Custom widget designer renders in a modal offscreen - sitefinity

I am developing a custom widget on a new Sitefinity 12.2 instance. When I define some public properties on my controller as described here, my widget designer works as expected. Clicking the edit button on an instance of my widget opens up a full page editor where I can edit my properties.
However, when I define my own widget designer view (following this documentation), the result when I click the edit button is a modal that appears outside of the window above and to the left. Inspecting the element and adjusting the styles through the browser console, I am able to move the modal onscreen where it should be. The css source for the modal's position is [myDomain]/Frontend-Assembly/Telerik.Sitefinity.Frontend/assets/dist/css/sitefinity-backend.min.css?package=[myProject], which seems to be coming from Sitefinity's default code.
My questions: Is it possible for my default designer views to use the full screen editor that the auto-generated designer uses? If not, what am I doing wrong that's causing my modal to render offscreen? Surely that's not out-of-the-box behavior?
<div class="form-group">
<label>This is a custom designer view</label>
"priority": 1

Turns out our custom CSS included its own definition for a .modal CSS class, which was interfering with the Bootstrap CSS class with the same name used by Sitefinity. This style was the culprit:
transform: translateY(-50%);
Removing/renaming our custom class has fixed the issue of the designer modal loading offscreen. I'd still be interested to hear if anyone has an answer for this question though: Is it possible for my default designer views to use the full screen editor that the auto-generated designer uses?


Webflow - logo image turns into to grayscale while the element and all parent elements have this Effect set to off

I'm very new to Webflow. I am somewhat familiar with CSS and web design concepts.
I downloaded one of the clonable templates to use as a practice:
With this template, I try to replace the logo image on the upper left.
I have a colorful webpage logo and inside the designer, I see all the colors.
When I click on preview, the logo turns into a grayscale image.
Webflow has Effects option that I could enable, but it is currently set to off, for Logo image element as well as all parent nodes up to the body tag.
When I inspect the logo in chrome dev tools, the immediate parent has this CSS: {
filter: invert(100%)
My question is, where do those filter parameters are stored in webflow interface, if not under Style->Effects->Filters? Is there any other place I don't yet know about where the above code can be injected?
Thank you,
edit-1: I just noticed this code on top of the main HTML file:
Still, doesn't help me to identify where this code comes from. Thank you,

Does the windowClass property or NgbModalOptions actually do anything?

I am opening an NgbModal passing a TemplateRef to create the dialog body, and passing in a custom class via the windowClass property of the NgbModalOptions object that I pass to the open() method. I define the class in a referenced styleUrl in the component and am serving the modal via an injectable service in the component. The modal is loading fine, and I can see the class name when I inspect the DOM, but the class appears to have no bearing on the modal. I would like to use it to customize the size of the modal (css is defined to affect the child div where the size is set), but I have also played with properties that I can see in the Styles tab of the Chrome dev tools, but cannot see it affecting anything. When I inspect in Firefox dev tools, I can find the CSS as an inline style sheet and it has a reference to the ngContent identifier assigned by Angular, so I am assuming that is does not affect the entire document, nor those parts added by ng-bootstrap that constitute the modal wrapper. Has anyone been able to make this work successfully? I am at my wit's end. I would even be happy if I could get an ElementRef of the modal-header dive, but since I am using a template (which is not fully loaded in the DOM at init time) I have not been able to. One of my requirements is that we do all DOM manipulation via Angular to maintain platform independence in the project ... so no jQuery. Any thoughts? And thanks in advance!!
I use windowClass and size attributes of NgbModalOptions to customize the modal. Sample code follows:<your_template_ref_var>, {size: 'lg', windowClass: 'modal-adaptive-s1'});
.modal-adaptive-s1 .modal-lg {width: 400px !important; max-width: 400px;}

Modal is hiding automatically after showing another modal in vuejs.

I am using import bModal from 'bootstrap-vue/es/components/modal/modal'; bootstrap-modal
I have following User Interface in Modal, here I need to choose department from a dropdown(getting item list using AJAX). Here I want to make it easy to add new department by clicking button beside the dropdonw - for such popup modal with UI.
In vuejs i have code for main modal -
showModal () {
this.formInfo.formSubmitted = false;
this is working fine. Now on click event on green button, another modal should be opened over currently opened window. Unfortunately, currently modal is get hidden and new model opened. I have following code for extra modal-
How can I solve this problem in vue js.
Seems to be a limitation of Bootstrap (see docs):
Bootstrap only supports one modal window at a time. Nested modals aren’t supported as we believe them to be poor user experiences.
Since bootstrap-vue is just a wrapper around Bootstrap, the same limitation will likely apply.
I had a similar problem with pure Bootstrap; IIRC I solved it by altering the content of the modal instead of showing a new one (in Vue-speak: rendering a different component), kind of a mini-routing inside the modal.

Modals inside sub-routes

I'm using angular 2 in my web application.
My application uses a lot of bootstrap modals.
I noticed that the modals contained inside a sub-route component are not showed correctly.
Infact, the modals contained inside the navbar element (the navbar is in the main state and always visible) are shown correctly, but those that are contained in the sub-route (so the html is loaded dinamically) present a bug... the shadow seems to be above the dialog itself, so it is impossible to press the buttons.
This is a screenshot:
As you can see the backdrop is above the dialog. This happen only on mobile devices.
What am I doing wrong?
I would avoid to keep all the modals inside the navbar and then open them with global events...
Thanks a lot
EDIT: I found this document:
If the modal container or its parent element has a fixed or relative
position, the modal will not show properly. Always make sure that the
modal container and its parent elements don’t have any special
positioning applied. The best practice is to place a modal’s HTML just
before the closing </body> tag, or even better in a top-level position
in the document just after the opening <body> tag. This is the best
way to avoid other components affecting the modal’s appearance and
But is this the html of my modals (a lot of modals) is always in the dom. Isn't a heavy solution?
I fixed the problem using the following javascript code:
Thanks to Adam Albright for his post.

Xpages, Bootstrap and Data Views

I have a Data View in an Xpage application which is using the Bootstrap theme. I started to use a View, but could never get the pagers lines up, and the data view is working better.
But I do not understand where to put my table class css. For example, if I want a stripped table I enter "table table-striped" in the styleClass of the view (or maybe it is the dataStyleClass). If I do that in the styleClass of the data view, I do not get strips.
I tried the suggestion from Mark below, but something is not working. I added a script call and used the id of the tableview. It already has a class of "cleearfix table" on it.
I have added Chrome's web inspector to show what is going on.
The xe:dataView control does have a styleClass attribute, but classes that you set there are added to the div element that wraps the dataview, not the table (and that's where Bootstrap needs the table-striped class. I would solve this with some JavaScript to add the classes you need on the table element
$("table.dataview").addClass("table-striped table-hover")