RobotFramework Opening Email Links using robotframework-imaplibrary2 - testing

Currently using a robotframework-imaplibrary2 [a extension of robot framework]
To open emails sent, I just want to open the link from the sent email in a using the the normal robot framework selenium functions
Is this possible?
Email Verification
Open Mailbox password=sfefsff
${LATEST} = Wait For Email timeout=300
${HTML} = Open Link From Email ${LATEST}
The library contains this
${HTML} = Open Link From Email ${LATEST}

Looking at the implementation of the keywords, I'd say this has nothing to with selenium.
What seems to happen is, you need an email that is in HTML format (not plain text). Then you need the index of that email, which is in your case stored in variable ${LATEST}
Calling Open link from Email ${LATEST} uses the first link (that is the default behaviour) that is found in that email and opens the url and gets the HTML content of that website. There does not seem to be any browser or webdriver involved.
However, if you like to open a link in a browser, I would try the keyword Get Links from Email:
${ALL_LINKS} Get Links from Email ${LATEST}
SeleniumLibrary.Go To ${ALL_LINKS}[0]
Disclaimer: Since I do not have any test-email server available, my suggestion might require adjustments.


Redirect to calling application when click the button

So I just chatted to one of line(one of social media) official accounts and they send me a message then when I clicked the button "Call us" it redirected me to my default calling application on my phone and filled out their number. Does anyone know how to do the same thing ?
That is probably an example of tel protocol.
You basically make an HTML link just like any other link, but rather than the href containing an http:// link, the link format looks like this:
When the user clicks it, their operating system sends this number to their default app for handling tel protocols, which is usually a phone app.
Here's an article useful for explaining this protocol, as well as some handy information about using it in CSS:

telegram bot, callback query of an inline button in a group chat, redirect the user to private chat of bot. python

My bot sends messages to groups with inline button, what I want, is when the button is clicked, chat with the bot page should open, i.e. somehow redirect the user to the private chat with the bot.
I'm using this wrapper.
What I have tried so far is to set a url in answer_callback method, equal to the url of my bot i.e. url="
but I keep getting URL_INVALID response from telegram, I tried http(since I read somewhere in the api documentation that the urls should be HTTP), but that did not work either.
My question is am I doing it right? I mean do I have to set the url in answer_callback method to redirect the user, or I should try another way?
Well I figured it out myself, setting the url was the right way to do it, and though the Wrappers documentation is not detailed, I took a look at source code and there was a docstring for the method answer_callback_query that said this about the url:
:param url: (Optional) URL that will be opened by the user's client. If you have created a Game and accepted the conditions via #Botfather, specify the URL that opens your game – note that this will only work if the query comes from a callback_game button.
Otherwise, you may use links like that open your bot with a parameter.
so all I had to do was to give it a link with of my bot, with a start query

Using Capybara finder on HTML block

I had my Selenium tests navigating to a public dummy inbox to verify receipt of email deliveries and would perform some confirmation workflows there (password change, etc). It was becoming far too slow and unreliable.
I'm now using the API of a mail service to retrieve an email message. I'm able to search for the message I need and I'm able to retrieve the block of HTML that I'm usually inspecting.
Is there a way to use a Capybara finder on a block of HTML text?
You can turn a string of html into something Capybara can work with by doing
node = Capybara.string(the_html.to_s)
then you can call finders on node

How to map xpath of web element in its actual class?

I am creating a framework in selenium from scratch where i am scripting below scenarios:
1.Login in to
2.entering username
3.entering password on Sign-In on Compose button
6.Enter Email ID, Subject and Message body.
Below is the code script i have written for above scenario:
WebDriver oYahoo = new FirefoxDriver();
oYahoo.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[#id='subject-field']")).sendKeys("Hi This is my first automated mail");
oYahoo.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[#id='yui_3_16_0_1_1448364357109_1966']")).sendKeys("Hi This is my first automated mail");
Scripts fine till it clicks on "Compose" button, Once i get Mail editor, Script does not enters email-ID,Subject, and Message body.
What other action i should perform to achieve the same so that script will enter these parameters and can send a mail to particular user.
Do we need to create some class which will maps the locators to "compose-Email" screen?
If yes, how we can map/assign x-path to particular web element of Compose-Email page.
Thanks in Advance.
Well you should try by using the xpath and enter the required text. Something like this (it works for me)-
oYahoo.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[#id='subject-field']")).sendKeys("My first automated email");
oYahoo.findElement("rtetext")).sendKeys("Hello....Hi....This is my first automated email");

Webdriver to open a mail in Gmail

I have started using Webdriver to automate our testing which is 100% manual.
In one of the use cases I need to click on a link sent to the user's inbox. I am facing problems with Gmail in this case. After logging in I am not able to figure out how to open a particular email.
I know the email subject etc but I am unable use it to access the element. Gmail receives all its data as JSON and then build the entire page through js functions. So the webdriver is not able to access any of the elements built using the JSOn data received.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would suggest NOT to use UI to verify Gmail. Gmail's UI is extremely complicated and it's a trap. To me, automating with selenium is not a solution at all.
Consider using JavaMail API and HTTPURLConnection. This is what I do in a similar testing scenario.
While running the webdriver test, after doing certain action if you expect an email then using JavaMail API poll (for a certain timeout if its not immediate) for the email in the background with certain 'subject' or 'sender' etc. Once the email is found then grab the link from the email content and then simulate a click using HTTPURLConnection
If you can search the specific email you can use the following code to locate the email you are looking for:
//div [#class='y6']/span[contains(.,'<your original search text>')]
mind that google will cut off the subject which results in something like 'subject...' if the subject is too long. We use a unique number to identify messages in our automated test environment.
I don't think I got your question correctly but I suppose you are having trouble finding the locator to open the mail after you've entered text in search box of gmail.
//div[5]/div/div/table/tbody/tr[n]" //n is the row no. of mailbox, for first result use 1 and like
use this as identifier for element before cliking on it.
Hope this helps.
In my case, I found the solution by using Action class of Web driver
Pre-requisite: Your driver needs to move to specific frame to locate element
Step 1) Search for specific email that is created/generated using below code
String searchvalue="html/body/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[3]/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/form/fieldset[2]/div/div/div[2]/input";
String clickSearch=".//*[#id='gbqfb']";
Step 2) Now use Actions class to navigate through.
Actions action= new Actions(wd);;
Hope this helps out!
The above answer is correct to identify a mail in Gmail if we replace the subject.
I have tried with Selenium IDE to find the object with the
target as
xpath=//div [#class='y6']/span[contains(.,'<your original search text>')]
The object was found but click is not opening the mail.
So after some investigation I found that mouseDown method is working with the above xpath to open a mail.
So command will be
selenium.mouseDown("xpath=//div [#class='y6']/span[contains(.,'<your original search text>')]");
<td>xpath=//div[#class='y6']/span[contains(.,'£10 OFF when you spend £30 or more online')]</td>
in the IDE.
Hope this helps.
The current locator for gmail body is:
driver.findElement(By.className("LW-avf")).sendKeys("your body message");
The below selenese command would do:
clickAt | //table/tbody/tr/td[5]/div[#class='yW'] |
Click at the FROM field of first/recent/top most mail to go to mail detail page. // note: tr for first mail, tr[2] for second and so on.
Try this out , working perfectly for me. This will select random emails, you can also modify as your requirement
for i in xrange(int(num)):
print("Mail Number "+str(m)+" is selected")
You can use this also if you want to open a particular mail in gmail:
Here i is the mail number which you want