Tracking LIFO Orders in SQL - sql

I am trying to map inventory using LIFO to determine the dates the orders initially arrived in the inventory to the day that they leave. However, the inventory can go from positive to negative.
For example:
Day 1: purchase 1,000 units; (inventory 1,000 units)
Day 2: purchase 1,000 units; (inventory 2,000 units)
Day 3: sell 500 units; (inventory 1,500 units)
Day 4: purchase 2,000 units; (inventory 3,500 units)
Day 5: sell 3,000 units; (inventory 500 units)
Day 6: sell 10,000 units; (inventory -9,500 units)
I will need to know that Day 5 units come from a minimum date of day 1 and maximum date of day 4. Is there any way to do this in SQL?
, Min_Inventory_Date = 'n/a'
, Max_Inventory_Date = 'n/a'
WHERE Row_ID = 1
--(30609 row(s) affected)
SELECT DateId, OrderID, ProductCode, ProductType, Units, Row_ID, Inventory, CUMULATIVE_UNITS, Min_Inventory_Date, Max_Inventory_Date
ON A.ProductCode = B.ProductCode AND A.ProductType = B.ProductType AND A.Row_ID = B.Row_ID + 1

I guess you want something like this
with hist as (select *
from (
values (1 , 1000 , 0),
(2 , 1000 , 0),
(3 , 0 , 500),
(4 , 2000 , 0),
(5 , 0 , 3000),
(6 , 0 , 10000)
) as V (day, buy, sell)),
stock as (
select day,
sum(buy) over(partition by 0 order by day ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
- sum(sell) over(partition by 0 order by day ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) as stock
from hist),
stock_with_max_min_days as (
select, s.stock,
FIRST_VALUE( over(partition by order by s2.stock asc ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) min_previous_day,
FIRST_VALUE( over(partition by order by s2.stock desc ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) max_previous_day
from stock s
left outer join stock s2
on >
select day, stock, min_previous_day, max_previous_day
from stock_with_max_min_days
group by day, stock, min_previous_day, max_previous_day
you can see a working demo in this fiddle:


Sum last two records including last record of a group

In SQL Server 2017, how do I sum the last two records and show the last record in a single query?
Customer CHAR(12),
Month INT,
Amount INT
INSERT INTO Billing VALUES ('BBBB', 10, 0)
INSERT INTO Billing VALUES ('BBBB', 12, 1)
INSERT INTO Billing VALUES ('BBBB', 11, 0)
INSERT INTO Billing VALUES ('BBBB', 13, 6)
Expected output:
Customer Total Last 2 Bills Last Bill
AAAA 5 5
BBBB 7 6
I tried using SUM with LAST_VALUE with ORDER BY
You can filter out rows by using the ROW_NUMBER() window function, as in:
sum(amount) as total_last_2_bills,
sum(case when rn = 1 then amount else 0 end) as last_bill
from (
row_number() over (partition by customer order by month desc) as rn
from billing
) x
where rn <= 2
group by customer
See SQL Fiddle.
You can use window functions:
select customer, (prev_amount + amount), amount
from (select b.*,
lag(amount) over (partition by customer order by month) as prev_amount,
lead(month) over (partition by customer order by month) as next_month
from billing b
) b
where next_month is null;
If you want to ignore values of 0, then filter:
select customer, (coalesce(prev_amount, 0) + amount), amount
from (select b.*,
lag(amount) over (partition by customer order by month) as prev_amount,
lead(month) over (partition by customer order by month) as next_month
from billing b
where amount <> 0
) b
where next_month is null;

Calculating Percentages with SUM and Group by

I am trying to create an Over Time Calculation based on some set criteria. It goes as follows.
Overtime is posted on any day that is over 8 hrs but an employee has to reach 40 total hrs first and the calculation starts at the 1st day moving forward in the week. The Overtime is calculated based on the percentage taken of the SUM total of the cost codes worked.
First you have to find the percentage of each cost code worked for the entire week per employee id. See Example below
Then each day that is Over 8 hrs you take the time on that code for the day and multiply it by the calculated percentage. At the end of the week the regular hours must total 40hrs if they have gone over 40 for the week. See below example
[Day] nvarchar (10) null,
[EmployeeID] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
[CostCode] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
[TotalTime] [real] NULL,)
INSERT Into Totals (day,employeeid, CostCode, TotalTime) VALUES
('1','1234','1', 2),
('1','1234','2', 7.5),
('2','1234','1', 1.5),
('2','1234','2', 8),
('3','1234','1', 1),
('3','1234','2', 6),
('4','1234','1', 2),
('4','1234','2', 8),
('5','1234','1', 2),
('5','1234','2', 8),
('1','4567','1', 2),
('1','4567','2', 8.5),
('2','4567','1', 1.5),
('2','4567','2', 7.6),
('3','4567','1', 1),
('3','4567','2', 5),
('4','4567','1', 2),
('4','4567','2', 8),
('5','4567','1', 2),
('5','4567','2', 8)
To get the percentage of each cost Worked it is the SUM total time of each cost per week / SUM total time of the entire week
SELECT employeeid,CostCode,SUM(totaltime) As TotalTime ,
ROUND(SUM(Totaltime) / (select SUM(TotalTime) from Totals where employeeid = '1234') * 100,0) as Percentage
from Totals WHERE EmployeeID = '1234' group by EmployeeID, CostCode
Percentage Calculated for the Week by Cost = 18% worked on Cost 1 and 82% on Cost 2
I would like to take the percentage results for the week and calculate the total time each day in the query
Results Example Day 1: for EmployeeID 1234
Day CostCode RegTime OverTime
1 1 1.73 .27
1 2 6.27 1.23
After editing i get your result, try this:
select calc.*
--select [day], CostCode, EmployeeID
--, CPr * DayEmpRT RegTime_old
, TotalTime - CPr * DayEmpOT RegTime
, CPr * DayEmpOT OverTime
from (
select Agr.*
--, round(EmpC1T / EmpT, 2) C1Pr
--, round(1 - (EmpC1T / EmpT), 2) C2Pr
, round(EmpCT / EmpT, 2) CPr
, case when DayEmpT > 8 then 8 else DayEmpT end DayEmpRT
, case when DayEmpT > 8 then DayEmpT - 8 else 0 end DayEmpOT
from (
select Totals.*
, SUM(TotalTime) over (partition by EmployeeID, [day]) DayEmpT
--, SUM(case when CostCode = 1 then TotalTime end) over (partition by EmployeeID) EmpC1T
, SUM(TotalTime) over (partition by EmployeeID, CostCode) EmpCT
, SUM(TotalTime) over (partition by EmployeeID) EmpT
from Totals
WHERE EmployeeID = '1234' ) Agr ) calc
order by 1,2,3
here is simplest way to calculate this:
select calc.*
, TotalTime * pr4R RegTime
, TotalTime * pr4O OverTime
select Agr.*
, case when EmpT > 40 then round(40/EmpT, 2) else 1 end pr4R
, case when EmpT > 40 then round(1 - 40/EmpT, 2) else 1 end pr4O
from (
select Totals.*
, SUM(TotalTime) over (partition by EmployeeID) EmpT
from Totals
WHERE EmployeeID = '1234' ) Agr ) calc
but be watch on day 3, because there is only 7h.
The 1st query calculate days separately and live day 3.
The 2nd query scale all hours.
it could be another one, that calculate all emp rows but scale separatly RegTime and OverTime, with exception on day where is no 8h and increment it to 8h from OverTime.
This should help you get started...
-- % based on hours worked for each code on a DAILY basis (The original 21% in the question was based on this)
CAST(100.0 * T.TotalTime / X.DailyHours AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS PercentageWorked
FROM #Totals T
SUM(TotalTime) AS DailyHours
FROM #Totals
GROUP BY EmployeeId, Day
) X ON X.EmployeeId = T.EmployeeId AND X.Day = T.Day
-- % based on hours worked for each code on a WEEKLY basis (The revised question)
SUM(T.TotalTime) AS TotalTime,
CAST(100.0 * SUM(T.TotalTime) / X.WeeklyHours AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS PercentageWorked
FROM #Totals T
SUM(TotalTime) AS WeeklyHours
FROM #Totals
GROUP BY EmployeeId
) X ON X.EmployeeId = T.EmployeeId

Query to get top product gainers by sales over previous week

I have a database table with three columns.
WeekNumber, ProductName, SalesCount
Sample data is shown in below table. I want top 10 gainers(by %) for week 26 over previous week i.e. week 25. The only condition is that the product should have sales count greater than 0 in both the weeks.
In the sample data B,C,D are the common products and C has the highest % gain.
Similarly, I will need top 10 losers also.
What I have tried till now is to make a inner join and get common products between two weeks. However, I am not able to get the top gainers logic.
The output should be like
Product PercentGain
C 400%
D 12.5%
B 10%
This will give you a generic answer, not just for any particular week:
select top 10 product , gain [gain%]
SELECT product, ((curr.salescount-prev.salescount)/prev.salescount)*100 gain
(select weeknumber, product, salescount from tbl) prev
(select weeknumber, product, salescount from tbl) curr
on prev.weeknumber = curr.weeknumber - 1
AND prev.product = curr.product
where prev.salescount > 0 and curr.salescount > 0
order by gain desc
If you are interested in weeks 25 and 26, then just add the condition below in the WHERE clause:
and prev.weeknumber = 25
If you are using SQL-Server 2012 (or newer), you could use the lag function to match "this" weeks sales with the previous week's. From there on, it's just some math:
SELECT TOP 10 product, sales/prev_sales - 1 AS gain
FROM (SELECT product,
LAG(sales) OVER (PARTITION BY product
ORDER BY weeknumber) AS prev_sales
FROM mytable) t
WHERE weeknumber = 26 AND
sales > 0 AND
prev_sales > 0 AND
sales > prev_sales
ORDER BY sales/prev_sales
this is the Query .
select top 10 product , gain [gain%]
SELECT curr.Product, ( (curr.Sales - prev.Sales ) *100)/prev.Sales gain
(select weeknumber, product, sales from ProductInfo where weeknumber = 25 ) prev
(select weeknumber, product, sales from ProductInfo where weeknumber = 26 ) curr
on prev.product = curr.product
where prev.Sales > 0 and curr.Sales > 0
order by gain desc

Summing and then getting min and max of top 70% in SQL

I have data for the purchases of a product formatted like this:
Item | Price | Quantity Bought
ABC 10.10 4
DEF 8.30 12
DEF 7.75 8
ABC 10.50 20
GHI 15.4 1
GHI 15.2 12
ABC 10.25 8
... ... ...
Where each row represents an individual purchasing a certain amount at a certain price. I would like to aggregate this data and eliminate the prices below the 30th percentile for total quantity bought from my table.
For example, in the above data set the total amount of product ABC bought was (4+20+8) = 32 units, with average price = (4*10.10 + 8*10.25 + 20*10.50)/32 = 10.39.
I would like to organize the above data set like this:
Item | VWP | Total Vol | 70th %ile min | 70th %ile max
ABC 10.39 32 ??? ???
DEF ... 20 ??? ???
GHI ... 13 ??? ???
Where VWP is the volume weighted price, and the 70th %ile min/max represent the minimum and maximum prices within the top 70% of volume.
In other words, I want to eliminate the prices with the lowest volumes until I have 70% of the total volume for the day contained in the remaining prices. I would then like to publish the min and max price for the ones that are left in the 70th %ile min/max columns.
I tried to be as clear as possible, but if this is tough to follow along with please let me know which parts need clarification.
Note: These are not the only columns contained in my dataset, and I will be selecting and calculating other values as well. I only included the columns that are relevant to this specific calculation.
Here is my code so far, and I need to incorporate my calculation into this (the variables with the '#' symbol before them are inputs that are given by the user:
SUM(quantity) AS Total_Vol,
DATEADD(day, -#DateOffset, CONVERT(date, GETDATE())) AS buyDate,
MIN(Price) AS MinPrice,
MAX(Price) AS MaxPrice,
MAX(Price) - MIN(Price) AS PriceRange,
ROUND(SUM(Price * quantity)/SUM(quantity), 6) AS VWP,
FROM TransactTracker..CustData
-- #DateOffset (Number of days data is offset by)
-- #StartTime (Time to start data in hours)
-- #EndTime (Time to stop data in hours)
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, TradeDateTime, GETDATE()) = (#DateOffset+1)
AND DATEPART(hh, TradeDateTime) >= #StartTime
AND HitTake = ''
OR DATEDIFF(day, TradeDateTime, GETDATE()) = #DateOffset
AND DATEPART(hh, TradeDateTime) < #EndTime
AND HitTake = ''
(SELECT SUM(quantity) from TransactTracker..CustData p2
where p2.Series = p.Series and p2.Size >= p.Size) as volCum
FROM TransactTracker..CustData p
) p
(case when CAST(qcum AS FLOAT) / SUM(quantity) <= 0.7 THEN MIN(Price) END) AS min70px,
(case when CAST(qcum AS FLOAT) / SUM(quantity) <= 0.7 THEN MAX(Price) END) AS max70px
FROM (select p.*,
(select SUM(quantity) from TransactTracker..CustData p2
where p2.Item = p.Item and p2.quantity >= p.quantity)
as qcum from TransactTracker..CustData p) cd
There is some ambiguity on how you define 70 % when something goes over the threshold. However, the challenge is two fold. After identifying the cumulative proportion, the query also needs to choose the appropriate row. This suggests using row_number() for selection.
This solution using SQL Server 2012 syntax calculates the cumulative sum. It then takes assigns a sequential value based on how close the ratio is to 70%.
select item,
SUM(price * quantity) / SUM(quantity) as vwp,
SUM(quantity) as total_vol,
min(case when seqnum = 1 then price end) as min70price,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then price end) as max70price
from (select p.*,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by item order by abs(0.7 - qcum/qtot) as seqnum
from (select p.*,
SUM(quantity) over (partition by item order by vol desc) as qcum,
SUM(quantity) over (partition by item) as qtot
from purchases p
) p
) p
group by item;
To get the largest value less than 70%, then you would use:
max(case when qcum < qtot*0.7 then qcum end) over (partition by item) as lastqcum
And then the case statements in the outer select would be:
min(case when lastqcum = qcum then price end) . .
In earlier versions of SQL Server, you can get the same effect with the correlated subquery:
select item,
SUM(price * quantity) / SUM(quantity) as vwp,
SUM(quantity) as total_vol,
min(case when seqnum = 1 then price end) as min70price,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then price end) as max70price
from (select p.*,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by item order by abs(0.7 - qcum/qtot) as seqnum
from (select p.*,
(select SUM(quantity) from purchases p2 where p2.item = p.item and p2.quantity >= p.quantity
) as qsum,
SUM(quantity) over (partition by item) as qtot
from purchases p
) p
) p
group by item
Here is the example with your code:
SUM(quantity) AS Total_Vol,
DATEADD(day, -#DateOffset, CONVERT(date, GETDATE())) AS buyDate,
MIN(Price) AS MinPrice,
MAX(Price) AS MaxPrice,
MAX(Price) - MIN(Price) AS PriceRange,
ROUND(SUM(Price * quantity)/SUM(quantity), 6) AS VWP,
min(case when seqnum = 1 then price end) as min70price,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then price end) as max70price
from (select p.*,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by item order by abs(0.7 - qcum/qtot) as seqnum
from (select p.*,
(select SUM(quantity) from TransactTracker..CustData p2 where p2.item = p.item and p2.quantity >= p.quantity
) as qsum,
SUM(quantity) over (partition by item) as qtot
from purchases TransactTracker..CustData
) p
) cd
-- #DateOffset (Number of days data is offset by)
-- #StartTime (Time to start data in hours)
-- #EndTime (Time to stop data in hours)
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, TradeDateTime, GETDATE()) = (#DateOffset+1)
AND DATEPART(hh, TradeDateTime) >= #StartTime
AND HitTake = ''
OR DATEDIFF(day, TradeDateTime, GETDATE()) = #DateOffset
AND DATEPART(hh, TradeDateTime) < #EndTime
AND HitTake = ''

T-SQL query to obtain the no of days an item was at the current price

Declare #sec_temp table
sec_no varchar(10),
amount money,
price_date date
insert #sec_temp
('123ABC', 25, '2011-01-20'),
('123ABC', 25, '2011-01-19'),
('123ABC', 25, '2011-01-18'),
('123ABC', 20, '2011-01-15'),
('123ABC', 22, '2011-01-13'),
('456DEF', 22, '2011-01-13')
Problem: To list out the distinct sec_no with the latest price (amount) and the number of days it was at the current price. In this case,
sec_no amount no_of_days_at_price
123ABC 25 3 e.g. 01-18 to 01-20
456DEF 22 1 e.g. 01-13
min(price_date) as FirstDateAtPrice,
No_of_days_at_price = COALESCE(DATEDIFF(d, c.price_date, a.price_date),0)
from (
select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by sec_no order by price_date desc) rn
from #sec_temp) a
outer apply (
select top 1 *
from #sec_temp b
where a.sec_no=b.sec_no and a.amount <> b.amount
order by b.price_date desc
) c
where a.rn=1
The subquery A works out the greatest-1-per-group, which is to say the most recent price record for each sec_no. The subquery C finds the first prior record that holds a different price for the same sec_no. The difference in the two dates is the number of days sought. If you need it to be one for no prior date, change the end of the COALESCE line to 1 instead of 0.
EDITED for clarified question
To start counting from the first date equal to the current rate, use this query instead
No_of_days_at_price = 1 + DATEDIFF(d, min(price_date), max(price_date))
from (
select *,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by sec_no order by price_date desc) rn,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by sec_no, amount order by price_date desc) rn2
from #sec_temp
) X
WHERE rn=rn2
group by sec_no, amount
AND FINALLY If the required result is actually the days between
the first date on which the price is equal to current; and
Then the only part to change is this:
No_of_days_at_price = 1 + DATEDIFF(d, min(price_date), getdate())
Here's one approach, first looking up the latest price, and then the last price that was different:
select secs.sec_no
, latest.amount as price
, case when previous.price_date is null then 1
else datediff(day, previous.price_date, latest.price_date)
end as days_at_price
from (
select distinct sec_no
from #sec_temp
) secs
cross apply
select top 1 amount
, price_date
from #sec_temp
where sec_no = secs.sec_no
order by
price_date desc
) latest
outer apply
select top 1 price_date
from #sec_temp
where sec_no = secs.sec_no
and amount <> latest.amount
order by
price_date desc
) previous
This prints:
sec_no price days_at_price
123ABC 25,00 5
456DEF 22,00 1