I had this problem, when i installed IGListSectionController via Cocoapods in old objective-c project. Has anyone encountered this problem?
Duplicate interface definition for class 'IGListSectionController'
Package 'com.sun.jdi' is not found along with its 4 classes.
Probably the package 'com.sun.jdi' belongs to a library or dependency that is not resolved by the checker.
The following classes of 'com.sun.jdi' are not resolved:
Class ReferenceType is referenced in
I have a framework binary built with Swift that I'm trying to incorporate into an Objective-C project. However the class in the framework isn't available.
In the swift framework, the class is defined like this:
#objc public final class Messaging: NSObject, UINavigationControllerDelegate, LogsManagerDelegate {
I drag the archived and exported framework directly into the project to use and make sure the Defines Module is set to Yes in the Build Settings.
In the Objective-C I try to use the framework:
#import ContactAtOnceMessaging;
#implementation MessagingExperience
Messaging *messaging; // Unknown type name 'Messaging'
If I drag the code for the framework directly into the project, Messaging is a known class so I know the Swift is okay.
I also tried changing the import to the following, but that didn't work.
#import "ContactAtOnceMessaging/ContactAtOnceMessaging-Swift.h"
I also tried using CocoaPods to import the framework and that hasn't helped.
What am I doing wrong?
I can confirm that I experienced the same problem as you. I was also able to resolve it. I'm not sure if the original problem was caused by an anomaly somewhere in my configuration. I did, however, test the following procedure and found it to work reliably with Xcode 9.3.
I first made a test Swift framework named Dynamic-Framework-Tester, in an Xcode project, and set it to be copied to an absolute path on every build.
I then performed the following steps to setup my Objective-C project:
Made a new project with Objective-C as the language.
Dragged the framework from its absolute path into the project without choosing "Copy items if needed".
Deleted the framework from Linked Frameworks and Libraries because it will get added automatically in step (4).
Added the framework to Embedded Binaries.
In build settings, set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries to Yes.
Added my custom framework path to the Framework Search Paths setting in the build settings.
In the Objective-C project, I imported the framework using
#import Dynamic_Framework_Tester;
and called a method exposed in the framework from Objective-C.
Using a simulator, I was able to update the framework and have the changes applied on subsequent runs of the app.
While trying to use ProGuard (5.3.2) to obfuscate a Automation framework getting lot of warnings i've resolved most of the warnings by adding respective library's but could not able to resolve below warnings. i have tried by adding com.hibernate-core jar but still getting same.
Warning: com.test.utils.DBOperations: can't find referenced method 'org.hibernate.Session openSession()' in library class org.hibernate.SessionFactory
Warning: com.test.utils.DBOperations: can't find referenced method 'void close()' in library class org.hibernate.Session
I have tried searching for a solution but the answer would always be for an android application.
I have find there is an option that I can select inside the Proguard GUI. Please check the picture:
This method is good for obfuscation the class name or method name inside the .jar file.
If you want to ignore the warning when creating from android studio or eclipse... just put some "-dontwarn" or "-ignorewarning" command inside the proguard-rule.pro file.
I am trying to compile openjdk-7 source code on Ubuntu 14.04:
export LANG=C ALT_BOOTDIR=/usr
make all
I saw some errors like:
symbol: class ClassNotFound
location: class CompoundType
../../../../src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/iiop/CompoundType.java:1299: error: cannot find symbol
These missing classes are all in the package named sun.tools.java. I suspect these are some nonstandard libs required by the jdk build process. However I cannot find relevant information in online build tutorials. So what are these missing classes and how I can fix them?
Some applications need the tools.jar from the JDK which has these packages. This is often used for runtime compilation of generated code. Add this to the class path from your JDK.
Note: these are not package you would normally pass via RMI however. I would have a look at the classes to see why it would need to do this.
If I create a new module project than the templates comes with a default named convention class that inherits from TiModule.
I would like my module to encapsulate more than one module inside it, so I've created another class that inherits TiModule with the name or MyNewModuls.m
Everything compiles and built, but how can I call methods I've created on that module from javascript code? When I require my module, only methods from the original module file that inherits TiModule exist.
You cannot add multiple module subclasses in side a module package. Please check the Titanium Module documentation. In that the above scenario is clearly mentioned a module cannot have multiple module classes.