How to change the font size of line numbers in IntelliJ IDEA? - intellij-idea

I want to increase the font size of the line numbers in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate(2019.3.1) independently from changing the font of the code itself but I can't find the way of doing so.
I shook the whole Internet and didn't find anything up to date either. Actions search didn't help as well.
How do I do that?

The font size of line numbers automatically changes along with the font size of code in the editor. It uses the same font setting(font, font size, etc).
You can try to adjust font.
And as Improbable mentioned, there is a feature request for it:


iText 7 Get font line height

I am trying to get the total line height (ascent + descent) of a font in iText 7 with page and font size given. I found methods like PdfFont.getAscent(String, float) but this one seems to return the ascent for that particular given string. I want to get the general ("maximum") size properties for a given font and font size, as is for example possible in Java AWT (FontMetrics.getHeight()). Is there a way to do this? Or is there some specific reason why there is no way, that I should know about?
Thanks in advance!
The answer to this problem is solved here -
In a simple way, you need to extract the text from the pdf, and use itext tools to find the font height

How to increase the font size of result text in Azure Data Studio Notebook?

I have found how to increase the font size of about everything except the result text of a code cell in an Azure Data Studio notebook. Zoom works, but is not ideal. Does anyone know of a way to increase the font size of that text?
I have found that using the zoom-in and zoom-out shortcuts ('ctrl+' and 'ctr-' for me) will also increase the text size in the notes/messages pane.
I am using version 1.28.0 and it works that way.
By hitting 'ctrl+shift+p' will also pop up the command palette where you can further customize the shortcuts after searching for 'zoom'.
I hope it will help you, too.

PDF programatically set font without being forced to set font size

According to the PDF syntax given by Adobe here it seems that there is no possibility to set the actual font, without setting at the same time also the font size.
I am in the situation that the font size is already specified and set before together with a different font. I just want to keep the size just alter the font.
Exemplarily looks like this
/F1 12 Tf
where F1 "reprents" the font, the font size being 12.
Did I miss something, or is there a nice workaround for it?
Please note, that I have no access to the current font size and don't want to alter it.
Generally it requires a PDF editor to do font replacement, often with mixed results, as there is no simple means to substitute one font tag for another here I crafted a PDF to show how just simply swapping /F1 /F2 /F3 and /F4 may corrupt the output.
So line 1 and 2 are different styles of Arial font and lines 3 and 4 are Consolas so we can see as I cycle the font tags I might be able to replace one style by another but here only once in each font family and clearly line length will be changed.
So IF you know you want to swap style later it is essential to use proportional / fixed pitch static fonts.
IF you plan ahead it is possible to embed fonts for swapping style but generally not family, OR you could as many do set a generic font and rely on the system replacing those with local default fonts.
Otherwise you need to read the text in one font and rewrite that text block in a different font bearing in mind the need to reflow the line lengths or adjust sizes to suit, hence many a font is found with non uniform units.
For fairly simple font substitution I would normally resort to X-change editor or FlexiPDF editor

Increase font for pdf using Inkscape

I use to produce pdf graphs with R then I like to modify them using inkscape.
Yet when I increase font, letter size increase but letter spacing don't as you can see in example.
I have the same problem when I do the same with pdf from latex.
Thank for your help
Perhaps you have broken the text into individual letters, and are applying the new font size to those, rather than to the entire word? You may need to recreate the Xlabel text/group the letters back together.
Although there is an answer for exactly the same question here, I will duplicate it:
You should select the text you want to resize and then remove manual kerning either before or after the resizing. This can be done by clicking Text -> Remove Manual Kerns.

Changing the font size in AppCode

I'm using Appcode and I would like to change the font size though I can't seem to find any option to do this (nor does there seem to be much help on the internet).
If I go to Preferences->Editor->Colors&Fonts->Font I can see a font size, though it is not editable.
Does anyone know how I can change the font size?
You need to "Save as..." your custom settings at first (for example as "MyFonts"). After that the field becomes writable.