SQL query to return nested array of objects in JSON for SQLite - sql

I have 2 simple tables in a SQLite db and a nodejs, express api endpoint that should get results by student and have the subjects as a nested array of objects.
Student(id, name) and Subject(id, name, studentId)
This is what I need to result to look like:
"id": 1,
"name": "Student name",
"id": 1,
"name": "Subject 1"
"id": 2,
"name": "Subject 2"
How can I write a query to get this result?

If your version of sqlite was built with support for the JSON1 extension, it's easy to generate the JSON from the query itself:
SELECT json_object('id', id, 'name', name
, 'subjects'
, (SELECT json_group_array(json_object('id', subj.id, 'name', subj.name))
FROM subject AS subj
WHERE subj.studentid = stu.id)) AS record
FROM student AS stu
WHERE id = 1;
{"id":1,"name":"Student Name","subjects":[{"id":1,"name":"Subject 1"},{"id":2,"name":"Subject 2"}]}

It seems that all you need is a LEFT JOIN statement:
SELECT subject.id, subject.name, student.id, student.name
FROM subject
LEFT JOIN student ON subject.studentId = student.id
ORDER BY student.id;
Then just parse the rows of the response into the object structure you require.


Snowflake SQL: How to loop through array with JSON objects, to find item that meets condition

Breaking my head on this. In Snowflake my field city_info looks like (for 3 sample records)
[{"name": "age", "content": 35}, {"name": "city", "content": "Chicago"}]
[{"name": "age", "content": 20}, {"name": "city", "content": "Boston"}]
[{"name": "city", "content": "New York"}, {"name": "age", "content": 42}]
I try to extract a column city from this
New York
I tried to flatten this
select *
from lateral flatten(input =>
select city_info::VARIANT as event
from data
And from there I can derive the value, but this only allows me to do this for 1 row (so I have to add limit 1 which doesn't makes sense, as I need this for all my rows).
If I try to do it for the 3 rows it tells me subquery returns more than one row.
Any help is appreciated! Chris
You could write it as:
SELECT value:content::string AS city_name
FROM tab,
LATERAL FLATTEN(input => tab.city_info)
WHERE value:name::string = 'city'

N1QL query count for each document of specific type

I am new to couchbase and to non-relational DB.
I have a bucket with players and teams(2 types of documents).
each player has type, playedFor(an array with all the teams he played) and a name for example:
"playedFor": [
each team has type, name and category for example:
"type": "team"
"name": "England/Manchester/City"
"category": "FC"
I want to know how many players played for each team of category FC.
I made this query to calc for specific team:
FROM bucket AS a
WHERE a.type='player'
AND (any r in a.playedFor satisfies r in ["England/Manchester/United"] end)
but how can i make this query for all teams?
The wrinkle in the way you've modeled this data is that player can play for 1 or more teams (hence the array).
One way to approach this is to use Couchbase's UNNEST clause to "flatten" these arrays (it's basically joining the document to each of the items in the array).
At that point, it becomes as easy as a standard GROUP BY. Here's an example:
SELECT team, count(1) AS totalPlayers
FROM `bucket` AS a
UNNEST a.playedFor team
WHERE a.type='player'
This query would generate output like:
"team": "Pittsburgh/Pirates",
"totalPlayers": 8
"team": "England/Manchester/United",
"totalPlayers": 10
"team": "England/Manchester/City",
"totalPlayers": 15
"team": "Cincinnati/Reds",
"totalPlayers": 21
(Sorry, I used MLB teams to augment your sample, since I don't know much about soccer teams).
Notice that the separate team documents don't figure into this query, but you could also JOIN to them if you need information from them for your quer(ies).

complex couchbase query using metadata & group by

I am new to Couchbase and kind a stuck with the following problem.
This query works just fine in the Couchbase Query Editor:
SUM(c.total) AS total
FROM bucket p
SELECT RAW "p::" || ca.token
FROM bucket ca USE INDEX (idx_cr)
WHERE ca._class = 'backend.db.p.ContactsDo'
AND ca.id = 288
ORDER BY ca.total DESC, ca.date ASC
LEFT OUTER JOIN bucket finished_contacts
ON KEYS ["finishedContacts::" || p.token]
GROUP BY p.countryCode ORDER BY total DESC
I get this:
"countryCode": "en",
"total": 145
"countryCode": "at",
"total": 133
"countryCode": "de",
"total": 53
"countryCode": "fr",
"total": 6
Now, using this query in a spring-boot application i end up with this error:
Unable to retrieve enough metadata for N1QL to entity mapping, have you selected _ID and _CAS?
adding metadata,
meta(p).id AS _ID,
meta(p).cas AS _CAS,
SUM(c.total) AS total
FROM bucket p
trying to map it to the following object:
data class CountryIntermediateRankDo(
val id: String,
val countryCode: String,
val total: Long
results in:
Unable to execute query due to the following n1ql errors:
{“msg”:“Expression must be a group key or aggregate: (meta(p).id)“,”code”:4210}
Using Map as return value results in:
org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.CouchbaseQueryExecutionException: Query returning a primitive type are expected to return exactly 1 result, got 0
Clearly i missed something important here in terms of how to write proper Couchbase queries. I am stuck between needing metadata and getting this key/aggregate error that relates to the GROUP BY clause. I'd be very thankful for any help.
When you have a GROUP BY query, everything in the SELECT clause should be either a field used for grouping or a group aggregate. You need to add the new fields into the GROUP by statement, sort of like this:
SUM(p.c.total) AS total
FROM testBucket p
USE KEYS ["foo", "bar"]
LEFT OUTER JOIN testBucket finished_contacts
ON KEYS ["finishedContacts::" || p.token]
GROUP BY p.countryCode, meta(p).id AS _ID, meta(p).cas AS _CAS
(I had to make some changes to your query to work with it effectively. You'll need to retrofit the advice to your specific case.)
If you need more detailed advice, let me suggest the N1QL forum https://forums.couchbase.com/c/n1ql . StackOverflow is great for one-and-done questions, but the forum is better for extended interactions.

How to query JSON column for unique object values in PostgreSQL

I'm looking to query a table for a distinct list of values in a given JSON column.
In the code snippet below, the Survey_Results table has 3 columns:
Name, Email, and Payload. Payload is the JSON object to I want to query.
Table Name: Survey_Results
Name Email Payload
Ying SmartStuff#gmail.com [
{"fieldName":"Product Name", "Value":"Calculator"},
{"fieldName":"Product Price", "Value":"$54.99"}
Kendrick MrTexas#gmail.com [
{"fieldName":"Food Name", "Value":"Texas Toast"},
{"fieldName":"Food Taste", "Value":"Delicious"}
Andy WhereTheBass#gmail.com [
{"fieldName":"Band Name", "Value":"MetalHeads"}
{"fieldName":"Valid Member", "Value":"TRUE"}
I am looking for a unique list of all fieldNames mentioned.
The ideal answer would be query giving me a list containing "Product Name", "Product Price", "Food Name", "Food Taste", "Band Name", and "Valid Member".
Is something like this possible in Postgres?
Use jsonb_array_elements() in a lateral join:
select distinct value->>'fieldName' as field_name
from survey_results
cross join json_array_elements(payload)
Product Name
Valid Member
Food Taste
Product Price
Food Name
Band Name
(6 rows)
How to find distinct Food Name values?
select distinct value->>'Value' as food_name
from survey_results
cross join json_array_elements(payload)
where value->>'fieldName' = 'Food Name'
Texas Toast
(1 row)
Important. Note that the json structure is illogical and thus unnecessarily large and complex. Instead of
{"fieldName":"Product Name", "Value":"Calculator"},
{"fieldName":"Product Price", "Value":"$54.99"}
{"Product Name": "Calculator", "Product Price": "$54.99"}
Open this db<>fiddle to see that proper json structure implies simpler and faster queries.

Postgres: Convert Object Graphs to JSON

Is there a procedure that converts Postgres Object Graphs to a nested JSON tree?
An author has many books.
A book has many review.
The query below gets all reviews of all books of all authors:
select author.id, book.title, review.text
from author
left join book on author.id = book.author_id
left join review on book.id = review.book_id;
With my test data set, this returns:
id title text
1 Oathbringer obath
1 Oathbringer oath
1 The Way of Kings a
1 The Way of Kings bye
1 The Way of Kings hi
2 The Eye of the World w
3 The Fellowship of the Ring x
The tabular format is inconvenient, so I convert it to json:
select json_agg(sub2.*) as data from (
select sub.id, sub.title, json_agg(sub.text) as review from (
select author.id, book.title, review.text
from author
left join book on author.id = book.author_id
left join review on book.id = review.book_id
) as sub group by sub.id, sub.title
) as sub2;
The data is fetched as
"title":"The Way of Kings",
"title":"The Eye of the World",
"title":"The Fellowship of the Ring",
Unfortunately, the query is not correct because books for an author are not getting aggregated. Attempting to correct this, I wrote this query:
select sub2.id, json_agg((sub2.title, sub2.review)) as data from (
select sub.id, sub.title, json_agg(sub.text) as review from (
select author.id, book.title, review.text
from author
left join book on author.id = book.author_id
left join review on book.id = review.book_id
) as sub group by sub.id, sub.title
) as sub2 group by sub2.id;
But the json keys are messed up ('f1' instead of 'title', 'f2' instead of 'review').
How would the correct query be written?
Can you modify json_agg(sub2.*) to explicitly list the columns to aggregate? The most obvious way, e.g.json_agg((sub2.title, sub2.review)) creates json objects with nonsensical keys 'f1', 'f2', etc.
Is there a better way to convert object graphs to JSON? Correctly nesting queries, and grouping and aggregating fields is tricky to get right. How would you write a program that generates a SQL query returning JSON given an object graph?