i'm new with vue.js. i have two different vue.js file
this is the first file:
<SecondFile />
import SecondFile from SecondFile.vue
export default {
name: 'FirstFile',
component : { SecondFile },
this first vue file contains a value with variable profile.status which bring the value (active / inactive ) and i wanna pass it to second vue file.
this is the second file:
<a-dropdown class="action-bar">
<a class="action-dropdown" href="#"> ACTION <a-icon type="down" /> </a>
<a-menu slot="overlay">
{{ profile.status }}
export default {
name: 'SecondFile',
the profile.status value does not appear in the second file. how can i pass the value of profile.status? anyone can help me??
There are few way to communicate between Vue components, one of them is using Props.
add props property in the second file:
export default {
name: 'SecondFile',
props: {
profile: Object
edit first file:
<SecondFile :profile="profile"/>
see:Passing Data to Child Components with Props
I've multiple (20+) pages where I need the following code:
<template v-if="isLoading">
<Spinner full size="medium" />
<template v-else>
<p>Page data</p>
export default {
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters['loader/isLoading'];
I don't want to rewrite this part everytime I need it so is there a way to create something like a higher order component with access to the computed method and a way to add the hoc to the script tag of the different vue files? Or another way to archive this?
I could recommend extending the spinner component where you want to show the spinner. I've created a boilerplate setup that show a very simple implementation of this approach here.
The main idea is to expose a default slot for you spinner component, and wrap the page component in that slot.
<Spinner v-if="isLoading" full size="medium" />
<!-- Slot for component data -->
<slot v-else></slot>
export default {
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters['loader/isLoading'];
Then in any component that you want to show the spinner:
<!-- Pass here the component content to be shown after the spinner is hidden -->
import Spinner from "./spinner";
export default {
name: "Page1",
extends: Spinner,
components: { Spinner }
I use vue(2.6.10) an Im trying to build a universal table with vuetable2 (2.0.0-beta.4).
I created a component for the general methods of vuetable.
I tried to place my "MyCustomTemplate" in the slot section of the "MyVueTable", but I got no error and nothing is shown.
My goal is to use the "MyVueTable" in other vue pages and replace the "MyCustomTemplate".
I have currently 3 entries in my data but in the List.vue component nothing is shown
<MyVueTable :data="data" :fields="fields">
<MyCustomTemplate v-slot="vueTableTemplateSlot"/>
export default {
data: [],
fields: [
name: 'vueTableTemplateSlot'
<vuetable ref="vuetable">
<slot name="vueTableTemplateSlot" slot-scope="props"/>
export default {
name: 'MyVueTable',
props: ['data', 'fields'],
//vuetable methods
export default {
name: 'MyCustomTemplate',
rowData: null
You can test to put your component(in List.vue) in a div or a template that will be the slot content :
<template #nameOfYourSlot>
This was answered in the official repository, you need to do this to be your custom global component: https://github.com/ratiw/vuetable-2-tutorial/wiki/lesson-17
I'm trying to access the root element a component with this.$children.$el, however, I'm getting undefined in the console. I can see the $el property on the object when I console.log(this.$children), so I'm not quite sure where I'm going wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated.
v-for="project in projects"
import Project from '~/components/Project'
export default {
mounted() {
const projects = this.$children.$el
components: {
As stated in the vue.js documentation this.$children returns an array of children components. You could see your child component by printing this.$children[0] and its root element by priting this.$children[0].$el.
If you have many children components and want to target a specific one, you can tag your component with a ref attribute like below :
v-for="project in projects"
import Project from '~/components/Project'
export default {
mounted() {
components: {
I'm facing an issue with my first Vue Project. I already googled for a while but can't find something very usefull.
I simply try to create a parent ("Files") and a child component ("Filelist") and use the Filelist in Files. This is not working as expected. I can't see the mistake, beacause i already added
export default {
name: 'Filelist',
The only hint I can get is from the browser console
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <Filelist> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
found in
---> <Files> at src/docs/categories/Files.vue
<App> at src/App.vue
./src/App.vue (./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/App.vue) 42:14-22"
export 'Filelist' was not found in '#/components/Filelist'
Thanks a lot in advance
The code of Files:
<div class="">
<Filelist :msg="sometext"/>
{{ sometext }}
import { Filelist } from "#/components/Filelist.vue";
export default {
name: "Files",
components: {
data() {
return {
sometext: "hejo",
methods: {
<style scoped>
The code of Filelist:
<component class="">
{{ msg }}
{{ hedadi }}
{{ testi }}
export default {
name: 'Filelist',
props: ["msg"],
data () {
return {
testi: "hedadi",
<style scoped>
It's a default export, so you don't need to extract it. Try
import Filelist from "#/components/Filelist.vue";
You will need to register FileList as a component before using it.
<div class="">
<Filelist :msg="sometext"/>
{{ sometext }}
import Vue from 'vue';
Vue.component('Filelist', require('#/components/Filelist.vue').default);
You dont need the import Filelist statement in this case
How to pass all props dynamically to child component? As an example consider a case:
// wrapper around a component my-wrapper.vue
<third-party-component />
third-party-component is a component which can accept number of attributes like value, disabled, clicked, etc. How I can use my-wrapper in way that whatever I passed as props to it it will be transferred to third-party-component like
<my-wrapper :value="myVal" :disabled="field.isDisabled" />
By default the attributes you add on to my-wrapper will be bound to the root element which is div. To avoid this set inheritAttrs option to false
Then you can bind all the attributes to using v-bind="$attrs" where $attrs contains parent-scope attribute bindings (except for class and style)
// wrapper around a component my-wrapper.vue
<third-party-component v-bind="$attrs"/>
export default{
inheritAttrs: false
I would set identical props to the wappers and use them in the template ...
But there is many ways, it easy to speak from parent to childs.
---- MyWrapper.vue
<third-party-component :value="value" :disabled="disabled" />
#import third-party-component from '../..? ./components/thirdPartyComponent.vue'
export default {
name: 'MyWrapper',
props: ['value', 'disabled'],
components: {
third-party-component // local component, you can use global
//... data, computed ...
----- MyAppli.vue
<my-wrapper :value="myVal" :disabled="field.isDisabled" />
import my-wrapper from '../..? ../components/MyWrapper.vue'
export default {
name: 'MyApp',
components: {
my-wrapper // local component, you can use global
} ....