firestore/google api get_document hangs sporadically with apache - apache

I'm trying to deploy my django project with firebase backend.
But when I try to read document from firestore, document.get() hangs indefinitely. And it happens sporadically. The issue happens only with apache so far. I have tried with nginx, development server and django shell, but no issues. I have checked further into the firebase package and issue is happening at get_document. I couldn't go into further details.
Please find the versions of the packages used
firebase-admin 3.2.0
google-api-core 1.14.3
apache Apache/2.4.29
django 2.2.8
Ubuntu 18.04.3LTS 64bit 4.15.0-58-generic
python 3.6.9
Can you please help me solve the problem? Or could it be an issue with apache and need to raise an issue?
Thanks in advance!


Apache upgrade from 2.4.6 to 2.4.29

Currently, we are planning to upgrade our complete web-server node in production.
Platform is RHEL 7.1 and currently apache 2.4.6 is running there.
I also got to know from red-hat that apache 2.4.6 is directly shipped with RHEL7 and for 2.4.26 or 2.4.29, they can't comment regarding it's technical feasibility part along with it's stability on RHEL platform.
I have few concerns now :
Is going ahead with apache 2.4.26 or 2.4.29 in production would be a good option or should i get stuck with the current one ? I am doubtful whether 2.4.26 or 2.4.29 are been tested on RHEL 7 series and is technically compatible.
I tried to install apache 2.4.26 and 2.4.29 on my test-bed first ( which is a RHEL 7.4 platform ) and i came across package dependency issues which proved out to be a blocker for me. I am afraid that i might face these issues on production as well which would be very dangerous. Have you ever faced this on your system too ?
Looking out for your kind support and feedback here ... !!!
Best Regards,
looking at : httpd direct rpm download
it seems that the last supported version is httpd-2.4.6-80.el7.x86_64.rpm
so do not try update your production environment with unsupported software, stick to releases !
upgrading to RHEL7.4 seems to be trouble-maker (as far as i heard : [source required !] )
i got no feedback about RHEL7.5

Server not starting in IBM API connect toolkit

I have created API's in API connect toolkit. For testing the API locally in Explore tab, I am trying to start server.
But getting "Error: It appears that Docker for Windows has not been installed. To install Docker for Windows, please visit For more information, check the docs" error.
From my understanding you don't need docker to test locally in toolkit. Any suggestions to fix the issue?
More Info: APIC version: API Connect: v5.0.8.3 (apiconnect: v2.7.209) NPM version : 6.1.0
It used to work before suddenly I am getting the above error. I tried re-installing but issue persist.
With new versions of APIC you must have Docker installed and working properly on your Windows environment to be able to install the API Connect Toolkit with DataPower.
Please find the steps to install the APIC toolkit on these pages:

Neos 2.1 on Mac MAMP PRO using fcgi

I tried to run TYPO3 Neos 2.1 under MAMP Pro 3.5 (PHP 5.6.10 cgi).
It doesn't work. I get a Doctrine DBAL Exception (Connection Refused).
If i run php as a module rather than cgi, it works.
But i want different php versions per host, so cgi is preferable by me.
Phpinfo says pdo_mysql is active.
Any ideas what is wrong with the cgi?
I had the same problem with MAMP. Sometimes the DB connection worked and abruptly the connection was lost and the db destroyed. I would try to use vagrant or even better docker. Just search for docker and neos on github:
But if you really want to use MAMP, use PHP 7. For me it solved the problem. Hope this helps...
My Workbuddy wrote a nice shell command tool for Neos:

Building CouchDB with build_couchDB

I'm attempting to build and run CouchDB following the instructions at I am able to build successfully, but when I try to run CouchDB I first receive an error about a bad symbol lookup in a crypto library. Every subsequent time I run it I get the following error:
Apache CouchDB 1.6.0 (LogLevel=info) is starting.
{"init terminating in do_boot",{{badmatch,{error,{bad_return,{{couch_app,start,[normal,["/couchdb/build/etc/couchdb/default.ini","/couchdb/build/etc/couchdb/local.ini"]]},{'EXIT',{{badmatch,{error,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,couch_secondary_services,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,uuids,{undef,[{crypto,rand_bytes",[]},{couch_uuids,new_prefix,0,[{file,"/couchdb/dependencies/couchdb/src/couchdb/couch_uuids.erl"},{line,84}]},{couch_uuids,state,0,[{file,"/couchdb/dependencies/couchdb/src/couchdb/couch_uuids.erl"},{line,100}]},{couch_uuids,init,1,[{file,"/couchdb/dependencies/couchdb/src/couchdb/couch_uuids.erl"},{line,50}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,304}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}}}}}}},[{couch_server_sup,start_server,1,[{file,"/couchdb/dependencies/couchdb/src/couchdb/couch_server_sup.erl"},{line,98}]},{application_master,start_it_old,4,[{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,269}]}]}}}}}},[{couch,start,0,[{file,"/couchdb/dependencies/couchdb/src/couchdb/couch.erl"},{line,18}]},{init,start_it,1,[]},{init,start_em,1,[]}]}}
I installed all of the dependencies listed on the github page as well as the dependencies listed on Apache's installation guide. Additionally, I have rebuilt with the option to not strip down erlang/otp
rake otp_keep="*"
I am running on CentOS 6.6
I ended up not using build-couchdb, but followed the instructions from the Apache wiki on installing couchdb. I had to set permissions as explained on the CouchDB guide, but it all worked out just fine.
This has been the best way I could figure out how to install CouchDB on Redhat/CentOS RHEL5/RHEL6.

Setting up iplanet web server

I am trying to install iplanet web server 7.0.15 64bit. keep getting the error
"attach to native process failed"
I am using Linux mint 15 64bit
Searched the Internet, but existing solution did not work for me :(
Can anyone help me with this.
I Faced same issue in Ubuntu 12.04 while installing iPlanet 7.0.15, and i solved it by installing ia32-libs looks like ia32-libs is missing in 12.04, please refer below URL which helped me to solve this issue.