You could rename your Forms!....SourceObject to "Address" instead of "Addresses"
You could copy/paste the form, delete the original, and retry
You could install a decent debugging tool like MZ-Tools for VBA, that will help you manage your errors. Check the details here
EDIT: I used to get similar bugs years ago, when I was writing specific form event procedures. As we decided to switch to a model where forms did not need to be debbuged anymore (check this here), we stopped getting this kind of message. And I think I forgot the trick we used to solve this kind of error. If I were you:
I'd try to open another access database and import all objects ...
I'd put aside/cancel the faulty onClick procedure
And I'd install MZ Tools because otherwise VBA debugging is a nightmare ...
Since access was not liking the command button in each record of the continuous form, I choose to put the view button's logic in the on click event of a text box in each row, which I configured as enabled but locked. This produces a separate link from each record of the continuous form to a unique detail page with more of the chosen record's data.
This solution works perfectly, and is enabling me to move on with my other coding.
However, it would be nice if someone else were able to show how to get the command button solution to work.

Persist user settings

I need to save the user's data for the first time he opens the app and never show it again.
Let's say I need the user to enter his first name and other data, and save it so the application can use it later. The user enters his first name, and the next time he opens the application, he doesn't get asked to enter his name again. The application just goes to the main screen.
How can I do this?
You can use application settings. Open your project's properties (My Project in the Solution Explorer), go to the Settings tab, and make a setting. I'll assume you called it FirstName. Keep everything else as-is (User Setting, String) and save.
Now you can use this setting just like any other property, except it'll persist between runs. You can find the property in the My.Settings class. To set it the first time:
My.Settings.FirstName = userFirstName
And to use it later, it's just My.Settings.FirstName.

Running VBA before any forms open

So I have an Access database with a front and a back end. I will be distributing it to users soon, but I have no control over where exactly they will put the files on their computers. However, I think I can count on them putting front and back ends in the same folder.
As such, when the front end opens, I want it to check that the linked tables are correctly connected to the back-end database. I have working code for this; however I don't know where to put it. When the front end opens, a menu form is automatically opened (configured through the start-up dialogue box). I have put the code in the OnOpen event, which I thought occurred before any data is loaded, but when I test this out, I get a message telling me that the back-end cannot be found (it's looking in its old location).
Basically, is there an event I can use that runs before any forms have opened?
Create a Macro and name it "autoexec".
For the macro action, select "RunCode" and then set the function name to the name of the function you use to check your linked tables.
As Matt said, create a macro, call it "autoexec", and select "RunCode" as the macro action. The Function Name argument should be the name of the function you wish to run (and not a sub), and if the function has no arguments, you should still put () at the end, or it won't work.
I generally prefer to create a small form that runs a number of checks, such as finding the back-end and so forth, and set various options. The code for the open event of this form might be:
Me.Visible = False
'Determines if the database window is displayed
SetProp "StartupShowDBWindow", False, dbBoolean
'Hide hidden and system objects
SetOption "Show Hidden Objects", False
SetOption "Show System Objects", False
'Find back end
I keep a table of tables to be linked in the front-end and if any are missing, this form can be used to report the error, or any other error for that matter.
Set RS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select TableName From sysTables " _
& "WHERE TableType = 'LINK'")
strConnect = db.TableDefs(RS!TableName).Connect
If Not FileExists(Mid(strConnect, InStr(strConnect, "DATABASE=") + 9)) Then
'All is not well
blnConnectError = True
Do Until RS.EOF()
If db.TableDefs(RS!TableName).Connect <> strConnect Then
blnConnectError = True
Exit Do
End If
End If
If everything is ok, the small form calls the main menu or form and the user never sees the checking form. I would also use this form to open a password prompt, if required.
Before putting your front end and back end in the same folder, think about it. Isn't it worth having 2 folders? What about multiple users on the same computer accessing the same back-end database? What about multiple users accessing the same databse through a network? What is the necessity of having a front end-back end typology if your app is basically a single-user app?
Why don't you add a dialog box to your app, in case your connectivity is lost? You could create a fileDialog object in your code, allowing the user to browse for a *mdb file anywhere on his computer/network. It is then possible to control that the selected mdb file contains all requested tables and open the corresponding links (I guess you are using the transferDatabase command).
And what about additional tools/references you'll need for your app to run when you'll distribute it to your final users? By default, MS Access records the 3 basic ones:
Visual Basic For Application
Microsoft Access Library
Microsoft DAO Library
If your app needs anything else, such as ADO or Office objects (ADODB.recordset or Office commandbars for example), you will have to add the references manually for each installation, as the final user won't be able to open the VBA window and access the tools/references menu.
So, if you need to deploy your app on multiple computers, I strongly advise you to use a deployment tool such as this free one. You'll need a few hours to be able to use it properly, but the result is worth it. You'll be able to give your clients a real installer module. It will create folders, add requested shortcuts, and manage references in the computer's registry. This will make your deployment definitely painless!
EDIT: the autoexec macro is definitely the right solution for calling code before any event.
EDIT: don't forget that your final users can make profit of the runtime version of Access, which is free!
As others have suggested, I'd use the AutoExec macro in this case. If your code that checks the linked tables is currently a sub, change it to a function that returns TRUE if it succeeds. You can then use the "conditions" column in the AutoExec macro to exit the application with a user-friendly error dialog if the link table code fails. Your AutoExec macro could be something like:
Call your LinkTables() function, set condition to terminate startup if it fails.
Call your "Main" startup menu form.
You could send them a *.BAT file that copies the databases to c:\temp (or whatever folder you choose. Setup the linked to this folder before creating the BAT file. Zip it up and email it to them. then you won't have to worry with the extra needed code.