How to implement complex SQL queries in Ruby on Rails? - sql

I have four tables: "users", "user_groups", "groups", "categories".
"users" and "groups" are many_to_many relations through "user_groups".
"groups" and "categories" are many_to_one relations.
I created the following SQL query, but I'm not sure how to implement it in Ruby on Rails:
FROM users u
FROM user_groups ug,
groups g,
categories c
WHERE = ug.user_id
AND ug.group_id =
AND g.category_id =
AND in ('1, 2, 3'))
What is the best way to implement it without using raw SQL in Ruby on Rails?

I am not a big fan of always translating complex queries into the ActiveRecord query language. Instead, I think it is perfectly fine to write complex queries in plain SQL because SQL is usually easier to write and to understand.
That said, I think this might work:
.joins(groups: :categories)
.where(categories: { id: [1, 2, 3] })

This is probably a lot less complicated than you think:
class User
has_many :user_groups
has_many :groups, through: :user_groups
class Group
has_many :user_groups
has_many :users, through: :user_groups
belongs_to :category
.where(groups: { category_id: [1,2,3] })
ActiveRecord will handle joining the intermediate table.
Since this is a left inner join any rows without a match in the join table are omitted. No need to do WHERE EXISTS .... This will give you users that belong to at least one group with the category 1, 2 or 3.


ActiveRecord query on many-to-many self join table

I have a many-to-many self join table called people that uses the following model:
class Person < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :children,
class_name: "Person",
join_table: "children_parents",
foreign_key: "parent_id",
association_foreign_key: "child_id",
optional: true
has_and_belongs_to_many :parents,
class_name: "Person",
join_table: "children_parents",
foreign_key: "child_id",
association_foreign_key: "parent_id",
optional: true
If it isn't apparent in the above model - in addition to the people table in the database, there is also a children_parents join table with two foreign key index fields child_id and parent_id. This allows us to represent the many-to-many relationship between children and parents.
I want to query for siblings of a person, so I added the following method to the Person model:
def siblings do |parent|
parent.children.reject { |child| == }
However, this makes three SQL queries:
Person Load (1.0ms) SELECT "people".* FROM "people" INNER JOIN "children_parents" ON "people"."id" = "children_parents"."parent_id" WHERE "children_parents"."child_id" = $1 [["child_id", 3]]
Person Load (0.4ms) SELECT "people".* FROM "people" INNER JOIN "children_parents" ON "people"."id" = "children_parents"."child_id" WHERE "children_parents"."parent_id" = $1 [["parent_id", 1]]
Person Load (0.4ms) SELECT "people".* FROM "people" INNER JOIN "children_parents" ON "people"."id" = "children_parents"."child_id" WHERE "children_parents"."parent_id" = $1 [["parent_id", 2]]
I know that it is possible to make this a single SQL query like so:
INNER JOIN children_parents cp ON = cp.child_id
WHERE cp.parent_id IN ($1, $2)
AND cp.child_id != $3
$1 and $2 are the parent ids of the person, and $3 is the person id.
Is there a way to do this query using ActiveRecord?
You can use something like this:
def siblings'siblings.*').from('people AS siblings').where.not(id: id)
'JOIN children_parents ON parent_id = AND child_id ='
Here you can see few strange things:
from to set table alias. And you should avoid this, because after such table aliasing active record will not help any more with column names from ruby: where(column: value).order(:column) - will not work, only plain sql strings are left
exists - I use it very often instead of joins. When you are joining many records to one, you are receiving duplicates, then comes distinct or group and new problems with them. Exists also gives isolation of query: table and columns in EXISTS expression are invisible for other parts of query. Bad part of using it in rails: at least 1 plain SQL is needed.
One weakness of this method: if you will call it for each record somewhere, then you will have 1 query for each record - N+1 problem.
Now few words about The Rails Way. Rails guide suggests to always use has_many :through instead of habtm, I seen it here:
Rails ideology as I understood it stands for speed of development and simplicity of maintenance. First means that performance does not matter (just imagine how many users you need to start have issues with it), second says that flexibility of plain SQL is good, but not in rails, in rails please make code as simple as possible (see rubocop defaults: 10 loc in method, 100 loc in class, and 4 complexity metrics always saying that your code is too complex). I mean, many real world rails projects are making queries with N+1, making ineffective queries, and this rarely becomes a problem
So, in such cases I would recommend to try includes, preload, eager_load.

How to simply join n-to-n association in rails?

I have three tables: users, locations, locations_users, The associations are as follows :
user has_many locations_users
user has_many locations :through => locations_users
location has_many locations_users
location has_many users :through => locations_users
How would I find all the users who are joined to location_id = 5 in one query?
Any help would be appreciated.
You can use LEFT OUTER JOIN. It fetches all data from the left table with matching data from right, if present (if not present, join column is null):
.joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN locations_users ON locations_users.user_id =')
.where(' IS NULL OR locations_users.location_id = ?', 5)
this query uses join, which's performance can be poor on big tables (maybe two queries will perform faster - test it!)
for better performance, make sure, that indexes are set on joined columns
I don't know 1 query way but the solution below is efficient.
a = User.where("id NOT IN (?)", LocationUser.pluck("DISTINCT user_id"))
b = LocationUser.where(location_id: 5).pluck("DISTINCT user_id")
result = User.where(id: a+b)

Find list of groups where at least one member is part of list (rails, SQL)

I have a simple has_many :through arrangement, as shown below
# employee.rb
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :group_assignments
has_many :groups, through: :group_assignments
# ...
# group.rb
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :group_assignments
has_many :employees, through: :group_assignments
# ...
# group_assignment.rb
class GroupAssignment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :employee
belongs_to :group
I have a list of employees. For that list, I want to grab every group that contains at least one of the employees on that list. How would I accomplish this in a manner that isn't horridly inefficient? I'm newish to Rails and very new at SQL, and I'm pretty at a loss. I'm using SQLite in development and PostgreSQL in production.
For a list of employees named employees_list, this will work:
Group.includes(:employees).where('' =>
This is roughly the kind of SQL you will get:
SELECT "groups"."id" AS t0_r0,
"groups"."created_at" AS t0_r1, "groups"."updated_at" AS t0_r2,
"employees"."id" AS t1_r0, "employees"."created_at" AS t1_r1, "employees"."updated_at" AS t1_r2
FROM "groups"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "group_assignments" ON "group_assignments"."group_id" = "groups"."id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "employees" ON "employees"."id" = "group_assignments"."employee_id"
WHERE "employees"."id" IN (1, 3)
So what is happening is that groups and group_assignments tables are first being joined with a left outer join (matching the group_id column in the group_assignments table to the id column in the groups table), and then employees again with a left outer join (matching employee_id in the group_assignments table to the id column in the employees table).
Then after that we're selecting all rows where 'employees'.'id' (the id of the employee) is in the array of employees in the employee list, which we get by mapping employees_list to their ids using map: The map(&:id) here is shorthand for: map { |e| }.
Note that you could use joins instead of includes here, but then you would get duplicates if one employee is a member of multiple groups. Kind of subtle but useful thing to know.
Hope that makes sense!
This is the general idea, but depending on your data, you may need to select distinct.
Group.includes(:group_assignments => :employee).where(:employee => {:id => ?},
Group.joins(:group_assignments).where("group_assignments.employee_id in (?)",

Advanced SQL in Rails

I have 2 models
class User < AR
has_many :friends
class Friend < AR
# has a name column
I need to find all Users who are Friends with both 'Joe' and 'Jack'
Any idea how i can do this in rails?
One option is to put each of the names as arguments for individual INNER JOINS. In SQL it would be something like this:
SELECT users.* FROM users
INNER JOIN friends AS f1
ON = f1.user_id
AND = 'Joe'
INNER JOIN friends AS f2
ON = f2.user_id
AND = 'Jack'
Since it is INNER JOINS, it will only display results where the users table can be joined with both f1 and f2.
And to use it in Rails, maybe do it something like this:
class User < AR
has_many :friends
def self.who_knows(*friend_names)
joins((1..friend_names.length).map{ |n|
"INNER JOIN friends AS f#{n} ON = f#{n}.user_id AND f#{n}.name = ?" }.join(" "),
Which you then can call like this:
#users = User.who_knows("Joe", "Jack")
Possible way: User.all(:joins => :friends, :conditions => [" IN (?,?)", "Joe", "Jack"], :group => "") and then iterate over the array to find users with 2 friends.
This is the best solution i got when tried to solve similar problem for myself. If you find the way to do it in pure sql or ActiveRecord – let me know please!
Although using hard-coded SQL as suggested by DanneManne will most often work, and is probably the way you'd want to go, it is not necessarily composable. As soon as you have hard-coded a table name, you can run into problems combining that into other queries where ActiveRecord may decide to alias the table.
So, at the cost of some extra complexity, we can solve this using some ARel as follows:
f = Friend.arel_table
This will use a pair of subqueries to do the job.
I'm fairly certain there's an ARel solution using joins as well, but and I can figure out how to compose that query in ARel, just not how to then use that query as the basis for an ActiveRecord query to get back User model instances.

Is it possible to define a single SQL query that draws a set of permissible foreign_keys from one table and then uses them to filter another?

Specifically, I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to generate SQL that does what I want to feed into Ruby-on-Rails' find_by_sql method.
Imagine there are Users, who are joined cyclically to other Users by a join table Friendships. Each User has the ability to create Comments.
I'd like a SQL query to return the latest 100 comments created by any friends of a given user so I can display them all in one convenient place for the user to see.
This is tricky, since essentially I'm looking to filter the comments by whether their foreign keys for their author are contained in a set of keys obtained derived from the user's friends' primary keys.
Edit: Clarifying the setup. I'm not exactly sure how to write a schema definition, so I'll describe it in terms of Rails.
class User
has_many :friends, :through => :friendships
has_many :comments
class Friendship
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :friend, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "friend_id"
def Comment
has_one :User
It's not that tricky, you just use joins. To get just the comments you only need to join the Friendships table and the Comments table, but you probably also want some information from the Users table for the person who wrote the comment.
This would get the last 100 comments from people who are friends with the user with id 42:
select top 100 c.CommentId, c.CommentText, c.PostDate, u.Name
from Friendships f
inner join Users u on u.UserId = f.FriendUserId
inner join Comments c on c.UserId = u.UserId
where f.UserId = 42
order by c.PostDate desc