Defining a type using a recursive Type -> Type function - idris

In Idris, normally List is defined like so:
data List a = Nil | (::) a (List a)
But I wanted to try defining List without data, using a recursive Type -> Type function:
List' : Type -> Type
List' a = Either () (a, List' a)
This compiles, but I cannot match on the Either cases. For example, if I define
isEmpty : List' a -> Bool
isEmpty (Left _) = True
isEmpty (Right _) = False
the compiler says:
When checking left hand side of isEmpty:
When checking an application of Main.isEmpty:
Type mismatch between
Either a1 b (Type of Left l)
List' a (Expected type)
So the typechecker doesn't seem to expand List' a into its Either _ _ definition. It seems that the recursive call in the type definition trips up the typechecker -- if I instead define List' like so:
List' a = Either () (a, ())
then the isEmpty definition compiles fine. (But of course it's not actually a list anymore.)
What I'd like to know is:
Why exactly does this not work? Is there a way to inspect what is going on inside the typechecker?
Is there a way to make this kind of type definition work? Or do we have to use data?


Partial application of Printf.ksprintf

I'm trying to write a version of Printf.printf that always appends a newline character after writing its formatted output. My first attempt was
# let say fmt = Printf.ksprintf print_endline fmt;;
val say : ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a = <fun>
The type signature looks right and say works as expected. I noticed that fmt is listed twice, and thought that partial application could eliminate it. So I tried this instead:
# let say = Printf.ksprintf print_endline;;
val say : ('_weak1, unit, string, unit) format4 -> '_weak1 = <fun>
The function definition looks cleaner, but the type signature looks wrong and say no longer works as expected. For example, say doesn't type check if the format string needs a variable number of arguments: I get an error that say "is applied to too many arguments".
I can use the let say fmt = … implementation, but why doesn't partial application work?
OCaml's type-checker loses polymorphism during partial application. That is, when you partially apply a function, the resulting function is no longer polymorphic. That's why you see '_weak1 in the second type signature.
When you include the fmt argument, you help the type-checker recognize that polymorphism is still present.
This process is called "eta conversion." Removing your fmt argument is "eta reduction" and adding it back in is called "eta expansion." You may encounter that terminology when working with other functional programming languages.
This is the value restriction at work: . In brief, only syntactic values can be safely generalized in let-binding in presence of mutable variables in the language.
In particular,
let f = fun x -> g y x
is a syntactic value that can be generalized, whereas
let f = g y
is a computation that cannot (always) be generalized.
A example works quite well to illustrate the issue, consider:
let fake_pair x =
let store = ref None in
fun y ->
match !store with
| None ->
store := Some y;
x, y
| Some s ->
x, s
then the type of fake_pair is 'a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b.
However, once partially applied
let p = fake_pair 0
we have initialized the store mutable value, and it is important that all subsequent call to p share the same type (because they must match the stored value). Thus the type of p is '_weak1 -> int * '_weak1 where '_weak1 is a weak type variable, aka a temporary placeholder for a concrete type.

List of types from a function type

I would like to make a function that given a function type (e.g. String -> Nat -> Bool), would return a list of types corresponding to that function type (e.g. [String, Nat, Bool]). Presumably the signature of such a function would be Type -> List Type, but I am struggling to determine how it would be implemented.
I don't believe it could be done in general, because you cannot patter-match on functions. Neither can you check for the type of a function. That is not what dependent types are about. Just like in Haskell or OCaml the only thing you can actually do with a function is apply it to some argument. However, I devised some trick which might do:
myFun : {a, b : Type} -> (a -> b) -> List Type
myFun {a} {b} _ = [a, b]
Now the problem is that a -> b is the only signature that would match any arbitrary function. But, of course it does not behave the way you'd like for functions with arity higher than one:
> myFun (+)
[Integer, Integer -> Integer] : List Type
So some sort of recursive call to itself would be necessary to extract more argument types:
myFun : {a, b : Type} -> (a -> b) -> List Type
myFun {a} {b} _ = a :: myFun b
The problem here is that b is an arbitrary type, not necessarily a function type and there is no way I can figure out to dynamically check whether it is a function or not, so I suppose this is as much as you can do with Idris.
However, dynamic checking for types (at least in my opinion) is not a feature to be desired in a statically typed language. After all the whole point of static typing is to specify in advance what kind of arguments a function can handle and prevent calling functions with invalid arguments at compile time. So basically you probably don't really need it at all. If you specified what you grander goal was, someone would likely have shown you the right way of doing it.

In Elm, how to use comparable type in a tagged unions types?

I can define a tagged unions type like that:
type Msg
= Sort (Product -> Float)
But I cannot define it like:
type Msg
= Sort (Product -> comparable)
The error says:
Type Msg must declare its use of type variable comparable...
But comparable is a pre-defined type variable, right?
How do I fix this?
This question feels a little like an XY Problem. I'd like to offer a different way of thinking about passing sorting functions around in your message (with the caveat that I'm not familiar with your codebase, only the examples you've given in your question).
Adding a type parameter to Msg does seem a bit messy so let's take a step back. Sorting involves comparing two of the same types in a certain way and returning whether the first value is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. Elm already has an Order type using for comparing things which has the type constructors LT, EQ, and GT (for Less Than, EQual, and Greater Than).
Let's refactor your Msg into the following:
type Msg
= Sort (Product -> Product -> Order)
Now we don't have to add a type parameter to Msg. But how, then, do we specify which field of Product to sort by? We can use currying for that. Here's how:
Let's define another function called comparing which takes a function as its first argument and two other arguments of the same type, and return an Order value:
comparing : (a -> comparable) -> a -> a -> Order
comparing f x y =
compare (f x) (f y)
Notice the first argument is a function that looks similar to what your example was trying to attempt in the (Product -> comparable) argument of the Sort constructor. That's no coincidence. Now, by using currying, we can partially apply the comparing function with a record field getter, like .name or .price. To amend your example, the onClick handler could look like this:
onClick (Sort (comparing .name))
If you go this route, there will be more refactoring. Now that you have this comparison function, how do you use it in your update function? Let's assume your Model has a field called products which is of type List Product. In that case, we can just use the List.sortWith function to sort our list. Your update case for the Sort Msg would look something like this:
case msg of
Sort comparer ->
{ model | products = List.sortWith comparer model.products } ! []
A few closing thoughts and other notes:
This business about a comparing function comes straight from Haskell where it fulfills the same need.
Rather than defining the Sort constructor as above, I would probably abstract it out a little more since it is such a common idiom. You could define an alias for a generalized function like this, then redefine Msg as shown here:
type alias Comparer a =
a -> a -> Order
type Msg
= Sort (Comparer Product)
And to take it one step further just to illustrate how this all connects, the following two type annotations for comparing are identical:
-- this is the original example from up above
comparing : (a -> comparable) -> a -> a -> Order
-- this example substitutues the `Comparer a` alias, which may help further
-- your understanding of how it all ties together
comparing : (a -> comparable) -> Comparer a
The error you're getting is saying that comparable is an unbound variable type. You need to either fully specify it on the right hand side (e.g. Product -> Int) or specify you would like it to be polymorphic on the left hand side. Something like this:
type Msg a = Sort (Product -> a)
The question you ask about comparable is answered here: What does comparable mean in Elm?

Is there a nice way to use `->` directly as a function in Idris?

One can return a type in a function in Idris, for example
t : Type -> Type -> Type
t a b = a -> b
But the situation came up (when experimenting with writing some parsers) that I wanted to use -> to fold a list of types, ie
typeFold : List Type -> Type
typeFold = foldr1 (->)
So that typeFold [String, Int] would give String -> Int : Type. This doesn't compile though:
error: no implicit arguments allowed
here, expected: ")",
dependent type signature,
expression, name
typeFold = foldr1 (->)
But this works fine:
t : Type -> Type -> Type
t a b = a -> b
typeFold : List Type -> Type
typeFold = foldr1 t
Is there a better way to work with ->, and if not is it worth raising as a feature request?
The problem with using -> in this way is that it's not a type constructor but a binder, where the name bound for the domain is in scope in the range, so -> itself doesn't have a type directly. Your definition of t for example wouldn't capture a dependent type like (x : Nat) -> P x.
While it is a bit fiddly, what you're doing is the right way to do this. I'm not convinced we should make special syntax for (->) as a type constructor - partly because it really isn't one, and partly because it feels like it would lead to more confusion when it doesn't work with dependent types.
The Data.Morphisms module provides something like this, except you have to do all the wrapping/unwrapping around the Morphism "newtype".

Error: Cannot safely evaluate the definition of the recursively-defined module

I'm curious to understand why this error happens and which is the best way to get around it.
I have a couple of files and types.mli which define a variant type value that can be of many different builtin OCaml types (float, int, list, map, set, etc..).
Since I have to use the std-lib over this variant type I needed to concretize the Set module through the functor to be able to use sets of value type by defining the ValueSet module.
The final .ml file is something like:
module rec I :
type value =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| Complex of Complex.t
| String of string
| List of (value list) ref
| Array of value array
| Map of (value, value) Hashtbl.t
| Set of ValueSet.t ref
| Stack of value Stack.t
type t = value
val compare : t -> t -> int
= struct
(* same variant type *)
and string_value v =
match v with
(* other cases *)
| Set l -> sprintf "{%s} : set" (ValueSet.fold (fun i v -> v^(string_value i)^" ") !l "")
and OrderedValue :
type t = I.value
val compare : t -> t -> int
= struct
type t = I.value
let compare =
and ValueSet : Set.S with type elt = I.value = Set.Make(I)
As you can see I had to define the ValueSet module from the functor to be able to use that datatype. The problem occurs when I want to use that module inside the declaration of I. So that I obtain the following error:
Error: Cannot safely evaluate the definition of the recursively-defined module I
Why does this happen? Which is a good way to solve it? And just to know, is my approach to what I'm trying to do correct? Apart from that it works as intended (I'm able to use the ValueSet type with my operations in other modules, but I have to comment the involved line in to pass compilation phase).
I tried to remove all the superfluous code and reduce the code to essential needed to investigate this error.. if it's not enought just ask :)
EDIT: according to OCaml reference we have that
Currently, the compiler requires that all dependency cycles between the recursively-defined module identifiers go through at least one “safe” module. A module is “safe” if all value definitions that it contains have function types typexpr1 -> typexpr2.
This is everything I found so far, but I don't get the exact meaning..
Thank in advance
After fixing the obvious errors, your example does compile (with OCaml 3.10, but I think this hasn't changed since recursive modules were introduced in 3.07). Hopefully my explanations below will help you find what, amongst the definitions you left out, caused your code to be rejected.
Here is some example code that is accepted:
module rec Value : sig
type t =
| Set of ValueSet.t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val nil : t
(*val f_empty : unit -> t*)
= struct
type t =
| Set of ValueSet.t
let compare =
let nil = Nil
(*let f_empty () = Set ValueSet.empty*)
and ValueSet : Set.S with type elt = Value.t = Set.Make(Value)
At the expression level, the module Value has no dependency on ValueSet. Therefore the compiler generates the code to initialize Value before the code to initialize Value, and all goes well.
Now try commenting out the definition of f_empty.
File "", line 11, characters 2-200:
Cannot safely evaluate the definition of the recursively-defined module Value
Now Value does depend on ValueSet, and ValueSet always depends on Value because of the compare function. So they are mutually recursive, and the “safe module” condition must apply.
Currently, the compiler requires that all dependency cycles between the
recursively-defined module identifiers go through at least one "safe" module. A
module is "safe" if all value definitions that it contains have function types
typexpr_1 -> typexpr_2.
Here, ValueSet isn't safe because of ValueSet.empty, and Value isn't safe because of nil.
The reason to the “safe module” condition is the chosen implementation technique for recursive module:
Evaluation of a recursive module definition proceeds
by building initial values for the safe modules involved, binding all
(functional) values to fun _ -> raise Undefined_recursive_module. The defining
module expressions are then evaluated, and the initial values for the safe
modules are replaced by the values thus computed.
If you comment out the declaration of nil in the signature of Value, you can leave the definition and declaration of f_empty. That's because Value is now a safe module: it contains only functions. It's ok to leave the definition of nil in the implementation: the implementation of Value is not a safe module, but Value itself (which is its implementation coerced to a signature) is safe.
I'm really not sure what kind of syntax you're using in the signature that allows let ... I'm going to assume it was a mistake while reducing the code for us. You also don't need that OrderedType definition, possibly another fiddling error for us, since you don't use it in parameterisation of the Set module.
Aside from that, I have no problem running the following in the toplevel. Since this works pretty directly, I am unsure how you're getting that error.
module rec Value :
type t =
| Nil
| Int of int
| Float of float
| String of string
| Set of ValueSet.t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val to_string : t -> string
end = struct
type t =
| Nil
| Int of int
| Float of float
| String of string
| Set of ValueSet.t
let compare =
let rec to_string = function
| Nil -> ""
| Int x -> string_of_int x
| Float x -> string_of_float x
| String x -> x
| Set l ->
Printf.sprintf "{%s} : set"
(ValueSet.fold (fun i v -> v^(to_string i)^" ") l "")
and ValueSet : Set.S with type elt = Value.t = Set.Make (Value)