Setting values whitout UI interaction. Cypress app actions - testing

Guys! I'm kinda new in cypress and was looking in this link ( )to see the diff between page objects and app actions. Since app actions are brand new, i was not able to find any documentation to help me out. In the link above, there was an example of how to predefine values ​​on the page so no UI interaction is required. I was able to follow the steps and realize the changes here, but i don't know how to do that outside this example.
How could i manipulate cypress application to do that?

Skimming the article, the idea of application actions is to export an API/hooks from your application that your test can use to interact with the app (its model, state etc.), for the purpose of speeding up certain workflows (such as seeding the model), awaiting certain events etc.
There's nothing magical about it, but it requires knowing your app architecture β€” what you need to export (i.e. expose on the window object), and how to interact with it. If you're not the developer of the app (e.g. you work in a separate QA department), and treat the app as a black box, then you'll need to discuss with the dev team how best to implement this.
Each app is different, and depending on the app architecture (What framework does it use? How does it store state/model? etc.), each solution will be different.


What solutions are there for adjusting text in an app without having to dive into code? [React Native]

First of all this is my 1st stackoverflow post so sorry if I am missing context or do if the question is too out of the ordinary.. Onto some context and example use case for my question.
I'm making a simple app for an uni assignment in React-Native but one of the requirements client we are making it for is that the text (copy) in the app can be adjusted by him after we deliver it to him.
Example Use Case
They want to change the text on the welcome screen from "Welcome, [Name]" to "Hello there, [Name]". But they aren't technical so they expect to be able to change this in a simple UI.
I've tried googling for solutions but keep finding Localization solutions instead and all I've found so far require in-code edits.
🌍 react-native-localize & Expo Localization Docs
Any help/pointers are much appreciated!
There are two basic ways to solve this issue.
Create an API that the app calls to get the text. Make web or app tools for the client to edit the text in the API. This is usually called a CMS (content-management solution). There are a huge range of options, including building your own.
the client can maybe manage their own content without intervention... sometimes
content changes are "instant" - without an app release
non-trivial to plan and set up
requires support/maintenance
additional costs for hosting
additional app complexity (need to think about error states, caching, polling?)
app NEEDS to be online to have content
The client submits a ticket for the text changes and a developer makes them.
doesn't require the creation/ maintenance of additional tools
app doesn't need to make network requests for content
changes take longer and require a new release of the app

Shopify - Embedded App - User session and webhooks

I'm fairly new to Shopify development and I'm trying to understand the best way to address our requirement. Apologies if some of these are basic questions.
The intent is to build an embedded public application that is intended to:
Have a floating component that's present on all pages on the online
React to the user journey e.g. do stuff when the user adds
items to cart, completes a checkout, etc.
Send events to our server through the journey to allow our server to provide relevant
info, regardless of the store theme.
Have the ability to do this at an individual session level i.e. not all users will have the same experience.
I had a few questions around this:
Will it be possible to add the script to the main theme page and
have it load on all pages?
Is there a better alternative, particularly if the integration is supposed to be light-touch for admins?
What is the best way to get access to the individual user session from the app (assuming we can request the appropriate permissions as a part of the app installation)?
Is app bridge and session token required for this?
Is it possible to build this app using Angular? I understand Shopify framework is API-based and in theory any UI framework should work, but will a deeper linking with the user session be possible with Angular?
If we get enable web hooks for the various events, would it be a reliable way to detect events happening in the user journey? If so, what will be the correlation id between the events from the app and the web hooks?
Is it possible to detect the page the user is in, regardless of the theme? For example: Is there a way to identify that the user has added an item to the cart regardless of the theme used or is a webhook our best bet for those events?
Thanks in advance!
There is one thing you can do that would support most of your needs. Create an App, and set that App up with a Proxy. Shopify will then support the customer centric store theme to use a secure Ajax callback to your App using the proxy. So you can always call a proxy like /tool/customer_check with or without a customer ID from anywhere in the store.
You can imagine how powerful that is. You can return Liquid or more commonly, JSON. Boom! You're in business.
Of course, there are alternatives, all with the caveat your mileage may vary. None of this is predicated on any particular tech stack, meaning you can use what you like and know.

How to test frontend app step by step by scenario?

We have a web project and the main business flow is going through the chain of processes (conveyor). We don't have any automatic tests for front. So, to test we use our "hands".
What I want to do is to create some auto test that goes through every step and every window that I do always using hands from my browser.
Any suggestions?
P.S. I don't have an access to frontend app. All I have is the running app on my browser :)
In my experience with quizzes/wizards, such using gamification logic and transitioning from screen to screen - I had to properly plan my efforts.
test that goes through every step and every window
Is easy to go way overboard with all possible paths, resulting in combinatorial explosion. As general advice, try limit the really critical scenarios and cover first those. It is quite likely that the conveyor engine, follows same basic (business) rules and just combines them to produce the flows. In other words, bugs are most likely to be found in the codified domain logic, than the mechanics behind them.
Since this is an Angular app and we all know how pesky Selenium is with it. I would go with Protractor as it is built to handle
native events and browser-specific drivers to interact with your application as a user would
supports Angular-specific locator strategies

creating movie template "on the fly"

i want to develop a site where user selects various videos and site will render a single video containing all videos in a pre-built template.
what would be the way to go about this (in order to create the movie dynamically from site) ?
what would be the server side framework to use ?
can i use after-effects and have site use it to generate such templates (optional - as i have a friend who works with after effects and can create templates) ?
as i am fairly new to the field any additional information is welcomed.
I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure you can't do what you described.
Rendering a video consumes huge resources (really huge), so a server park that could
handle this is just not worth it.
However, what you can do is to play the selected videos consecutively. That way, no rendering is necessary.
Also, forget about After Effects, for the same reasons described above.
You can achieve what you want by using a new plugin for After Effects called Templater Bot. From Dataclay's site:
Templater Bot is an enterprise solution for custom video on demand. It works as an automated system. Use it to periodically check for incoming data, pull new data in, and render video as a background process. Or use the command line interface to push data in to create new renders. Once your AE project is prepared, use Bot to customize and render it without operating the After Effects user interface. Developers can create front end applications, such as web or mobile apps, that feed data into Templater's data source, offering a collaborative, custom video content creation solution.

How to check if your iOS app code is using an api that is not allowed on the app store?

I know that there are some restricted api's or code that are not allowed to be in your app when you submit it to the app store.
How do you know what they are? Is there a way to check your app before you submit it to ensure you have not used such api's?
It is probably better to avoid this problem at the design stage, than trying to fix it later, so I was wondering if there is any tool in Xcode, or document to determine this.
The way Apple intends for you to do this is to use XCode's Validation feature. When you're submitting an app, you build for achiving (or Archive from the XCode menu). Then, you open up Organizer to see the archive you just created. At this point, you can press the Validate button in Organizer. That will perform a validation, without actually submitting the app. It will tell you if you're using Private APIs. Depending on how you use them, it might identify what the violation is:
There's definitely ways that code can fool this validation step, and "get away" with using Private APIs until the reviewer looks at the bundle. But, as far as I know, those ways would all be intentional methods of hiding Private API usage, and it sounds like you're trying to discover accidental usage.
If you fail this Validation test, then you might want to use something like AppScanner, mentioned in alan duncan's answer. But, for completeness, I wanted to make sure people knew that this Validation step is available in XCode, and checking for Private API usage is one of the things it's doing before you submit (and have to wait a few days to be told what you did wrong). Also, even if you don't use the Validate button in Organizer, but just use Submit, the tool is performing a Validation for you. The only difference is whether the bundle actually gets uploaded to iTunes Connect.
If you stick to documented interfaces as suggested above, you're fine. The only issue is with third-party libraries whose implementation may be opaque to you.
There is a Mac app called AppScanner that scans from private API usage. I have no experience with it, though.
You will get more information on Apple approval process from
App Store Review Guidelines for iOS apps (You must be a registered iOS developer for accessing this data).
iOS Human Interface Guidlines.
get the private API list.
use class-dump to process the Mach-O file, and get the processed string.
use regex to get the interface, class, or method in the string.
match the API to private API list.
then GOT it~
I opened a porject to do this, but because the reason of my company, canceled. very sorry for this.