React-Admin <SimpleForm> component doesn't trigger the "UPDATE" action in the data provider - react-admin

So I'm using the ra-data-json-server as a data provider and the bult in <SimpleForm> component as a form for the <Edit> view, and I'm facing a pretty strange issue, as it says in documentation, when submitted, the <SimpleForm> forces data provider to make a PUT request to the API, but in my case it does not.
Here's my Edit view compnent:
export const UserEdit = props => {
return (
<Edit {...props}>
<ArrayInput source="applications">
<SimpleFormIterator source="applications">
{/* some inputs */}
And the admin component itself:
export const AdminComp = () => {
return (
And everytime I get into the Edit view and hit the save button it just doesn't do anything.
I managed to make it at least call the update in data provider, but it would call it with the old form data even though it was modified already.
I also tried reinstalling react-admin to the latest version which is what some people reccomended but it didn't help.


TabbedForm not highlighting which tab has an error

I have a TabbedForm with 2 tabs, each tab having a single required() field. When I submit this form and the validation fails, I expect the unfocussed tab(s) to indicate that there is an error with a field within the tab (e.g. with a red underline or red text).
This appears to be working fine in a react-admin demo ( however even after looking a the source code for this example (, I cannot seem to replicate the same functionality in my project.
I have the following code:
const App = () => {
const dataProvider = jsonServerProvider(
return (
<Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}>
<Resource name="users" list={ListGuesser} edit={EditForm} />
export const EditForm = (props: EditProps) => {
return (
<Edit {...props}>
<FormTab label="Tab 1">
<TextInput source="name" validate={required()} />
<FormTab label="Tab 2">
<TextInput source="username" validate={required()} />
Image showing Tab 2 selected and is valid and there is a validation error on Tab 1, but no highlight on Tab 1 to tell the user that this is the Tab that has the error.
There has been a similar question asked here (Show Tab Form Validation For Inputs Not Direct Children Of <FormTab>) but the resolution does not apply to my problem.
Is there something I'm missing here?
plz check the demo source code:, it's using validate function:
<RichTextInput source="description" label="" validate={req} />
and the "req" is defined at line 86:
const req = [required()];
I've encountered same problem, and solve it by using the way (validation function) of demo source code. HTH

How to create a custom record action button inside a List component with React-Admin?

I'm a totally newbie with React and React-Admin. IMHO, I'm trying to achieve something simple that many people must have already done but I cannot find any kind of tutorial anywhere.
I'd like to add another button to the list of action buttons (show/edit) within each row in a <List> component. This button would archive the record.
My last try looks like the code below.
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-admin';
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
import ArchiveIcon from '#material-ui/icons/Archive';
const useRowActionToolbarStyles = makeStyles({
toolbar: {
alignItems: 'center',
float: 'right',
width: '160px',
marginTop: -1,
marginBottom: -1,
icon_action_button: {
minWidth: '40px;'
const ArchiveButton = props => {
const transform = data => ({,
archived: true
return <CloneButton {...props} transform={transform} />;
const RowActionToolbar = (props) => {
const classes = useRowActionToolbarStyles();
return (
<div className={classes.toolbar}>
<ShowButton label="" basePath={props.basePath} record={props.record} className={classes.icon_action_button}/>
<EditButton label="" basePath={props.basePath} record={props.record} className={classes.icon_action_button}/>
<ArchiveButton {...props} basePath={props.basePath} label="" icon={<ArchiveIcon/>} record={props.record} className={classes.icon_action_button} />
<DeleteButton basePath={props.basePath} label="" record={props.record} className={classes.icon_action_button}/>
export const UserList = props => {
return (
sort={{ field: 'first_name', order: 'ASC' }}
<TextField source="first_name"/>
<TextField source="last_name"/>
<EmailField source="email"/>
Obviously, this code does not work because the <CloneButton> component get rid of the id the record. Moreover, except if I did something wrong - which is totally possible -, it makes a GET request to a create endpoint.
I'm using different routes in my dataProvider (The back end is using Django and Django rest framework). I want to send a PATCH to the detail endpoint, like the <Edit> component does.
I also tried with a <SaveButton>, but it fails too.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'save' of undefined
at useSaveContext (SaveContext.js:23)
I guess the <SaveButton> must be within a <SimpleForm>?
I'd like the save behaviour of the <DeleteButton>, i.e. update the record from the list, display the notification that the record has been archived (with the Undo link), send the request to the back end, refresh the list.
Any guidance, directions would be very appreciated.
I don't know that this is a full answer, but felt like more than a comment...
You are trying to archive the existing record, not create a whole new record, right? CloneButton is supposed to be used to create a new record with a new ID (which is why your ID is going away), so you don't want to us it here. note that I've never used CloneButton. it is not fully documented so I could be wrong about its use.
I am thinking that you should use the useRecordContext hook within your Archive button to pull in all of the record's data, including the id; read this little section:
And I don't think transform is what you're looking for here. You will need to use one of the dataProvider hooks, i'm assuming useUpdate:
//first create component
const MyButton = (props: any) => {
const [sendEmailLoading, setSendEmailLoading] =
const record = useRecordContext(props);
const sendEmail = (id: Identifier) => {
"notifications", { id: id })
.then(({ data }: any) => {
if (data && data.status == "success")
notify('Email send success', { type: 'success' });
return (
<ButtonMUI color='primary' size="small" onClick={() => {
sendEmail( }}>
!record.publish &&(
!sendEmailLoading ? (
) : (
<CircularProgress size={25} thickness={2} />
//and second add to datagrid list
<NumberField source="id" />
<TextFieldRA source="subject" />
<DateField source="date" />
<BooleanField source="publish" />
{/* <EditButton /> */}
<ShowButton />
<MyButton />

Adding custom success and error messages for the create and edit views

So in the docs it says just to add a prop on the edit component with an onSuccess / onFailure function and I've done that but navigating to the page to edit throws an error like this:
Warning: Unknown event handler property `onSuccess`. It will be ignored.
code here:
export const AffiliateEdit = (props) => {
const notify = useNotify();
const onSuccess = () => {
notify('Affiliate saved successfully');
return (
<Edit {...props} onSuccess={onSuccess}>
<SimpleForm redirect="list">
<ColorInput source="color" />
<TextInput source="name" validate={[required()]} />
<SelectInput optionText="name" />
helperText="Please use all lower case, no spaces or underscores e.g affiliatename"
doc ref here:
Nvm figured it out, just needed to update react-admin lol

React-Admin | Bulk-Select with ReferenceField

In our application, we're trying to use Datagrid within ReferenceField to create/modify/delete related records, as shown in
All the functionality shown in the tutorial works well, except the bulk-actions added in a recent react-admin update. Clicking these checkboxes gives
Uncaught TypeError: _this.props.onToggleItem is not a function
I believe this is because the onToggleItem prop is normally provided by the List component, however in this application, Datagrid doesn't have a parent List component.
Adding a List component between ReferenceManyField and Datagrid allows bulk select/delete to work after some changes to the style, however this causes another issue: the current displayed page (i.e. records 1-10, 11-20, etc) is stored per-resource in the store, and so it is possible to have a situation where the store says we're on page 2, and displays page 2, which is empty because there are only enough related items to fill one page.
Am I missing something here? Or is bulk-select inside ReferenceManyField not possible at the moment?
export const NetworksShow = (props) => (
<Show title={<NetworksTitle />} actions={<NetworksShowActions />} {...props}>
<ReferenceManyField addLabel={false} target="ipid" reference="acl-network">
<List style={{ margin: '0px -24px -16px -24px' }} {...props} actions={<NetworkACLCardActions ipid={}/>} filter={{ ipid: _.has(props, 'id') ? : undefined }}>
<Datagrid hasBulkActions={true}>
<ReferenceField label="Network" source="ipid" reference="networks">
<TextField source="name" />
<TextField label="URL" source="url" />
<BWChip label="Action" source="wb" />
<EditButton />
<DeleteButton />
As a side-effect of, it is now possible to use ReferenceManyField -> List -> Datagrid in the way described in the question.
For example, we're now doing the following:
<ReferenceManyField addLabel={false} target="groupid" reference="users">
style={{ margin: '0px -24px -16px -24px' }}
filter={{ groupid: id }}
<Datagrid hasBulkActions>
<LinkField label="Name" source="name" />
<LinkField label="Username" source="email" />
<FlexibleBooleanField label="Email" source="allowemail" />
<ACLChip label="User Access" source="aclid" />
Bulk actions works with the above, and any issues with pagination are avoided as react-admin now checks and modifies pagination if nothing appears on the current page.
As I've understood from the documentation, Datagrid is just an iterator "dumb component".
It just "shows" things that the parent - usually List (connected component) or in your case ReferenceManyField - element previously has fetched.
Thus I think that BulkActions can only be functional when provided by a List element.
For the second part of your issue, Lists should be used top-level and not within other elements that's why it breaks your pagination.
I implemented "DumbList" which takes data from parent component instead of loading it itself. This solves the problem:
import React from 'react';
import { ListController } from 'ra-core';
import { ListView } from 'ra-ui-materialui/esm/list/List';
export const DumbList = props =>
<ListController {...props}>
{controllerProps => {
let { data } = props
const ids = Object.keys(data || {})
const total = ids.length
return <ListView
// This is important, otherwise bulkActionsToolbar ends up on very top of the page
classes={{ card: 'relative' }}
{...Object.assign(controllerProps, { data, ids, total })} />

React-Admin: How to redirect to a specified `list` after hitting 'save' on a custom route

I have a custom route:
It is used to create assets in bulk:
export const AssetsBulkCreate = ({permissions, ...props}) => {
return (
This works.
However, after we hit save the page is redirected to the Dashboard.
I would like to redirect it to the list of the resource assets (which is a different resource).
How can this be done?
P.S. The redirect prop does not let us specify a different resource, so I cannot use list as value there (it does not even work because the custom route does not have a list).
The redirect prop also accept a function. See the documentation
For example:
const redirect = (basePath, id, data) => `/author/${data.author_id}/show`;
export const PostEdit = (props) => {
<Edit {...props}>
<SimpleForm redirect={redirect}>
You can redirect to the list view. See documentation
export const PostCreate = (props) => {
<Create {...props}>
<SimpleForm redirect="list">