is not giving desired output in bs4 - beautifulsoup

I am trying to get the following place "England, Swiss and India" from the below table.
I am using bs4 for that.
and here is what i am using
As a result, "country" get printed
How can i print the actual country instead i.e. Spain?
Also, when i try to get the languages, it gives me "Country" again
Result of lang is "Country" again
Can someone guide where am i wrong?


How can I get page id, wikidata id of some title along with multiple languages in a single API call?

I have been trying to call Wikipedia API to retrieve page id and wikidata item id using below call and it works fine.
but I need to retrieve the same information from other languages of my choice for example if I mention German and French languages in my call, it should look for their translation of word Cat and retrieve their page info. There is langlink property in Wikipedia API but somehow it doesn't work with query action along with pageprop.
So ideally, I want something like this:
Any help would be appreciated.
Using lllang twice will just result in the second value overwriting the first one. You'll have to omit the paramter and then you get all the links:|langlinks&ppprop=wikibase_item&titles=Cat

How can I query Wikidata API to get details of all the Korean films?

If possible, i want to return the results in Json or XML format. Is there any ways to do so? Earlier I did it using but it is now deprecated. Please help.
This query would look a lot like the one to get the list of all films on Wikidata but adding another filter:
instead of[31:11424] (return all the entities marked as instances of film), you would do[31:11424] AND CLAIM[495:884] (return all the entities marked as instances of film and South Korea (Q884) as country of origin (P495))[31:11424] AND CLAIM[495:423] (the same for North Korea (Q423))
Then to parse the results and get the entities data, it would be the same as for the list of all the films
you will probably need to encode those URLs to get something that looks like:
here is the full API documentation. Notice that this is an experimental API, which might be replaced in the coming year
The overview on Wikipedia may be more complete than Wikidata, as you've noticed yourself also. However, I could only find overviews per year, such as on
To get a list of titles from that page, you would first retreive the raw wikicode of the page:, and then run a regular expression such as /\{lang\|[^\|]+\|([^\}]+)/g on the code.
This returns a list of 149 titles.

How to get result of google place API In Hindi/Korean?

I need to get Api Response in Hindi and Korean. I have passed languge parameter with(hi for hindi) and checking its response by simulator but it's result is always in English.
Here is Url that was made by me for getting Search places result in Hindi,77.330000&sensor=true&key=AIzaSyAnAS2zrUGCxU5zp_JvuCrBWLwndv7rElI&name=BURGER&rankby=distance&language=hi
Please tell me if anybody has idea bout my question.
See the description of the language-parameter:
The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possible
There is no guarantee that the results will be in the desired language.
When there is no translation for the desired language/particular place-detail available, you will not get it.
So your attempt is correct, but you may not get better results.
When you inspect the response you'll see that you get results in hindi(where available) e.g. for Sangam Fry Burger -> संगम फ्राय बर्गर

How to get content from the Wikipedia API for a movie?

I tried to get the description of the movie "Your Highness" from the Wikipedia API but it gives me nothing.
When I google "Your Highness" wikipedia shows up as the third result, that's the page that I want the API to give me.
Also I just want the text of the description of the movie, no wiki-syntax mixed in or anything.
I was wrong before about the problem being a space - it looks like it was just capitalization. If we just change your URL to use Your%20Highness instead of your%20highness it works:
EDIT: While not all titles are title-cased (such as "The Name of the Rose") if you use the &redirects query parameter, it sometimes helps - it certainly helps in "the name of the rose" but not for "your highness" for some reason. Wouldn't like to say why, but it's probably worth more investigation...

Google Custom Search API, Howto return country specific results only

I am making some PHP code which takes a given search phrase and url and searches through the google search results until it finds the url (only first 100 results). My problem is, this is only working for the US. I have tried adding the "&cr=" option, but it still on returns US results.
The full URL I am using for the request is:
Does anyone have any experience with this? I want to be able to see UK results. Tried inserting &cr=countryUK , but still only does US results.
Thanks :)
Use the gl=<country code> param to limit it to your country of choice (so gl=gb for the uk).
More info here: