How to traverse a tree of MP_Node (django-treebeard) categories and display effectively with lease amount of queries? I tried looking the docs but I see the queries number increasing with more categories.
Is there a method to limit the number of queries to display a menu like and get all the categories in an optimized manner?
I see that dump_bulk() api in treebeard gets all the categories in a single query. Is it advisable to use it? If not why? Where is its practical usage?
A sample code using twitter-bootstrap nav menu would be appreciated.
I'm looking to reduce the number of queries. Answer with explanation with least number of queries will be accepted.
I chose django-mptt in lieu of Treebeard. It's much more simple, and uses only one tree management methodology (MPTT, hence the name). See this function (disclaimer, I submitted a patch which rewrote this function to be more optimized) - it caches an entire tree below a given node, allowing you to go up and down the tree as much as you want (e.g., node.get_children(), node.parent, etc.), without running any more queries. In other words, it's ideal for doing exactly what you're wanting to do.
have always wanted to get to grips a little with Compilers and DSL's and have been trying to dabble with a SQL like engine specifically for log files.
.. I realize that there are many of these out there already, but please remember that part (well, most) of the excersize is as an excuse to learn this stuff.
I feel that I've hit a mental block though, and was hoping people could help me pass it..
Lots of the texts that I have read focus on grammar construction, which is fine - but I'm confused about the leap from having/constructing an AST to actually making it do something useful.
I have been reading the chapter in this book on interpreted languages - the one about the 'pie' language - as this seems to have the most meat about this specific part of building a language.
if I had to code something like
select x,y from "c:\temp\foo.txt" where x=1 delimited by {Commas}
Assume I have loaded the contents of the file into an ArrayList to make things easy, Then would I be building an external tree walker to traverse my AST and shuffle elements into intermediate storage (if they matched x=1) - finally printing out the last buffer which would be the result set.
Looking forward to any guidance on offer.
Cheers, Ace
I have some pretty complex reports to write. Some of them... I'm not sure how I could write an sql query for just one of the values, let alone stuff them in a single query.
Is it common to just pull a crap load of data and figure it all via code instead? Or should I try and find a way to make all the reports rely on sql?
I have a very rich domain model. In fact, parts of code can be expanded on to calculate exactly what they want. The actual logic is not all that difficult to write - and it's nicer to work my domain model than with SQL. With SQL, writing the business logic, refactoring it, testing it and putting it version control is a royal pain because it's separate from your actual code.
For example, one the statistics they want is the % of how much they improved, especially in relation to other people in the same class, the same school, and compared to other schools. This requires some pretty detailed analysis of how they performed in the past to their latest information, as well as doing a calculation for the groups you are comparing against as a whole. I can't even imagine what the sql query would even look like.
The thing is, this % improvement is not a column in the database - it involves a big calculation in of itself by analyzing all the live data in real-time. There is no way to cache this data in a column as doing this calculation for every row it's needed every time the student does something is CRAZY.
I'm a little afraid about pulling out hundreds upon hundreds of records to get these numbers though. I may have to pull out that many just to figure out 1 value for 1 user... and if they want a report for all the users on a single screen, it's going to basically take analyzing the entire database. And that's just 1 column of values of many columns that they want on the report!
Basically, the report they want is a massive performance hog no matter what method I choose to write it.
Anyway, I'd like to ask you what kind of solutions you've used to these kind of a problems.
Sometimes a report can be generated by a single query. Sometimes some procedural code has to be written. And sometimes, even though a single query CAN be used, it's much better/faster/clearer to write a bit of procedural code.
Case in point - another developer at work wrote a report that used a single query. That query was amazing - turned a table sideways, did some amazing summation stuff - and may well have piped the output through hyperspace - truly a work of art. I couldn't have even conceived of doing something like that and learned a lot just from readying through it. It's only problem was that it took 45 minutes to run and brought the system to its knees in the process. I loved that query...but in the end...I admit it - I killed it. ((sob!)) I dismembered it with a chainsaw while humming "Highway To Hell"! I...I wrote a little procedural code to cover my tracks and...nobody noticed. I'd like to say I was sorry, the end the job ran in 30 seconds. Oh, sure, it's easy enough to say "But performance matters, y'know"...but...I loved that query... ((sniffle...)) Anybody seen my chainsaw..? >;->
The point of the above is "Make Things As Simple As You Can, But No Simpler". If you find yourself with a query that covers three pages (I loved that query, but...) maybe it's trying to tell you something. A much simpler query and some procedural code may take up about the same space, page-wise, but could possibly be much easier to understand and maintain.
Share and enjoy.
Sounds like a challenging task you have ahead of you. I don't know all the details, but I think I would go at it from several directions:
Prioritize: You should try to negotiate with the "customer" and prioritize functionality. Chances are not everything is equally useful for them.
Manage expectations: If they have unrealistic expectations then tell them so in a nice way.
IMHO SQL is good in many respects, but it's not a brilliant programming language. So I'd rather just do calculations in the application rather than in the database.
I think I'd go for some delay in the system .. perhaps by caching calculated results for some minutes before recalculating. This is with a mind towards performance.
The short answer: for analysing large quantities of data, a SQL database is probably the best tool around.
However, that does not mean you should analyse this straight off your production database. I suggest you look into Datawarehousing.
For a one-off report, I'll write the code to produce it in whatever I can best reason about it in.
For a report that'll be generated more than once, I'll check on who is going to be producing it the next time. I'll still write the code in whatever I can best reason about it in, but I might add something to make it more attractive to use to that other person.
People usually use a third party report writing system rather than writing SQL. As an application developer, if you're spending a lot of time writing complex reports, I would severely question your manager's actions in NOT buying an off-the-shelf solution and letting less-skilled people build their own reports using some GUI.
I started using GraphViz yesterday in order to visualize the relationships between some things—a project I’ve been wanting to tackle for quite a while now.
So far, I’ve gotten it pretty well done, but there’s a few things I’m struggling with, specifically getting the chart to look good and how long it takes to process the DOT file—thank goodness I decided to use a computer ot do it instead of doing it by hand on paper!
It seems to me that the reason my graph looks so cluttered and why it takes so long is because there are so many entities and so many relationships in it (including many cyclical ones).
I’ve read of “large” graphs several times in the documentation and other resources on the Internet, but nothing that specifically indicates what is considered large, so I’m wondering if mine counts as large.
Simply put, I’ve got two groups of nodes (A and B), with relationships between items in A to items in B. Currently there are:
123 entries in group A
55 entries in group B
278 relationships
? cyclical relationships
Plus, I’m also considering adding relationships between items in group A.
So does this count as “large”? I was under the impression that “large” was thousands of items/links. (Depending on some minor changes, the resulting image is about 8444x7463 pixels. I’ve included a—relatively huge—thumbnail.)
If it is large, are there any tips on making a messy, convoluted graph look good?
If it is not large, then why am I having trouble with it (I am currently using non-overlapped and neato)?
Thanks a lot.
alt text
I suggest you give Gephi a try, as I have found it easier to use than Graphviz.
I have been working on sql server and front end coding and have usually faced problem formulating queries.
I do understand most of the concepts of sql that are needed in formulating queries but whenever some new functionality comes into the picture that can be dont using sql query, i do usually fails resolving them.
I am very comfortable with select queries using joins and all such things but when it comes to DML operation i usually fails
For every query that i never done before I usually finds uncomfortable with that while creating them. Whenever I goes for an interview I usually faces this problem.
Is it their some concept behind approaching on formulating sql queries.
I need to create an sql query such that
A table contain single column having duplicate record. I need to remove duplicate records.
I know i can find the solution to this query very easily on Googling, but I want to know how everyone comes to the desired result.
Is it something like Practice Makes Man Perfect i.e. once you did it, next time you will be able to formulate or their is some logic or concept behind.
I could have get my answer of solving above problem simply by posting it on stackoverflow and i would have been with an answer within 5 to 10 minutes but I want to know the reason. How do you work on any new kind of query. Is it a major contribution of experience or some an implementation of concepts.
Whenever I learns some new thing in coding section I tries to utilize it wherever I can use it. But here scenario seems to be changed because might be i am lagging in some concepts.
How could I test my knowledge and
concepts in Sql and related sql
queries ?
Typically, the first time you need to open a child proof bottle of pills, you have a hard time, but after that you are prepared for what it might/will entail.
So it is with programming (me thinks).
You find problems, research best practices, and beat your head against a couple of rocks, but in the process you will come to have a handy set of tools.
Also, reading what others tried/did, is a good way to avoid major obsticles.
All in all, with a lot of practice/coding, you will see patterns quicker, and learn to notice where to make use of what tool.
I have a somewhat methodical method of constructing queries in general, and it is something I use elsewhere with any problem solving I need to do.
The first step is ALWAYS listing out any bits of information I have in a request. Information is essentially anything that tells me something about something.
A table contain single column having
duplicate record. I need to remove
I have a table (I'll call it table1)
I have a
column on table table1 (I'll call it col1)
I have
duplicates in col1 on table table1
I need to remove
The next step of my query construction is identifying the action I'll take from the information I have.
I'll look for certain keywords (e.g. remove, create, edit, show, etc...) along with the standard insert, update, delete to determine the action.
In the example this would be DELETE because of remove.
The next step is isolation.
Asnwer the question "the action determined above should only be valid for ______..?" This part is almost always the most difficult part of constructing any query because it's usually abstract.
In the above example you're listing "duplicate records" as a piece of information, but that's really an abstract concept of something (anything where a specific value is not unique in usage).
Isolation is also where I test my action using a SELECT statement.
Every new query I run gets thrown through a select first!
The next step is execution, or essentially the "how do I get this done" part of a request.
A lot of times you'll figure the how out during the isolation step, but in some instances (yours included) how you isolate something, and how you fix it is not the same thing.
Showing duplicated values is different than removing a specific duplicate.
The last step is implementation. This is just where I take everything and make the query...
Summing it all up... for me to construct a query I'll pick out all information that I have in the request. Using the information I'll figure out what I need to do (the action), and what I need to do it on (isolation). Once I know what I need to do with what I figure out the execution.
Every single time I'm starting a new "query" I'll run it through these general steps to get an idea for what I'm going to do at an abstract level.
For specific implementations of an actual request you'll have to have some knowledge (or access to google) to go further than this.
I think in the same way I cook dinner. I have some ingredients (tables, columns etc.), some cooking methods (SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, GROUP BY etc.) then I put them together in the way I know how.
Sometimes I will do something weird and find it tastes horrible, or that it is amazing.
Occasionally I will pick up new recipes from the internet or friends, then use parts of these in my own.
I also save my recipes in handy repositories, broken down into reusable chunks.
On the "Delete a duplicate" example, I'd come to the result by googling it. This scenario is so rare if the DB is designed properly that I wouldn't bother keeping this information in my head. Why bother, when there is a good resource is available for me to look it up when I need it?
For other queries, it really is practice makes perfect.
Over time, you get to remember frequently used patterns just because they ARE frequently used. Rare cases should be kept in a reference material. I've simply got too much other stuff to remember.
Find a good documentation to your software. I am using Mysql a lot and Mysql has excellent documentation site with decent search function so you get many answers just by reading docs. If you do NOT get your answer at least you are learning something.
Than I set up an example database (or use the one I am working on) and gradually build my SQL. I tend to separate the problem into small pieces and solve it step by step - this is very successful if you are building queries including many JOINS - it is best to start with some particular case and "polute" your SQL with many conditions like WHEN id = "123" which you are taking out as you are working towards your solution.
The best and fastest way to learn good SQL is to work with someone else, preferably someone who knows more than you, but it is not necessarry condition. It can be replaced by studying mature code written by others.
Your example is a test of how well you understand the DISTINCT keyword and the GROUP BY clause, which are SQL's ways of dealing with duplicate data.
Examples and experience. You look at other peoples examples and you create your own code and once it groks, you don't need to think about it again.
I would have a look at the Mere Mortals book - I think it's the one by Hernandez. I remember that when I first started seriously with SQL Server 6.5, moving from manual ISAM databases and Access database systems using VB4, that it was difficult to understand the syntax, the joins and the declarative style. And the SQL queries, while powerful, were very intimidating to understand - because typically, I was looking at generated code in Microsoft Access.
However, once I had developed a relatively systematic approach to building queries in a consistent and straightforward fashion, my skills and confidence quickly moved forward.
From seeing your responses you have two options.
Have a copy of the specification for whatever your working on (SQL spec and the documentation for the SQL implementation (SQLite, SQL Server etc..)
Use Google, SO, Books, etc.. as a resource to find answers.
You can't formulate an answer to a problem without doing one of the above. The first option is to become well versed into the capabilities of whatever you are working on.
The second option allows you to find answers that you may not even fully know how to ask. You example is fairly simplistic, so if you read the spec/implementation documentaion you would know the answer right away. But there are times, where even if you read the spec/documentation you don't know the answer. You only know that it IS possible, just not how to do it.
Remember that as far as jobs and supervisors go, being able to resolve a problem is important, but the faster you can do it the better which can often be done with option 2.