Apache2 will only serve small files - apache

I just know this is one of those questions where the solution should have been obvious and I'm going to feel like an idiot but I'm stuck.
I've set up a basic apache2 web sever under openSUSE Leap 15.1 on my LAN with a single virtual host (for the moment).
If I create a simple html file of 255 bytes or less a browser on another workstation picks it up without problem. If the file gets to anything larger than 255 bytes apache doesn't serve it. The GET request shows up on the server but nothing shows in Firefox, Konqueror at least gives me a 1b Object not found error.
I should say that running a browser on the server itself shows all these files perfectly well should I use, localhost or the server name in the URL.
Is this an Apache2 directive I've missed or something else entirely?

After setting the LogLevel to trace1 and then hunting around on the web I came across what appears to be the solution. Set the Apache directive ...
EnableSendfile Off
Apparently Apache is compiled with this set to On and the kernel sendfile doesn't do the job. Not a detailed explanation I know but I haven't followed this all the way through - I just needed to get Apache working!


Serving directory on samba share with Apache 2.4.41 truncates header

I have a strange problem when downloading files from an Apache 2.4.41 webserver serving files from a samba share on Ubuntu 20.04.
A python requests call ends in BadStatusLine('pache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)\r\n')) and Chrome sometimes shows partial http headers in the begining of the file.
Usually the response would start with "HTTP/1.1" while with this server it directly starts with "pache 2.4.41" which looks like a shortened "Apache 2.4.41".
After digging a lot I found one helpful post: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=900821
If I set "EnableSendfile On" in Apache for this directory it now seems to work. But this is scary as hell. Will it always work? Also for file uploads, etc.? Why is this still an issue in 2021 when the original error was reported in 2018!
And here the server response:

How to use dejavu for elasticsearch on local running it from opensource.appbase.io

I wanted to use the wonderful dejavu software to audit a local elasticsearch instance.
Wondefull idea, but currently it looks that it's not easy as it should be. But I found a way to do it, and that's what I want to share with Community.
Basically you can run dejavu from the opensource.appbase.io but first you need to set SSL to access your local ES. Here is how I did it in less than 1 hour (saving you other 4 hours of googling/reasearch/try&fail).
This is little bit like issue https://github.com/appbaseio/dejavu/issues/106 but running it from the dejavu's website instead of local extension.
Just in case, I've tested this on Chrome and Firefox, both succesfully. I've done it all in Windows, but I suppose Linux should work because nothing described here is Windows-specific.
Bad news: the google extension fails (no idea because the error reporting does not exist)
More: I don't want to deal with Docker, that is the other "easy" way that is provided.
So this is what I did:
1.- here is the link to the main web site: https://opensource.appbase.io/dejavu/
2.- click to run it live. Here is the link: https://opensource.appbase.io/dejavu/live?default=true
It will start inmediately, but won't be able to get any data. Don't worry.
3.- point it to local, in my case was http://localhost:9200 plus my ES index document. Failed, but don't worry.
If you look at the console and network tools of your browser, dejavu looks to be trying SSL to connect with your ES. Here is where setting SSL on your ES (or in front of it) became required.
There are several ways to do this. In my case (because it was not for production) I've used Apache httpd, specifically the already packaged (portable) version of xampp, so it's just about minutes to have it downloaded and running. I donwloaded from here: https://portableapps.com/apps/development/xampp
4.- after installed Apache, open a new tab in your browser and try the SSL like https://localhost and it will give you a correct warning about the certificate. Just trust on it to check SSL is up and running. Don't worry about the warning.
5.- to set the SSL to redirect ES requests correctly, here you have these simple settings to add in apache config file, then restart apache. I took the idea from here: Elasticsearch with apache2 ssl proxy
ProxySet connectiontimeout=5 timeout=90
<LocationMatch "^(/_aliases|.*/_search|.*/_mapping|/_nodes|/_settings)$">
6.- now it is required to set the cross-origin authorization at your ES. Add these lines into your elasticsearch.yml file and restart ES. The instructions comes from dejavu's github site: https://github.com/appbaseio/dejavu
http.cors.allow-origin: "https://opensource.appbase.io"
http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-headers : X-Requested-With,X-Auth-Token,Content-Type,Content-Length,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin
http.cors.allow-credentials: true
7.- test how is it going: get your index mapping with something like this: https://localhost/your_es_doc_index/_mapping
You will get the JSON maping of your index. Everything is working (Apache and ES)
8.- now, in your dejavu, point it to https://localhost:443 (yes, the port must be set because if not it will assume to do https://localhost:9200, believe it or not). Don't forget to set your ES index document in the "header" box ni dejavu. Now click in "Connect".
After couple of seconds, you will have the list of your types ready and accesible in dejavu

WAMP virtual host displays in Chrome, but Internet Explorer says "Page can't be displayed"

I installed WAMP and followed this guide to set up virtual hosts. In both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, http://localhost gets me to "WAMPSERVER homepage" with my virtual host listed under "Your Projects."
Clicking that link to http://mysite.local in Chome brings me to my site as expected.
Clicking that link in Internet Explorer displays the following message instead.
This page can’t be displayed
•Make sure the web address http://mysite.local is correct.
•Look for the page with your search engine.
•Refresh the page in a few minutes.
Since I can see the WAMPSERVER homepage as expected in both browsers, I don't think there's a problem with my WAMP installation. Since my virtual host is working in Chrome, I think it must be configured properly in Apache and in my Windows hosts file.
I just don't understand why Internet Explorer isn't working with my virtual host like I expect it to, and the "Page can't be displayed" message doesn't give me anything helpful to work with.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I'd greatly appreciate any pointers or links to other guides I can try. Thanks in advance for any replies!
There's several reasons WAMP/MAMP may not work on a local environment, I'll try to list a few reasons here:
Which httpd.conf?
There are sometimes multiple httpd.conf files that can cause things to go a little bit funny. MAMP/WAMP usually tend to keep all their configuration files within a conf/ directory however, that doesn't mean to say some other httpd.conf file is being used...
You can also run this command on Linux based systems to see which one is being used:
apache2ctl -V | grep SERVER_CONFIG_FILE
vhosts definitions not included in httpd.conf
In the httpd.conf file, there's a line to include the vhosts definitions file, it should be uncommented:
# Virtual hosts
# Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf // remove the #
Incorrect vhosts definitions
Vhosts need to be defined as follows:
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "C:/path/to/your/local/site"
ServerName mydomain.local
Hosts file
On OS X/Linux systems this can be found at etc/hosts. Edit that to reflect below (note, you'll need to be root) mysite.local
On windows systems, it can be found in %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.
Browser caches
Browser caches always cause an issue with local servers/development. It's worth working with incognito mode on, or deleting all browser caches each and every time you open it up. There's a few plugins available for most browsers that should help too.
Other points to note
Whenever you edit anything to do with httpd.conf, vhosts, hosts file - WAMP/MAMP/Apache needs to be restarted. It's a good idea to shut the server down before doing the changes.
You mentioned that there was a hardcoded link in one/some of your files. It's generally regarded as bad practise to do that for this exact reason. Your code is less portable and can 'break' on other systems. I'd suggest using PHP's __FILE__ or similar to achieve what you want.
Alternatively you could set up local configuration files for your app that are only included when they're present. Have a look at this for a good example of such a set up.
Log everything. Check the logs regularly too.

Apache, FastCGI - Error 503

It was pointed out to me that my server is insecure, because anyone could read any file through PHP, even if it was out of his DocumentRoot.
I decided to reconfigure whole apache and all configuration files for virtual hosts and installed Mod FastCGI and I managed to get it running quite nicely, I don't have problems with rights anymore.
But there seems to be another problem. When I try to load more than 3 sites (on different VirtualHosts => different users on different threads) page loads for a while and than crashes on "Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable".
I tried increasing PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN var from my default setting for all VirtualHosts which is 0 to higher numbers, but without luck. I also tried to set KeepAlive var in my apache2.conf to Off as I read in some tutorial, but it seems like nothing helps.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? [My Apache error.log and suexec.log is empty.]
Found the answer to my own question. There are few more settings I overlooked.
FcgidMaxProcesses 15
FcgidFixPathinfo 1
FcgidProcessLifeTime 0
FcgidTimeScore 3
FcgidZombieScanInterval 10
FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 0
FcgidMaxRequestLen 33554432
FcgidIOTimeout 60
Those are my settings in apache.conf and everythings works as expected.

How to configure server to allow large file downloads?

I can download 1+ Gb files with no problem from my server. Today uploaded 2.3 GB file and discovered that I can't download it, downloading gets interrupted after 1GB and it happens for every user. I tried Firefox 15, latest Chrome, and IE9.
Apache 2.2.22
How can I resolve this?
I think I just faced the same problem, hopefully this might help others.
My server is set up to proxy requests to Apache through Nginx using the ngx_http_proxy_module. The proxy_max_temp_file_size directive of this module defaults to 1024m and is what was causing my problem.
Try adding the line proxy_max_temp_file_size 5120m; within a http, server or location directive in your nginx.conf file and reload nginx's config file with /etc/init.d/nginx reload.
Looks like the default max download size apache sets is around 2 Gb and you can override it by tweaking LimitRequestBody in your httpd.conf. Not sure why it would stop at 1 Gb though, that would make me think the problem is something else.. Hope this helps.