Combine 2 queries into 1 table with user entering the parameters twice for both queries - sql

My project needs me to come up with a query which can compare any 2 months data side by side, by just keying in the dates of the 2 months.
I have done 2 separate queries that can only do single month data because I can only enter 1 date per query. I tried to combine this 2 separate query into 1 single query by selecting the columns from each table but it gives me blank data.
I will need some help in combining the 2 queries together, into 1 table as a view form and allowing the user to key in the 2 dates they want to get their data from. Below will be the 2 queries result I can achieve and also the end result I want to achieve from combining this 2 queries.
Conditions to merge the two table is that the company will be the same for both dates, and the item the company bought (if any). If the company did not buy the item on the month , data should be blank.
Query 1 : User will enter "First month" they want the data from
Inv Number Company Date Item Price Quantity Total
123 ABC 1/1/2018 Table 5 3 15
123 ABC 1/1/2018 Chair 2 4 8
345 XYZ 1/1/2018 Table 5 5 25
345 XYZ 1/1/2018 Chair 2 6 12
Query 2: User will enter "Second Month" they want the data from
Inv Number Company Date Item Price Quantity Total
999 ABC 1/2/2018 Table 4 3 12
999 ABC 1/2/2018 Chair 2 5 10
899 XYZ 1/2/2018 Table 4 3 12
End result : User will be allowed to key in both dates they want the data from
Inv Number Company Date Item Price Quantity Total Date Item Price Quantity Total Inv Number
123 ABC 1/1/2018 Table 5 3 15 1/2/2018 Table 4 3 12 999
123 ABC 1/1/2018 Chair 2 4 8 1/2/2018 Chair 2 5 10 999
345 XYZ 1/1/2018 Table 5 5 25 1/2/2018 Table 4 3 12 899
345 XYZ 1/1/2018 Chair 2 6 12


Populate Min/Max based on Issues and lead time

I am looking to write an sql update query to populate the min/max fields based on the issues and the date issued. I am looking at 120 days delivery as my delivery date.
I would like to return and update to 11 and not return the 3 in June.

How can I sum values based on a date range and group by the MAX date?

I've got a data set like the following - Quantities and Sales $ aggregated by week and product
Week Product Quantity Sales
---- ------- -------- -----
1 12a 6 600
2 12a 4 400
3 12a 3 300
4 12a 1 100
5 12a 3 300
6 12a 1 100
7 12a 4 400
8 12a 6 600
9 12a 2 200
For every week, I need to sum quantity and sales for that week plus the previous 3 weeks
Desired result would be:
Week Product Quantity Sales
---- ------- -------- -----
1 12a 14 1400 --> Week 1 + Week 2 + Week 3 + Week 4 but row labeled Week 1
2 12a 11 1100
I feel like I need a loop to evaluate each week
Use window functions:
select t.*,
sum(quantity) over (partition by product
order by week
rows between current row and 3 following
) as quantity,
sum(sales) over (partition by product
order by week
rows between current row and 3 following
) as sales
from t;

Max date among records and across tables - SQL Server

I tried max to provide in table format but it seem not good in StackOver, so attaching snapshot of the 2 tables. Apologize about the formatting.
SQL Server 2012
**MS Table**
**mId tdId name dueDate**
1 1 **forecastedDate** 1/1/2015
2 1 **hypercareDate** 11/30/2016
3 1 LOE 1 7/4/2016
4 1 LOE 2 7/4/2016
5 1 demo for yy test 10/15/2016
6 1 Implementation – testing 7/4/2016
7 1 Phased Rollout – final 7/4/2016
8 2 forecastedDate 1/7/2016
9 2 hypercareDate 11/12/2016
10 2 domain - Forte NULL
11 2 Fortis completion 1/1/2016
12 2 Certification NULL
13 2 Implementation 7/4/2016
**mId revisedDate**
1 1/5/2015
1 1/8/2015
3 3/25/2017
2 2/1/2016
2 12/30/2016
3 4/28/2016
4 4/28/2016
5 10/1/2016
6 7/28/2016
7 7/28/2016
8 4/28/2016
9 8/4/2016
9 5/28/2016
11 10/4/2016
11 10/5/2016
13 11/1/2016
The required output is
1. Will be passing the 'tId' number, for instance 1, lets call it tid (1)
2. Want to compare tId (1)'s all milestones (except hypercareDate) with tid(1)'s forecastedDate milestone
3. return if any of the milestone date (other than hypercareDate) is greater than the forecastedDate
The above 3 steps are simple, but I have to first compare the milestones date with its corresponding revised dates, if any, from the revised table, and pick the max date among all that needs to be compared with the forecastedDate
I managed to solve this. Posting the answer, hope it helps aomebody.
//Insert the result into temp table
, [tId]
, [msDate]
FROM [dbo].[MS]
WHERE ([msName] NOT LIKE 'forecastedDate' AND [msName] NOT LIKE 'hypercareDate'))
// this scalar function will get max date between forecasted duedate and forecasted revised date
SELECT #maxForecastedDate = [dbo].[fnGetMaxDate] ( 'forecastedDate');
// this will get the max date from temp table and compare it with forecasatedDate/
SET #maxmilestoneDate = (SELECT MAX(maxDate)
FROM ( SELECT ms.msDueDate AS dueDate
, mr.msRevisedDate AS revDate
FROM #mstab as ms
LEFT JOIN [MSRev] as mr on ms.msId = mr.msId
) maxDate
UNPIVOT (maxDate FOR DateCols IN (dueDate, revDate))up );

Subtract nonconsecutive values in same row in t-SQL

I have a data table that has annual data points and quarterly data points. I want to subtract the quarterly data points from the corresponding prior annual entry, e.g. Annual 2014 - Q3 2014, using t-SQL. I have an id variable for each entry, plus a reconcile id variable that shows which quarterly entry corresponds to which annual entry. See below:
CurrentDate PreviousDate Value Entry Id Reconcile Id Annual/Quarterly
9/30/2012 9/30/2011 112 2 3 Annual
9/30/2013 9/30/2012 123 1 2 Annual
9/30/2014 9/30/2013 123.5 9 1 Annual
12/31/2013 9/30/2014 124 4 1 Quarterly
3/31/2014 12/31/2013 124.5 5 1 Quarterly
6/30/2014 3/31/2014 125 6 1 Quarterly
9/30/2014 6/30/2014 125.5 7 1 Quarterly
12/31/2014 9/30/2014 126 10 9 Quarterly
3/31/2015 12/31/2014 126.5 11 9 Quarterly
6/30/2015 3/31/2015 127 12 9 Quarterly
For example, Reconcile ID 9 for the quarterly entries corresponds to Entry ID 9, which is an annual entry.
I have code to just subtract the prior entry from the current entry, but I cannot figure out how to subtract quarterly entries from annual entries where the Entry ID and Reconcile ID are the same.
Here is the code I am using, which is resulting in the right calculation, but increasing the number of results by many rows. I have also tried this as an inner join. I only want the original 10 rows, plus a new difference column:
, [T1].[CurrentDate]
, [T1].[Annual_Quarterly]
, [T1].[Value]
, [T1].[Value]-T2.[Value] AS Difference
FROM Table T1
Your code should be fine, here's the results I'm getting:
EntryId Annual_Quarterly CurrentDate ReconcileId Value recVal diff
2 Annual 9/30/2012 3 112
1 Annual 9/30/2013 2 123 112 11
9 Annual 9/30/2014 1 123.5 123 0.5
4 Quarterly 12/31/2013 1 124 123 1
5 Quarterly 3/31/2014 1 124.5 123 1.5
6 Quarterly 6/30/2014 1 125 123 2
7 Quarterly 9/30/2014 1 125.5 123 2.5
10 Quarterly 12/31/2014 9 126 123.5 2.5
11 Quarterly 3/31/2015 9 126.5 123.5 3
12 Quarterly 6/30/2015 9 127 123.5 3.5
with your data and this SQL:
te.Value AS recVal,
tr.[VALUE]-te.[VALUE] AS diff
t AS te ON
tr.ReconcileId = te.EntryId
Your question is a bit vague as far as how you're wanting to subtract these values, but this should give you some idea.
Select T1.*, T1.Value - Coalesce(T2.Value, 0) As Difference
From Table T1
Left Join Table T2 On T2.[Entry Id] = T1.[Reconcile Id]

Find sequential child rows that have amounts which add up to parent row's amount

I have a table like following
1 6/5/2014 1234 C 10,000 1 1001
2 6/5/2014 3333 3,000 2 123 1002
3 6/5/2014 4444 5,000 3 234 1003
4 6/5/2014 5555 2,000 4 345 1004
5 6/5/2014 2345 C 3,000 1 1007
6 6/5/2014 5555 2,500 2 255 1008
7 6/5/2014 7777 500 3 277 1009
8 6/6/2014 1234 C 5,000 1 2001
9 6/6/2014 7777 3,000 2 278 2002
10 6/6/2014 8888 2,000 3 301 2003
The rows with TYPE = C are parent rows to the child rows that follow sequentially.
The parent rows do not have CHK# and child rows do have CHK#. Each
parent row has seq# = 1 and child rows have sequential numbers. (if it
matters) From above table, row ID 1 is the parent row to the rows with
ID 2 ~ 4. The AMOUNT on the child rows add up to the parent row's
Querying for transaction for date of '6/5/2014' on account # 2345 with
the amount of 3,000 - result should be rows with ID 6 and 7.
Is such query possible using MS-SQL 2008? If so, could you let me
Well, based on the data that you have, you can use the id column to find the rows that you want. First, look for the one that has the check in that amount. The look for the subsequent ids with the same group. How do you define the group? That is easy. Take the difference between id and seq. This difference is constant for the parent and child rows.
So, here is goes:
select t.*
from table t
where ( - t.seq) = (select - t2.seq
from table t2
where t2.type = 'C' and
t2.acct = '2345' and = '6/5/2014'
) and
t.type is null;