Dynamic/Sectioned RecyclerView, Room and Single Data Class - kotlin

New to Android development and Kotlin. I’m hoping to use different views based on the properties of my data class, but I’m not really sure how and I’m uncertain if what I want to do is even possible. I know I need to override getItemViewType, and leverage that in onCreateViewHolder, but I’m confused with the code for getItemViewType.
Room Data Class
data class PersonMessages(
val Person: Person,
parentColumn = "id",
entityColumn = "person_id"
val Messages: List<Messages>
RecyclerView Adapter
class PeopleViewAdapter: ListAdapter<PersonMessages, PeopleViewAdapter.ViewHolder>(PeopleDiffCallback()) {
// ...
override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int =
when (getItem(position)) {
is Messages -> R.layout.fragment_message_detail
is Person -> R.layout.fragment_people_detail
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Illegal item view type")
For getItemViewType, Android Studio correctly complains that Messages and Person are Incompatible types with PersonMessages, but I have no idea as to what I need to change, and where, to get this to work.
All clue sticks appreciated.

I chose to address this by transforming the data in the ViewModel into a list of the embedded classes. While I’m still not certain if this is the best direction, and would appreciate some commentary here, the relevant changes are below.
class MainViewModel(private val repository: DataRepository) : ViewModel() {
init {
_people = Transformations.map(repository.livePeopleMessages()) { peopleWithMessages ->
peopleWithMessages.flatMap {
mutableListOf<Any>(it.Person).also { personWithMessages ->
class PeopleViewAdapter: ListAdapter<Any, RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(PeopleDiffCallback()) {//...}


Retrieve Inheritance class full name from Kotlin Psi API

I’m trying to develop a codegen IDEA-Plugin. This plugin should analyze KtClass Inheritance and get all inheritance class full name (like com.example.config.TestConfig)
I have tried to find any useful information by viewing PsiViewer. I find that all
inheritance info of KtClass is stored in KtSuperTypeEntry, and I try my best to get full name of inheritance class.
for class Dest:
data class Dest(
val stringValue: String = "123",
override val stringConfig: String = "123",
override val iConfigStr: String = "123",
val b: B = B(),
val c: List<List<Set<Map<String, out Any?>>>> = listOf(),
val config: Config? = Config()
) : Config()
superTypeListEntry.typeAsUserType.referenceExpression.getReferencedName() -return-> "Config"
superTypeListEntry.importReceiverMembers() -return-> null
Seemingly SuperTypeListEntry just contain inheritance class simple name info.
I also try to find inheritance class full name by KtFile, but there is no idea when inheritance class was imported in this KtFile as wildcards:
fun KtSuperTypeListEntry.getType(ktFile: KtFile): String {
val simpleName = superTypeListEntry.text
// try to find by declared KtClass ...
ktFile.children.filterIsInstance<KtClass>().filter { it.name == simpleName }
// try to find by import ...
ktFile.importDirectives.filter { it.importPath.toString().contains(simpleName) }
// try to find by import wildcards ...
ktFile.importDirectives.filter { it.importPath.toString().endWith("*") }.forEach {
val split = it.importPath.split(".")
split.set(split.size - 1, simpleName)
val maybeFullName = split.joinToString(",") { it }
// confused on how to detect "maybeFullName" is correct ...
How can I retrieve all inheritance class full name from Kotlin Psi API? Thank you!
After thousand of investigations and debugging, I find that it is possible to find a class's inheritance classes by BindingContext. BindingContext can analyze a TypeReference and find the reference of KotlinType. The code might be like this:
ktClass.superTypeListEntries.map { superTypeEntry ->
val typeReference = superTypeEntry.typeReference
val bindingContext = typeReference.analyze()
bindingContext.get(BindingContext.TYPE, typeReference)
}.forEach { kotlinType ->
val classId = kotlinType.constructor.declarationDescriptor.classId
val packageName = classId.packageFqName
val simpleName = classId.relativeClassName
// It can also get the generics of this class by KotlinType.arguments
val generics = kotlinType.arguments
Also, you can get super types full name of the class by KtLightClass, the code might be like this:
val ktLightClass = ktClass.toLightClass()
val superTypesFullName = ktLightClass?.supers?.forEach { superType ->
val packageName = superType.qualifiedName
val simpleName = superType.name
// you can get as KtClass by this, which can help you unify design of interface.
val ktClass = superType.kotlinOrigin

How to combine polymorphic and transforming serializers for nested JSON, using Kotlin serialization?

This is a simplified example of the JSON I want to work with:
"useless_info": "useless info",
"data": {
"useless_info2": "useless info 2",
"children": [
"kind": "Car",
"data": {
"id": 1,
"transmission": "manual"
"kind": "Boat",
"data": {
"id": 2,
"isDocked": true
children is an array of vehicle objects. vehicle can be boat or car.
My Problem
The information that I want is nested quite deep (the real JSON is much deeply nested). A hack solution is to model the JSON exactly by writing dozens of nested data classes that references each other. I do not want to do this.
My problem is that while I know how to use JsonTransformingSerializer to unwrap arrays of a single type, and JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer to work with objects of various types, in this situation I believe I require both, but I can't get it to work.
What I Did
Assuming a single type
I tried understanding how it would work if it was a single type.
If the objects I wanted where all of the same type, it would be trivial to implement a JsonTransformingSerializer to cut right into the data I want. In this example, I will assume I only care about the ID, so I can just create a generic Vehicle model.
data class VehicleResponse(
#Serializable(with = VehicleResponseSerializer::class)
val vehicles: List<Vehicle>
data class Vehicle(val id: Int)
object VehicleResponseSerializer : JsonTransformingSerializer<List<Vehicle>>(ListSerializer(Vehicle.serializer())) {
override fun transformDeserialize(element: JsonElement): JsonElement {
val vehicles = mutableListOf<JsonElement>()
// equals: [{"kind":"Car","data":{"id":1,"transmission":"manual"}},{"kind":"Boat","data":{"id":2,"isDocked":true}}]
val vehicleArray = element.jsonObject["children"]!!.jsonArray
vehicleArray.forEach { vehicle ->
// equals: {"id":1,"transmission":"manual"}}
val vehicleData = vehicle.jsonObject["data"]!!
return JsonArray(vehicles.toList())
The code works perfectly. Calling it out from main, printing the result gives me:
VehicleResponse(vehicles=[Vehicle(id=1), Vehicle(id=2)])
But they are actually Polymorphic!
Assuming one type does not work. I need to work with Car and Boat, and call their respective functions and properties.
I tried to model the structure like this:
data class VehicleResponse(
#Serializable(with = VehicleResponseSerializer::class)
val vehicles: List<Vehicle>
abstract class Vehicle {
abstract val id: Int
data class Car(
override val id: Int,
val transmission: String,
) : Vehicle()
data class Boat(
override val id: Int,
val isDocked: Boolean,
) : Vehicle()
What I Want
I want to receive a JSON from a server, and instantly be able to deserialize it into a list of Vehicle objects, like the one VehicleResponse has.
I want to navigate through a deeply nested JSON, and unwrap an array that contains various Vehicle objects. For this, I assume I need to use JsonTransformingSerializer.
I want to use polymorphic deserialization to convert each of Vehicle into its corresponding subtype.
The actual ACTUAL problem
The thing that is truly throwing me in a loop is that a polymorphic serializer just does not seem to fit. It's called first before I get to parse the JSON. How am I supposed to decide which serializer to use?
Here's a test implementation:
object VehiclePolymorphicSerializer: JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer<VehicleResponse>(VehicleResponse::class) {
override fun selectDeserializer(element: JsonElement): DeserializationStrategy<out VehicleResponse> {
println("\nselectDeserializer()\n" +
"base element:\n" +
// this return is a temporary hack, I just want to see the base element by printing it to the console
return VehicleResponse.serializer()
It prints:
base element:
{"useless_info":"useless info","data":{"useless_info2":"useless info 2","children":[{"kind":"Car","data":{"id":1,"transmission":"manual"}},{"kind":"Boat","data":{"id":2,"isDocked":true}}]}}
That's the whole initial JSON! How am I supposed to decide which deserialization strategy to use, if both Car and Boat are in there? The JsonTransformingSerializer is called after the JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer.
Really not sure how am I supposed to proceed here. Would really appreciate even a slight hint.
kotlinx.serialization can handle polymorphic deserialization in this case without custom JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer. You just need to preserve class descriminator in the JSON returned from your JsonTransformingSerializer:
object VehicleResponseSerializer : JsonTransformingSerializer<List<Vehicle>>(ListSerializer(Vehicle.serializer())) {
override fun transformDeserialize(element: JsonElement): JsonElement {
// equals: [{"kind":"Car","data":{"id":1,"totalWheels":"4"}},{"kind":"Boat","data":{"id":2,"isDocked":true}}]
val vehicleArray = element.jsonObject["children"]!!.jsonArray
// equals: [{"type":"Car","id":1,"totalWheels":"4"}, {"type":"Boat","id":2,"isDocked":true}]
return JsonArray(vehicleArray.map {
val data = it.jsonObject["data"]!!.jsonObject
val type = it.jsonObject["kind"]!!
data.toMutableMap().apply { this["type"] = type }
//Kotlin 1.4 offers a nicer way to do this:
buildMap {
put("type", type)
If you declare Vehicle class as sealed (not just abstract), you're already good to go. If you want to keep it abstract, then you need to register all its subclasses in serializersModule
val module = SerializersModule {
polymorphic(Vehicle::class) {
and pass it to JSON configuration
val kotlinx = Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
serializersModule = module
(Alternative approach with combination of JsonTransformingSerializer & JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer)
Actually, it's possible to combine these two serializers.
For the sake of justification for this approach, let's imagine that original JSON doesn't have that nice kind field, and we have to figure out the actual subtype of Vehicle by the shape of JSON. In this case it could be the following heuristic: "if there is a isDocked field, then it's a Boat, othrewise - a Car".
Yes, we may include this logic into JsonTransformingSerializer to create class descriminator on the fly:
val type = when {
"isDocked" in data -> JsonPrimitive("Boat")
else -> JsonPrimitive("Car")
But it's more common (and type-safe) to use JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer for this. So we may simplify JsonTransformingSerializer:
object VehicleResponseSerializer : JsonTransformingSerializer<List<Vehicle>>(ListSerializer(Vehicle.serializer())) {
override fun transformDeserialize(element: JsonElement): JsonElement {
// equals: [{"kind":"Car","data":{"id":1,"totalWheels":"4"}},{"kind":"Boat","data":{"id":2,"isDocked":true}}]
val vehicleArray = element.jsonObject["children"]!!.jsonArray
// equals: [{"id":1,"totalWheels":"4"}, {"id":2,"isDocked":true}] // Note that class discriminator is absent here!
return JsonArray(vehicleArray.map { it.jsonObject["data"]!! })
and define JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer (for Vehicle, not for VehicleResponse!) to handle actual serializer selection:
object VehiclePolymorphicSerializer : JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer<Vehicle>(Vehicle::class) {
override fun selectDeserializer(element: JsonElement): DeserializationStrategy<out Vehicle> = when {
"isDocked" in element.jsonObject -> Boat.serializer()
else -> Car.serializer()
Since JsonTransformingSerializer (aka VehicleResponseSerializer) is registered for vehicles field serialization it's called before JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer (aka VehiclePolymorphicSerializer). Actually, the latter one is not yet called at all. We need to explicitly register it in serializersModule and pass it to JSON configuration (regardless of whether Vehicle class is declared as abstract or sealed):
val module = SerializersModule {
polymorphicDefault(Vehicle::class) { VehiclePolymorphicSerializer }
val kotlinx = Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
serializersModule = module

foreach a list of class constructors in kotlin

I'm pretty new to kotlin and I've been reading through the language docs to start picking it up.
I learn much better when I type out the examples, so I wanted to make a little example running codebase so I could follow along with the examples.
This is fine for writing each of examples in the main.kt file on it's own, running it, then blowing it away, but I'd like to create an example class for each section, create a list of the classes in main, and then foreach over them.
I created an interface which has a declaration for a common member function for running the examples:
interface ExampleCodeInterface {
* Run the examples for the current Example class
fun runExamples()
And defined an example class:
class CollectionExamples : ExampleCodeInterface{
fun listExample() {
val systemUsers: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf(1,2,3)
val sudoers: List<Int> = systemUsers
fun addSudoer(newUser: Int) {
fun getSysSudoers(): List<Int> {
return sudoers
println("Total sudoers: ${getSysSudoers().size}")
getSysSudoers().forEach {
i -> println("Some useful info on user $i")
override fun runExamples() {
The thing I'm not sure on is how to properly run this from main.kt
I know the class works because when I create a new instance and fire the method it works, but I can't quite figure out how to properly create a list of class constructors so that I can have a list of classes that all extend the ExampleCodeInterface that I can forEach through and fire the method:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val exampleClassList: List<ExampleCodeInterface> = listOf<ExampleCodeInterface>(CollectionExamples)
exampleClassList.forEach {
val exampleSet = it()
// val collectionExamples = CollectionExamples()
// collectionExamples.runExamples()
I've been trying to piece together the logic from the docs, but I think there are some details that I don't know yet.
Any help is appreciated!!

How to show pojo properties in TornadoFX tableview?

I'm writing a very simple TornadoFX table demo, trying to display the properties of some pojos in a table, but the cells are all empty.
The main code is:
data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)
private val data = listOf(User(111, "AAA"), User(222, "BBB"), User(333, "CCC"), User(444, "DDD")).observable()
class HelloWorld : View() {
override val root = vbox {
tableview(data) {
column("id", User::id.getter)
column("name", User::name.getter)
I use User::id.getter to make it compiling, but the cells are empty.
I did a lot of search, but can't find code to work with current latest tornado (1.7.16)
Here is a complete demo for this: https://github.com/javafx-demos/tornadofx-table-show-pojo-demo
You need to reference the property, not the getter, ie. User::id. To reference immutable properties you need to use the readonlyColumn builder:
readonlyColumn("id", User::id)
readonlyColumn("name", User::name)
That said, you really should use JavaFX properties in your domain objects instead. Not doing so in a JavaFX based application just makes everything harder, and you loose out on a lot of benefits, or at the very least you have to jump through hoops.
Here is the complete application written with observable JavaFX properties. Note that you would then access the idProperty and nameProperty properties instead. With this approach, changes to the underlying data item would automatically be visible in the tableview as well:
class User(id: Int, name: String) {
val idProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(id)
var id by idProperty
val nameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(name)
var name by nameProperty
private val data = listOf(User(111, "AAA"), User(222, "BBB"), User(333, "CCC"), User(444, "DDD")).observable()
class HelloWorld : View() {
override val root = vbox {
tableview(data) {
column("id", User::idProperty)
column("name", User::nameProperty)

How can I set the JsName for a property's backing field in Kotlin?

I played about with Kotlin's unsupported JavaScript backend in 1.0.x and am now trying to migrate my toy project to 1.1.x. It's the barest bones of a single-page web app interfacing with PouchDB. To add data to PouchDB you need JavaScript objects with specific properties _id and _rev. They also need to not have any other properties beginning with _ because they're reserved by PouchDB.
Now, if I create a class like this, I can send instances to PouchDB.
class PouchDoc(
var _id: String
) {
var _rev: String? = null
However, if I do anything to make the properties virtual -- have them override an interface, or make the class open and create a subclass which overrides them -- the _id field name becomes mangled to something like _id_mmz446$_0 and so PouchDB rejects the object. If I apply #JsName("_id") to the property, that only affects the generated getter and setter -- it still leaves the backing field with a mangled name.
Also, for any virtual properties whose names don't begin with _, PouchDB will accept the object but it only stores the backing fields with their mangled names, not the nicely-named properties.
For now I can work around things by making them not virtual, I think. But I was thinking of sharing interfaces between PouchDoc and non-PouchDoc classes in Kotlin, and it seems I can't do that.
Any idea how I could make this work, or does it need a Kotlin language change?
I think your problem should be covered by https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-8127
Also, I've created some other related issues:
And right now You can use one of next solutions, IMO third is most lightweight.
interface PouchDoc1 {
var id: String
var _id: String
get() = id
set(v) { id = v}
var rev: String?
var _rev: String?
get() = rev
set(v) { rev = v}
class Impl1 : PouchDoc1 {
override var id = "id0"
override var rev: String? = "rev0"
interface PouchDoc2 {
var id: String
get() = this.asDynamic()["_id"]
set(v) { this.asDynamic()["_id"] = v}
var rev: String?
get() = this.asDynamic()["_rev"]
set(v) { this.asDynamic()["_rev"] = v}
class Impl2 : PouchDoc2 {
init {
id = "id1"
rev = "rev1"
external interface PouchDoc3 { // marker interface
var PouchDoc3.id: String
get() = this.asDynamic()["_id"]
set(v) { this.asDynamic()["_id"] = v}
var PouchDoc3.rev: String?
get() = this.asDynamic()["_rev"]
set(v) { this.asDynamic()["_rev"] = v}
class Impl3 : PouchDoc3 {
init {
id = "id1"
rev = "rev1"
fun keys(a: Any) = js("Object").getOwnPropertyNames(a)
fun printKeys(a: Any) {
println(" instance keys: " + keys(a).toString())
println("__proto__ keys: " + keys(a.asDynamic().__proto__).toString())
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
I got a good answer from one of the JetBrains guys, Alexey Andreev, over on the JetBrains forum at https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/controlling-the-jsname-of-fields-for-pouchdb-interop/2531/. Before I describe that, I'll mention a further failed attempt at refining #bashor's answer.
Property delegates
I thought that #bashor's answer was crying out to use property delegates but I couldn't get that to work without infinite recursion.
class JSMapDelegate<T>(
val jsobject: dynamic
) {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T {
return jsobject[property.name]
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
jsobject[property.name] = value
external interface PouchDoc4 {
var _id: String
var _rev: String
class Impl4() : PouchDoc4 {
override var _id: String by JSMapDelegate<String>(this)
override var _rev: String by JSMapDelegate<String>(this)
constructor(_id: String) : this() {
this._id = _id
The call within the delegate to jsobject[property.name] = value calls the set function for the property, which calls the delegate again ...
(Also, it turns out you can't put a delegate on a property in an interface, even though you can define a getter/setter pair which work just like a delegate, as #bashor's PouchDoc2 example shows.)
Using an external class
Alexey's answer on the Kotlin forums basically says, "You're mixing the business (with behaviour) and persistence (data only) layers: the right answer would be to explicitly serialise to/from JS but we don't provide that yet; as a workaround, use an external class." The point, I think, is that external classes don't turn into JavaScript which defines property getters/setters, because Kotlin doesn't let you define behaviour for external classes. Given that steer, I got the following to work, which does what I want.
external interface PouchDoc5 {
var _id: String
var _rev: String
external class Impl5 : PouchDoc5 {
override var _id: String
override var _rev: String
fun <T> create(): T = js("{ return {}; }")
fun Impl5(_id: String): Impl5 {
return create<Impl5>().apply {
this._id = _id
The output of keys for this is
instance keys: _id
__proto__ keys: toSource,toString,toLocaleString,valueOf,watch,unwatch,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,__defineGetter__,__defineSetter__,__lookupGetter__,__lookupSetter__,__proto__,constructor
Creating external classes
Three notes about creating instances of external classes. First, Alexey said to write
fun <T> create(): T = js("{}")
but for me (with Kotlin 1.1) that turns into
function jsobject() {
whose return value is undefined. I think this might be a bug, because the official doc recommends the shorter form, too.
Second, you can't do this
fun Impl5(_id: String): Impl5 {
return (js("{}") as Impl5).apply {
this._id = _id
because that explicitly inserts a type-check for Impl5, which throws ReferenceError: Impl5 is not defined (in Firefox, at least). The generic function approach skips the type-check. I'm guessing that's not a bug, since Alexey recommended it, but it seems odd, so I'll ask him.
Lastly, you can mark create as inline, though you'll need to suppress a warning :-)