MDX - Display the labels/values for dimensions for this MDX query - mdx

Usually I display a value for dimensions by using the CurrentMember.Value/caption as as an alias.
For the following query this breaks with an error along the lines of
'The hierarchy [Measures] appears in more than one axis or in an axis/axes and a slicer too'.
Which I understand.
So how do I edit/expand the query such that I see the book values on rows (normally achieved with
'WITH Member [Measures].[Book_Label] AS [Book].[Book].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION'
and the column dimension values along the top?
(Excel image below, values white color'd out as on client site.)
NON EMPTY ([Ccy].[Ccy].[Ccy])
FROM [TraderCube]

I have made more progress however this comes out staggered duplicating the row / book label at each repeated currency.
Does anyone know how I would:
1) Get the currencies along the top?
2) Have one row / book label per row?
Member [Measures].[Book_Label] AS [Book].[Book].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION
NON EMPTY (HIERARCHIZE(([Ccy].[Ccy].Members, {[Measures].[Book_Label],[Measures].[JTD.SUM]}), POST))
NON EMPTY (HIERARCHIZE([Book].[Book].Members, POST))
FROM[TraderCube] WHERE ([Date].[Date].[2019-12-13])"

As an update for anyone who comes across this thread/question, for me I am writing a C# layer that translates simple user words and constructs MDX. I query the remote cube and then I return a 2D array. Up until now I constructed the headerRow etc myself and I returned the row dimension labels using the MDX itself.
I have now discovered that metadata is available on the AdomoClient libraries I am using.
This tutorial has inspired me:
It's not a direct answer to my query of getting all of the labels in MDX but it will mean I can construct my headerRow (may be more than one row as seen in Excel pivots) and populate my row labels differently using the positions property of each Axes on the set (Axes[0] is columns, Axes[1] is rows) and the Positions property has a member property too.


SQL expression for when .... then ....does not work properly

I am kind of new to qgis and this forum but I have a problem for which i would like some help. I made a raster layer indicating different landcovers based on an image. I now want to assign the most frequently found landcover within a polygon to be assigned to that polygon. I intended to do this by counting the landcover pixels within the polygons and then making a new field in the attribute table from to polygon to assign the highest count of pixels to the field. i intended to do this using a when ... then ... expression. However, this is not going right, it first of all does not assign a value to all the records, so some get a 'null' value. Also in some situation it actually does not assign the highest count to the new field.
raster and polygon field
Expression part 1
Expression part 2
Result from the expression in attribute table
As can be seen in this figure, landuse3 has 'null' values and the highlighted record is also incorrect, the result should be 'road' instead of 'flat roof'.
It would be really nice if someone could help me out with this :)

Make Spotfire ignore empty values in the categories of charts and show a visualization without "spaces" between the bars

I have a group of trellis graphs on some data, in there you can see a numeric variable on the Y axis and a series of cell dishes on the X axis. Not all the numeric values are present on all the series of cells. Because of this the visualization results in a graph with empty spaces:
This is OK most of the time but the thing is I would like to avoid the "empty spaces, only in these graph series, that you can see between the bars. I would like to see showing only the pattern of the cell dishes where I have data.
Trying to do so I tried creating a calculated column to use it as a ordering index ( (Sorting Filter values asc/desc on Tibco Spotfire), after that "Limit data by expression" using a "[MyColumn] is not null" on it ( (How to show the top 10 column values in Spotfire) with no luck and I tried also ( create a custom expression, which I think it would be a good solution because I understand it will only affect these graphs and not the complete set of visualizations but no, I don't reach the point to change it. Last that it should work but it doesn't is to "Show/Hide Items" under a Boolean expression that it would include that "[Axis.Value] is not NULL" and "Apply individually for each trellis panel" of the numeric column which sound terrific but... nope, it didn't work either...
Any help would be appreciated, now I will select one by one on individual graphs extracting them and plotting them in other place but this is not very useful as a "large scale" solution. I am sure there is a way to insert a proper expression to avoid the null values of the cross of both variables, the numeric and the cell dishes.
this is because you are trellising data, not the axis. you won't be able to filter out values on the x axis; it's simply not how trellis works.
using multiple visualizations is the solution, but I assume you've got n sets of categories that you want to separate out without creating a ton of charts on the page and perhaps you can't guarantee the number of categories or their names, so you want to build a flexible solution.
please check out an answer I just wrote over here which illustrates how to use a document property and a property control to limit a visualization. your property control can be linked to automatically and dynamically display unique values in your "category" column (the one you are trellising by). maybe this can be a solution for you?

Spotfire calculated column based on filter

I want to create a calculated column that is equal to the percent of the total of the previous column, but only for the rows that are selected.
For example, the two columns below show rows where I've filtered for only the rows of interest. The sum is accurate, but I want the percent of the total to be only out of sum of the currently selected rows rather than the absolute total (which is how it's currently being calculated). I want the percent of the total to dynamically change depending on what is filtered in the data table. Is this possible?
Image of my 2 columns:
I know spotfire somehow calculates this becuase when I insert a bar graph using % of Total(SumofComponents) the ratio is only out of the current total.
Image of my bar chart:
much like in programming, Spotfire has a rough concept of scope. and unfortunately, calculated columns are above filters in terms of scope; they have no concept of what is and is not filtered.
visualizations themselves, however, do*!
what you can do in this case is to put your expression on the Y axis (it looks like you've done this), and it will respect your selected filters*.
*caveats: there are a few ways that filtering can be negated on a given visualization:
Properties>>Appearance>>Show shadows indicating the unfiltered data. this option shows a grey bar that represents the data hidden by whatever filter selection was made
Properties>>Data>>Limit data using filterings. these options allow the viz to use separate filtering sets ("Filter Schemes" as they're called in Spotfire) or none at all (to ignore filters completely)
Properties>>Subsets. by default there are three subsets: "All Data" which ignores filters, "Not in current filtering" which inverts the filter selection (e.g., if you filter a boolean column to show only TRUE, this chart would show only FALSE), and "Current filtering" which is the default behavior. you can check the online help for additional subsets that you can add.

SSRS Dynamic Graphs

Does anyone know if it is possible to create a graph(s) at run time based on the dataset?
To clarify, I have a count of patients suffering from a health condition, split by week. I need to make a graph per condition with weeks on the X axis and patient count on the Y. Nice and easy so far.
The problem is that the number of conditions displayed in the dataset will be different depending on the values entered for the start and end dates for the reporting date range.
With this in mind can I create a single graph then tell it to replicate once for each condition returned and only look at the data for that specific condition?
The graphs can't appear in rows as they must aggregate data from multiple rows (where the condition is the same) and plot the various count values over week numbers (the dataset returns a count, a week number and a condition with a group by on the week number and condition)
As an added challenge none of this can be hard coded as the single report has to work across multiple sites.
Yes this is possible by first dropping a "Matrix" control into the report surface. With the Matrix control, you're able to display groups of data. In this case, your group will be the condition returned in your DataSet. Each group will have an embedded chart which will display data the same way, but only the data within the grouping you choose.
Step 1: Add a Matrix control to your report surface. Create a Row Group based on Condition (In my example, Year)
Step 2: Right Click the empty column on the right side of the Matrix control, and choose the option for Insert Column > Outside Group - Right. Then Delete the middle column.
Step 3: Right click the Right columns "Data" cell (which should be outside the grouping) and choose Insert > Chart. Select the desired chart type.
Step 4: Resize the column and row to view the chart in more detail. Edit the Chart Data to aggregate what you're wanting to show as the line, and pick your category groups.
Step 5: Test, and revist whichever step above needs adjusting.

Qlikview Expression to get Average in comparison to selected criteria for Chart

I am trying to create a chart that displays the average of a parameter of an entire category. The problem is that in sheet 1,2,3,4, etc, the charts I have reflect one parameter, so when I go to compare this parameter to the average in my new sheet, I only get the average of the fields that have been selected in prior sheets. I want it so that I can create a new chart with one bar as an average of the entire population, and another bar in the same chart that depicts the average of the selected parameter(s). Ideally, I would have two dimensions/x axis categories, one for the selected criteria, and one for average of all categories. Can someone help?
I believe the way to handle this is with set analysis. You can create one expression with the normal avg(parameter) and another expression with some embedded set analysis. See example below.
Expression1: avg(parameter) // will agregate everything in the current selection
Expression2: avg({1<category='YourCategory'>}parameter) // will aggregate everything in a category that you set in the set analysis syntax.
With some more specific info I would be able to get you an actual expression, but hopefully this helps.
Updated to reflect new information provided in the comments.
Expression1: avg(parameter)
Expression2: avg({1}parameter)
In set analysis syntax the {1} means the entire universe of data where as {$} is your current selection. In other words, 1 is your data with nothing selected. In my first example above, the {1<category='YourCategory'>} statement uses a modifier signified by the <> so that you would be performing the aggregation over the entire universe with only the value specified in YourCategory selected.
So if the scenario is that you have currently selected let's say, 5 zip codes, your current selection ({$}) would be those 5 zip codes and the entire universe ({1}) will be as if you selected no zip codes. Therefore comparing those two populations side-by-side in two Expressions should give you the comparison you want.
Caveat: Using the {1} syntax in your expression means that your average of "all zip codes" will always be the average with nothing selected unless you put something in the modifier as in my first example. See this more detailed explanation.