Primary keys: is it bad practice to use a UUID for some tables and INT for other tables in the same database? - sql

I'm creating a well-normalized database in postgresql and for a couple tables I need the ability to generate the PK from the client side. I'm also interacting with another database so the UUIDs will be helpful in that regard as well. For consistency I was going to use UUIDs in every table, but I'm having second thoughts since it seems like overkill for most of my tables. I thought that maybe I would use integer PKs for those tables and UUID PKs for the 'special' tables, but it feels a bit strange to me. Is this bad practice?

I cannot think of a reason why it would be a bad practice. Unusual yes. But if you have a reason for preferring integers in some cases and UUIDs in others, then it might make sense.
I prefer integer for primary keys. They occupy less space -- which can be a consideration if many other tables are using them. I find that they are easier to type correctly and compare visually when looking at values.
However, they also encode some information, typically the order of insertion into the the table. That is a double-edged sword. It may be a good thing if you want to keep track of insertion order. Or, it may be a bad thing if you don't want people to estimate the size of your table.
When I have UUIDs, I might also have integer primary keys, keeping the UUID in a separate unique column. That allows for efficiencies in foreign key references.


<select> for an entity with composite keys - strategy needed

So say I have database table tours (PK tour_id) holding region independent information and tours_regional_details (PK tour_id, region_id) holding region specific information.
Let's say I want to populate select control with entities from tours_regional_details table (my real scenarios are bit different, just imagine this for the sake of simplicity).
So, how would you tackle this? My guts says concatenate PKs into delimited strings, like "pk1|pk2" or "pk1,pk2" and use that as value of select control. While it works, feels dirty and possibly needs additional validation steps before splitting the string again, which again feels dirty.
I don't want to start a composite vs single pk holy war, but may this be a bad database design decision on my part? I always believed identifying relationships and composite keys are there for a reason, but I feel tempted to alter my tables and just stuff them with auto incremental IDs and unique constraints. I'm just not sure what kind of a fresh hell will that introduce.
I am a little bit flabbergasted that I encounter this for the first time now after so many years.
EDIT: Yes, there is a table regions (PK region_id) but is mostly irrelevant for the topic. While in some scenarios two select boxes would make sense, let's say here they don't, let's say I want only one select box and want to select from:
Dummy tour (Region 1)
Dummy tour (Region 2)
Another dummy tour (region 3)
Composite primary keys aren't bad database design. In an ideal world, our programming languages and UI libraries would support tuples and relations as first-class values, so you'd be able to assign a pair of values as the value of an option in your dropdown control. However, since they generally only support scalar variables, we're stuck trying to encode or reduce our identifiers.
You can certainly add surrogate keys / autoincrement columns (and unique constraints on the natural keys where available) to every table. It's a very common pattern, most databases I've seen have at least some tables set up like this. You may be able to keep existing composite foreign keys as is, or you may want/need to change them to reference the surrogate primary keys instead.
The risk with using surrogate keys for foreign keys is that your access paths in the database become fixed. For example, let's assume tours_regional_details had a primary key tours_regional_detail_id that's referenced by a foreign key in another table. Queries against this other table would always need to join with tours_regional_details to obtain the tour_id or region_id. Natural keys allow more flexible access paths since identifiers are reused throughout the database. This becomes significant in deep hierarchies of dependent concepts. These are exactly the scenarios where opponents of composite keys complain about the "explosion" of keys, and I can at least agree that it becomes cumbersome to remember and type out joins on numerous columns when writing queries.
You could duplicate the natural key columns into the referencing tables, but storing redundant information requires additional effort to maintain consistency. I often see this done for performance or convenience reasons where surrogate keys were used as foreign keys, since it allows querying a table without having to do all the joins to dereference the surrogate identifiers. In these cases, it might've been better to reference the natural key instead.
If I'm allowed to return to my ideal world, perhaps DBMSs could allow naming and storing joins.
In practice, surrogate keys help balance the complexity we have to deal with. Use them, but don't worship them.

multiple colums primery keys vs one primery key with unique constraints

I have large table on my database (50 columns and might get to 100,000,000 rows).
Right now my primary key is 8 columns.
It is better to make 1 primary key (automatic number) and add columns unique constrains?
The structure of a database should be driven by how the data is going to be used. One can make a judgement that the structure is normalized or denormalized, for instance. But each of those methodologies is appropriate in different circumstances.
That said, I am heavily biased to having an auto incrementing ("identity") primary key in all tables. This is beneficial in many circumstances. Here are three reasons:
For knowing the insertion order of rows (to a close approximation).
For creating foreign key relationships.
To ensure that you can uniquely identify each row for updates and deletes.
However, such a column occupies more storage. And, a single primary key index is more efficient (space-wise) than having multiple indexes.
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but it does at least give you some parameters for thinking about the issues.
Usually when you don't know any better, it's best to follow the standard guidelines in DB design. Because they work for a clear majority of the cases, and there's less chance in going wrong with them.
In this case, it means that you would very likely benefit from using an auto-incrementing ID column as a clustered primary key index. As well as adding foreign keys and nonclustered indexes to all referencing columns, in case you haven't already.
Finally, you might even look at adding a few custom (even multicolumn) indexes specifically designed for your slowest queries... basically, if you have a few problem queries, you want to index the columns in their WHERE clauses.
In addition to all this, you should of course look to see that the table and DB in general is normalized. To learn about normalization, it's best for you to google for it. It's not a complex or difficult concept, but there are a thousand tutorials far better suited for explaining the concept than us here.
By doing this you will very likely be moving in the correct direction. And if it doesn't work, then that's so much more information people here can use to determine the best alternative.

Does every table really need an auto-incrementing artificial primary key? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 12 years ago.
Almost every table in every database I've seen in my 7 years of development experience has an auto-incrementing primary key. Why is this? If I have a table of U.S. states where each state where each state must have a unique name, what's the use of an auto-incrementing primary key? Why not just use the state name as the primary key? Seems to me like an excuse to allow duplicates disguised as unique rows.
This seems plainly obvious to me, but then again, no one else seems to be arriving at and acting on the same logical conclusion as me, so I must assume there's a good chance I'm wrong.
Is there any real, practical reason we need to use auto-incrementing keys?
This question has been asked numerous times on SO and has been the subject of much debate over the years amongst (and between) developers and DBAs.
Let me start by saying that the premise of you question implies that one approach is universally superior to the other ... this is rarely the case in real life. Surrogate keys and natural keys both have their uses and challenges - and it's important to understand what they are. Whichever choice you make in your system, keep in mind there is benefit to consistency - it makes the data model easier to understand and easier to develop queries and applications for. I also want to say that I tend to prefer surrogate keys over natural keys for PKs ... but that doesn't mean that natural keys can't sometimes be useful in that role.
It is important to realize that surrogate and natural keys are NOT mutually exclusive - and in many cases they can complement each other. Keep in mind that a "key" for a database table is simply something that uniquely identifies a record (row). It's entirely possible for a single row to have multiple keys representing the different categories of constraints that make a record unique.
A primary key, on the other hand, is a particular unique key that the database will use to enforce referential integrity and to represent a foreign key in other tables. There can only be a single primary key for any table. The essential quality of a primary key is that it be 100% unique and non-NULL. A desirable quality of a primary key is that it be stable (unchanging). While mutable primary keys are possible - they cause many problems for database that are better avoided (cascading updates, RI failures, etc). If you do choose to use a surrogate primary key for your table(s) - you should also consider creating unique constraints to reflect the existence of any natural keys.
Surrogate keys are beneficial in cases where:
Natural keys are not stable (values may change over time)
Natural keys are large or unwieldy (multiple columns or long values)
Natural keys can change over time (columns added/removed over time)
By providing a short, stable, unique value for every row, we can reduce the size of the database, improve its performance, and reduce the volatility of dependent tables which store foreign keys. There's also the benefit of key polymorphism, which I'll get to later.
In some instances, using natural keys to express relationships between tables can be problematic. For instance, imagine you had a PERSON table whose natural key was {LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, SSN}. What happens if you have some other table GRANT_PROPOSAL in which you need to store a reference to a Proposer, Reviewer, Approver, and Authorizer. You now need 12 columns to express this information. You also need to come up with a naming convention of some kind to identify which columns belong to which kind of individual. But what if your PERSON table required 6, or 8, or 24 columns to for a natural key? This rapidly becomes unmanageable. Surrogate keys resolve such problems by divorcing the semantics (meaning) of a key from its use as an identifier.
Let's also take a look at the example you described in your question.
Should the 2-character abbreviation of a state be used as the primary key of that table.
On the surface, it looks like the abbreviation field meets the requirements of a good primary key. It's relatively short, it is easy to propagate as a foreign key, it looks stable. Unfortunately, you don't control the set of abbreviations ... the postal service does. And here's an interesting fact: in 1973 the USPS changed the abbreviation of Nebraska from NB to NE to minimize confusion with New Brunswick, Canada. The moral of the story is that natural keys are often outside of the control of the database ... and they can change over time. Even when you think they cannot. This problem is even more pronounced for more complicated data like people, or products, etc. As businesses evolve, the definitions for what makes such entities unique can change. And this can create significant problems for data modelers and application developers.
Earlier I mentioned that primary keys can support key polymorphism. What does that mean? Well, polymorphism is the ability of one type, A, to appear as and be used like another type, B. In databases, this concept refers to the ability to combine keys from different classes of entities into a single table. Let's look at an example. Imagine for a moment that you want have an audit trail in your system that identifies which entities were modified by which user on what date. It would be nice to create a table with the fields: {ENTITY_ID, USER_ID, EDIT_DATE}. Unfortunately, using natural keys, different entities have different keys. So now we need to create a separate linking table for each kind of entity ... and build our application in a manner where it understand the different kinds of entities and how their keys are shaped.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating that surrogate keys should ALWAYS be used. In the real world never, ever, and always are a dangerous position to adopt. One of the biggest drawbacks of surrogate keys is that they can result in tables that have foreign keys consisting of lots of "meaningless" numbers. This can make it cumbersome to interpret the meaning of a record since you have to join or lookup records from other tables to get a complete picture. It also can make a distributed database deployment more complicated, as assigning unique incrementing numbers across servers isn't always possible (although most modern database like Oracle and SQLServer mitigate this via sequence replication).
In most cases, having a surrogate INT IDENTITY key is an easy option: it can be guaranteed to be NOT NULL and 100% unique, something a lot of "natural" keys don't offer - names can change, so can SSN's and other items of information.
In the case of state abbreviations and names - if anything, I'd use the two-letter state abbreviation as a key.
A primary key must be:
unique (100% guaranteed! Not just "almost" unique)
A primary key should be:
stable if ever possible (not change - or at least not too frequently)
State two-letter codes definitely would offer this - that might be a candidate for a natural key. A key should also be small - an INT of 4 bytes is perfect, a two-letter CHAR(2) column just the same. I would not ever use a VARCHAR(100) field or something like that as a key - it's just too clunky, most likely will change all the time - not a good key candidate.
So while you don't have to have an auto-incrementing "artificial" (surrogate) primary key, it's often quite a good choice, since no naturally occuring data is really up to the task of being a primary key, and you want to avoid having huge primary keys with several columns - those are just too clunky and inefficient.
I think the use of the word "Primary", in the phrase "Primary" Key is in a real sense, misleading.
First, use the definition that a "key" is an attribute or set of attributes that must be unique within the table,
Then, having any key serves several often mutually inconsistent purposes.
Purpose 1. To use as joins conditions to one or many records in child tables which have a relationship to this parent table. (Explicitly or implicitly defining a Foreign Key in those child tables)
Purpose 2. (related) Ensuring that child records must have a parent record in the parent table (The child table FK must exist as Key in the parent table)
Purpose 3. To increase performance of queries that need to rapidly locate a specific record/row in the table.
Purpose 4. (Most Important from data consistency perspective!) To ensure data consistency by preventing duplicate rows which represent the same logical entity from being inserted itno the table. (This is often called a "natural" key, and should consist of table (entity) attributes which are relatively invariant.)
Clearly, any non-meaningfull, non-natural key (like a GUID or an auto-generated integer is totally incapable of satisfying Purpose 4.
But often, with many (most) tables, a totally natural key which can provide #4 will often consist of multiple attributes and be excessively wide, or so wide that using it for purposes #1, #2, or #3 will cause unacceptable performance consequencecs.
The answer is simple. Use both. Use a simple auto-Generating integral key for all Joins and FKs in other child tables, but ensure that every table that requires data consistency (very few tables don't) have an alternate natural unique key that will prevent inserts of inconsistent data rows... Plus, if you always have both, then all the objections against using a natural key (what if it changes? I have to change every place it is referenced as a FK) become moot, as you are not using it for that... You are only using it in the one table where it is a PK, to avoid inconsistent duplciate data...
The only time you can get away without both is for a completely stand alone table that participates in no relationships with other tables and has an obvious and reliable natural key.
In general, a numeric primary key will perform better than a string. You can additionaly create unique keys to prevent duplicates from creeping in. That way you get the assurance of no duplicates, but you also get the performance of numbers (vs. strings in your scenario).
In all likelyhood, the major databases have some performance optimizations for integer-based primary keys that are not present for string-based primary keys. But, that is only a reasonable guess.
Yes, in my opinion every table needs an auto incrementing integer key because it makes both JOINs and (especially) front-end programming much, much, much easier. Others feel differently, but this is over 20 years of experience speaking.
The single exception is small "code" or "lookup" tables in which I'm willing to substitute a short (4 or 5 character) TEXT code value. I do this because the I often use a lot of these in my databases and it allows me to present a meaningful display to the user without having to look up the description in the lookup table or JOIN it into a result set. Your example of a States table would fit in this category.
No, absolutely not.
Having a primary key which can't change is a good idea (UPDATE is legal for primary key columns, but in general potentially confusing and can create problems for child rows). But if your application has some other candidate which is more suitable than an auto-incrementing value, then you should probably use that instead.
Performance-wise, in general fewer columns are better, and particularly fewer indexes. If you have another column which has a unique index on it AND can never be changed by any business process, then it may be a suitable primary key.
Speaking from a MySQL (Innodb) perspective, it's also a good idea to use a "real" column as a primary key rather than an "artificial" one, as InnoDB always clusters the primary key and includes it in secondary indexes (that is how it finds the rows in them). This gives it potential to do useful optimisation with a primary key which it can't with any other unique index. MSSQL users often choose to cluster the primary key, but it can also cluster a different unique index.
But if it's a small database and you don't really care about performance or size too much, adding an unnecessary auto-increment column isn't that bad.
A non auto-incrementing value (e.g. UUID, or some other string generated according to your own algorithm) may be useful for distributed, sharded, or diverse systems where maintaining a consistent auto-incrementing ID is difficult (or impossible - think of a distributed system which continues to insert rows on both sides of a network partition).
I think there are two things that may explain the reason why auto-incrementing keys are sometimes used:
Space consideration; ok your state name doesn't amount to much, but the space it takes may add up. If you really want to store the state with its name as a primary key, then go ahead, but it will take more place. That may not be a problem in certain cases, and it sounds like a problem of olden days, but the habit is perhaps ingrained. And we programmers and DBA do love habits :D
Defensive consideration: i recently had the following problem; we have users in the database where the email is the key to all identification. Why not make the email the promary key? except suddenly border cases creep in where one guy must be there twice to have two different adresses, and nobody talked about it in the specs so the adress is not normalized, and there's this situation where two different emails must point to the same person and... After a while, you stop pulling your hairs out and add the damn integer id column
I'm not saying it's a bad habit, nor a good one; i'm sure good systems can be designed around reasonable primary keys, but these two points lead me to believe fear and habit are two among the culprits
It's a key component of relational databases. Having an integer relate to a state instead of having the whole state name saves a bunch of space in your database! Imagine you have a million records referencing your state table. Do you want to use 4 bytes for a number on each of those records or do you want to use a whole crapload of bytes for each state name?
Here are some practical considerations.
Most modern ORMs (rails, django, hibernate, etc.) work best when there is a single integer column as the primary key.
Additionally, having a standard naming convention (e.g. id as primary key and table_name_id for foreign keys) makes identifying keys easier.

Pros and Cons of autoincrement keys on "every table"

We are having a rather long discussion in our company about whether or not to put an autoincrement key on EVERY table in our database.
I can understand putting one on tables that would have a FK reference to, but I kind-of dislike putting such keys on each and every one of our tables, even though the keys would never be used.
Please help with pros and cons for putting autoincrement keys on every table apart from taking extra space and slowing everything a little bit (we have some tables with hundreds of millions of records).
I'm assuming that almost all tables will have a primary key - and it's just a question of whether that key consists of one or more natural keys or a single auto-incrementing surrogate key. If you aren't using primary keys then you will generally get a lot of advantages of using them on almost all tables.
So, here are some pros & cons of surrogate keys. First off, the pros:
Most importantly: they allow the natural keys to change. Trivial example, a table of persons should have a primary key of person_id rather than last_name, first_name.
Read performance - very small indexes are faster to scan. However, this is only helpful if you're actually constraining your query by the surrogate key. So, good for lookup tables, not so good for primary tables.
Simplicity - if named appropriately, it makes the database easy to learn & use.
Capacity - if you're designing something like a data warehouse fact table - surrogate keys on your dimensions allow you to keep a very narrow fact table - which results in huge capacity improvements.
And cons:
They don't prevent duplicates of the natural values. So, you'll still usually want a unique constraint (index) on the logical key.
Write performance. With an extra index you're going to slow down inserts, updates and deletes that much more.
Simplicity - for small tables of data that almost never changes they are unnecessary. For example, if you need a list of countries you can use the ISO list of countries. It includes meaningful abbreviations. This is better than a surrogate key because it's both small and useful.
In general, surrogate keys are useful, just keep in mind the cons and don't hesitate to use natural keys when appropriate.
You need primary keys on these tables. You just don't know it yet.
If you use small keys like this for Clustered Indexes, then there's quite significant advantages.
Inserts will always go at the end of pages.
Non-Clustered Indexes (which need a reference to the CIX key(s)) won't have long row addresses to consider.
And more... Kimberly Tripp's stuff is the best resource for this. Google her...
Also - if you have nothing else ensuring uniqueness, you have a hook into each row that you wouldn't otherwise have. You should still put unique indexes on fields that should be unique, and use FKs onto appropriate fields.
But... please consider the overhead of creating such things on existing tables. It could be quite scary. You can put unique indexes on tables without needing to create extra fields. Those unique indexes can then be used for FKs.
I'm not a fan of auto-increment primary keys on every table. The ideas that these give you fast joins and fast row inserts are really not true. My company calls this meatloaf thinking after the story about the woman who always cut the ends off her meatloaf just because her mother always did it. Her mother only did it because the pan was too short--the tradition keeps going even though the reason no longer exists.
When the driving table in a join has an auto-increment key, the joined table frequently shouldn't because it must have the FK to the driving table. It's the same column type, but not auto-increment. You can use the FK as the PK or part of a composite PK.
Adding an auto-increment key to a table with a naturally unique key will not always speed things up--how can it? You are adding more work by maintaining an extra index. If you never use the auto-increment key, this is completely wasted effort.
It's very difficult to predict optimizer performance--and impossible to predict future performance. On some databases, compressed or clustered indexes will decrease the costs of naturally unique PKs. On some parallel databases, auto-increment keys are negotiated between nodes and that increases the cost of auto-increment. You can only find out by profiling, and it really sucks to have to change Company Policy just to change how you create a table.
Having autoincrementing primary keys may make it easier for you to switch ORM layers in the future, and doesn't cost much (assuming you retain your logical unique keys).
You add surrogate auto increment primary keys as part of the implementation after logical design to respect the physical, on-disk architecture of the db engine.
That is, they have physcial properties (narrow, numeric, strictly monotonically increasing) that suit use as clustered keys, in joins etc.
Example: If you're modelling your data, then "product SKU" is your key. "product ID" is added afterwards, (with a unique constraint on "product SKU") when writing your "CREATE TABLE" statements because you know SQL Server.
This is the main reason.
The other reason a brain dead ORM that can't work without one...
Many tables are better off with a compound PK, composed of two or more FKs. These tables correspond to relationships in the Entity-Relationship (ER) model. The ER model is useful for conceptualizing a schema and understanding the requirements, but it should not be confused with a database design.
The tables that represent entities from an ER model should have a smiple PK. You use a surrogate PK when none of the natural keys can be trusted. The decision about whether a key can be trusted or not is not a technical decision. It depends on the data you are going to be given, and what you are expected to do with it.
If you use a surrogate key that's autoincremented, you now have to make sure that duplicate references to the same entity don't creep into your databases. These duplicates would show up as two or more rows with a distinct PK (because it's been autoincremented), but otherwise duplicates of each other.
If you let duplicates into your database, eventually your use of the data is going to be a mess.
The simplest approach is to always use surrogate keys that are either auto-incremented by the db or via an orm. And on every table. This is because they are the generally fasted method for joins and also they make learning the database extremely simple, i.e. none of this whats my key for a table nonsense as they all use the same kind of key. Yes they can be slower but in truth the most important part of design is something that wont break over time. This is proven for surrogate keys. Remember, maintenance of the system happens a lot longer than development. Plan for a system that can be maintained. Also, with current hardware the potential performance loss is really negligable.
Consider this:
A record is deleted in one table that has a relationship with another table. The corresponding record in the second table cannot be deleted for auditing reasons. This record becomes orphaned from the first table. If a new record is inserted into the first table, and a sequential primary key is used, this record is now linked to the orphan. Obviously, this is bad. By using an auto incremented PK, an id that has never been used before is always guaranteed. This means that orphans remain orphans, which is correct.
I would never use natural keys as a PK. A numeric PK, like an auto increment is the ideal choice the majority of the time, because it can be indexed efficiently. Auto increments are guaranteed to be unique, even when records are deleted, creating trusted data relationships.

What should I consider when selecting a data type for my primary key?

When I am creating a new database table, what factors should I take into account for selecting the primary key's data type?
Sorry to do that, but I found that the answers I gave to related questions (you can check this and this) could apply to this one. I reshaped them a little bit...
You will find many posts dealing with this issue, and each choice you'll make has its pros and cons. Arguments for these usually refer to relational database theory and database performance.
On this subject, my point is very simple: surrogate primary keys ALWAYS work, while Natural keys MIGHT NOT ALWAYS work one of these days, and this for multiple reasons: field too short, rules change, etc.
To this point, you've guessed here that I am basically a member of the uniqueIdentifier/surrogate primary key team, and even if I appreciate and understand arguments such as the ones presented here, I am still looking for the case where "natural" key is better than surrogate ...
In addition to this, one of the most important but always forgotten arguments in favor of this basic rule is related to code normalization and productivity:
each time I create a table, shall I lose time
identifying its primary key and its physical characteristics (type, size)
remembering these characteristics each time I want to refer to it in my code?
explaining my PK choice to other developers in the team?
My answer is no to all of these questions:
I have no time to lose trying to identify "the best Natural Primary Key" when the surrogate option gives me a bullet-proof solution.
I do not want to remember that the Primary Key of my Table_whatever is a 10 characters long string when I write the code.
I don't want to lose my time negotiating the Natural Key length: "well if You need 10 why don't you take 12 to be on the safe side?". This "on the safe side" argument really annoys me: If you want to stay on the safe side, it means that you are really not far from the unsafe side! Choose surrogate: it's bullet-proof!
So I've been working for the last five years with a very basic rule: each table (let's call it 'myTable') has its first field called 'id_MyTable' which is of uniqueIdentifier type. Even if this table supports a "many-to-many" relation, where a field combination offers a very acceptable Primary Key, I prefer to create this 'id_myManyToManyTable' field being a uniqueIdentifier, just to stick to the rule, and because, finally, it does not hurt.
The major advantage is that you don't have to care anymore about the use of Primary Key and/or Foreign Key within your code. Once you have the table name, you know the PK name and type. Once you know which links are implemented in your data model, you'll know the name of available foreign keys in the table.
And if you still want to have your "Natural Key" somewhere in your table, I advise you to build it following a standard model such as
id_whatever, unique identifier, primary key
code_whatever, whateverTypeYouWant(whateverLengthYouEstimateTheRightOne), indexed
Where id_ is the prefix for primary key, and code_ is used for "natural" indexed field. Some would argue that the code_ field should be set as unique. This is true, and it can be easily managed either through DDL or external code. Note that many "natural" keys are calculated (invoice numbers), so they are already generated through code
I am not sure that my rule is the best one. But it is a very efficient one! If everyone was applying it, we would for example avoid time lost answering to this kind of question!
If using a numeric key, make sure the datatype is giong to be large enough to hold the number of rows you might expect the table to grow to.
If using a guid, does the extra space needed to store the guid need to be considered? Will coding against guid PKs be a pain for developers or users of the application.
If using composite keys, are you sure that the combined columns will always be unique?
I don't really like what they teach in school, that is using a 'natural key' (for example ISBN on a bookdatabase) or even having a primary key made up off 2 or more fields. I would never do that. So here's my little advice:
Always have one dedicated column in every table for your primary key.
They all should have the same colomn name across all tables, i.e. "ID" or "GUID"
Use GUIDs when you can (if you don't need performance), otherwise incrementing INTs
Okay, I think I need to explain my choices a little bit.
Having a dedicated column namend the same across all table for you primary key, just makes your SQL-Statements a lot of easier to construct and easier for someone else (who might not be familiar with your database layout) easier to understand. Especially when you're doing lots of JOINS and things like that. You won't need to look up what's the primary key for a specific table, you already know, because it's the same everywhere.
GUIDs vs. INTs doesn't really matters that much most of the time. Unless you hit the performance cap of GUIDs or doing database merges, you won't have major issues with one or another. BUT there's a reason I prefer GUIDs. The global uniqueness of GUIDs might always come in handy some day. Maybe you don't see a need for it now, but things like, synchronizing parts of the database to a laptop / cell phone or even finding datarecords without needing to know which table they're in, are great examples of the advantages GUIDs can provide. An Integer only identifies a record within the context of one table, whereas a GUID identifies a record everywhere.
In most cases I use an identity int primary key, unless the scenario requires a lot of replication, in which case I may opt for a GUID.
I (almost) never used meaningful keys.
Unless you have an ultra-convenient natural key available, always use a synthetic (a.k.a. surrogate) key of a numeric type. Even if you do have a natural key available, you might want to consider using a synthetic key anyway and placing an additional unique index on your natural key. Consider what happened to higher-ed databases that used social security numbers as PKs when federal law changed, the costs of changing over to synthetic keys were enormous.
Also, I have to disagree with the practice of naming every primary key the same, e.g. "id". This makes queries harder to understand, not easier. Primary keys should be named after the table. For example employee.employee_id, affiliate.affiliate_id, user.user_id, and so on.
Do not use a floating point numeric type, since floating point numbers cannot be properly compared for equality.
Where do you generate it? Incrementing number's don't fit well for keys generated by the client.
Do you want a data-dependent or independent key (sometimes you could use an ID from business data, can't say if this is always useful or not)?
How well can this type be indexed by your DB?
I have used uniqueidentifiers (GUIDs) or incrementing integers so far.
Numbers that have meaning in the real world are usually a bad idea, because every so often the real world changes the rules about how those numbers are used, in particular to allow duplicates, and then you've got a real mess on your hands.
I'm partial to using an generated integer key. If you expect the database to grow very large, you can go with bigint.
Some people like to use guids. The pro there is that you can merge multiple instances of the database without altering any keys but the con is that performance can be affected.
For a "natural" key, whatever datatype suits the column(s). Artifical (surrogate) keys are usually integers.
It all depends.
a) Are you fine having unique sequential numeric numbers as your primary key? If yes, then selecting UniqueIdentifier as your primary key will suffice.
b) If your business demand is such that you need to have alpha numeric primary key, then you got to go for varchar or nvarchar.
These are the two options I could think of.
A great factor is how much data you're going to store. I work for a web analytics company, and we have LOADS of data. So a GUID primary key on our pageviews table would kill us, due to the size.
A rule of thumb: For high performance, you should be able to store your entire index in memory. Guids could easily break this!
Use natural keys when they can be trusted. Some sources of natural keys can't be trusted. Years ago, the Social Security Administration used to occasionally mess up an assign the same SSN to two different people. Theyv'e probably fixed that by now.
You can probably trust VINs for vehicles, and ISBNs for books (but not for pamphlets, which may not have an ISBN).
If you use natural keys, the natural key will determine the datatype.
If you can't trust any natural keys, create a synthetic key. I prefer integers for this purpose. Leave enough room for reasonable expansion.
I usually go with a GUID column primary key for all tables (rowguid in mssql). What could be natural keys I make unique constraints. A typical example would be a produkt identification number that the user have to make up and ensure that is unique. If I need a sequence, like in a invoice i build a table to keep a lastnumber and a stored procedure to ensure serialized access. Or a Sequence in Oracle :-) I hate the "social security number" sample for natural keys as that number will never be alway awailable in a registration process. Resulting in a need for a scheme to generate dummy numbers.
I usually always use an integer, but here's an interesting perspective.
Whenever possible, try to use a primary key that is a natural key. For instance, if I had a table where I logged one record every day, the logdate would be a good primary key. Otherwise, if there is no natural key, just use int. If you think you will use more than 2 billion rows, use a bigint. Some people like to use GUIDs, which works well, as they are unique, and you will never run out of space. However, they are needlessly long, and hard to type in if you are just doing adhoc queries.