Query runs very slow with big tables - sql

Having the following 2 tables:
Table MainProcessed:
Id Value
1 123
2 234
3 112
Table MainAdditionalInfo:
Id MainProcessedId Name Value
1 1 'PX' 'px_value'
2 1 'PY' 'py_value'
I need to select all the data from the table MainProcessedId that has some additional info in the table MainAdditionalInfo (at least one record) and it doesn't have a record with the name PX or if it has, this value should be null or empty.
This is what I've tried, but since these tables have a lot of data (more that 100 millions of records, the query is running for a lot of time):
select mp.*
from MainProcessed mp (nolock)
left join MainAdditionalInfo mai1 (nolock) on mp.Id = mai1.MainProcessedId
left join MainAdditionalInfo mai2 (nolock) on mp.Id = mai2.MainProcessedId
(mai1.Value is null or mai1.Value = '')
and (mai1.Name = 'PX' or mai1.Name = null)
and mai2.name = 'PY'
Note that the value with the name PX might not be present or can be present with a null or empty value, but the value with the name PY it's always present. Can you suggest me an improving?
Also, I don't have the rights to see the execution plans or to create new objects (indexes).

You could try and phrase your query with exists and not exists:
select p.*
from MainProcessed p
exists (
select 1
from MainAdditionalInfo a
where a.MainProcessedId = p.id)
and not exists (
select 1
from MainAdditionalInfo a
a.MainProcessedId = p.id
and a.Name = 'PX'
and a.Value <> '' -- null values won't pass that test
For performance with this query, you want an index on MainAdditionalInfo(MainProcessedId , Name, Value).

select mp.*
from MainProcessed mp
left join MainAdditionalInfo mai1 on mp.Id = mai1.MainProcessedId and mai2.name ='PX'
where Id in(
select distinct MainProcessedId
from MainAdditionalInfo mai2
inner join MainProcessed on Id = mai2.MainProcessedId and mai2.name ='PY'
and (mai1.Value is null or mai1.Value = '')

This is too long for a comment, but I'm expanding on my second one. This doesn't, also, answer the question (there's not enough detail in the question to answer it), but it might help the query planner anyway.
Firstly, you have 2 clauses in you WHERE, like (mai1.Value is null or mai1.Value = '') I assume this is because Value might be NULL if the JOIN fails. If so, don't handle it in your WHERE, put it in the ON.
You also have and mai2.name = 'PY', however, you perform a LEFT JOIN toMainAdditionalInfo mai2. This means the JOIN is now an implicit INNER JOIN. I would, therefore, personally write your query as:
SELECT {List columns, do not use *}
FROM MainProcessed mp
JOIN MainAdditionalInfo mai2 ON mp.Id = mai2.MainProcessedId
LEFT JOIN MainAdditionalInfo mai1 ON mp.Id = mai1.MainProcessedId
AND mai1.Value = ''
AND mai1.Name = 'PX'
WHERE mai2.[name] = 'PY';
I've also removed the NOLOCK hints, as I suspect they do far more harm than good. Bad habits : Putting NOLOCK everywhere

At first, you should ensure that you have FK on MainAdditionalInfo to MainProcessed.ID with index on MainAdditionalInfo.MainProcessedId. Also, you should have an index on MainAdditionalInfo at columns name and value.
Don't use join if you don't need data from MainAdditionalInfo, use exists, for example:
FROM MainProcessed mp (nolock)
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM MainAdditionalInfo mai1
WHERE mai1.Value > ''
AND mai1.Name = 'PX'
AND mp.Id = mai1.MainProcessedId)
AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM MainAdditionalInfo mai2
WHERE mai2.name = 'PY'
AND mp.Id = mai2.MainProcessedId)


SQL - How to return a value if nulls is returned

I am trying to write a query for a parameter in SSRS where if it doesn't pull back any data, it will put "None" in the parameter. Here is what I have tried:
select CASE
WHEN pt.propertynumber IS NOT NULL
THEN pt.propertynumber
ELSE 'None'
END AS "Field1"
from projectmaintenanceproperties pmp
left join projectmaintenances pm on pm.id = pmp.projectmaintenanceid
left join properties pt on pt.id = pmp.propertyid
where pm.id in (:Ops)
and pt.projectid in ( :Proj )
order by 1
When there is no data pulled back, it is not returning anything in Field1.
How can I tell it to return 'None'?
Okay, here's a bit of a nightmare that might do the trick. I'm doing this nightmare because I once had a query that very cleverly used UNION and NOT EXISTS to return a completely different query and that resulted in a disastrous query plan when that second query executed.
What I'm doing below is using a fake LEFT OUTER JOIN with a table of only one row to your desired values table. It's fake because the join predicate is always true. So for every row from your query that will column from the ForNone query will be returned as well, but ignored since coalesce will return the value from your query (unless it is null, and if that is a possibility you can add a check in your query). If there are no results from your query then only one row is returned because and coalesce will use the value 'None'.
SELECT COALESCE(src.Field1, ForNone.NoneField) AS "Field1"
FROM ( SELECT 'None' AS "NoneField" ) ForNone
select pt.propertynumber AS "Field1"
from projectmaintenanceproperties pmp
left join projectmaintenances pm on pm.id = pmp.projectmaintenanceid
left join properties pt on pt.id = pmp.propertyid
where pm.id in (:Ops)
and pt.projectid in ( :Proj )
order by 1
) src ON 1 = 1
Oops, comments are correct - my bad. You'll instead need an IF statement to check if any values are returned:
( select CASE
WHEN pt.propertynumber IS NOT NULL
THEN pt.propertynumber
ELSE 'None'
END AS "Field1"
from projectmaintenanceproperties pmp
left join projectmaintenances pm on pm.id = pmp.projectmaintenanceid
left join properties pt on pt.id = pmp.propertyid
where pm.id in (:Ops)
and pt.projectid in ( :Proj )
order by 1;
THEN select pt.propertynumber [Field1]
from projectmaintenanceproperties pmp
left join projectmaintenances pm on pm.id = pmp.projectmaintenanceid
left join properties pt on pt.id = pmp.propertyid
where pm.id in (:Ops)
and pt.projectid in ( :Proj )
order by 1;
SELECT 'None' AS [Field1];

How does this SQL query return results with same id_product?

I am facing a complex SQL query in some code, which is suppose to return products without duplicates (by the use of DISTINCT keywork at the beginning), here is the query:
SELECT DISTINCT p.`id_product`, p.*, product_shop.*, pl.* , m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, x.`id_feature` , x.`id_feature_value` , s.`name` AS supplier_name
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` y ON (y.`id_product` = p.`id_product`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` ac ON (y.`id_product_attribute` = ac.`id_product_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.id_shop = 1 )
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer` m ON (m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_feature_product` x ON (x.`id_product` = p.`id_product`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_supplier` s ON (s.`id_supplier` = p.`id_supplier`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_product` c ON (c.`id_product` = p.`id_product`)
WHERE pl.`id_lang` = 1 AND c.`id_category` = 18 AND p.`price` between 0 and 1000
AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog") AND product_shop.`active` = 1
ORDER BY p.`id_product` ASC LIMIT 1,4
But it returns 4 product with 2 products with same "id_product" (11941)
What I need is to return 4 products but of different ids each.
Anyone ?
Thanks a lot
The result of this query shows 4 rows, with 2 having the same exact columns values EXCEPT for the id_feature_value column which 36 for one and 38 for the other.
SELECT DISTINCT gets all the distinct combinations of all selected fields in your query, not just the first field.
Now, you could solve that by using GROUP BY to select only distinct values of id_product specifically, like:
SELECT p.`id_product`, p.*, product_shop.*, pl.* , m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, x.`id_feature` , x.`id_feature_value` , s.`name` AS supplier_name
FROM `ps_product` p
INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop
ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` y ON (y.`id_product` = p.`id_product`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` ac ON (y.`id_product_attribute` = ac.`id_product_attribute`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.id_shop = 1 )
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer` m ON (m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_feature_product` x ON (x.`id_product` = p.`id_product`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_supplier` s ON (s.`id_supplier` = p.`id_supplier`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_product` c ON (c.`id_product` = p.`id_product`)
WHERE pl.`id_lang` = 1 AND c.`id_category` = 18 AND p.`price` between 0 and 1000
AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog") AND product_shop.`active` = 1
GROUP BY p.`id_product`
ORDER BY p.`id_product` ASC LIMIT 1,4
However, the problem now is that your query has multiple different values of all the other fields you are selected to choose from, and no deterministic way to pick from them. Even though the id_product is unique in it's table, it's not unique in the result set because in at least one of your JOINs there is a one-to-many relationship, meaning there are several rows that match the JOIN conditions.
On older versions of MySQL, it will just pick the first value it finds in this case, but on SQL Server it will actually error out and tell you that the remaining fields either have to be mentioned in the GROUP BY clause, or they have to be aggregated. So, you've got a few ways you can go from here:
You are on an old version of MySQL and you don't particularly care which values are returned for the rest of the fields, so leave the query as I've posted and use that. I wouldn't recommend this, as it's undefined behaviour so in theory it could change at MySQL's whim. All the values returned will be from the same result row though.
Add aggregate functions, such as MIN() or MAX() to the rest of the remaining fields in the select clause. This will reduce the possible values for the fields down to one, but you will probably end up with a mixture of values from different rows.
Remove any one-to-many JOINs from your query so that you only ever get one row back in the result set for each individual id_product. Then, fetch the remaining data you need in a separate query.
There may be other alternative solutions, but it depends a lot on which values you want returned for the rest of the rows and what RDBMS you are using. For example, on SQL Server you could potentially make use of PARTITION BY to select the first row for each distinct id_product deterministically.

How do I improve my code for better/faster performance?

I have this INSERT setup where I want the following to be filtered and inserted in a table. The 'Splitout' has more than 30000000 rows. This statement is taking more than 2 hours for a single project I have 100 projects like this.
My initial plan was to insert everything at once but because it took more than 20 for it to execute I had to split by projects but even then the performance was very low. I was planning on using CROSS-APPLY but wasn't really sure how it would apply in my case. Any suggestions to improve the performance is appreciated.
Below is the code I have now - Thank you !
insert into DimQuestion (ResponderKey, ProjectID, qid, Question, QuestionType,AttributeID,
Attribute, ProductID, ProductCode, ProductName, AnswerCode, AnswerLabel)
SELECT distinct RKey
,c.QID + ' - ' + c.[Ql] as Question
,c.[Type] as QType
,'AnswerLabel' = case when a.qid not in ('Q2','QA','QA1','QA2','QA5','QA6','QA7','QA8','QF1','QF2','QF2c','QF2a','QF5',
then datamap.[Answer Label]
when a.qid = 'Q2'
then f.AnswerLabel
when a.qid in ('QA','QA1','QA2','QA5','QA6','QA7','QA8','QF1','QF2','QF2c','QF2a','QF5',
then a.Answers END
FROM [SplitOut] a
INNER join [DimResponder] b on a.responseid = b.ResponseID and a.ProjectID = b.ProjectID
INNER join Question_List c on a.qid = c.qid
left outer JOIN Data_Map datamap ON a.QID = datamap.QID and a.answers = datamap.[answer code]
left outer join DimProduct d on a.ProductID = d.ProductTypeCode and a.ProjectID = d.ProjectID
left outer join DimAttribute e on e.projectid = 0 and a.AttributeID = e.AttributeCode
left outer join Q2AnswerData f on a.QID = f.QID and a.Answers = f.AnswerCode and a.AttributeID = f.VariableID
where a.columnNames not like '%open%' and a.ColumnNames not like '%seg%' and a.columnnames not like '%rot%' and a.Answers not like ''and datamap.Project not in ('Project 0') and a.ProjectID in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
Make sure columns in the ON clauses are indexed.
Just looking at the SQL and not having the table counts and explain plan, here's something to try. Use a subquery for the SPLITOUT table. You say that table has 30,000,000 rows. Most of your where clause qualifiers are against the SPLITOUT table, so I'm using a subquery to reduce the number of rows joined to it. The way it's coded in your version, SPLITOUT will possibly be joined to the other tables before the where clause is applied. I agree with the comments that like clauses are bad. They don't use an index so you're most likely table scanning your 30,000,000 row table.
I also made the call to DATAMAP a subquery because it's a left join with a qualifier in the where clause. If there's no row, the qualifier will fail when you may have wanted it to succeed.
Run the subquery on SPLITOUT by itself. Tune it first. Create a composite index on splitout.projectID, answers, and columnNames. If the optimizer uses it for projectID, the likes on columnNames may be index scanned. Once the SPLITOUT subquery is tuned, add the other joins in one at a time.
Try to remove the distinct with cleaner joins. The optimizer has to sort to do a distinct which is costly.
Don't use like and in when you don't need to. Use = and not when possible.
I wouldn't use cross join for a query such as this.
insert into DimQuestion (ResponderKey, ProjectID, qid, Question, QuestionType,AttributeID, Attribute, ProductID, ProductCode, ProductName, AnswerCode, AnswerLabel)
SELECT distinct RKey
,c.QID + ' - ' + c.[Ql] as Question
,c.[Type] as QType
,'AnswerLabel' = case when a.qid = 'Q2' then f.AnswerLabel
when a.qid not in ('Q2','QA','QA1','QA2','QA5','QA6','QA7','QA8','QF1','QF2','QF2c','QF2a','QF5',
then datamap.[Answer Label]
when a.qid in ('QA','QA1','QA2','QA5','QA6','QA7','QA8','QF1','QF2','QF2c','QF2a','QF5',
then a.Answers
FROM (select a.responseID, a.ProjectID, a.ProID, a.qid, a.AttributeID, a.ProductID, a.Answers
from [SplitOut]
where a.ProjectID in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
and a.Answers <> '' -- don't use like when equality or inequality will work, note not and <> do not use the index
and a.columnNames not like '%open%' and a.ColumnNames not like '%seg%' and a.columnnames not like '%rot%' -- very bad, won't use index, consider creating a category or codes column to identify these values.
) a
inner join [DimResponder] b on a.responseid = b.ResponseID and a.ProjectID = b.ProjectID
inner join Question_List c on a.qid = c.qid
left outer join (select quid, [Answer Code] ,[Answer Label] from datamap where datamap.Project <> 'Project 0') datamap ON a.QID = datamap.QID and a.answers = datamap.[answer code]
left outer join DimProduct d on a.ProductID = d.ProductTypeCode and a.ProjectID = d.ProjectID
left outer join DimAttribute e on e.projectid = 0 and a.AttributeID = e.AttributeCode
left outer join Q2AnswerData f on a.QID = f.QID and a.Answers = f.AnswerCode and a.AttributeID = f.VariableID
Inner and outer joins tend to be expensive (used to do a lot of SQL years ago and they were then). You may be able to do it as several insert statements and it may be a lot faster, expecialy if you can reduce/get rid on inner/outer joins.
Also maybe making some temp tables will help, pre processing some of the data.
Also prociding a list of indexed will realy help. Indexes can make the diference wetween minutes and houres,

Using left join and inner join in the same query

Below is my query using a left join that works as expected. What I want to do is add another table filter this query ever further but having trouble doing so. I will call this new table table_3 and want to add where table_3.rwykey = runways_updatable.rwykey. Any help would be very much appreciated.
'*************EDIT To CLARIFY *****************
Here is the other statement that inner join i would like to use and I would like to combine these 2 statements.
'***What I have so far as advice taken below, but getting syntax error
NOTE: If i comment out the inner join and leave the left join or vice versa, it works but when I have both of joins in the query, thats when im getting the syntax error.
I always come across this question when searching for how to make LEFT JOIN depend on a further INNER JOIN. Here is an example for what I am searching when I am searching for "using LEFT JOIN and INNER JOIN in the same query":
FROM foo f1
LEFT JOIN (bar b1
INNER JOIN baz b2 ON b2.id = b1.baz_id
) ON
b1.id = f1.bar_id
In this example, b1 will only be included if b2 is also found.
Remember that filtering a right-side table in left join should be done in join itself.
select *
from table1
left join table2
on table1.FK_table2 = table2.id
and table2.class = 'HIGH'
I finally figured it out. Thanks for all your help!!!
Add your INNER_JOIN before your LEFT JOIN:
FROM runways_updatable ru
INNER JOIN table_3 t3 ON ru.rwykey = t3.rwykey
LEFT JOIN turn_updatable tu
ON ru.rwykey = tu.rwykey
AND (tu.airline_code IS NULL OR tu.airline_code = '' OR tu.airline_code = '')
WHERE ru.icao = 'ICAO'
AND (ru.tora > 4000 OR ru.lda > 0)
If you LEFT JOIN before your INNER JOIN, then you will not get results from table_3 if there is no matching row in turn_updatable. It's possible this is what you want, but since your join condition for table_3 only references runways_updatable, I would assume that you want a result from table_3, even if there isn't a matching row in turn_updatable.
As #NikolaMarkovinović pointed out, you should filter your LEFT JOIN in the join condition itself, as you see above. Otherwise, you will not get results from the left-side table (runways_updatable) if that condition isn't met in the right-side table (turn_updatable).
EDIT 2: OP mentioned this is actually Access, and not MySQL
In Access, perhaps it's a difference in the table aliases. Try this instead:
SELECT [ru].*, [tu].*, [ars].*
FROM [runways_updatable] AS [ru]
INNER JOIN [airport_runways_selected] AS [ars] ON [ru].rwykey = [ars].rwykey
LEFT JOIN [turn_updatable] AS [tu]
ON [ru].rwykey = [tu].rwykey
AND ([tu].airline_code IS NULL OR [tu].airline_code = '' OR [tu].airline_code = '')
WHERE [ru].icao = 'ICAO'
AND ([ru].tora > 4000 OR [ru].lda > 0)
If it is just an inner join that you want to add, then do this. You can add as many joins as you want in the same query. Please update your answer if this is not what you want, though
INNER JOIN table_3
ON table_3.rwykey = runways_updatable.rwykey
I am not really sure what you want. But maybe something like this:
JOIN table_3
ON table_3.rwykey = runways_updatable.rwykey
For Postgres, query planner does not guarantee order of execution of join. To Guarantee one can use #Gajus solution but the problem arises if there are Where condition for inner join table's column(s). Either one would to require to carefully add the where clauses in the respective Join condition or otherwise it is better to use subquery the inner join part, and left join the output.

SQL joins "going up" two tables

I'm trying to create a moderately complex query with joins:
SELECT `history`.`id`,
FROM `history_actions`, `history`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `parts` ON `parts`.`id` = `history`.`part_id`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `serialized_parts` ON `serialized_parts`.`parts_id` = `history`.`part_id`
WHERE `history_actions`.`id` = `history`.`action_id`
AND `history`.`unit_id` = '1'
ORDER BY `history`.`id` DESC
I'd like to replace `parts`.`type_id` in the SELECT statement with `part_list`.`name` where the relationship I need to enforce between the two tables is `part_list`.`id` = `parts`.`type_id`. Also I have to use joins because in some cases `history`.`part_id` may be NULL which obviously isn't a valid part id. How would I modify the query to do this?
Here is some sample date as requested:
history table:
(source: ianburris.com)
serialized_parts table:
(source: ianburris.com)
parts table:
(source: ianburris.com)
part_list table:
(source: ianburris.com)
And what I want to see is:
id name serial action date_added
4 Battery 567 added 2010-05-19 10:42:51
3 Antenna Board 345 added 2010-05-19 10:42:51
2 Main Board 123 added 2010-05-19 10:42:51
1 NULL NULL created 2010-05-19 10:42:51
This would at least be on the right track...
If you're looking to NOT show any parts with an invalid ID, simply change the LEFT JOINs to INNER JOINs (they will restrict NULL values)
SELECT `history`.`id`
, `parts`.`type_id`
, `part_list`.`name`
, `serialized_parts`.`serial`
, `history_actions`.`action`
, `history`.`date_added`
FROM `history_actions`
INNER JOIN `history` ON `history`.`action_id` = `history_actions`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `parts` ON `parts`.`id` = `history`.`part_id`
LEFT JOIN `serialized_parts` ON `serialized_parts`.`parts_id` = `history`.`part_id`
LEFT JOIN `part_list` ON `part_list`.`id` = `parts`.`type_id`
WHERE `history`.`unit_id` = '1'
ORDER BY `history`.`id` DESC
Boy, these backticks make my eyes hurt.
history h
INNER JOIN history_actions ha ON ha.id = h.action_id
LEFT JOIN parts p ON p.id = h.part_id
LEFT JOIN serialized_parts sp ON sp.parts_id = h.part_id
LEFT JOIN part_list pl ON pl.id = p.type_id
h.unit_id = '1'
history.id DESC