JSON-LD Schema Clashing with Facebook Pixel - schema

I have recently been creating my own JSON-LD schema for my Wordpress site.
I have run the schema through Googles Structured data testing tool and all is well.
However, once I insert it to the page I am getting an error "fbevents.js:23 [Facebook Pixel] - Unable to parse JSON-LD tag. Malformed JSON found: '{" - then the entire schema is shown in the console. This is happening on every page I have Facebook Pixel running on.
I have never had the issue before with schema plugins etc so I am assuming its something I am doing - does anyone have any ideas?
URL: https://www.thetravellinghousesitters.com/how-to-become-a-house-sitter/
If anyone needs anymore information let me know.

Right at the end of your How-to you have an extra comma:
"totalTime": "P2D"
I suspect the SDTT can deal with that syntax error, but Facebook can't.

I had the same issue. For some reason, I had a semicolon at the end of my JSON Code.
Removed and it all works fine now.
"bestRating": 5,
"ratingValue": 5
}; // This semicolon in the last line was the culprit

I had this issue because I included comments in my Schema. The Google Validator would say it's all right, but the Facebook Pixel would clash with ANY commenting.


Facebook graph API can't break down by asset

I'm trying to get a breakdown at image and video asset level with Facebook graph API, but whenever I add image_asset or video_asset the response becomes empty, is there anything I am doing wrong or is there some API limitation I should know about? I can't find anything in the docs:
With country breakdown it works fine but when I switch to image_asset or video_asset I get a response like this:
"data": []
After discussing with FB we have solved a similar issue on our end. Perhaps it is the same for you: It can happen that a campaign in settings has 'dynamic creatives' turned off - in this case no data will be returned by the dynamic creative breakdown (as there is no data), but other breakdowns will provide data, which seems like it is the case for you. You can solve it by just retrieving ad data and then getting the creative data you need related to this ad. Hope this helps!

Branch.io api update type. Make previously created link appear on quick links

I created a bunch of links through the API without specifying the type which defaults to 0. This doesn't make the links show on the dashboard under quick links. Now, I would like to make them show there but there doesn't seem to be an option to add a quick link, only create new. Given this, my idea was to use the API to read and update it however, update doesn't seem to allow passing argument type. Any hints on how to overcome this?
I have made a get request, retrieving the whole link details, copied the result, added the branch_key and branch_secret, changed type from 0 to 2 and sent an update request.
I've opened the link with ?debug=true but it doesn't seem to be a way to edit it to make it show on quick links either.
Response code was:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid parameter: type"
As soon as I remove the type parameter, I get the proper link response with all the data.
The error that you saw is the expected behavior. The "type" key is reserved key and is not able to be changed once you created the link. You can manually set this only when you create the link using the API call. Please do reach out at integrations#branch.io if you have any further questions!
We store API created links and quick links in different DBs due to the volume of each type. This means that it's actually impossible to create a quick link through our public API or SDK. The only place would be from the dashboard. :( Hopefully, you understand our reasoning for doing it this way.

GET Save Queries from log Analytics via Azure API

Hi there i'm trying to get the queries i've saved in log analytics via an API GET Request. and following the guide (even testing it from the Documentation page) doesn't work. I know the queries are there and are saved, am i missing something?
I follow this documentation:
Microsoft Docs - Saved Searches - Get
I Call the API like this:
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0...eXAQ
And the respons i get is this:
404 Not Found
"error": {
"code": "SavedSearchNotFound",
"message": "Saved search '[NAME OF MY SAVED QUERY]' could not be found."
I really cant figure out what the problem is here. Has anyone encountered this before?
Found My Answer:
The "{savedSearchId}" is supposed to be a guid... As i tried to find one at the beginning when constructing the URL i coundn't find an id for each search query. so i thought it was the name of it.
You can find the Query by clicking the three dots to the right of each saved query and click edit.
The query will show the ID for it under the name in Gray text.

Error 400 Bad Request when querying for list of projects

I am trying to query the list of projects available to a user with the Asana API as shown in their documentation under the title "Show all projects in a workspace or organization", but I am encountering a 400 Error.
The error message details being returned are:
"errors": [
"message": "Missing required `team` field"
I am using the following endpoint except that I am using my actual workspace ID:
The documentation for this example does not mention a team field, and the only reference to the team field applies to create-only operations. Does anyone have an idea as to what my issue is?
Without having additional information, it sounds like the query might actually be using the wrong HTTP verb - maybe POST? - rather than a GET.
Can you show the exact request you make, how you make it? An example with curl is usually a good common denominator, but code would work as well.

How do I remove a facebook comment warning?

my fb comments code is:
<fb:comments url="<?=$this_url?>" width="600" xid="<?=$this_unique_xid?>" notify="true" candelete="true" simple="1" numposts=1 url="http://www.veethi.com"></fb:comments>
Now if i want to remove the warning message:
Warning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but
has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit ‘href’ as suggested
in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin
I need to replace "url" to "href", but by doing this i lose my old comments,
Is anyone who facing the problem or solution pls, reply me.
I need one solution that remove the warning message and the same way i have all my old comments.
thankx in advance.
I wrote a complete tutorial with a small use of JS to solve this issue.
Visit the tutorial
What I did was:
Set off the parse for XFBML tags in the JS SDK
Adding a function-call to the JS SDK with a date parameter that you manually set it once with a date that posts published after that date will start using the 'href' version, and posts published until that date will use the migrated version.
Adding another attribute to the fb:comments tag which is 'data-date' and in it's value you place your post date (dynamic code).
Calculating the dates in a JS code, and base on the result it's removing the not wanted attributes, and finally then it's render the XFBML tags using FB.XFBML.parse
Instead of <fb:comments ..., I used <div class="fb-comments" ... and then everything worked correctly.
Put your website URL, set the number of posts that you want to have in comments, get the code. First part put it in header, right after <body> and the <div> in single.php (single post template). Delete </div><?php comments_template(); ?></div> and add the one from facebook ;) Works perfect for me ;)
#gil-goldshlager, thanks for this workaround, I think a lot of developers are looking for this. I myself are struggling with this since a long time on one of my sites: sharemovi.es
I think most important thing you managed is to show old vs new comments side by side.
Unfortunately the yellow box still shows up in some instances, and some comments get lost consequently :
OK: post after 12.15.2011 without comments (http://sharemovi.es/theprestige)
OK: both post + comments after 12.15.2011 (http://sharemovi.es/biutiful)
OK: both post + comments before 12.15.2011 (http://sharemovi.es/thesocialnetwork, http://sharemovi.es/battlelosangeles and http://sharemovi.es/thequickandthedead) - really nice to see those comments back!
not OK: posts before 12.15.2011 without comments - 2 problems here:
a. yellow box with "Warning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit 'href' as suggested in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin features."
b. the comments for those posts/pages that were made AFTER 12.15.2011 disappear (without comments: http://sharemovi.es/fromdusktilldawn, http://sharemovi.es/waiting, with comments - I checked moderation panel - http://sharemovi.es/ellesappelaitsarah and http://sharemovi.es/thegame )
All together, I get more comments now than before, so thanks again. However the yellow box is quite ugly, doesn't look professional. Very bad design decision from Facebook!
Hopefully you can look into this, I am happy to assist where possible.