Does Zipline Support Renko Chart? - zipline

Quantopian which is powered by zipline does not support renko charts. All charts on quantopian is smooth line. I was wondering if zipline supports renko charts?

Zipline does not support renko charts yet !


Matrix chart in Vue 2

I'm looking for a pluggin to install so that I can create matrix charts in vue 2. I already use Chart.js version 3.7.1 but it does not seem to support matrix chart. Can anyone help?

Dough nut pie chart in react native android

I want to display a doughnut pie chart something like the following:
react-native-chart does not work for android while other solutions like react-native-chart-android don't work out of the box and require a little bit of setup to achieve this.Can someone suggest me the easiest way this can be done?
We have just used:
For a commercial react-native product (to make pie charts also), it is probably the most up-to-date android library for graphing and can easily be modified if needed. Highly recommend.

Viewing graphs in Jupyter or IPython

I am trying to use both bokeh and matplotlib in my IPython notebook... Neither work perfectly.
Attached is a screen shot of Bokeh. Matplotlib explanation is below.
Here are my system specs:
-Windows 7 with Vagrant
BOKEH -- buttons are static images; there is no resizing, yet the graph is interactive
Should look like from this website:
MATPLOTLIB -- only static shots appear when it should be zoomable, etc (like bokeh)
1) read the documentation.
you would only change output_file() to a call to output_notebook() instead.
Which you did not seem to do above.
2) Why should it ? What di you do to make it zoomable ?
3) try not to post 2 unrelated question at the same time.
You appear to be using an older version of Bokeh. The issue with the CSS problems (button appearance) has been fixed for some time. As mentioned above, you will need to execute output_notebook() to load Bokeh for IPython notebook usage. For future reference, questions like this greatly benefit from providing as much information as possible (e.g., Bokeh and browser versions, platform information, etc.) Without that information it is impossible to diagnose problems with any certainty.

Highcharts IE10 support

I am using highcharts and am having issues with the functionality with internet explorer 10.01.
For polar charts the series do not load until you roll the mouse over the chart. If you have a series that is an area (filled), you need to turn the series off then on again before it displays.(version 2.3.5 does not fix this issue)
Saving the presented image from the icon with the chart does not render correctly. You can it is a radar chart, but cannot make out any of the values, or colours. They tend to be grey. (version 2.3.5 fixes this issue)
Are these issues known?
Is there a solution to these issues/work around? Has it something to do with SVG? Could I force it to use VML?
Is there a planned fix for these?
This is now a recognised as an issue by highcharts and it will be fixed in due course
A hack workaround in the meantime, is to hide and show a single series on the chart after you have rendered in, in JavaScript
Use Version 2.3.5 it has fixed IE10 support.

fusion chart legend

I am using FCF_Pie3D.swf to display a chart.I set showLegend="1", but it does not show a legend/label. Why ?
FusionCharts Free Pie charts does not support legends. It is supported on FusionCharts v3.2 and above.