Multiline Don't work in filebeat 6.7 windows version - filebeat

I want multiline in one log merge into one record in ES, here is my config part for multiline.
multiline.negate: '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}'
multiline.negate: true
multiline.match: after
But it can't work as expected, It always record each line into ES.

multi-line fields should under filebeat.inputs:
-type: log
multiline.pattern: '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}'
multiline.negate: true
multiline.match: after


How to configure filebeat.yml dissect processor for pipe separated multiline logs

I have my filebeat.yml successfully reading a log file. Each entry in the log is multiline, and pipe separated. Something like:
datetime | blurb | blurb2 | <?xml><maintag .....
more xml
more xml
more xml
The multiline processor is working correctly and creating , but I'm then wanting to use a dissect processor to strip out just the 4th part - the xml.
I have tried variants of:
- dissect:
field: "message"
tokenizer: "${} | ${sw.blurb1} | ${sw.blurb2} | ${sw.message_xml}"
target_prefix: ""
But when I start filebeat, it's throwing:
{"log.level":"error","#timestamp":"2022-10-06T08:51:42.612Z","log.origin":{"":"instance/beat.go","file.line":1022},"message":"Exiting: Failed to start crawler: starting input failed: could not unpack config: missing field accessing 'filebeat.inputs.1.processors' (source:'filebeat.yml')","":"filebeat","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
Exiting: Failed to start crawler: starting input failed: could not unpack config: missing field accessing 'filebeat.inputs.1.processors' (source:'filebeat.yml')
Can anyone advise what I'm getting wrong? The message suggests to me a missing field in my dissect processor definition, but from the docs it looks right to me?
Many thanks!
Ack! Found it! Would really be useful if I could learn the difference between $ and % in my tokenizer!

How to filter json data in filebeat yml file

While using kafka input, I want to output only when json data contains a specific string.
I tried setting "include_lines" in filebeat.yml, but it was not filtered properly.
When the filebit.yml setting is as follows and data-set1 and 2 are input, not only data-set1 but also data-set2 are output.
I expected only data-set 1 to be output, but it wasn't.
What did I make a mistake?
part of the filebeat.yml
- type: kafka
topics: ["parkbae-test-topic1"]
group_id: "test123"
ssl.enabled: false
include_lines: ['\"event\":\"basket\"']
input data-set1 :
input data-set2 :

Filebeat won't exclude line

I have a Python process writing the following example JSON log line:
{"levelname": "DEBUG", "asctime": "2020-02-04 08:37:42,128", "module": "scale_out", "thread": 139793342834496, "filename": "", "lineno": 130, "funcName": "_check_if_can_remove_inactive_components", "message": "inactive_components: set([]), num_of_components_active: 0, max num_of_components_to_keep: 1"}
In the filebeat.yml, I'm trying to exclude all DEBUG logs from being sent into Elasticsearch.
I've tried using the exclude_lines keyword, but Filebeat still publish these events.
I've also tried using a processor with drop event
- type: log
enabled: true
- /var/log/my_service/*.log
json.keys_under_root: true
json.add_error_key: true
json.message_key: "module"
exclude_lines: ['DEBUG'] # also tried ['.*DEBUG.*']
keep_null: true
- drop_event:
levelname: 'DEBUG'
Any ideas what am I may be doing wrong?
It was much more easier (and stupid) that I expected it to be.
While the exclude_lines doesn't work (still),
I was able to get the drop_event to work.
The problem was that the 'DEBUG' should had been written without quotes.
- drop_event:
levelname: DEBUG

Filebeat send mulltiline postgres log as one log to filebeat set only to this specific source

For example i have some sql log:
< 2019-03-13 09:50:50.431 CET >WYRAƻENIE: SELECT
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column1, column2, ... ASC|DESC;
< 2019-03-13 09:58:50.943 CET >UWAGA: detail: RUCH_KRADZ, 0.05, sum: 0.25, date: 2019-03-03
In kibana each line is a seperate log.
In filebeat i have:
# Paths that should be crawled and fetched. Glob based paths.
- /opt/tomcat/logs/*.json
- /var/lib/psql/logs/*
I want that only for the /var/lib/psql/logs/* the log should be as one beetween date. So in the example above we should have 2 logs in Kibana, not 5 - that is number of lines.
In filebeat configuration you can define multiple input sections each sections can have its own options
multiline.pattern Specifies the regular expression pattern to match, Where the first line of the message begins with a bracket (<)
- type: log
enabled: true
- /opt/tomcat/logs/*.json
- type: log
enabled: true
- /var/lib/psql/logs/*
multiline.pattern: '^<'
multiline.negate: true
multiline.match: after
Check here for more details about Manage multiline messages

yaml2json is parsing just a single line-- exits without error --windows

I am using yaml2json for the first time. My OS is Windows 7 and I am using git bash.
May be I am missing something very basic, can you guys please help/guide me here.
I tried sending the output of the bash text processing command to test.yml and I can see the test.yml file is created properly. But once I feed it as a input to yaml2json, it parses just the first line "version" :1 and exits without any error.
However, If I try to convert test.yml file contents online via site:-- the resulting .json is proper.
Following are the contents of test.yml file generated:--
version: 1
layout: post
lang: en
slug: "checklist"
type: "modal"
title: "Checklist"
published: "true"
categories: "mobile"
tags: "mobile"
title: "Disguise Now" link: "close"
title: "Cancel" link: "home-ready" status: disabled checklist:
title: "Review security plan and update contacts regularly"
I encountered the same problem and solved it by starting the document with
So for example ...
version: 1
layout: post
lang: en
slug: "checklist"
type: "modal"
title: "Checklist"
published: "true"
categories: "mobile"
tags: "mobile"
... works well, but may not solve your problem because you are using a generated yaml file.
There are more problems with yaml2json (e.g. interpreting the sign of a negative number as list item indicator). So in many cases I use a simple python script (python 2.7 or higher provided) instead of using yaml2json. Only disadvantage I can see is that as opposed to yaml2json the order of dictionary entries is not preserved, but that's just a cosmetical issue, not a logical one:
python -c 'import sys, json, yaml; print json.dumps(yaml.load(sys.stdin), indent=4)' < myyamlfile.yaml
#yaccob's solution worked for me. Just had to add the Loader yaml.load(sys.stdin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader parameter to avoid the deprecation warning:
python2 -c 'import sys, json, yaml; print json.dumps(yaml.load(sys.stdin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader), indent=4)' < sample.yaml